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Introduction: The young woman standing before you has a peculiar vacancy about her features, a tilt to her head, a coldness to her unmoving smile. Having only recently appeared on the hero scene, there are few concrete facts about the woman called Raggedy Ann. Some whisper that she is some maniac's runaway automaton; others insist that she is merely Ann Marie Bonham, a troubled New York girl known to have adapted to a tragic childhood by adopting the mannerisms of a toy. Still others claim that she is something far more sinister, and an increase in the body count of slain criminals in Lower Westside since her appearance in Millennium City testifies to this possibility.

Raggedy Ann
Player: @liquidambar
Raggedy Ann with Chopper.JPG
Character Build
Class Focus: Pets/DPS
Power Level: 30
Research & Development: Science/Invention
Biographical Data
Real Name: Ann Marie Bonham
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Unknown (birth certificate lost)
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Unknown
Age: 18-22 (birth certificate lost, exact age unknown)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Loud orange/red in ringlet curls
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Thin, lanky
Physical Features: Face is painted in garish shades of white and red, like a doll. Her smile is mechanical and never-moving, her eyes vacant.
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Two
Citizenship: United States citizen
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: High school dropout
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Acrobatics, firearms, toys
Equipment and Paraphernalia
An assortment of brightly colored gadgets, tools, and weapons, including, but not limited to: a candy-striped submachine gun, a super-soaker that squirts acid, trick marbles, water balloons, silly string, and a bladed yo-yo. At her side, a plethora of countless small robots fashioned in the image of children's toys loyally do her bidding, each as unexpectedly lethal as the next.
ReldinBox Template


Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Ann Marie Bonham is a deeply troubled young woman with a different history to suit the occasion. The most plausible is as follows:

Only a toddler at the time, young Ann Marie was too little to remember anything of the day that she was brought to the Haven of Hope state home in New York City. Occasionally, though, she would dream about a kind policeman offering her a ragdoll to hold while riding in the patrol car. What sympathy and compassion was shown to little Ann stopped once inside the door of the state home, one with a whispered reputation of neglect, poverty, and mistreatment, though the courts had yet to find enough evidence to shut it down. Toys were few and far between, and she suffered more than a few scuffles with the other children as she did everything in her power to hang onto the ragdoll.

Any moments of happiness she experienced then were short-lived. Little older than a kindergartner at the time, Ann claims to have suffered a variety of abuses, but the details remain locked behind her doll-like facade. Her sole escape from the misery was the same imaginary friend made of stuffing and buttons and tattered yarn that was given to her by the unknown policeman.

Ann's increasing reclusiveness and attachment to her doll led to several bad matches with foster homes, and she was funneled from one to the next, until she was finally placed with the Bonham family. Living there for several years, she witnessed Mr. Bonham continually taking his anger out on those around him, and when he burned and maimed the Raggedy Ann doll as a punishment for some imagined crime, she finally snapped.

Collecting the pieces of her battered doll, she vowed to 'fix' it so that no one could ever harm it---or her---again.

Later that evening, her foster father allegedly slipped and fell in the path of the G-line train in Brooklyn. Ann never returned to her foster home, and in the end, the incident was deemed an accident and the case was closed.

Ann remains tight-lipped about where and how she spent the next few years. All that's known is when next she appeared, she was a capable and dangerous young woman in her own right, knowledgeable in everything from firearms to acrobatics to simple robotics and explosives. She has made allusions to having trained with a variety of seedy mentors to whom she traded the last shreds of her innocence in exchange for anything they would teach her.

Ann reemerged sometime later, having adopted the mannerisms and appearance of her Raggedy Ann doll. Attempting to "liberate" a school bus full of frightened children from their teachers and parents, the misguided Ann was thwarted by the hero Binary Man, who she instantly recognized as the Cyborg Santa that handed out gifts in her neighborhood. After being sentenced to mandatory psychiatric evaluation, the doctors were unable to make a dent in her doll-like "mask." The exact circumstances of the end of her treatment remain ambiguous though it is suspected she escaped from the facility and turned up later in Millennium City, attempting to pass as a costumed hero.


Though one could never say she has ever failed to greet someone with a smile, it becomes quickly clear at first sight that Ann Marie Bonham is a troubled young woman. Suffering from a range of mental disorders stemming from her abuse, she sees everything she does in terms of its level of fun, as she tries to relive the childhood that was stolen from her. Her quirky movements, sing-song voice and over-dramatizing are at odds with her vacant stare. She shows no struggle with her emotions, as though she's not trying to suppress them so much as they are just simply absent. Although caring for her toys, she remains strangely detached from them---when she sees them fall in combat, she exhibits no sadness for her friends and will only sometimes pick up the pieces to rebuild them. She is easily distracted and will frequently speak in the third-person.

Rather than learning to cope with her childhood trauma, Ann has hidden it behind a bullet-proof wall. She pretends to be a doll because dolls have no emotions, cannot feel pain, and cannot be hurt. It remains an open question what might happen if anyone were to pierce this barrier, in an attempt to discover what, if any, humanity remains behind it.


Relatively new to the hero scene in Millennium City, Ann's reasons for doing so are ambiguous. Perhaps she is trying to protect those like her as a child or looks up to colorful heroes like the Binary Man, Captain Quasar and Chivalry but more likely she is looking to win the high score in the "games" the heroes play.

Powers and Abilities

Despite never having graduated high school, Ann is clever and resourceful, though she may appear reckless at times, aiming to get the "high score" by any means necessary. Her eclectic training includes advanced competency in her arsenal of candy-striped firearms (Ann has been seen using a sawed-off shotgun, a Carl Gustav M/45 submachine gun, a variety of antiquated pistols including modified flintlocks, and even an RPG painted like a barber pole), bombsquad-level explosives training, a knowledge of basic robotics consistent with simple military application, gymnast-level acrobatics, and a few truly peculiar martial disciplines involving the use of such unique weapons as bladed yo-yos. This combination of training makes her very unpredictable in a fight, though lacking the raw power necessary to contend with some of Millennium City's more potent threats.

Ann has been witnessed using the following bizarre toy-themed gadgets: handfuls of marbles and jacks that can be used to slip up an opponent or detonate on contact with one another, generating a variety of effects including tear-gas, flash-bang, itching powder, laughing gas, et. al; a razor-bladed yo-yo capable of slicing through most military-grade body armor and possessing a cable studded with diamond dust to make gripping it by an adversary a dangerous prospect; a modified super-soaker that can project streams of corrosive fluid up to 25 feet; a can of silly string designed to confuse attackers or detect tripwires or other unseen hazards; and lastly her army of custom-made toy robots. The best known of these automatons include a toy army helicopter containing a remote camera which Ann frequently uses for surveillance, a platoon of green-painted army men armed with integral 9mm weapons, nutcracker-style toy soldiers which carry larger caliber rifles and are fewer in number, and a massive robotic teddy bear dubbed Huggins.

Perhaps Ann's most surprising asset is her limited vulnerability to psionic intrusion and persuasion. Her humanity is so buried under years of conditioning that most attempts to influence her psychically or through emotional manipulation are generally unsuccessful.


Raggedy Ann is essentially an average human, in terms of her physical vulnerabilities. She can bleed, break, and bruise like any other person. Her true strength lies in her detachment and vacancy, causing difficulty for anyone trying to take advantage of her past, failures, fears, etc.