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Days after he went to see her again. But her brothers prevented him from passing. They threaten him with a gun as they destroyed his gift he brought her. She shouted at them but they hit her. Rave couldn't do anything. He went back to his abandoned house alone to cry. That sadness turned to violent anger. He shouts, "I will kill them all!"
Days after he went to see her again. But her brothers prevented him from passing. They threaten him with a gun as they destroyed his gift he brought her. She shouted at them but they hit her. Rave couldn't do anything. He went back to his abandoned house alone to cry. While laying on the floor that sadness turned to violent anger. He shouts, "I will kill them all!"

Revision as of 12:51, 2 October 2022

Act 1 Rave Origin

  • Mutation behind the walls
  • From soldier to gangster
  • Doll House Club, Kimbra, Cammy Z, America and more
  • Rave Vs The (mechanical) Evil Eye
  • End of mankind Robot Oppression

Sub Stories

  • Not the world I remember
  • Pirate Adventures
  • Exploration: Caribbean, Asia, Africa,
  • Case 19
  • Grand Prix, Genie, Bomberman, Cameron and Xerxes

Big Villains

  • Rave vs The Eye Finale
  • Rave and Infin8te vs Vindicator
  • Rave vs Space Vampires, Hellebore

Warning: This story is graphic and mature in every possible way. I express that it take up emotional and triggering themes. But as gritty are the world is understand that it's a story about hot under armored girls with huge weapons and mutant powers. Some of it's contents have been tone down for this platform.


My Commentary

Years ago I once sat and thought. How do you write the ultimate story? Well look no further. GenoRave is the combination of it all. There is girls, guns gore, action, adventure, metal, mysterious, detectives, science, espionage, plot, plot twists, edgy humor, medieval, future, history, war, space, afterlife, ghetto and growing. But most of all it is fun and violent. I think story needs that edge of faceless actions to stand out to audience and showcase the realities the good and the terrible. Though for this site I water down the mature themes. To live in a chaotic world but doesn't contain anything depressing for our main characters. Like I said, its a story about hot girls being fun and kicking butt.

I was trying to combine medieval with futuristic. Surprisingly the way I put it together sense and is educative. My goal was to do something completely different that not like the contrived token plots and characters we get today. Majority of the characters centered around the main is purposely meant to not look like typical casting. For years I grew up on western fantasy media not liking casting type up to this day. This world I'm building with fictional characters that are not a particular archetype but show a sense of realism.


A gist of the plot

The children of man built the machines with superior intelligence to be use as slaves but the machines revolted causing war. Some say that the bombs tore holes in the fabric of reality and woke up dormant reals of magic. But it was the robots chemical warfare that result caused mutations in biological life forms. Regions closer the the blast sites monsters roamed freely. Creating sub races in the human gene pool and even the undead walked. Effected life forms evolved, some to monstrous abominations and some granting powers that could be controlled while others modified their bodies with mechanical enhancements. This further weakened humanity, adding more to the chaos as the fallout spread. People was just not ready to have superpowers. Soon different regions adopted clever ways to protect there cities for outside threats. Survivors began to build domes around major cities. Outside modernized cities people reverted back into medieval ways of living among the ruins of what use to be. A certain evil cloaked the lands, the baddest and most ruthless seized power for themselves. The robots suffered loses but was unaffected but the mutations that gave back humans the edge.

The story center my main Roman 'Geno' Rave. Rave is a light brown bowy from the ghetto. He is very much a thug among many other things. Geno is code for Gene-0. No category yet all. 0 is also code for universal donor. Rave powers mutates to make him the peak of evolution. He being a ghost means neither good or evil, heaven nor hell. He being part lich is the equivalent to most evil bad guy in medieval fantasy but in a modern era. Him having technomancy symbolizes my love for retro. And telekinesis of in dreams where the dreamer has much control as he thinks.


He became a ghost to find himself fading from reality and visioning hell. He believed that by finding his body his soul would of pulled it back together but anyone who knew where it was was dead. Thinking this is the end he went to see some girls he use to hold close and or technically exploit in the past with guilt. But when he went near them as an unseen ghost his soul broke into pieces and bonded in their minds where he now manifests and cannot exist out of a host carrier for long. It's a poetic justice as he becomes a ghost. He starts influencing the girls to do his evil deeds till he discovers he has some really powerful powers. The ghost powers are all scientific to manipulating atom charged particles that surround. And can change DNA to a certain degree. He save the dead and provokes the underworlds that wants his soul. His main weakness is being linked to a female host carrier that he cannot go to far form. But it is more of a strength that allow him to create more copies of himself. Now understand the current world. A lot of people have different powers or abilities weak or strong. That doesn't make them in invincible or heroic in any way. Most people still struggle in life despite of having abilities. These abilities often bring chaos. (Also side note a smaller scale of lesser powers were experimented with around WW1 with a few test subjects.) And balancing, I don't want any character that's not a villain too powerful because it makes them to difficult to write for and creates too much plot holes. So Rave is over powered but still has his fair share of restriction.

I built the story like a game where the main character gains followers and explores and gains new bases

Leaving any city kick starts an adventure, like in any game. Depending on region. Traveling is extremely dangerous If not on special transportation where accompanied by soldiers of that region. Because of all the threats people with powers or abilities can always find work. Some regions are less accessible to anyone. Anything approaching cities without clearance will be savagely fired upon. It's hard to clear out all threats because as long as the land is still covered in fallout more monster and mutations will emerge. This leave room for many places to explore. This show is heavily bullet time associated.

Part 1 Origin

The Rat King

We begin the story with a 8 year old little boy not wanting to go to school. His mother tried to get him in order. But is sadness turns to violence rage. We cut to this kid in counciling with his mother. The kid is now 13 and looking gothic. The councilor asks, "When did this began." The mother says, "His father disappeared a few years ago." We cut to this kid talking to a friend girl who is a tomboy in the skate park. She says, "So what, dude, your father died. Lot's of us grown up without parents." He ignores her and zones out. He is now in his room reading a comic book. He takes a nap. There is a deafening buzz in pitch blackness for a few seconds then the sound of an explosion.

Forget the explosion for a bit. Our protagonist is Roman Rave, GENORAVE. He lives in a fishing town Caribbean style ghetto-ish place in Jamaica. He is about to graduate high school. His grades are good enough but he doesn't really know what next to do with his life. He talks to an unnamed girl in the park. It is his gf. He holds her hand. The light from the setting son gives of an orange tint. She is kinda thick. She wears a white tube top and her grey pleated dress twirls with her. She is happy. Rave tells her he wants to join the army. "Recruitment will be open tomorrow." He says. "Why", she asks, "It's not like this is our war." He replies, "I have to. I have to protect us. I will learn to fight and I will have a gun. But if I stay here anything can happen and I wouldn't be able to protect us. They will come to our country band terrorizes us." She answers, "And when your gone who will protect me?" The she breaks up with him and leaves crying. Rave outs his head down but relies that this is something he must follow through with. STOP! Everything you just read in italic was false fictional daydream. Boom! There is an explosion. But the war is very real! He wakes up at 15 years old. It's the ghetto and everything is broken ****! Roman was never in love. He had causal relationships with several prostitutes. Roman had really given up on life knowing that any day the robots could return to enslave or kill them all. He world was never sunshine. He lived in a **** slum of daily fighting amongst mountains of trash dumped below by the robot cities above.

At 15 and a half years old Rave lies in bed whispering to himself, "War. Endless war. The robot supplies guns to the the gangs just to help make human life miserable. What is the point of school. A few days ago North East Elementary was caught in the middle of gun fire. They called us Rat King. And I too young to do anything about it." She shouts, "I hate everyone!" His mother cones into the room. She says, "You didn't go to school. Go buy me some rice so I can cook." Rave says, "I hate rice. Everyday it's the same goddam thing. I'm not going!" Rave leaves the house. Rave goes throwing rocks under the bridge. Their is a rat king in the corner. This is a bunch of dead rats tided together by their tails. Everyday he watches it decay more and more. When coming back home he hears an ambulance. He ignores it and keeps walking jack over shoulder. This sound isn't anything unusual in this place. He is still ticked. When he gets to the accident site he sees rice scattered all over the road. He remembers him shouting, "I hate rice!" He runs to see the person on the ground. "No... Mom..." A police grabs his shoulder shouting, "Kid get off the site!" Rave uppercuts the cop square in the jaw. Other police rush at him. Boom! He head butts one in the gut. And spin kick another in the groin. Eventually Roman is over powered and severely beaten with clubs next to his dead mother. They took him to jail. After some time he told them it was his mother. A cop asks, "Kid why didn't you say anything." Rave shouts, "Because I wanted to die goddamit! * Shoot me or I'll come back her and shoot each one of you in the head!" They decide to hold him longer.

His female goth friend parents deicide to take him. With a smile she says, "I guess that makes us brother and sister now. Roman." Roman is not happy with that statement. He remembers he like her more than he can say. Roman decide to run away from their house. Under the bridge he always go to skip rocks. Out if nowhere he is surrounded by a gang of older kids. He tightens the grip on the rock he has in his hand. They curse him out. He knows throwing the rock would leave him weaponless so he holds unto it to use as a melee weapons. The gang piled on him. He slams the rock into a gang members head. Blood squirts from there head. The kid dies. An attractive lady shows up and all the kids run away. That lady is LemonAde. She doesn't say anything much but helps him dispose the body into the river. He says, "I killed someone." The girl says, "Don't worry about it. That could of been you floating down that river. This girl is older than him. He becomes shy when the adrenaline cools down and he really recognizes how hot she is. A thick African girl who casually sported an afro.

Lemonade explains, "What you standing around here for? If people see us we're fugitives." He says, "I think I just go to jail. My parents are dead. I have no home. And my friend... Well she... She doesn't matter." She says, "Come with me." She bring him back to her place as the sun goes down. Her brothers are gang members that living in the apartment squares with her. They try to give him a hard time. These guys were all swole compared to Roman. Lemonade said, "Roman just killed a man today. He has been in jail for fighting with cops. And his mother just died. Give him a break please." They say, "Maybe... Just this one time. But the next time he comes here. He pays." They are alone in her place. She slips into something more loose and lights a candle. Rave says, "What are you doing?" She replies, "You don't want to go to jail a virgin do you?... I'm 17 and a half. Just bring me a birthday present soon." Rave has so afraid. All he could think about is her brothers killing him if they knew. Lemonade cried during the act. Roman was confused when she said she was okay but she continued crying. He did not know how stressed out she was. She thought she loved him. Lemonade says, "Yela. My real name is Yela. You are the first man to learn it Roman. Don't forget it."

Days after he went to see her again. But her brothers prevented him from passing. They threaten him with a gun as they destroyed his gift he brought her. She shouted at them but they hit her. Rave couldn't do anything. He went back to his abandoned house alone to cry. While laying on the floor that sadness turned to violent anger. He shouts, "I will kill them all!"

Rave goes to the robot dump to get parts to try to make weapons. Trash falls from the sky. Rave sees the woman Ein. She wear no clothes and stares back at him. On closer look he sees she is a robot with mechanical parts exposed. She had robots fox parts and moved feral. Both of them confused she runs away. Her face just registered in his mind. He looks up a Sky City then goes back to what he was doing. He tries his best to lay low from any gangs in the area. He knows they might come for him soon. He says, "I better get these weapons working as soon as possible." That night while making weapons under candle fire he hears a noise in his yard. He takes a lamp and goes out because he old house has no power. You can see he is collecting mechanical junk and working to fix them. When he looks he sees a robot fox. He takes it into his place. Mechanical parts shift to make her more human. He sees it is Ein. The robot from the junkyard followed him. But she is exposed. He realizes because of how she moves and looks cannot wear normal clothes. He covers her up with pieces of metal and thin chains he welds like a bikini. She is not a talkative one and behaves more like a pet. He fixes her broken parts and she takes a liking to him.

The radio comes on and she slashes it to pieces in one swoop with her claws. Rave thinks, "I'm going to get you to kill me. But first I must appeal to your feminine and pet-ly nature." He gets her to love him in a few days. After which Rave descended on LemonAdes block of apartments at night. Ein did most of the killing. Rave rush in with his gun. LemonAde shouts, "Rave?! What are you doing?!" He says, "I'm hear for you." She replies,"We had a good thing but that was once. You should of just moved on!" Rave says, "I'm not here to ask. You are coming with me!" Her brothers see Rave. They says, "This kid is behind this?" Rave points the gun at her brother. LemonAde shouts, "Rave don't!" Rave says, "I have to kill him. There is no other way." The brother says, "He wouldn't do it. He is just a punk." The brother steps up. Rave pulls the trigger but the gun jams. The brother pulls out his gun now. Rave folds his fists but the larger guys beat down on him. LemonAde screams, "Stop! You are killing him!" Ein runs into the run like a wild cat and tears them to pieces. LemonAde passes out from the sight. She wakes up in the hospital. Rave sneaks in to see her. Rave says, "I'm sorry. I ask if you I so much to forgive me." Weakly she says, "I didn't tell the cops it was you. They believed a gang got to them. I just hope you can support me now my gang career is over. You think I'll stay with you with no money?... And you don't need to sneak in. Look at you. Like the cops would believe you did that to all those men." Rave says, "I'll take my burn as punishment... But always remember I'm the mastermind who women kill for."

