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CO Vyelle5.jpg
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science / Mutations
Personal Data
Real Name: #5YL
Known Aliases: Vyelle
Species: Augmented Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: Approx. 17-19
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Lavender
Hair Color: Purple/black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Other presumed project subjects
Known Powers
Flight, Heightened physical abilities including: Increased agility, Increased reaction time, Increased durability, Increased hand-eye coordination
Known Abilities
pistol x2, assault rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun, energy field gauntlets

CO Vysig2.jpg


5YL was her designation in a failed Super Soldier project for designer combat mutations. Without an actual name, she took to calling herself Vyelle after a lesson in roman numerals at a young age with one of the project technicians. While the normal childhood experience of the average person revolved around their home, their parents, and their friends, Vyelle's norm differed significantly. Instead of a warm home, she grew up with a backdrop of a sterile military laboratory. Her concept of a parent was a conglomerated entity of scientists and technicians, rotating in and out of the project. Her schooling was rudimentary at best, focusing almost entirely on the fundamentals necessary for combat.

While her physical and combat training was satisfactory, the project had failed to instill Vyelle with a proper psychological upbringing, leaving her caught somewhere between civility and feral. She was naive and socially inept. She would often take things that she heard literally, not understanding concepts like sarcasm or expressions of speech. This resulted in an inability to incorporate Vyelle into a combat unit, as she was unable to process interactions with the members of her assigned squad. A soldier that could not be deployed in the field was worthless in the eyes of the project administration, and resources were moved on to new and better things. Vyelle was left to a world she was not raised to exist in, learning quickly how different she was and searching for her humanity.

Personal Development

I Am Not A Robot (vol. 1)

Shortly after joining the teenaged superhero group The Prodigy, Vyelle's new team members were quick to point out how different her upbringing was from the norm. Surprisingly, she stated on numerous occasions that she did not find her history abnormal. For example, in a conversation with Goth Gal, the two had markedly different opinions on whether it was okay for Vyelle to have no concept of, or attachment to her biological parents.

In an attempt to broaden Vyelle's perspective, Xeno took advantage of her objective and mission-oriented drive by assigning a task to Vyelle. Specifically, Vyelle's mission required her to find an activity that she enjoyed because she actually liked it, as opposed to being something she was simply instructed to complete. While puzzled by the nature of the mission, which was significantly different from her usual assignments, Vyelle agreed to pursue it.

With The Prodigy's run in with students from Halcyon Academy, Vyelle met a rapid influx of new individuals. The reaction of some of Halcyon Academy's students to Vyelle were not unlike those of the members of The Prodigy. As had happened many times before, parallels were drawn between Vyelle and sentient robots. However, unlike previous instances where the girl would dispassionately state that she was not a robot, she now appeared visibly irritated and upset when it occurred. This reflected a growing need to identify with her dormant humanity. She also, in a rare event, let her emotions bubble over when she learned and vehemently disapproved of Hardwired's experimentation on Uno Select, despite the latter volunteering.

In her continued pursuit of Xeno's mission, Vyelle identified several things that she does not enjoy, but began to grow frustrated with her inability to find the opposite. However, upon completing a difficult mission along side Powersurge and Viszen Dan of Halcyon Academy, Vyelle concluded that there may have been some aspect of the collaboration that she enjoyed. Being tied to a mission though, she was not sure if it qualified under Xeno's criteria.

Increased involvement with UNITY resulted in an unexpected change. No longer able to bypass the issue, UNTIL in correspondence with PRIMUS, decided that Vyelle could not be left in the sole care of The Prodigy, citing the group as an inappropriate environment for Vyelle's cognitive and social development. Initiating authority on the matter, and using her unregistered status as leverage, UNTIL liaised with Halcyon Academy administration and arranged for her to become a student, based on the school's reputation and previous track record with individuals sharing similar circumstances as Vyelle. Legal authority over the girl was established to be with UNTIL and she was forced to quit her affiliation with The Prodigy.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (vol. 2)

Vyelle's early days with Halcyon Academy were rocky at best, characterized by poor class attendance. Though she was a registered full-time student, Vyelle soon disappeared from campus without word and was absent for several months. UNTIL attempted to track her down to her old teammates, The Prodigy, but found that the teenaged supergroup had dissolved, and its members had scattered. Vyelle left sparse communications, but they said little more than to indicate that she was still alive. Her location and reason for leaving were otherwise left unknown. It was believed that the reason involved her apparent sister, Designation #7SB, who had previously attempted to terminate Vyelle under orders.