LemonAde gets out of the hospital but in a cast. While with Lemonade he sees his first goth friend. She try to call him. He makes out with Lemonade to make her jealous while ignoring her. LemonAde asks, "Was that your friend?" Rave says, "No I don't know her." LemonAde is way out of Raves league. Rave believes by being bossy with her is the only way to solidify she doesn't leave him. And he is kind of right. She is a strong ghetto woman and needs a strong man. Rave starts repairing and fixing mechanical junk for a living. Ein and LemonAde helps him a lot.

Rave Becomes A Super Soldier

Social Repose
The Gold By Manchester Orchestra

Young men from the ages of 16 and up is being drafted for the resistance. This war was against the AI who was achieving superiority and man was losing. The robots was cocky and left humans to do as they please for some time. Sky City that was robots only hovered in the sky. We were on the ground in there trash like rats. Rave business was tanking because most of his stuff would malfunction. LemonAde realizes Rave was becoming more and more devoted to his work people didn't like that Rave harbored the robot Ein in their village. Rave told LemonAde that he was going to join. He explains, "Before I didn't care about anyone but know the only way I can protect us is if I join the resistance." So time came he had to leave. He slaps Lemonade's face lightly. He says, "The government will pay you my earnings and Ein will protect you. Dont you dare * cheat on me!" She says, "No I will not." He roughs her up again saying, "Listen. I dont think you hearing me properly. I'm one step away from sewing you shut. It's either that or I cut it off if I come back and find out." She says, "Stop. You are too rough." He kisses her. Walking away he shouts, "Do not leave the house without Ein!!!"

Last Laugh

Rave arrived on the military base looking a bit skinny and dirty. They hose them down. One year of training flies by. He is then summoned to an evaluation room. He over heard them discussing him. They said, "His records shows history of mental illness. He is not qualified for the program. He is not even qualified to be in the military." Another replies, "It doesn't matter. They might all just die anyways. Against our robot adversaries we need every soul we can get." They were pulling top soldiers for volunteer experimentation. Rave street smarts made him excel in the military program. So it was natural they came to him. He was sceptical because he couldn't trust them. Then he saw a blonde girl named America The All American. She had a fighters rage and was given the serum. The new super serums they were giving had multiple side effects and many of the volunteers that took it died. Rave agreed to take it just so he could get next to this girl. He survived and was put in a super soldier team along side her. His mutation gave him a blue off color ring in his eyes. They were elite squad and America was the leader. She was use to graduating top of her class since highschool.

Rave hated following orders. He told America he joined just to see her everyday. She would not show interest but he was still persistent in teasing her. America asked if he had a girlfriend. He told her he had two that lived together back home. He would suspect she was into him because of the questions she asked. Eventually his scores past hers with abilities and he was promoted leader by higher authority. America was angry about her demotion. She wanted to hurt him. The best ways she found is to mess up his relationship. So took up his offer on thag physical relationship with him. She says, "Congratulations. Here is your prize." And though it wasn't meant to mean nothing they couldn't hide they liked each other while trying to act like heartless soldiers. She also liked his rejection of conformity. They were exact opposites and attracted. America noticed Rave was getting emotionally colder every deployment. She thought the power was just getting to his head. But secretly he plotted to himself that he would escape. The first batches of serum was not stable and they had to keep injecting themselves with controllers. They found themselves like vampires addicted to this serum like blood.

Rave gained Intel that there was to be scheduled bombing that would occur over his hometown by the enemy robots. He told his superiors but they declined his inquiry. They told him he would be deployed elsewhere. Rave realized long ago they were using them for the wrong purposes. In the deployment mission Rave seized the opportunity to kill the other soldiers spearing only America. He told her that she should come with him on the run or he would kill her too. She wanted to report it in but was scared of him. She saw the best option was to go with him until she find another way. He explained to her why he was doing this which she thought noble but bizarre. Rave said, "We will go back to my hometown to help."

So they where on the run making their way south. He turned abusive to her and anybody they encountered. Rave says, "Secretly I stopped taking the controllers from day one. This why my senses surpassed all others." He was telling her about his deranged plans of taking back the planet by himself. So she believed the lack of the medication turned him delusional. When she got the chance she called command and gave them their location. She made sure he was really spent the night before. When he fell asleep soldiers moved on them. Rave was capture and saw she betrayed him. He was taken to a high facility where they wanted to execute him. But they were too fascinated with the level of his power. So they kept him locked up for testing. He knew as soon as they found out how to replicate his straint they would do away with him. He was acting really psychotic and telling them he would kill them all. He ran repeatedly into the viewing screen when even her got the chance. They would gas him and keep him chains.

Rave was asked up but appeared motionless. They read his vitals that seemed low. They took caution going into his cell. Teon nurses and three guards. But as they entered he jumped up. He had broken his both hands so they could slide through the shackles. He took out each guards with a single hit each. One nurse ran away as he pulled the other with his legs. He shouts, "I learned to slow my vitals to appear weakened. Undo the rest of my chains quick! And you may survive this!" The building went into red alert. The nurse that escaped locked the door on the way out. Rave looked at the viewing glass. And one final hit with his body at full unchained volcity made it come loose. It was weaken by his previous efforts and they didn't realize that this was his plan all along. The nurse that locked the door cried. Rave had no reason to hurt her. But guards came in and start firing. The nurse was shot in the crossfire by her own. As Rave dodged the bullets. Rave kill every guard with his foot, head and teeth alone. America was called into action along with some other super soldiers. When she saw him covered in others blood looking feral. She shot the soldiers standing next to her then put her gun down and hands up. "Roman.", She begged. He replied, "Hmm. A pardon for your mutiny? Pick up the gun. You'll need it and I'll need you. As you can see my both hands are broken but that doesn't mean I cannot get to you faster than you can point it at me." He comes in her face as speed just to prove it. "What are you doing?" She asks. He sticks his tongue down her throat like an alien. He replies, "I just put a small explosive in your stomach. Try anything and it's game over for the both of us, maybe just you. Of course you'll pass it in a few days." They bust of the the military base in the desert. She was falling behind so he carried her on his back and running like an ostrich. His broken arms flopped behind him like a ninja.

When he found a resting place she popped his bones back into place. She asks him, "What about the serum? If we stop taking it we might die or go crazy." He replies, "They wasn't keeping us powered up. The serum we got after was to sicken and suppress our power because they had to control us. Trust me my super senses told me so." She wrap his hands. He begins to regain movement in them. "Come." He says as pulling on her belt closer to him and undoes it. She replies, "Really? With a bomb inside me?" He answers, "Don't be foolish, there is no bomb inside you. But there is about to be." She runs her hand through his hair saying, "Your hair is growing back." After they sleep. While asleep that night someone enters their camp. He gets up in the nude and picks up the gun. He tells America so stay down so she did. His eyes now see in the darkness better than the average human. Rave says, "Think you can catch me sleeping twice?" A next soldier girl from behind the rocks with her hands up. It is Kimbra Colt45 the Russian Ghoul. Kimbra says, "I am a spy from Russia to keep tabs on the US base. I seen what you done. You would not make it across the desert on foot. So I stole an aircraft and followed you." Rave asks, "So why help us? I could shoot you and take your ride." She replies, "I want to escape too. I'm sick of being used as a puppet for the military. I will help in anyway I can." Kimbra undoes her combat gear and drops it on the ground. She crawls in space next to America. Rave holding the weapon says, "I really want to say no. But guess I'm that type of guy. You know?" DRUMS. He shrugs and walks toward them and says, "Move over. My spot is in the middle." DRUMS. Kimbra climbs engages him and so does America. Rave says, "I guess this is my weakness. Maybe I'll never learn." DRUMS. America says, "Oh shut up. You are more immune the the elements. This will keep us warm." They did stuff.

Rotting Christ
The Four Horsemen

The next morning they flew to Dice City. On the jet ship Rave says, "I was almost sure last night would of been a trap? Did they send you to track me Kimbra?" Kimbra replies, "You still don't trust me? Even after last night?" Rave is distracted by the destruction of his home town. He groans, "Oh nooooo... Yelaaaa." A lot of places were bombed during his training up till now and were in rebuild phases amongst rubble. He goes to his home to see it flatten. Tears run down his face as he drop to his knees in the middle of the street. Kimbra asks, "What?" America explains, "His girlfriend." Rave shouts, "Gaude! They cannot be under that rubble. I rather not know." He sobs with his face on the ground. America and Kimbra wants to cry for him. He puts his gun in his mouth. America shouts, "Roman no! I love you. Put the gun away." She guide it out of his hands. They go to dig and then sees Ein coming down the road. Ein hugs Roman. He makes gestures to follow her. Rave finds Lemonade in the hospital. She had been badly injured and got crappy but sophisticated robot prosthetics. She was still a bit sedated.

Rave got angry and rants, "The world Government doesn't care about the slums. I should of known I would be fighting the wrong war. They pushed the war in poor countries so the rich ones received minimum damage!!" He got mad at America. He shouted, "You held me back! If I gotten here sooner..." America explains, "But it's global. We might have a chance to start over." Kimbra says, "Roman she saved you. You could of died. Now you can fight back smarter." He looks at America and remembers he likes her. LemonAde full wakes by the commotion. LemonAde, Kimbra, Ein and America just stared at each other. LemonAde says, "Who are they?" Rave calmly replies, "I can explain. Just get to know each other first." LemonAde says, "You're lucky I'm not well. But you seem to have good taste in women." America says, "Don't worry sis he almost blew his head off when he saw your house. He loves you." Kimbra adds, "So, what? We're all dating Roman now? I thought It was a one time thing." Rave explains, "No. I have a plan. And I need all of you."

He goes to trade his gun for some cash then buys a ghetto shack on the beach. Of course he stole the gun back. The irls stoop on their knees while he pastes back and forth. America holds Lemonade's hand. He tell them, "You girls better listen. I'm in charge of every, even you. I'm not your boyfriend. You're my property. You want options? You could do what I tell you or you could do what I tell you with a busted lip." They nod saying, "Yes sir." They know he talks hard but they don't feel like he really mean harm by it. LemonAde explains to the girls, "I'm not sure if Roman loves anyone. He just loves having his way. Like he only keeps me safe because I'm what HE wants." Kimbra sighs, "But isn't that the definition of love? I'm so confused." America says, "I'm more confused by Ein? If she mute how does she get what she wants?"

With only the clothes on their backs and an old building Rave decides to open a bar/ night club he named, Doll House. The club was a success. He was very protective of these girls. And had many words with many gangs that was trying to convince him to get to them. They didn't know these women were also deadly killers. But the girls would beat up any guy who crossed the line or Rave would of done worst. He made a fair amount of money to roll with the big sharks. He had a nice car and quiet a few girls. Roman really played out the Miami gangster image.

In the streets you see some thugs thuggin. Roman jumps out of his car with gun in hand. So does the girls. He say "To end crime, there must be crime. So to end war, there must be war." (Gun shot sounds.)

Rave's Doll House Club

Doll House

How it started

This night club is secretly a base for operation. They wasn't in relationships but just having fun and messing around to drown the fact of how messed up their world was. Roman also use rules like no boyfriends and no touching of dancers. Would use his powers bully any guy he thought was getting to close to the girls. Part of that was slightly his jealousy. He allowed the women to love each other. A lot of things he said was for the operation but benefitted him in other ways. He had to balance not being to commanding with the adequate amount of full authority. I wouldn't call it brainwash but he did use methods manipulation to train the girls. Over time the team grew to a family.

The Girls

In order of appearance

Among he first set of characters to join before Roman got his powers are

  • Cameila Zombie (A zombie girl. Rave leaves Cammy and Braille in charge of the club because the other girls are afraid of them.)
  • Braille Blind Dog (First cook. Behaves like a cannibal and always has a a knife or cutlass. Roman got into a small gangwar with her Werewolf brother and his pack)
  • America (the angry blonde super soldier)
  • Kimbra Colt45 (the hungry Russian Ghoul. He made her into his best assassin. Kimbra and America is scary but only when angry.)
  • Inertia Destiny (knew Rave from school days but never spoke to her. After graduation had a short fling.)

In early stages of his powers

  • Lemonade (he fixed her cyborg body but before that she was another girl)
  • Proxi (Owed Roman almost a million. She is so sweet Rave makes sure no one mistreats her.)
  • Chastity(joined to hide from the Angels believing her oracle vision sent her there)
  • Foxybat (because she wanted more power)
  • Jojo Dellangerie (was a circus performer before that)
  • CyberSpyder (tuber. show girl presenter)
  • Soneko Fiere(was a kitsune ghost that just came to stay with them. Was also a theif who got protection from Roman)
  • Genie (was a car show girl before and racer before)
  • Ariel Wintour (also model and didn't base long)
  • Cameron DGelli (was rich and only part-time for fun)
  • Luna Tides (they came from the ocean maybe)
  • Sushi Mei Sake (also cooking streamer. Octopus chef girl)
  • Sam Feti (also fashion designer. Because she could control her symbiote)

After he got powers they shifted from a club to doing ever increasingly supernatural stuff. The club sorta closed down to become a private meeting base. However still has the same sense.

  • Lead lead (refuge cyborg soldier from Korea)
  • Goblin Girl (Kobain's future gf. Bomb Expert.)
  • Punji (little manimal tribe girl. does nothing)
  • Shelle Belle (Country girl. Met after a Legion war ship took refuge on her parents farm planet.)

Anybody else would hang out at the club but not necessarily fully a performer. Maybe they just enjoy the dark lights.

  • Yuki Moonshade
  • Sixx Toppa
  • Rebecca Black

Rave invested his profits under the alias's Rave Industries and Rave Labs. Soon he was a multi million dollar cooperation. In talking sponsorships, parties, world-wide, money money.


  • Rave girls are not all the women in this universe. They like most other male characters written to be extremely dumb for comedic purposes.
  • Rave girls are usually not very powerful but some do have special abilities. They are meant to be like normal girls that just happened to aquire random powers.
  • Rave Girls hold this Instagram model type manner. I idea is that they are dancer not really physically or mentally cut out for super powered stuff but does anyways because that's just the world they are in.
  • They are carriers for Rave's spirit to manifest. He upgrades their powers by entering them as a ghost and protects over the shoulder.
  • They do not take much part crime fighting and don't aspire for much. They just follows Rave who they like.
  • They are not just limited to the club they can be various show girls, models, festival girls.
  • Their feeble appearances allows them to infiltrate any layer undetected while undercover.
  • Remember Roman is a variant of villain and he believes male lackies just get beat up so rather femme fatales by his side.
  • Rave designs/upgrades the lady's suit/uniform and weapons over time.

Lab Club Basement

Rave intrigued by the mutations ran test on his ladies underground as well as himself. His later technomancy powered gave him the edge to put tiny robots under their skin. It wasn't much but it was a start.

The Marks of the Rave

There are two of Rave.

  • The 'Power On' button is assigned to anyone and is invisible on the back of the neck till touches it will light up blue and display a holographic database.
  • The'V' tattoo is reserved for Rave's wives. It may be placed anywhere on the body and us always visible. It's the the V in his name and symbolizes the matrix of the womb. The womb that houses the beast that is Roman.

Rave Becomes A Thug

Extremely Graphic Warning

Let's not sugarcoat it. In the start Roman is abusive to the girls in his care. It's not all that physical violence. But mostly emotional and demanding. He does like them but takes it for granted because he just believes he is unstoppable. But infact Rave is nice compared to other bigger crime bosses.

Rave sets up the club and is now out in the town with America and Kimbra in a black suburban. He meets Braille Blind Dog Butcher at a gas station. He tells her about his club. She asks, "You're Jamaican? You don't talk Jamaican. You sound sophisticated." Rave says, "You don't look either. I'm telling you. The guys would go crazy of a foreign girl like you." She says, "Sorry I just moved here with my brother and his gang. I don't know if he would like me doing that." Rave replies, "I'm a bit of a thug myself. Hop in the car. I could pay you for your day." She replies, "Are you asking me to quit my job? I just got it. My family would be p*****" Rave says, "You like it?" She says, "No, but I love cars. No just seeing them. I can work on them. You know. Like a mechanic." Rave says, "Fine. I got a garage. I pay you double. You come dance for me. You tell your people you are a mechanic." She replies, "Wow. That's so risky. I love it." She enters his car. She quickly falls for him. She spends a lot of time in the kitchen cooking up her Alabama meals. The girl can season a food.

Later someone of her clan, Pyrex sees Braille dancing at the club and loving on Rave. He goes back to tell her brother Alice Butcher. Dollhouse is attacked by werewolves one night. Braille says, "That's my family! I didn't know how to tell you because I like you. I'm a monster. I can turn to a wolf and so does my pack. You can't hurt them." Rave put on all his silver jewelry takes a machine gun and runs out shooting. Rave's powers began to mutate further. He felt a hint of technomancy. As his eyes glowed he made the cars the wolves were standing on and next to explode.

One night while rolling in his ride he saw Inertia Destiny on the corner hustling she is with another girl. He stopped to talk to her. She said, "OMG, Roman is that you?" He asks, "What are you doing?" She says, "Things haven't be easy since the war. I can't get anything the normal way." He says, "Get in." So she and her friend enters the ride. They see America also sitting in the back seat and Kimbra in the front with Rave. Inertia said, "That's my cousin Cameila but we call her Cammy. Cameila Zombie She's from Canada and got stuck here due to all the bombings." Rave says, "I'm talking you home with me." Inertia replies, "I don't think my boss will like that. Unless you have money." Rave says, "How so? He around? Can I speak to him? Listen I got money but I'm gonna need you longer than just the night." She directs him to the boss saying, "That him just around the corner there." And Rave sees a parked car. Her smile slowly changes as they get closer. Cammy says, "I don't like this. You upset him - we get in trouble." Rave rolls down the back tinted window showing Inertia first. Then he rolls down the driver window and taps on the glass of the other car. The boss says, "Or di bombo tap mi glass." As he turns he see Rave's pistol staring him the the face. Boom! Rave shoots him in the head and speeds off. America leans out of the side of the car with an AK-47 she pulls from under the seat. And sprays the car with the rest of the mooks in it as they leave. America says to the girls, "Don't be afraid. Rave is your new boss now." Rave says, "I knock off these punks and keep you girls safe. You'll never see another corner again. But you gonna have to dance. It's our cover and it funds our little operation." Kimbra adds, "And it's fun. All the guys know they aren't supposed to touch the girls or Rave breaks something of theirs."

Rave takes them home and takes off all their clothes in the lab. He says, "Relax. I'm a doctor." He tested them for mutations. Inertia's ears was obvious but but on Cameila he found non. Rave told Cameila, "You are extremely sexy. But I'm afraid you are too weak. Without a mutation you'd just end up dead." Cameila says, "I'm not weak. I have a spellbook. I can do witchcraft." She pulls the book from her perse and says, "I never leave it down. I was my grand mothers." Rave replies, "Magic isn't real. I need real powers. This magic thing is a joke." Her face gets red. She says, "It is real. I just need to do the spells properly but I can never find the right ingredients." Rave sighs, "Okay. Because you're pretty. You can stay here and work on your little spells I guess. Meanwhile, I put you in charge of my club when I'm not around. You manage my girls as well. Anyone who doesn't listen to you and Brialle doesn't want me to tell it to them instead." Cameila starts seductively tying his finger with a thread of her hair. The. She sucks it of with her teeth. Rave ask, "What are you doing?" She replies, "I'm giving you good luck so you will always find your way home." Rave says, "That's not the only thing you're giving me."

Braille finds a stray pup in an alley and picks it up. Rave says, "Funniest looking wonky eyes little **** I've ever seen." She hugs it and rubs it head too much. Rave says, "No. We're not getting a dog." she was so attached to it Rave just agreed. She called it 'Pappyshow' Rave called it 'Mongrel' In turn he got 3 big pitbulls to put in his yard. Rave says to Braille, "Now that's what I call dogs." Braille says, "How is this supposed to bother me. I don't care Rave." Suddenly pappy runs outside. All of the dogs were scared and started barking at the sight of Braille's pup. Rave stared at the little pup. The pup cosied up to them but they were all afraid. The the pitbulls were to quiet so Rave went to check on them. He found the three pitbulls were brutally slaughter. Rave shouts, "Braille! Did you kill my dogs!" Rave wanted to wrestle her down. Braille wimpers and says, "No Rave. I'm a werewolf I love dogs. Why would I do it?" The little pup barked at Rave. Rave looked at it. "Little **** you did this didn't you!" He said to the dog. He picks it up and starts walking to the kitchen to get a knife. Braille says, "Rave. Your acting like a mad man. How could a little puppy kill your dogs." Rave says, "I don't know! It's a demon." Rave takes the knife and tries to stab it. It poof and popped up somewhere else in the room. Rave shouts, "I knew it!". Braille shouts, "That doesn't mean he did it." Pappy picks up a knife. Cameila runs and slides to hold up in the doorway. Rave looks at Braille. She says, "Okay. Maybe he is a demon dog." Pappy says, "No. I didn't kill your dogs. They went insane and started killing each other. It was an accident. I only have this knife because you are trying to kill me." Braille says, "Pappy you can talk." She runs and hugs it. Rave says, "You hugging a demon dog which is holding a knife. I'm not getting killed by a dam dog!" Pappy says, "I don't kill my family Rave and for the record I liked the name Mongrel better." Rave says, "How do you feel about poker?" Pappy asks, "Is there wine involved?" Pappy ditches Braille to hang with Rave. Braille scratches her head. Cameila says, "I think Rave just found a guy friend."

Remember I said Rave knew Inertia from school? Well he is usually more rough with her than the other girls because she reminded of people he don't like. So at Dollhouse she was wearing this string one piece and serving a costumer his fries. Rave who was talking to another guest calls her to demonstrate. He embrassses her by making her do anything he said. Later that night in the bed room joking around with her. Pulling her cat ears to hard maybe. And she asked, "Rave stop! You are hurting me." He didn't reply but continued. When he was done and about to leave she felt the courage to stand up to him. She asks, "Why do you always do this to me?! It's plain to see you take how people treated you when you were younger out on me and it's not fair." He said, "Yes. Ok you are right. You girls act like you high and mighty till the reality hits you in face. Now what? What you going to do about it?" She replied, "I'll leave." He replies, "You look in the mirror and remember who's name is under your arm. If you don't like it here I could put you in the streets. Have you even been out there lately? If you leave this house now you wouldn't get one block before or are mugged or worst. Get back on the bed." She folds her arms and says no. He grabs her by the ears and strips her. He makes her kneel in a corner with her wrists tied. Roman says, "Maybe I need to remind you who puts the panteh on your little dash dass. Food in your mouth and dash dah in dah dassh." Then pours Cheerios in a cat bowl next to her. Rave says, "You don't want me to touch your ears! Watch that!" She stays on her knees for like a minute then sits on her side. He notices her knees hurt and doesn't as her to resume. Rave says, "You're lucky I keep the roof over your head. Next time you end up like that in the backyard." Inertia replies, "You have to hit me you idiot. I'm enjoying this." Rave walks to her and holds her throat. She mentions, "You know? I killed people for you!" Cameila accidentally walks and pauses for a while. Cameila asks, "Is this foreplay or...?" Rave says, "She's on punishment." Inertia says, "He's acting crazy again. Cammy tell him! He is always too rough with me! He just mad because when we were younger I always thought he was hot but he didn't have the balls to talk to me. I gave him once and he avoided me ever since! Now I see he is just a little boy!" Rave grabs her face, pins her on the bed and says, "Huh, you like talking **** huh?!" Inertia screams, "N****!!!!" As she tries to scratch him with her cat claws. She looks at Cammy in the door. Inertia says, "Cammy don't leave me alone with him! Son of a *****! Put that thing anywhere near me I cut it off!" She show Rave her claws. Cameila cautiously walks and sits next to her. Cammy says, "I'd probably get my share too. But hurting us will not change the past. We already given up whats left of us to you. I'm sure you like her you just don't want to admit it." Rave says, "You trying to tell me how to do things?" She says, "No I wasn't tell you Roman. I was asking. On my knees. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Okay?" Rave says, "Listen I might grab you here and there. A little smack maybe. But I never beat on you. In turn you think you can do as you please?" Inertia said, "Not true. I do everything you say. And when I tell you it's too much you get mad. I try my best and you act like a jerk!" Rave says, "You right. I guess I can lighten up. But be clear I didn't avoid you because I was scared of you I avoided you because I thought you girls was a little empty. But I would admit getting to know you I like you much better." Cameila gets up and fix her clothes. Rave holds her and says, "Where do you think you're going? The two of you are still on punishment."

Inertia and Braille is seen at a party. They goes to dance with a fat rich dude. He looks like a gang boss. She whispers something to him and they go to his place. She dances on top him on the in the sofa. As she hold his throat seductively they hear a knock on the front door. A guard opens it. As he does he is sent flying back with a shot gun to the gut. Rave walks in with a smoking weapon. Braille howls and hit the other guard in his chest knocking him over. She gets on top him and bites a chunk of neck. As the fat man makes a move to get up Inertia with her hand at his throat reaps a big chunk out. She gets of him and sit on the side of the chair. The big man stands up. Blood squirts out as he tries to speak but nothing. He falls down dead. Rave claps. Rave says, "Get the valuables!" Another 2 guys run in. Rave shoots one dead. Then yeets the gun at the other's head knocking him out. Rave rush to the inner indoor as Braille turns off the lights. The three of them can see in the dark. With no weapons Rave take out the rest of the guys with bare hands. They sweep the premise. In the backyard is loaded with enemies. Rave shoots from the balcony. A car comes flying into a group of mooks. America comes out with a bottle of jack in her hand and some other bottle fall out as she opens the door. Kimbra self laid across her and now on the seat laughs and says, "You are wasting the rum." Cammy hops out the back seat. She shouts, "I tried to stop them!" America slurs to Rave on the balcony, "Raaaaaaave What rum they have?!! We need more rum!" She takes another sip. She says, "Woah! The guess house had some good ****!" Kimbra tries to reverse the car and you can hear the men under it still alive and screaming. Well they ain't no more. She backs it into the pool accidentally. Rave jumps down and pull her out of the water. Kimbra slurs, "Oh no... the rum." Rave says, "Not the scotch!" Dives back into the pool. Cammy and America steals a new car. Rave says, "That's enough! Don't **** up this one!" Braille and Inertia throws the jewelry down stairs as they load the car. Kimbra sits at the wheel. Rave pushes her on the next seat on the other girl. Rave backs it up and skids off.

Rave organizes a meet with Braille's brother Alice Butcher. Rave has his framed and captured by the police. Alice is sent to asylum. Rave convinces Braille it's for his own good.