Eventually returning to Millenium City and her home at Halcyon Academy, Vyelle rejoined classes and was willing to accept the repercussions of her actions. While she does not speak of any details surrounding her absence, it seemed that she took a step back in her social development. Her return found her more irritable and lacking much of the compassion she previously learned from friends and teammates.

With the pending-crisis looming over Vibora Bay, Vyelle became even more deeply entrenched in her mission-driven mentality, demonstrating an increased focus and ruthlessness in her combat techniques. With thin patience, she scolded and argued openly with Fire ant, claiming that he had wasted time during a mission with Pagan. Her shortened temper eventually pushed Vyelle into a self-induced isolation. She rarely spoke in class, returned home to the dormitories less and less, and began repeating her secretive "off-the-grid" missions.

One such mission led her after her sister once more, to an abandoned research facility hidden on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic. She was however defeated by another one of her enemies, a demonic test subject codenamed Doom-E2M8, and brought before her sister. Strangely, #7SB wanted little more than to simply talk with Vyelle. The conversation though, was a calculated opportunity to taunt and undermine Vyelle.

Designation #7SB revealed that, within the derelict facility admist the harsh northern climate, they were home. Even though both sisters' earliest memories were that of a lush evergreen forest, they had been born on Ellesmere Island. #7SB continued to comment that she had learned about their birthplace from their father, and that Vyelle had never met the man because he had never considered her a person. #7SB's final words before leaving Vyelle in the facility were that no private school would ever change that. Vyelle, for the first time questioning her worth without a family, was tracked down and rescued from the Arctic facility by Ms. Michelle Staten and Liz from Halcyon Academy.

After the end of the school year, UNTIL pulled Vyelle from Halcyon Academy indefinitely and detained her for the use of excessive force during her unauthorized side excursions.

Family Matters (vol. 3)

Currently... After being released by UNTIL after months of monitoring, Vyelle recently reactivated her Halcyon Academy communication device. At the time of her detention, the school administration was made fully aware of UNTIL's intended actions. However, Vyelle is not currently enrolled as an official student and remains under a probationary strict eye.

Elsewhere, on school grounds, a young girl equipped with mechanical wings was intercepted by Student Body President Rave. In response to why she was lurking on school property, the winged girl responded that she had received information that Vyelle had returned, and after assuring that she had no hostile intentions, introduced herself as Designation #9EN.

Movie Watch

Vyelle is noticing that several individuals have suggested movies for her to watch, claiming that they might shed some light on human nature. The list includes the following movies:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
High Fidelity


While Vyelle is trained on numerous types of firearms, she owns several pieces of more specialized equipment.

Energy Field Gauntlets

These gauntlets were designed to produce a deflective field for defensive purposes. However, an overload burst of the field generation mechanism can be used as an offensive technique. The field produced has a curious lingering effect that stimulates and enhances neural functions. However, prolonged exposure has also been shown to cause deleterious damage to the brain.


Due to the long term effects of her gauntlets, Vyelle's headgear is designed to guard against their harmful side effects.


It's not known where the normally firearms wielding girl got this intricately engraved scythe, though it is presumed to have come into her possession sometime during her absence. While she used it for a short time, she now prefers to keep it in safe storage, suggesting that it may have some significance to her.

Known Nemeses

Seven Sierra Bravo - Designation 7SB is presumably a figurative, if not genetic sister, to Vyelle, born from the same project.

Doom-E2M8 - This abomination exhibits cybernetic modifications on one half of his body, and raiments of presumed mystic origins on the other half. He is presumed related to the same project.

Purity's Beast - An Anubis-like being, citing the purification of the world's aberrations as its ultimate goal.

Roleplaying Focus

The current RP style for Vyelle's character is a very mechanical one (despite her vehement rejection of being a robot). The intent is for this to change over time though. Vyelle's growth as a character will not be centered around her history as a bio-engineered soldier, and in fact will likely begin to avoid it in the future. Instead, the main RP goal for Vyelle is to focus on the social ineptitude in her personality, while she attempts to overcome the broken interface she holds between herself and the rest of the world.


Feel free to add any quotes or brief exchanges that you hear!

"That particular garment cannot accomodate more than one individual." -- Vyelle's interpretation of the expression 'getting into someone's pants'

"There are no cats here. And I would certainly not let one have access to my tongue."

"Is the inside of your mouth unpleasant?" -- Vyelle commenting on a joke about people liking Pharos until he opens his mouth.


The Prodigy

Halcyon Academy