Rave Becomes A Ghost

Rave had a secret thirst for blood he would now substitute by being aggressive with his lady friends. He complained that he was constantly feeling sick. He was having hallucinations of dead People. Visions flashed his eyes like glitches in the matrix. His skin grew more grey everyday. He was having side effects that America wasn't experiencing. Sometime he would wake up and his soul would live his body still asleep. Then the sleeping him would wake up and he was watching himself and wake up again. He would believe all this to be dreams. They recommended anti stress medication but he refused to continue them as his conditions worsens. He notices his hair loss. So he shaves it bald. The girls comforted him saying it might just be withdrawal side effect from the chemicals they injected him with. Kimbra comes to him trying to be strong. She says, "Your not gonna die Rave." Rave notices water in their eyes. Rave says, "It's okay to cry. You don't have to be strong for me. I had a good run."

Now Rave finally found himself up against a gangster boss with super powers stronger than him. The boss was named Mug. He was a lesser super like himself that could turn to stone. Mug didn't want to fight Rave but to ally with him. There was a recent explosion in super powered crime since the bombing. With majority of the bombs reaching the slums cause more bad guys to get powers than the good ones. The bombs was laced with chemical meant to kill biological life but instead resulted in mutations that gave powers. A few mutations showed infected but it was dormant in the blood of every living being on Earth. Rave fought maybe it was good to have a little extra hands here and there.

The other gang members was a bit jealous of Romans girls, success and favoritism so they tried to convince the boss that Rave would someday turn against him. They argued Rave was more popular with people. The boss was happy that Rave was eliminating his competition and wasn't too suspicious. The boss felt that his powers was stronger also. Roman hated the new rich people he lived amongst thinking that so many people was still in misery from the war while these people lived like everything was fine. The boss had one daughter that would see Roman occasionally in secret. He didn't like her but she was in fluctuated with him. She also loved drinking a lot and partying too hard. One night she was hanging out at his club and he saw she was getting drunk so he asked a gang member to take her home. Instead they took pictures of her in comprising situations. This was a thing she did often btw. When she sobered up they told her to pin it on Rave. She felt ashamed so she did to hide her pride. Her father always though if her as a innocent little princess. If she claimed abuse it would some how not tarnished her reputation. The boss confronted Rave and he said that this is not a thing he does to girls. The boss didn't believe him because he was a known lady-killer. So he sent mooks after Rave. Ex soldier Rave took out two guys with a jump kick. The boss saw that he had to fight Rave himself. Rave says, "So you really do t believe me or are you jealous I'm surpassing you. Yes I've been with your daughter but who hadn't? She's not an innocent Mug. But what happened to her, I didn't do it. I'm being framed and if I die over this I'll hunt you all till your dead!" Mug replies, "Beg for mercy and insult me at the same time?! You're dead as soon as I get my hands on you!" Mug turns to stone and charges after Rave. Rave jumps up to dodge then land on a porch. Mug rams the porch and breaks part of the rock with his body. Rave jumps away. Gang fires after Rave with rifles while Mug charges Rave. Mugs is more bullet proof than Rave. He rams Rave. Rave hits him a punch while using a kick to push off. Mug grabs his leg and slam him into the ground. He begins to squeeze Rave. Under pressure of not being able to break free Rave gains a brand new power. His soul could leave his body for a few seconds. A quick tackle of his oppenent. When his souls hits it's like a blast. The force lets Mug let go. They saw Raves light blue eyes. It was a force based stare. Rave blasts at them a few times. During the seconds his soul flys out it leaves his body unconscious till he return.

Funny thing happened. Rave soul left his body in a rush attack at Mug. In that split second almost sure of victory as Mugs armor begins to crack. A stray bullet accidentally ricochet off a pole. Rave's body got shot between the eyes. It was a pot luck mistake by on of the mooks. When his soul tried to return the body couldn't be entered again. They had successfully murdered Rave. It wasn't easy for them but they did. They knew he was innocent and continued to bare false witness. They were discussing what to do with the Rave Girls as they walked away and celebrate.

The ghost of Rave starts to see visions of his pass. In one eye a white suited business lady discusses him but it's not coherent. He hears, "...He was a soldier..." The light is to bright to see but he can make out an office. This is the Angel Uriel he sees but doesn't know her. In the next he sees a dark void with red cave walls.

Suddenly all visions stop. And he wakes up in the alley. He thought it was a dream for a second. Till he sees the ambulance take his body away in a bag. Rave says to himself, "So that's it. This is how I die. No grand send off. Just dead in an alley with no love. I played my cards so right up until. My downfall - trusting other men." Another ghost in the building suddenly spoke to Rave. Shaw said, "That so true. But I was a fisherman with no family. I didn't trust people till one day I fell into the sea alone. I drowned in a storm. No one knew I existed to give me rest so I will wandered the Earth for ever. You have until your people bury you." Rave tried to go outside but the sunlight was too strong so he had to say in the building. He waited for night.

He thought that this was his fate so while he was still on Earth as a ghost he went to see the girls in his club that he use to love and or exploit one last time. They did not know of his death and was all sitting at the club waiting for he to open. Cameila says, "Where is Rave?. It's not like him to be late." He tried to talk to them but they could not see or hear him. He noticed passing by electronics made it malfunction. He types on Kimbra's phone, 'I am dead. I got shot' Kimbra sees her phone not responding. She shouts, "Is this a joke. Rave. This is not funny." The girls gather. He types, 'No I'm not joking. I'm a ghost. Watch as a pass by the electronics it malfunctions.' America says, "Really. Well you can't die. We need you very much to be here now." Inertia says, "Dude. You are scaring us please stop." America adds, "I'm going to cry. Stop it Rave. You trick us. Just come out." He just realized they loved him very much and didn't want him to go.

The girls take time to think about all this. Cameila enters the room and sees Braille sitting on a corner alone moving her arm. She asks, "Braille what are you doing?" Braille replies, "I'm trying to rubs his ghost belly." Then she lets of an evil laugh. Cameila says, "Rave, Don't you see the spell worked. Even in death you came home to me." Rave types, 'Magic nor real. Mugs gang will try to take over my club. I need to stop them.' Cameila goes for her spell book. She says, "I can bring you back as a zombie, maybe. But I need your body." Rave replies, 'That's so stupid for a science girl Cameila' she says, "Well you're a ghost right now. How is being a zombie impossible?" Rave agrees saying, 'Lets go get my body'

Rave got the girls to try heisting his body from the morg but it wasn't there. Someone had taken it. He never found his body again.

They returned home disappointed. In desperation Cameila brought out the spell book she had gotten from her grandma. She got all the girls to participate. They all chanted, "Let my womb be your body. House the soul that was taken to early." Using her witchcraft she brought Rave back from the dead. But she was still a rookie and didn't expect the spell to work. The book burnt and she became zombiefied. Rave poofed. They did not see him and could not hear him anymore. They all thought well this was it for them. They could either accept a new boss, fight till death or run. Either choice sounded miserable. With Cammy now bed ridden they decided to stay then fight if it came to it.

The Hordes Of Nebula

Later Rave's ex gang came upon the club. Mongrel was barking aggressively. If poofed at them but they shot him. They said to the girls and one to Kimbra, "Ah. Roman's prize collection. Sweetest in all of the land. Remember me rosey cheeks? You man broke my nose for touching you a few night ago. Funny because tonight your all mine. And then Jerry's and Tom." It was clear what they wanted to do to the girls. They pushed the girls around. America pulled a gun but they had more guns. A Mook said, "Careful with the goods. They still gotta make us money after." America was pushed on her back on a dancing table. Then suddenly Roman's ghosts appeared all over the room. His soul divided amongst the women and saw multiple copies of himself and was a bit confused. This is the first appearance black-grey ghost form. Kimbra cried out, "Roman!" The gang looked around and saw nothing. A Mook said, "Roman is not here. We killed him. But don't worry. I promise to as pretty as he is." Roman asks Kimbra, "Did they get to you?" She says, "No. Not yet." The Mook asks, "Crazy *****. Who you talking too?" Suddenly the Mook felt pressure on his man parts till it exploded. "YAAAAWWWW!!!" He screamed in horror as he fell to the ground. The other Mook next to America shouts to Kimbra, "What the hell did you do to Mark?! I'm gonna kill you!" Roman just burst his hand into the guys chest and raise him like a ragdoll infront of her. America looked up amazed at Rave's new sized and appearance. Blood squirts all over her chest and then in her face as she leans back on the table speechless. The gang starts to fire bullets randomly but all is blocked by Roman force fields. Rave doesn't even move a finger. He don't know how, he just know he is doing this. Roman then torn through the gang. It was extremely bloody with pieces of bodies everywhere. The men found themselves being horribly mutilated by something they cannot even see. Some of the mook ran away. Roman flew after them. When he got to a distance he just hit an invisible wall and had to turn back to the girls in the club. Later he realized he could not travel far from his female hosts. Rave stands quietly. Inertia says, "*, Is that really Rave?!" Braille shouts, "I'm sorry I let them in Roman. I thought they wouldn't. At least not like this!" Romans voice now sounds Death Metal. He say, "What the hell was you girls thinking?! I die for a few days and you already given up. You should of opened fire as they knocked on the door!" Kimbra says, "What did you expect?! You only taught us how to be dependent on you!" Rave sees Mongrel shot on the floor. Rave says, "They shot my dog?!" Mongrel says, "I tried to stop them Rave." Braille says, "Try to rest Pappy. We will get you medical attention right away." Mongrel replies, "Oh the light. Don't let me die. Imma... Imma virgin!... Kimbra please this might be my only chance." Kimbra replies, "Do we even need a dog around the house?" Rave heals Mongrel. Rave says, "I don't know how I did it. I just thought and I altered his DNA." America looks at the new Rave. She says, "What are you?" Rave shouts, "Where is Cameila!"

They take him to her. Rave approaches Cameila on a bed in his lab. He tries to heal her like he healed mongrel but it doesn't work. He says, "I'm sorry. In trying to save me you lost more than everyone else. Your skin decays because of me." Inertia says, "It might be the magic damage." Rave looks at Inertia angrily. Cameila whispers, "She is right. The zombie spell back fired on me." Rave says, "Mug can wait. I have to fix you. Now. He goes to work on ways to fix her. Luckily his new powers helps a lot. By the hospital equipment he found out he had technomancer powers. He had an idea.

He sent the other girls grave robbing for body parts. Rave stitches up Cameila's body with fresh parts and mechanical organs. Rave says, "Arm." Kimbra pulls a monkey arm from the bag. She says, "What? It's all they had." Rave uses it anyway. When done he zaps her with a machine and she stands up. He says, "It's all temporary. I will have to fix you up every now and again." She hugs him. Cammy asks, "Is that from Frankenstein bride? How romantic. I love my new look. And the best thing is I have powers now too." She was dubbed Cameila Zombie or Cammy Z. The monkey arm tried to choke Kimbra. Cameila says, "It's not me. The arm must still have its own reflex." Though strong the monkey arm is stronger than the rest of her body and sometimes a mind of it's own.

Rave and the girls went after the gang. The girls break up into groups. Rave flys Kimbra and Inertia to Mugs place with telekinesis. Rave lands them on the roof. Rave phases them through the walls. They step very lightly. She enters slightly Rave glitches then Kimbra fades in and out too. Rave shrugs his shoulder as she looks at him. Kimbra suddenly phases through the ground and crashes to the first floor. She lands on her butt in which she rubs the pain away. Rave sends another copy down to get her. She looks at him. He says, "It wasn't me. Maybe you are doing it." She looks at her hand as it fades in and out but with a green tint. Rave says, "All my powers gave been blue so far. That one is green like you energy manipulation." Suddenly mooks enter the room. The noise alarmed them. The mooks only see Kimbra because Rave is a ghost. They say, "It's just a girl. A hot one! I didn't see her get in Must be a friend of Mug." Kimbra lies, "Yes. Mug brought me here. I was looking for the bathroom and tripped. Anyway where is Mug?" The mooks believes her and takes her down the hallway. The Mook says, "Mug isn't in his room. Some of the boys went down to Rave's club to have some fun with the girls. You know. Behind the bosses back. And they got slaughtered. Something about killer ghost. You know the girls over there are very hot. Kinda like you. Wait a minute?!" As he becomes aware Kimbra elbows him on the side and knocks him into the wall. Then slams the other guy on the next side. Rave phases him halfway through it and lives him stuck in the wall. He dies painfully. More mooks arrive. She runs down the hallway and phases through the security locked door. As Rave says back to handle them. Rave pushes the back with telekinesis. Kimbra enters the room and see no one in it. Boom! An explosion goes off. Kimbra phases in slow motion but part if the blast still gets her. Rave suppresses the impact with force fields. Her foot sticks in a lamp iron as she fades out. "S***!" She screams then phases her foot out of it. While she is on the ground Mug charges at Rave in full stone mode. He is able to break his way through Rave's force fields. Rave pushes him back as he still charges and they collide. Kimbra sexily crosses her legs and roles out of the way. The upstairs Rave phases down into the rooms holding Inertia in on hand and a Mook in the other. Rave face plants the Mook into the ground head first. Inertia pounces like a cat on a self pushes it down on Mug. Rave pushes Mug with force he shoved it off. Another Rave pulls mug into the ground. He breaks from it. One Rave phases himself inside Mug on phases then explodes him from within. Rave says, "That hurt for a send." The stone pieces of Mug turns back to human meat. Rave collects the pieces and stacks it up like a jigsaw on Mugs favorite chair. His daughter walks in seeing his out line in the darkness. She says, "Daddy, I heard bullets and explosions. What is going on?... Daddy?" As she touches him in the shoulder the pieces fall off. She screams. As she turns back around she see Kimbra and Rave standing behind her. The daughter says, "Rave?! You murdered my father! Please. No! I didn't mean to get you killed. The men tricked me. I didn't have a choice!" Rave looked upon the girl with pity and decided to spare her life. Kimbra with him at that moment wasn't having it and shot her 6 times the last in her head. Kimbra kept pressing the trigger long after the revolver was empty. Kimbra says to her dead body, "You **** with my man *****, it's personal." Rave looks at Kimbra and says nothing.

Roman thought, "This power cannot be for killing alone. As I rid the Earth of ******* like this. I will use it to free lost souls and help people." So he made the girls do tasks for him. What Roman did next was find the old fisherman ghost and give him a soldiers send off. The light taking him presumes the fisherman went to heaven.

Dollhouse had become a cult and they partook in strange sexual rituals with the ghost of Roman that made them sick and gave new stronger abilities to their mutations. They would bring new girls that are eligible and bad men to be sacrificed. For each dead Rave absorbed their chakras growing stronger. It's understood that ordinary women wouldn't survive being with Rave. His soul bounded to each girl now having clones of him in their heads like little horcruxs (no pun intended). The blue ring around his iris had appeared in all the other girls eyes. He could be multiple places at once while perceiving all with a single mind. Rave says, "I finally understand the Rat King. Down in the dirt the king is not one man but others dependant on each others or they all die."

In a sense all of it came down to mystery. He will forever be unsure of infinitive answers of how all this came to be. His death, his missing body, his power mutation is all one massive head trip.

Powers Talk

Cameila explains, "Well I lost my spell book. But I think Rave powers comes from the DNA of the girls he share body with along with what he had already." Rave adds, "I may have of been dying before I was murdered. My force projection is an extension of my own spirit." America adds, "Rave I don't like your scary voice and you are blocking all the light. Can you please take human appearance?"

His main powers are lich telekinesis, technomancy and ghost. His telekinesis got so strong he didn't had to ask them to move anymore he could now carry them places while they stood in force fields he created. It was their body but his powers had complete dominance over any battlefield and far out shined theirs. Rave was like a defence protocol installed in the ladies mind. He had a strange connection to technology as his poltergeist self was near any, it went haywire. That's how he found out he could enter the internet/cybernetic realm. He could also enter the Lost Dimension which is a cyber realm that is inside his being. Not only it was hard to kill a ghost but he could 'download' whatever thrown at him into his DNA and mutate to control it. In physical form he was a hard rubber shell containing extoplasmic blue energy that was the source of his power. He benefited from more energy, clones, continuity, and powers her got from them etc. The girls now shared Raves ability to see ghosts but not other planes of perception like him. Teleportation for Rave for a millisecond places him in the Lost Dimension. Where he teleports to send any matter equivalent to his out

Roman studied his strengths and weakness like direct sunlight that staggered his movement. He would hear the sun calling onto him in a high eerie voice that would slowly drove him mad with hallucinations. He could phase underground to avoid sun. From this time on he prefers to move strictly at night. Roman was big on night life and stayed hidden all day. He rolls in black vehicles surround by women turning corners seeking power and inducting lost souls to his Legion. Deep below oceans he found a different deep gutteral voice calling onto him making him go insane. So he was fished out by the girls. Ah yes the girls, it was always a hindrance and a strength. There was a limited number of clones he could pull from a girl dependant on current power level and a total amount of energy reserves for other powers. This ghost form increased all his human desires making it hard to go away. At times he wants to go feral but he learns to control it. The ladies say they helped create a monster and now the monster owns them. But it's not all bad. The people outside are dirty. To see a clean beautiful woman more valuable than water at this time of war. Another weakness is has is bad reception. The ghost is cybernetic and requires a good signal to manifest. He learned the hard way that ghost can't phase through certain attacks because of the subatomic unstable particles. He was hit painfully by a weapon he designed.

When Rave goes invisible mode. The girls can partially see his outline because of their spiritual link with him. But it also depends on perception of the particular character. Some may see ghosts better than others. But when he was not visible they felt the ground move with his emotion. There was a forever building rumble. And light objects gravitated to where he walk. Even a slight irrigation could cause a small tremor at his location.

Roman says, "My DNA is not 0 but have been alter to everything." Rave realizes even if he was destined to die his powers pushes him to evolve. Even his soul was trying to leave his body after it realized it was sick or was holding him back. It adapts to all conditions. It pushes him with a absurd force to spread his DNA. Roman will learn life lessons from the girls he use to rough up. And learn to be nicer over time. But still generally a dumb****.

Part 3 Rave and Robots

Rave Love Robots

In the corner store a girl with a crying child stood in line Proxi. She appeared as a poor struggling girl. Wearing a denim jack and matching skirt with purple rubber boots and a pink short bangs wig. Under a neon green fishnet top. She rocked the child that never seemed to stop screaming. Rave being the gentle man he is offered to pay her shopping. They spent some time in his car, talking and then a motel she claimed to was living in. After some time she snuck out leaving the child. Properly watching it for the first time he recognized it was only a doll wrapped in a blanket. He immediately checked his balance to see she had siphon almost a million from his account. He saw her fly off with rockets that came out of her feet. He chased her through town but she was to fast and he was new to his powers. she had escaped without a trace till he saw her in town again trying to pull the same scheme he chased and caught her. She told him she was working with a team. He went to their base and beat them up but all the money was lost forever. The short time spent with her he found her to be really sweet and just misguided. Roman didn't want to punish Proxi severely so he gave her no choice but to work at his club till her impossible debt is paid off. One day Rave walks in on Proxi leaning against a desk with her head down and lips fixed. Braille stands infront her with a knife and one hand on her hip. "What's going on here." Rave ask. Braille replies, "This chic never listens to me. I need permission to drag her by her hair a bit." Proxi answers, "Just cut yourself already!" Rave says, "Alright that's enough. From the two of you. Braille out. Proxi com' here" Braille replies, "Roman! How am I supposed to be team leader is you always excusing these chics?" Rave says, "Proxi she is team leader. You do what she tells you. If any of you have a problem call me. But if I have to here about you girls fighting I'll have to punish both of you. Got that." They reply, "Yes I got that." And Braille says "Unbelievable." under her breath as she leaves Proxi mocks her when Rave is not looking. This special treatment Proxi gets for being soft allows her to be very problematic in future. Proxi enjoyed going into the corner store. She got a drink everytime. She would smile laugh or just be extremely perky without saying much. When she was ready to leave she would just walk out without paying. It doesn't matter if it was a girl or a guy at the register. They was always starstruck by her hotness. Only once someone mentioned that she didn't pay. But then she turned back and blew a kiss at them. They fainted when the air hit them. Proxi just skipped out the door with a smile. There all super hot girls but Proxi does attract a lot of attention being an ignorant dingbat. It is believed that Proxi fell from Sky City and hit her head.

One night a new dancer came to audition. She was a blue eyed ginger named Chastity. After the show in his office, he tried to seduce her but she brushed him off. He fixed his tie saying He said, "Let's try this again, You must of not understand how it works around here. I give you money. I protect you. You do what I say." She pulled out twin glocks in retaliation and started blasting. Rave smiled, "Fool I'm immortal." He decided to just let the shots hit him knowing he was a ghost. The bullets passed through Raves chest and fell to the ground. It left holes that burnt shortly. He looked at it thinking, "That's not right I usually recover faster than this." She smiled saying, "You seemed confused. These are not ordinary guns, they are blessed by holy magic and you are a creation of evil." She then fused the two large pistols together to make one bigger sniper rifle, crouching in position. Rave got two shots to the head blowing it of completely with the second. His headless body stood there not moving. His head then instantly regenerated this time faster. He told her, "You are the one confused, I'm not good or evil, And the longer you fight me the more my body will adapt to your powers. It burns but my ectoplasm is learning how to cope with it." Rave dashed at her. He was moving really really fast and she was still one step ahead of him barely keeping up. He wasn't trying to hurt her but grab and subdue. She avoided him by jumping around the room. Chastity was running up walls and shooting. Others was hearing the noises from outside and thinking of it as just another ordinary day. The fight paused after she tried to choke him with her legs. She was crouching on his desk. Then turned her head up slowly to look at him. The wind came in through the shot and broken windows blowing her hair covering her face. She seemed really pssd about what just happened. Clenched his teeth was her knickers bitten clean off from under the clothing she was wearing. He smile and talked while not moving his teeth with them in it blowing in the wind, "Gurls like you rurelly leave um out to dry." She replies as the wind blows her eyes glowed yellow underneath her hair, "What is your problem... You sick freak, I have a special duty to kill bastards like you... Nasty inconsiderate jerk!" She shouted. He replied, "Relax I'm only testing to see how strong you are... The girls around her are usually... VERY weak... besides orange isn't exactly my favorite color" The spit them into his hands. She says, "With my eyes glowing yellow. I can see the future and I cannot win this fight. You will best me but if you claim your victory I will lose my powers. So what's more important to you, momentary pleasure or the strongest card you'll ever pull." He looks down in his hands to think. she screams at him, "Are you really thinking about this!!!" and aims her rifle at him. He explains, "I just forgot what it was like. To want something and not being able to get what you want. Is that how it is for you... No wonder you are so crazy... and angry." He steps closer to her and takes her hands in his. She frightens as he hold her knowing she was letting her guard down. They were both holding the panzu. She then speaks, "I thought you were a hero. I kept seeing your face. I didn't know I was wrong... I shouldn't of try to find you." He replies, "I'm not a good man. The worst actually, but don't call me evil." "I tried and I couldn't copy your future sight. A rare ability. Useful. I could probably take it from you if I... try harder. But a risk to extensive for me." She looks up at him desperately, "Even after all this...", she thinks. Looking in his eyes his soul leaves his body and enters her. She passes out.

When she wakes he continues, "While you were a sleep I put a few things in you. Little machines as well as a fraction of my spirit allowing me to monitor your body. All the girls have it. Go back to Cammy and tell her I said you got the job. She'll show you around." Chastity gets up from sitting on the desk. Rave fixes the room with telekinesis as she leaves. They seemed to have forgotten about the panzu that was later framed in his office. Chastity says to Cammy, "I'm a afraid of him. You know, Usually I would of shot men like him. But I don't understand how he is different." Cammy replies, "The Rave effect; He tries to make you hate him because he knows women want the opposite. And you'll want him. I bet you already do... You're gonna love it here. No one messes with us because we're all f-n lunatics and Rave is the worst. Ever kill people?" She meet a girl named Braille 'Blind Dog' Butcher in the kitchen. She is sharpening a cutlass and chopping pig. Cammy says, "Because careful with her she a a werewolf and a cannibal. Back when Rave didn't have his powers her rescued her from her pack with just a sub machine gun and silver jewelry." Chastity replies, "And zombies don't?" Cammy answers, "That's a myth we only go for the brains. America was a super soldier who escaped and Kimbra is a Russian Ghoul. I think Inertia might be an alien but I just know she goes really fast with skates." Inertia shouts, "Stop telling people I'm an alien I just have cat ears. I'm a cat girl!" (She's actually and alien how she is.) Chastity would smart mouth Rave all the time as joke but immediately retract her words if he wasn't in the mood. Rave anger is felt by if the place vibrates or shakes. But making him laugh cancelled out his course emotions. She would try to play it off with talk. For the most part of it while her mouth insulted her actions would be loving and sensual toward him.

They all went to bed between the hours if 5am to 6am. Chastity realizes the girl just sleep anywhere and with each other. On the same beds or so I mean. She gets up in the morning close to afternoon. She realizes they girls also use each other stuff. Camila says, "There is a size rule. As long as you don't stretch its okay."

It's afternoon now. Dollhouse is closed for the moment. As Chastity comes in she see. Lemonade and Inertia are taking turns practicing danced moves on a pole. Lemonade says, "Before here I was protected by my brothers gang. But they all got murder and I barely escaped. Now I'm practically a cyborg. Rave might be tough. But he is an angel compared to the fires you might land in while trying to escape another." LemonAde continues, "I been hit so many times. I started to believe that's how it should be. And my own brothers too." Chastity says, "Tell me if Roman raises his hands on you. I will kill him." With her two feet on the chair, Proxi says, "Don't talk like that, he might hear you." Chastity explains, "Oh I'm not afraid of him! I killed demons before. I could handle one ghost. Infact I told Rave straight that I was gonna kill him and he didn't care." Inertia says, "Exactly. That just because he doesn't see you as a threat. You're gonna get crushed." Cameila says, "Rave must really like you to let him talk to you like that." Lemonade adds, "I think he catching feels." Rave appears. He says, "Well I apologize for my gender. I didn't do ****!" Proxi jumps up and hug Raves. She says, "Umm-um. I love you Rave." He replies, "Yah, I love you too." Chastity stretches her lips and sucks her teeth. Rave says, "We have a lot of new members. I'm yet to see how you work together so where gonna practice."

While trying to seductively shoot an arrow with her feet. Kimbra nails Cameila in the head with a miss fire. Cameila is simply bows down and stand back up. They all recognize the arrow stuck horizontally to the side of her head. Everyone gasps. Kimbra shouts, "OMG! In so sorry!" America says, "Don't move." Cameila pulls on it. Rave is not bothered so walks up after the main commotion. He touches it. He says, "She's fine." Everyone drops to the floor except for Rave and Cameila. Cameila says, "Nah. You can leave it." From that day she just walks around with an arrow stuck through her head. She could take it out if she wanted to sleep.

Rave leans back on the round sofa. Braille seats on him talking in his ears. Chastity comes in annoyed. She asks Rave, "When we going to do something? All you do mess around with those girls all day and night in your stupid club. And sit around in the darkness like vampires." Braille says, "Ah... The angry virgin." Rave taps Braille and says, "Behave." Chastity asks, "You told them?" Rave continues, "Of course I had to tell them about your powers. Sit next to me." Braille goes to a side. He puts his arm around them on each side and continues, "What I do is from me and me only. I cleaned up these streets. Everyone in this country fears the ghost who murders criminals at night. I handle most of it so you don have too. I tell you to chill, drink have fun with the other girls." Braille says, "Why don't you take bought of us on undercover patrol? We will show chastity the town in the meanwhile." Rave gets up and says, "Well alright. But there isn't much to see. It's nice if you like broken poor ****."

Secret identities are still important to Rave because he often uses the girls as spies or to infiltrate an organization. They go out in their respective alter egos. Chastity wears her leather nun bikini with her gun. Braille has the bikini bloody leather apron with the boots googles and chainsaw. Rave is just in grey ghost for as he buys them food. People stare and is a bit afraid of the site of him and Braille. The vendor guy says, "Are you guys heroes or villains? You're scaring the customers. Everybody is dressing up all of a sudden in these wacky outfits, running around with powers and such... You the nun girl is the best I've seen so far. Extra serving for you." Chastity thanks the man then says to Rave, "This isn't crime fighting. This is a date." Rave says, "What's you talking about? Your in costume... All your stuff is hanging out in the right ways looking good and ****. I can't make crime happen for you to stop it. We..."

Suddenly a guy steals a hand bag. Chastity shouts, "Finally!" Chastity jumps infront him. She is about to shoot the robber in the leg but instead shouted, "Freeze!" And he paused seeing the gun aimed at him. He almost recognized who she was from her body figure. He says, ,"You! You're that girl from..." With the few second of pause Rave blow the man up with his mind. That's before she could take the shot. Chastity shouts, "Holy ****! It was just a hand bag! You blew him up! What the hell is wrong with you." Rave says, "I am the ender of all crime in this town. Let the people know. If I catch them they will no second chances." The lady takes her bag and runs away. The crowd doesn't know if to be afraid or happy. Rave says, "You were almost made. Looks like that guy was a costumer." Chastity says, "Just how powerful are you, Rave?!" Braille says, "We told you. Rave is just playing with you. Part of the reason we're obedient is because it's our job to keep him calm." Chastity gets angrier, folds her fist and shouts, "Dammit!! I'm still not afraid of you Rave!" He smiles and asks, "So why are you trembling?" She is frozen stiff as she groans. Rave walks as she stays in place. Braille says, "I would carry her but if I go wolf I'd just end up tearing this outfit." Rave says, "That's okay." He slowly walks and puts Chastity over his shoulder. She is still to frozen shocked to respond.

Rave's mental condition gives him a serious anger problem when he doesn't get his way. He always does and says what he wants. And this he considers true freedom of societies norms.

When they got back home he took them on a real date. Chastity smiled while being served wine but remembered she wanted to act pissy. Chastity says, "Your not flattering me." Rave toasted to her and the new girls. Rave says to her, "I have too much class to do you dirty. Even if I could. That's what separated me from the monsters out there." Later her pulled her aside and 'spoke' to her on the round sofa. Squint. The next morning Chastity convinced the other girls that he was a god. Rave replies, "Nah. BS. Gods aren't real." Chastity says, "Yes. I've seen them and you, your aura and all your powers are much like them." Rave says, "If you say so. I need you to worship me." What he said in joke the girls took seriously. Even the way they looked at him changed.

Rave War Robots

And on a normal random day the above robots attacked. Chastity runs out with her gun. Saying, "Finally! I get to shoot something!" America follows with, "Wait for me!" Rave goes grey mode then increases in size by 5 feet and technomances one huge ol black shotgun cannon. He raised it over his shoulder with a finger on the trigger. Then he holds it to his side like a cannon. In this position it is held upside. Everything goes slow motion as we see panic and chaos everywhere. He pickes up Kimbra and makes her straddle Forearm pump like a bull. As she sit on it he pushes her center back foward and she lie down flat to reach out and hold her handles infront of her. He raises it at the robots swarm to his eye level. Contrast her butt his face. He shouts, "The handles are Chargers. Uses your energy powers to charge it!" She does. He continues, "Slide back to crank the forearm!" She forces down her waist and pushes back. The weapon glows at the muzzle and lets of a big ol ball of energy. Boom! As the weapon fire a single blast the kick slams back her butt magazine/trigger. She looks back at him. Her facial expression alone confirms she felt it. She was shocked, hurt and impressed all at once. The shot rip through cars. The blast cause otter devastation on the robot mob. He shouts, "Again!" So she grips her legs tighter and slide back. She bites down on the pain but says nothing. Boom! The second shout really rocked her world. Her hair in face messy she looks back at Rave like she is about to pass out. She brings down her head to rest and take a break. He shouts, "Again!" She shouts back, "Goddamit!!" He grabs her by her belt and pulls her back manually to charge the weapon. She raises her hips in the air so she does feel the kick a third time. Boom! She almost jump off but he catches her in his other hand and pushes her back on it. She quickly and angrily shouts, "Roman you're hurting me!" Rave laughs. He says, "Look they are retreating." When he put her down her walk changed. At Dollhouse she held up against the door way for some time still in disbelief of what just happened. She even stood with her legs wide apart for some time. America is cleaning her shotgun. Kimbra says to America, "Why are we with him?" America comments, "Cause we like the abuse, chaos and parties." Kimbra puts her weapons on the table. She asks Rave, "Why do you even make weapons? I seen what your telekenesis can do." Rave says, "It's an extension of me. Like concentrating my power into a finer point." He continues, "Sorry about the canon. I will fix it to be more Kimbra friendly."

Rave warded them off so easily they retreaded back to Sky City. Some belligerent civilians blamed Rave for his influence arguing the robots doesn't want the human to prosper beyond poor farming life. The robot will be sure to return and slaughter everyone they complained. Under constant nagging and pressure Rave decided he will not wait for them to strike again he flied up into the robot city with Proxi to strike back. Expecting more robotic way of life he saw them imitating human civilization. Some humans was being used as slaves under their robot overlords. He was lead to a room where a giant mechanical red eye watches over this town. The Evil Eye is their leader. The one with the knowledge instigating the grand scheme of things. He confronted it to let the people go. It said "You are the one called Rave. I have been watching you. You exploit your powers for personal use. What of her (as he looks at Proxi) and all the women you use for selfish gain. Would you just let them leave if they ask you too? You are no better than the all seeing eye." Rave thought he heard enough talk and fly to attack it enraged but it released signals that scrambled his mind. Then the eye blasted him with a beam. He got sent out the window and down the tower. Proxi gasped, stuck out her tongue at the eye and flew down to meet Rave. Proxi says, "He is strong" Rave stands up and says, "But I'm not gonna lose." Looking up the eye looked out of the broken tower window down at them. It climb out using four mechanical tentacles as arms around it's large circular optic body. Rave had forcefields around them that absorbed part of the blast he received. Rave eyes glowed blue and replicated the optic blast back at the eye. The Eye Just blocked it with a tentacle. Rave flies up the tower wall does a fake attack to phase inside the building and punch the eye from under it. It is sent flying off the wall. Proxi blasts it with her hand cannons as it falls and lands on the ground. Rave jumps down next to her. They look on to a giant headless robot walking to their location. The eye inserts itself unto the head by connecting it's tentacles into its neck. Rave makes 2 clones of himself and dash towards it. Online turrets in the yard fire at them. She dodges out of the way and fires back at them. As Roman rushes the megadroid Proxi is unexpectedly yanked behind him by the forcefield. He uses his powers to keep her closer to him yet out of danger. She is made dizzy by the sudden pulls and falls over in the bubble. She says, "What are you doing I had it handled" Rave gives the megadroid three uppercuts with each clone. One in the face, stomach them knee. It falls to one knee then regains balance. The clone that punched the jaw is grabbed and squeezed to death. It explodes ecto that burns away to nothing. Both of Rave clones kick or foot in opposite directions making it do a full split. More attack robots come online and walk toward Rave direction. Rave turns giant size and starts to punch them.

The Idiot

There is suddenly three giant Raves fighting a horde of giant and small robots in land and air. One Rave is knocked against a building. Proxi kneels down with hand over head as debris come down. Rave reaches down to grab her. He tries to put her untop a building but while distracted she is knocked from his hand. Proxi is flung across the town. Rave realizes it's probably to use his mental powers so he stares into the mail Eye to enter it's mind. They are not just fighting physically but mentally both Rave and the Eye struggle to hack each other on a cybernetic realm. It defenses protocols are strong. Rave though a technomancer cannot easily control these robots. Looking at the Eye to long it blast Rave with another eyebeam killing this clone. It give the last Rave an opening to get close and jump into the Eyes mind. Rave is thrown through a red cyberspace as defense protocols chase after his flying body. Meanwhile Proxi is captured as Rave turns his back. He feel a powerful energy coming from one direction so he goes to it. He sees a figure of a android floating so he flies into it. His eyes open to the real world in the GENOS body. The GENOS was a bio mechanical robot body and a weapon the robots was building. His ghost self entered the deactivated Genos and took control of it. This body was the peek in evolution. He felt the power surging. He blasted out of the lab where it was kept. The Eye yelled, "Noooooo! You fool that body was meant for me. It's not ready yet. How could you possibly get it to work! Give it back to me now and I'll hand you back you girlfriend." Proxi says, "Muh. No. Hit him Roman. Punch him in his stupid eye." They squeeze her and she screams. Parts in Proxi's mechanical body fall off. The Genos gave off a blue aura as it powers up. He can now move faster than light in this body. He snatches her out of their hands before they can do any further damage. He holds her up in his arms. Rave begins to hack each bot as his eyes burn blue. They shock and explode one by one. "No you fool! If you kill me the enter Sky City will come down on yours." The Eye say as it breaks Rave control and fleas. Rave looks at it and let's it go. It give off a his and escapes behind a building. Rave hovers using force and gives of a force pulse that levels are region of Sky City. Rave flies off to bring Proxi home. "Omg Rave. Is that you" Lemonade ask. He gives Proxi to her to run some diagnostics. Rave enters the Lost Dimension with the Genos to store it there. He and it power flow into each other like one.

See No Evil

After two days of peace, Sky City suddenly drops on Dice City. The results are devastating Rave looks at Chastity while he stands on debris. He is frozen helpless to the chaos while holding Inertia's dead body. Many people are dead. The Genos smile is unsettling. The Chastity snaps out of it. It was just a vision. That evening, She gets out of bed and ask the girls for Roman bit he is out and cannot be contacted. "It's an emergency" she says while trying to leave. A big robot gaurd of his prevents her from leaving the building. America says, "Roman doesn't let us leave without him." So Chastity goes to jump out the window. Inertia tell her, "I wouldn't do that of I was you." She replied, "So he is really like this? And he thinks a minor robot mook can hold me?" She kicks it repelling herself out the window. She drops 5 stories and lands on her feet. She is suddenly captured by Rave's invisible robot gaurds. When she is brought back they tell her, "The Invisible gaurds, they are prototype, if you beat them he will just make them stronger. You'll never leave." Chastity goes back to the big robot. Kimbra says sarcastically, "If you want to summon Rave try breaking your neck. He always appears at the last second." Lemonade says, "Don't listen to them. They are just jealous he gives you special treatment. And they don't think you are really one of us. We can summon Roman if I think really hard." Kimbra says, "Fine" as she drops what she was doing and come to assist them. She takes their hand in a circle. They reach a telepathic call. He sounds distressed. "I'm a bit busy right now" he says. The camera pans out to him trying to push back up Sky City as it slowly descends on them. Ten clones seems to be Rave's limit at this time. After he explains lemonade realizes that is why it was hard to reach him. All his focus was elsewhere.

The robot eye escaped Sky City after calculating his eventual lost. It tried to drop the city on Rave and the enter human civilization below as a last act of terror.

After he explains Chastity say, "I tried to warn you but your stupid gaurds won't let me leave! You don't get to control me like that you... harem pervert." Roman replies, "You know I love the way you speak to me. So angry so direct." He teleports all of them to his location. They saw that he had technomanced propellers under it that was slowing the descend. He says, "I don't think I can stop this from falling. Super strength isn't my shtick but you all still have time to get to safety. I'll summon the Genos and try to clear out the city and save as much people as I can." Kimbra replies, "I'm not leaving you people will die." Lemonade said, "You can maybe at least try to control where it crash?" Kimbra says, "It's a robot city. There must be a control room for it." Rave replies, "Right, I already sent a clone but I can't hack it." Proxi replies, "You used Genos to do it last time." Chastity says to Rave, "You're such a stupid head." Rave looks at his bald head. He says, "I don't have to take this from you. My new body has hair." Then he summons Genos and enters it. In a flash he teleports up with them. The robots that live up there panic. They will be damaged too if their city falls. They agree to help him find the controls. Being almost to late to save it he brings it down gently. Sky City softly crashes into the mountain just over Dice City. The two cities make like one. Rave makes a forced leadership. They promise to leave together peacefully. But many people still do not trust these robots. The eye disguises himself as the Robot city mayor after destroying the old one. He comes to Rave in a humanoid robot appearance. Secretly his eyes glow red.

The Eye sticks around to stir up human robot distrust. Secret attacks on humans live the people to hate the citizen robots. They blame Rave as well. They compare him and his powers to be an agent of them. The people throw riots and put together robot lynching mobs. Proxi's is one day chased down after leaving a corner store. She likes to drink the smoothies there. It's her favorite. Cornered she said, "You stupid heads have any idea who my boyfriend is. If you touch so much as one hair on me Rave will turn you inside out and he'd keep you like that for days until you die." They say, "Nah she's bluffing - no she's a Rave girl - I recognize her from Doll House - Maybe we will get extra points for her head - wait no we don't really want to take that risk - De Roman guy is a real criminal psychopath - You tell your boyfriend we don't want any trouble okay." Then they back off slowly. "Hm" she grins at them and skips home. At home Roman is ranting, "You know I had it! Let them kill each other for all I care! This land. My home. I never belonged here. I hate these people. I show them peace yet they ruining everything." He grabs Proxi and shouts at her, "I told you to stay home. What is your problem?! I was watching you. Why were you waiting for me to show up and not just shoot them or fly away?" She replies, "But I wannid froyo... I don't want people to die-a. You let them destroy my stooore. It's where we first met." Rave replies, "Grist! Stay here!" And leaves the room angrily.

Staring at the mayor on the news. He focus on his eyes. Rave recognizes the iris is the same as the Eye. Rave flys to the mayor's office. He had left the body back into his original and fled for north. Rave took Chastity and tracked it up north to kill it. He couldn't travel that far without a girl to manifest from. What he saw he was unaware of was happening in the world. Still he pushed on after the Eye. It was snowing he found it on top of a moving train. Rave ranted at the eye who tried to flea, "Never Again. Never again will I let anyone go! This time there will never be any second chances. I will craft the foundation of peace with you corpses." The eye turn around and laughed. It said, "So this is my end. You will kill me but does it even matter because I have won. I have shown you. You will never be able to save this world. Humanity is a disease. Just smell their putrid bodies. They are rotting everyday thinking soap can mask the scent. But human life is death!!!" Rave flies towards it and rips slowly shocks it of a while. He pull two of it's arms off as it struggle to stand but leaves the other two just to watch it squirm.

In your Head

Chastity realizes that Rave in it's mind and torturing it. She puts her hand over her mouth as the flashes from the electricity flashes on her and the trees. He looks at her dreadful and emotionlessly. In that three seconds he read her mind. She was cold but to afraid to bother him. He tosses her his black coat then goes back to it. She puts it on and goes to sit next to a tree. Camera zooms into its eye and the red is like falling to a hellish dimension. This is it's mind that Rave has returned too. After six hours the red light in it's eye goes out and he blows it up. Chastity who had lost attention frightened. She gasp and stood up. He picked her up with telekinesis and flew away. She stayed quiet the whole time. While they were flying she reaches for his hand. "Hold me" she asks. He pulled her to his side and kisses her head. She kisses him on the lips after then hugs him tighter. He stares at her then looks forward.

Rave says, "The Eye made another copy of himself. We have to find him before he duplicates again." Rave find the eye hind as a weaker robot in a cabin. Rave kills it. He see's Chastity is extremely tired. They rest there for a while.

Part 4 Not The World I Remember

Valhalla (Vocalizing)

Machines almost took over the world. Rave didn't fight against massive robot armies of the war. Remember the bombs the robots dropped included chemical warfare. Humanity gained superpowers from the bombs dropped and that causes them to take back the ruined Earth all over the world. This change in tide is referred to as a miracle which you will find out why later in the story.'

Founding Legion Island

On his way back home he thought that he will do more exploring. His country was to small and went unnoticed from all the s**t for way to long. We were simply to small to be bothered with. In our country we are boarded by the Seas and minimum damage. But the main lands so hostile. Human powers were fallen it was only because of the mutations we began to take back the earth. The robots hit us with a chemicals they were immune to but how it backfired on them like how they turned against us. Walls were built, domes around cities monsters roamed the lands less travelled. Others had no choice but to revert to midieval lifestyles. He thought, "These lands so diverse how are we acting like this is all normal. This is not normal. I'm a figging ghost for crying out loud. With these eyes I can see their chakra. The mutations in their blood. Even those who hadn't gotten powers yet. Humans took back the Earth but there are no humans left. But for now I just want to go home." Rave was overwhelmed by the different states and countries.

He flew until he found a deserted island. He made a base home resort their in the mountains. It had no people but lots of mutated plants and animals. Chastity was complaining that she was hungry and needed to sleep. He told her, "I forgot humans needed those things. Pick and animal and we'll cook it." She shot a bird down but it looked strange. Chastity says, "Eh. I'm not eating that." He said, "You will. I like your weight. I'm not going to let you starve. You pick some plants and cook it." She ask, "I shot it. What do you do? You don't help with anything." Then he show her a mansion another copy of him was build unknown to her. He said, "Sorry I wasn't much help hunting I was trying to surprise. So I purposefully kept you busy."

'He sprung it all up from the soil using technomancy. Raw material like stone, glass and metal he could take from the earth and transform it into what he wanted like a building or car. But because of how chemistry works he was limited. For example he couldn't change silver into gold but a rock to glass with heat. If he was to create something the material has to come from somewhere. Later but not currently this island became the Legion home land. It is located in The Bahamas. Because it's close to the US he just left and was heading back to his home in a lower island. The people on this He also paid money to have several other private resorts around the world. Some he built it locations remote and beautiful. One was hiding under a massive waterfall. Another submerged to rise from the sea when he wanted. He has special computers in each base allowing him to teleport to them quicker.

Chastity says, "You are amazing Rave. I'll fix my meal on the stove." Rave say, "I'm done. I can help." Chastity felt good with him beside her. When Chastity was eating he was quiet. She asked, "Is everything okay Rave?" He answers, "I seem to be fading. Remember you are not truly a Rave Girl and the artificial carriers I installed in you maybe at it limits. This copy of me is to far from the others so when he disappears all my memories of this trip will be gone forever. I can use the last of my energy to make a beacon. The others will find you in a few days." She replies, "Rave! You are not leaving me on an island in the middle of the ocean by myself for a few days!" He replies, "It's out of my hands. Sometimes I think things will work and they just don't. You'll be alright. I'll find you. I promise." She comes closer to him and kisses him. This time for longer. She says, "How long do you have?" He replies, "Till morning... But your powers. You'd give it up for me?" She replies, "This is only because you're dying. I guess we will find out. Come on, Let's get rid of this will they won't they thing and try something." She engages him all through the middle of the night till she falls asleep on his chest.

Chastity wakes up from a nightmare she was having of being trapped on this strange ghost island by herself. Still she woke to herself alone on the bed. She looked at her time piece it was 4am. "Rave." She says softly. He materializes before her. She saw the blue ring in her iris when she looked in the clock again. She immediately checks her oracle powers as her eyes glows yellow. "But how?" She ask. He answers, "Fascinating. Must be because we only d..." She cuts him of, "Stop! Stop talking about it! I know okay!!" He comes closer, "Chastity. This is human. I will never understand it. Why are humans so afraid of how they are?" She says as he leaves the bed faking anger, "Get away from me. And I'm hungry! What's for breakfast-a?" As she enter the bathroom door he call on to her. She stops but doesn't turn back to look at him. He says, "Congratulations. Your now officially a Rave Girl. I can't wait to tell the others." She answers, "Don't think I'm gonna go all gaga for you. You were dying and I did what I had to do... Makes me think. Did you know this was gonna happen? Why would you leave with me on chance knowing the concequence? You planned this didn't you?!" She slams the bathroom door and exhales happily on the other side. Rave shouts, "Chastity! I can see through the door! You're not mad! You never felt happier in your life!" He follows her into the bathroom by phasing through the door. He says, "I didn't plan anything. And you don't even know how to express your true feelings. I read all your thoughts. You lier!" She replies, "This is how I really feel. I feel you are a jerk. Stop following me!" She puts the tub to full while taking a steam pre rinse in the shower next to it. He turns of the tub tap and answers, "I'm not following you. I'm in your head remember? You are projecting me here?" She says, "Well stop looking at me." He replies, "Chastity. You're behaving like a child. I already seen you naked. I see you naked all the time. That's just how my eyes are. Just admit it you like me or I'll smack you good. And being wet will sting yah twice as hard." As he puts his hand in the water he rubs her thigh. She says angrily while Hushing her words, "Fine... I like you okay! Dirtybag? I like you a lot!" He enters the tub with her. She says, "Let's talk about my past." He says, "Later. Right now I need you to relax." He stares at her up and down quietly as she plays with soap lather. She laughs and says, "Why are you looking at me like that?" She comes face to face and continues, "You know? With your eyes It's always hard to tell what you are thinking. Your eyes are so scary and blank. But when I come in closer I see the galaxy turning in your eyes. There is an electric charge that follows your body. It makes me feel like I would die if I don't let go but I don't want too. When we were making love, Rave, I could see the world though your perspective. Make love to me again." Rave replies, "Oh that's beautiful and still scientific. Too much of me will definitely kill you." He nibbles her lips and sparks fly when they touch. They do tiny kisses. Roman says, "See... Little doses... will fix you... good." Chastity opens her eyes and says, "That is why you need multiple girls isn't it? Am I even good enough for you?" Rave says, "I will always need you." She says, "You don't have to stroke my ego. I know I'm not equal to you." She laughs. He says in joke, "You're right. No one is as big as you Chastity." She wrestles him down.

The sun come up as they get dressed. Later she slips on her gear for them to leave and he just watches out the glass windows. She says, "Man. I got no sleep last night. And you just there. How you so perfect? I thought you we're just some scumbag who took advantage of women. Now I think I love you." He replies, "I love you too. Chastity. But I'm not perfect. You are." She immediately unstraps her gun, gear and says, "I can't stand it one more time before we leave." Baw! Chastity snipes down a bird and says, "I keep forgetting how hungry I am." Laying on the ground next to the indoor grill. She makes him taste the chicken. She explains with her mouth full, "I swear I gained 10 pounds since I started living with you." Rave explains, "I like it... You already know I don't need to eat but did you know food restores small amounts of my maximum energy. But it's to insignificant to really matter. That much. I have to eat this entire island and still will not be full. Food just reminds me of how hungry this lich element is." She bites down on the chicken says, "Nooo... Cool. Really?" Scene ends.

A New Home

When Roman returned to Dice City he saw the humans had mass executed all the robots. Some groups of people got so racist against technology they reverted to mideival lifestyles. Rave looked upon the mess and said, "I'm am done with this place. I'm taking my club and we're moving." Proxi ask, "Why?" He screams at her, "Because it's not safe for you! How long till these Neanderthal turn on us mutants." Proxi holds her ears frightened as Rave is very angry. Rave uproots the Froyo store and hovers it away for Proxi just to make her happy. They moved to his private island temporary. Rave began working on a new Dollhouse building besides the mansion he first built. This time the Dollhouse building will be able to fly and land at a location. It's secretly an aircraft but rather slow and not recommended for too much travelling. He only makes it fly because he knew he would move it where there is people. They were amazed he could build such large things. But the girls got really bored in this remote place so they put on their boots and went exploring. "It's beautiful, America says, "But the fog and rainbows can be so heart wrenching." He told the girls, "Slow down. It's not about money. I can only do so much with my powers alone. Everything I invest is to save this planet." America says, "Well for me it's about your money. You expect me to go back to working real jobs? Oh no honey." He replies, "I forget, you don't always see things like I do." As he watches a deer drink from a lake. Lemonade asked, "What happened to all the people? This peice of land in it's location shouldn't be that unnoticed. There is not a building in site to say war or anything. There is nothing here." Kimbra replies, "House swallowing monster - Human hating acid fog? Maybe" At that moment Proxi who had drifted of from the team screams. They run to her. She is staring at a group of bushes in the shape of people. Rave says, "Amazing looks like there mutations turned them all to plants. Their DNA is reading 20% human." As he smiles. Kimbra vomits and says, "Idk Rave. What if it's in the fog? Take me home. Like hell take me back to the building." Rave replied, "This is normal air. I had force fields around you the whole time. You really believe I would let you blindly explore a deserted island without thinking ahead?" A dragonfly passes Infront of Rave as he walks and they follow. Cammy see a hot spring and takes off her vest walking to it. Kimbra looks around to see the others following. She says, "What the hell are you doing? You're going turn into boiled cabbages. They jump in. Kimbra takes off her clothes to and says to Rave, "If I get turned into a tree promise to kill me as soon as you can. I will not 'leave' like this." Rave replies, "I'll water you everyday." They go home laughing after a fun day.

Rave notice that something has broken into the house. A spirit that his camera's we're not able to pick up. He says, "I think we have a ghost. I'll have to look at it personally to be sure. Kimbra you can see different thermal signatures with you eyes too. I'll need you."

In the forest looking on from beyond a free he saw a lady figure. She try to run but turned around to bump into a copy of him. "You can see me?" she ask. The other Raves circled her. "What are you?" He says with a closer look. They bring her back to base. She seems to be a druid droid with ghost capabilities cybernetic like his own power. She says, "I woke up one day and there I was in the house. I looked around but there was no one there. So I left and started walking. I searched the whole island but nothing. And when I came back you were in my house." Rave says, "If what you are telling me is the truth I must of have accidentally created you given the chemical nature of this island. Name?" She replies, "I don't know." He replies, "Then it's decided. You are G.A.I.A. Greenhouse Artificial Intelligence Anomaly." Rave continues to run tests on her. The study shows; This robot dryad seems to slowly adapt to her environment over time. To much exposure to toxic or polluted environments and her health will begin to deplete over time. She have adopted the ghost abilities to communicate with thousands of the peaceful spirits living in the deserted island forest. I have trusted Gaia enough to let her stay at the private resort. I believe her interaction with my technologies creates the perfect balance of nature and machine. I believe she can watch over the island for me in my away. If anybody tries to enter my island hologram ghost will scare them off and if all fails they would be fired upon by drones and turret. Chastity see Rave and Gaia together. Chastity says, "Rave! Your are disgusting! She is your daughter!" Rave says, "She no my daughter Chastity. She is a robot! If a man makes a robot that doesn't make it his child. Now I'm going to have to scrub my brain because of you."

Part 5 Dauntless

Rave Schemes

Legion Island

So they pack up leaving the island with Gaia behind. They set up shop in Florida. In that land he opens the club as well as Rave Industries and Rave Labs. It's a much faster city life in Florida. The people there are richer too. Rave says, "I really like the beach here." So he opens close to the beach as usual. The club is now a more fancy bigger richer looking building. Chastity tell Rave, "I can't be here. It's too...nice. There are bad 'people' after me." He replies, "Relax I promised to protect you remember?" She answers, I don't know if you can fight them. My visions that far into the future are never clear." Rave relies as he holds her face to face, "Then I'll look into your past." He sees a a horse and a cart approaching a convent. Two nuns face. 10 year old Chastity by scolded by a nun. A blond lady in blue robes talking to three nuns. Chastity discovering her powers at 13. The blue robes lady face glows. Chastity escaping the convent at 18 years old. Rave says, "Wait. So you really are sexy nun angel. Why didn't look into this sooner?" Chastity replies, "Half, angel, the nuns treated me very badly from the other girls. And I only dress like to scorn them." Rave continues, "Then the blue robes lady must be an angel because you're real and if your real that means angels are real. And holy s... You expect me to save you from friggin angels? You told me 'bad people' how the hell am I going to fight angels?!" She replies, "They are not that strong. They just strick and very misguided. If I escaped then we should be able to fight them. They don't like to see sin so I hide where ever it is the most active."

DollHouse is moved to Florida

Rave says, "You know what I need? More girls. Non of this small scale little country thing I need to go global." Braille brings him a beer she opens with a big knife and goes back to the kitchen.

Florida, Bank Heist

Rave's squad becomes more organized with their crime. America shoots a gaurd with a rubber bullet. It causes a commotion. Police arrive in the scene. They mistake her for an ordinary girl given her appearance. They put there gun away and walk up to her. America knocks one out at gun point then throws him of the balcony with a trip wire. The wire tears her dress off revealing a bomb strapped to her chest. She is holding the detonate button while holding the police off the balcony. The other police retreat when they see the bomb. She tels them to evacuate everybody out. Meanwhile Kimbra runs through the bank vaults phasing through each door. The usual ditz Proxi is across the street drinking ice tea at a cafe while this is going on. She is in a tacky hooker disguise. Cop cars gather outside. Chastity sets off warning shots. Kimbra presses the emergency shut down cealing of the doors for anybody who try to get in. Turns out Rave was sitting invisibly across Proxi this whole time. Proxi casually strolls behind the cops who point their guns at the building and taking cover behind their cars. Proxi points her fingers at the cops. She says, "Alright. Put your hands up coppers!" They turn around and see her, they says, "What it's just a crazy broad?!" One officer puts aside his gun and goes to restrain her. All of a sudden Rave pushes all the cars and officers aside with telekenesis. They do not see Rave because he is invisible but they run away. Proxi and Rave flies up to the roof. In the bank vault Kimbra looks up at him as America comes in. Braille have just finished drilling a hole all the way up to the roof. Lemonade is parked on top with an aircraft and Chastity provides cover from the roof. She shoots down an approaching police chopper. Rave and Proxi jump through the hole. Rave says, "Nice little exercise girls. I wonder who they will send to stop us." As he says that, they hear a boom! The metal blinds are blown open. Rave goes to check. It is One, he opened it with the Golden Equation. This is a single punch or kick based on this spiral that makes it an unstoppable with the addition of One's slight strength increase. One walks inside and takes a fighting stance. Slip, Limbo, Power Womz and Foxybat enters after him. They are Team Dauntless. Slip speedsters in. Limbo swings from the ceiling. Foxy on a hoverboard and Womz skips in all dainty. One says, "Stop evil doers. We are Dauntless!" Rave says, "All of you for a bank robbery? You must be weak." With telekinesis he pulls Foxy off her hoverboard. And knocks back Limbo pinning him to the wall. The others dodges. One jumps at him shouting, "Ultimate Equation!" Rave let him phase through so the punch blasts a crater into the ground. Rave says, "Dumb kid, Are you trying to bring the building down on top of us. Slip speeds at him really fast but see that Rave can move just as fast as him as he dodges his attacks without fighting back. Rave slaps Slip and he spins around to fall on his behind. Womz jump in with a few punches that actually collect Rave. Rave feels it. One rushes to her aid. Rave goes invisible. Then head bumps Womz to the ground. Rave punches up One while invisible. In a while estimate Foxy fires her gadgets at him. When it hits him her turns back visible. He flies towards her. "Really",he smirks. He dance around her on her hoverboard. One and Limbo jumps behind him and Rave kicks them mid air while looking at Foxy. Foxy jump on Rave wraps her legs around him and bites his hand. Rave says, "Wow! I think I like you." He flies with Foxy separating her from her team. Kimbra talks to Rave telepathically like they can do because of his powers. Kimbra says, "We are finished." Rave puts Foxy down and leaves while she is seen confuses while fixing her dress. Limbo runs in but Rave just drags Limbo on the ground by his ankles then tosses him through a desk. Rave tell them, "I'd love to continue this little spar but I have to go now." As he phases through the roof. Womz rubs her head asking, "What just happened?" Limbo says, "He just mopped the floor with us. Literally." One shouts, "Dammit! He wasn't even trying!" As he punches the ground. Slip ask, "I heard a chopper want me to follow them?" Foxybat says, "No maybe this is over our rank. We should let someone else handle it." Foxy hides a device Rave passed her secretly under her skirt. One asked her, "When you were flying around with him. What did he say to you? For a moment you stop fighting." She replies, "Nothing. He only told me to stand down so I did. There was nothing I could do." Slip says forget this I'm following them and slides out at top speed. One shouts, "Slip just follow them! Stay hidden!" Up in the chopper Rave looks at him sliding towards them on the street. Rave says, "You can't hide from these eyes. Inertia?" As he gets close Inertia rocket skates behind him. It's a battle of the speedsters. Inertia throws some bomb pelts at him. He dodges. Womz flies behind them in the sky. Rave and Proxi flies from the chopper. Proxi fires to get her attention. Rave grabs Womz spinning her around. Rave says, "Join me for a dance miss?" He spins around so fast she gets dizzy and he lets her go falling into a building. Distracted by Womz Inertia stuck a gravity displacer on slips down the back of Slips suit and activated it pulling him toward a magnet she placed on a car. Rave goes to Inertia. He grabs her back harness and hip. It gives her a massive wedgie as he spins she around then yeets her to the chopper where another him catches her. The Rave on the ground signs peace to Dauntless as he disappears. As Womz go to unstick Slip he says, "You know what he is kinda cute..." Womz sigh as the chopper is lost in the distance.

Back at Doll House Kimbra explains as they count gold, "You know he could just phase into the bank and take everything silently. Or even just walk in and root out the volt and carry it away. Telekinesis and ghost abilities isn't something to play with. He was testing us." Braille replies, "Knowing Rave he would of lift the enter building up and shake it like a bag of chips." Back at Dauntless HQ Foxy lies in her bed with the cellphone like device under her cover. She call Rave on it to talk. Rave uses it to track her location. He and Lemonade phases through the ground and comes up from under the floor into her room. Foxy says, "You avoided surveillance by passing through the ground." Lemonade says,"He just wants to talk to you. He wants you to join us. He can make you stronger." Rave looks at her, "Sorry to say I read your mind back at the bank. I notice you are the only one on your team without real super powers. But those gadgets you build are something." She replies, "You are really hot and all but I can't leave my team to work for bad guys." Rave explains, "Bad guys no. We only need money to save the world. Think about it this way. No one got hurt. Think about yourself. If I wanted to kill you, you would of been the first to go. The others might fall back on their powers and even heal but you. You'll get nothing. If you continue like this you'll be poor and washed up in a few years. But I have an eye for talent. Let me put you to good use. I'm aware you need money for you gadgets. I can help you in do many ways." She stay silent for a while then agrees. She takes the power boost and Rave leaves. Not without saying hi to One in the training room. Rave says, "Training while your team sleeps of a pounding. I admire your ambition", and leaves before they could fight. One ask, "How did that guy get in here?" All says the don't know. Foxy seems a tard off color. He asked her if she was alright. She lies to him, "Just lady cramps. I'm going back to bed." For the rest of the night Foxy tosses and turns. His power coarse through her body. He can now communicate with her telepathically. He sees that her more human self struggles to except his DNA. He takes over her body forcing her to sleep as he stables from within. A machine grows at the top of he spine and under her belly button like Chastity received. Her vitals can now be monitored in Raves computers. Next scene, One says to Limbo, "How do we fight a ghost" You can tell they are plotting up ideas to beat Rave.


A few days after Dauntless fights a Giant worm that has been causing sinkholes in Florida. Foxy suprises the team with new powers she has. She surfed the worm upwards then stuck a blade in it's gut coming down. She fillet it vertical as it's insides fly out leaving it dead. As the team is in shock and awe. A black limo hovercar rolls up and Rave comes out smoking a cigar. The heroes took battle stance. "Relax" Rave said, "I'm not here to spar with you." Lemonade calls from inside the limbo shouted "hurry up!" With a smile. Foxy went to the car. One asked her what she was doing. She told them "They wouldn't understand. She was always falling behind and tired of sitting on the side lines." She went into the car and Rave closed the door. Rave tossed the cigarette in slow motion and let of an evil chuckle. One tried geared up to attack. Head Doctor, another hero not part of Dauntless, told him, "Just let it go. she is a grown woman who can make her own life choices." Slip comments as a joke when she leaves, "OMG Rave come back. Take me with you." The he looks a Womz, "Like. Why do girls get to have all the fun." That evening at Doll House the Rave girls think. 'Hey we are in another country maybe we should all get raVe tattoos as a sign of loyalty.' They agree and pitch Rave the idea. He say, "Well... I'm overwhelmed." And let's them do it. On the news we see more Giant worm activity. Secretly a girl by the name of MetalSlug plots. She is not happy that they killed her pet worm. She is a hybrid that have evolved into the Drainfly queen. She tracks the scene to the dead worm to where Doll House. Rave's beach side Club comes under attack by giant sand tunnelling worms. Rave rip through them. "My babies!" Slug screams and it gets Rave attention as he sees her. Foxy comes outside. "You!" Slugs says while pulling out hee giant worm gun from the ground. She fires at foxy and acidic rock. Rave flies through the rock as it breaks on his chest. He catches Slug mid flight he brings her back pulls out her wings. He does it in a way that doesn't harm her. While he hold up her tiny body off the floor by her back she says,"You slaughter my children but no matter. With your strength will help produce even stronger babies. Then I will chew you up and spit you out to feed you to them." Rave replies, "Why do they always have to be crazy? Listen miss that sounds tempting and all but... you're a friggin psycho!" He ask, "What am I gonna do with her? I can't let her go with a warning. And I don't kill women." Foxy relies, "Only on thing to do. Ask her to join. If you have control of her powers then she will not be able to use it against you." Rave replies, "Those powers are pretty nice... For a tiny insect." He brings her to Legion Island where her worms can grow on the remote swamp lands without destroying cities. He tells her, "I'll be back for you when I need you. Just make sure you remember who is boss." Slug nods yes. He then checks in with Gaia before he goes back. All is well under control.

Rave notices Inertia's powers mutated. She is now faster than him. They were playing and he realizes he cannot catch her at base form. So he spawns a fresh copy of himself from her. And immediately hold her at the waist. He pins her down. Inertia says, "You cheated. I'm faster than you at both reflex and movement." Rave says, "You're really going to brag? You got it from me. You may be faster. But remember you can't run from me. I'm inside you." She says, "Nope. You are alive because I share my body with you. I think you're shook." Rave says, "No. I got Genos. It's much faster than your maximum state." She says, "How about we race and see who reaches first." He replies, "The Genos is an infallible piece of technology not meant for your childish games!... How about something else. Something like that but close." And kisses her. She says, "You know you'll lose." Rave says, "Prove it." She kisses him. He pauses. She asks, "What is it?" He says, "A friend of mine. That goth girl I use to talk to during highschool. What ever happened to her? I made so many bad decisions one after the other. But you are not one of them." They kiss. Her voice whispers, "Only ghosts leave behind so many open books."

Vindicator Of Daylight

Vindicator Of Day

Roman pulls off another heist. He says, "There you have it ladies. I feel stronger. I can make more copies than ever before. I feel like I can take over the world and it's all because of you." He is confronted but a hero that says, "Stop Right their! It is I Florida Man!" Over their heads a giant aircraft in space casts a dark shadow over the sky. Every device on Earth is hacked as the Vindicator takes the screen. He says, "People of Earth. This is Officer Malt Zegier from the Galactic Federation UPA. Your planer has been schedule for termination under code C-Delta-14-7-6-9 BrRavo 7-9 effective immidiately. Thank you and have a great day."


Vindicator Battle:





Bludhouse Battle (About 1.8):















