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Player: @SgtMonday
"We Protect. And when we can not protect... We avenge."
Character Build
Class Focus: Support/Healing
Power Level: 40
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: N/A
Known Aliases: Genevieve
Gender: Female
Species: Manifestation
Ethnicity: American (Presumed)
Place of Birth: N/A
Base of Operations: Vibora Bay
Relatives: UNK
Age: <1 YR
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: Heterochromic Left: Blue / Right Brown
Hair: Brunette
Complexion: "Caramel"
Physical Build: Slender/Athletic
Physical Features: No other known distinguishing marks
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Not hidden.
Years Active: <1 YR
Citizenship: None
Occupation: PMC / Personal Security
Education: None
Marital Status: UNK
Known Powers and Abilities
UNK. Observed Rapid Healing, Heightened Reflexes and Strength, Limited material object manifestation, and physical displacement into dreams.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Colt Army 1860, Period Henry Rifle, Silver Flechette tipped bullwhip.
ReldinBox Template

"When the darkness reaches for your dreams and the demons walk your soul with the masks of those things you fear, so too will come we many. We will rise. We will fight beside you and die, we spirits who are born to nightmares. It is our Purpose. It defines us. It gives us life. We protect.

We are the door that slams closed, holding the monster at bay for those few vital seconds. We are the soldiers that fall beside you on the field of battle. We are the stones that fall from the mountain peaks in the path of your enemies. We are the breath you consume to run those few steps farther in the darkness. And we are beyond numbering, for each nightmare gives birth to thousands upon thousands of us.

The greatest of us count our lives in dreams. Our legends tell of those that have fought in a dozen dreams before their fall in battle. All but a few die in the very dream that gave birth to them. I was seven dreams old when things went... strange.

Now, somehow... somehow, I am outside the dreams. Now I taste the air without the scent of fire and rot brought with the demons. Now I turn my face to the stars and see their beauty without an endless battle there in the black emptiness of space. I walk in the real world.

Now I measure my life in nights rather than dreams. Life is beautiful beyond telling, confusing in its endless complexity. But I still have my Purpose. I am as I was born to be. Cosnaim. Hlifa. I Protect... and I am already older than I was ever meant to be."

Croatoa Group Observations File: Subject Genevieve


DCG Observations Section Chief

DCG R&D Section Chief


As requested, here's the file we've got so far on Subject C-627 "Cosnaim." I'll get you another forward when OB6 finishes compiling IA's data.

- OSC Miller


Physical and Psychological Profile


[Basics: See Data Template Card Attached Right]

Additional Data:
C-627 displays no distinguishing physical traits beyond obvious heterochromia mentioned. Observed even in private residences wearing religious medallions, bracelets, and charms tied in hair. All appear genuine silver and worn.

Eye makeup may be permanent. Egyptian "Wadjet" (eye of Ra) markings around both eyes. Significance to C-627 is unknown. Inconsistent with Christian, Gaelic, Jewish, and Sumerian iconography in jewelry.

Attire consistently tight tailored "cowboy" clothing. Appears to manifest naturally in this attire. Clothing is period excepting modern tailoring. Manifested clothing and weapons dissipate after leaving contact with C-627 with the exception of observed instances of subject giving said items to other parties.

Psychological Profile:
Subject is a-political. Displays advanced knowledge in combat fields and aerospace and preorbital flight. Absolute ignorance of social graces. Subject is consistently honest, preferring to ignore questions rather than answer inaccurately.

During first two months of observation, C-627 assaulted members of either gender who overtly displayed sexual interest. Usually with a single strike to the face. Subtle or even unsubtle innuendo escaped her unless explained. From end second month onward, subject has begun issuing warnings before striking unwanted suitors.

C-627 has been observed to be "religiously" loyal to members of the Hawthorn Consortium. This loyalty has been observed to include misunderstanding "just shoot him" as a serious request and acting on such. Attempts to interview or bribe C-627 have resulted in two field intelligence assets requiring hospitalization. Further attempts are strongly advised against.


Historics and Pattern of Life


Subject C-627 brought to Observations Section attention during field operations 31 Oct 2011. Back tracing shows subject existed no more than three weeks before said ops.

Hawthorn Consortium involvement and membership from period observations began to present. Has participated in combat operations with the Hawthorn group in Vibora Bay and Millennium City.

Individual operations conducted in Vibora Bay Period 7Nov2011 through 16 Nov2011 and 18Dec2011 show specific targeting of elements of the Sovereign Sons, Trey Kings, New Shadows, and Nephilim. Targets all associated with powersets involving sleep or dream manipulation. All targets were terminated without exception during individual operation.

Notable absense from 23Dev2011 through 24Feb2012. Where-abouts unknown. Added to multi-agency bulletins without any hits, false or unconfirmed included.


Known Associates and Affiliations


Elania Vikaernes - Head of Hawthorn Consortium. C-627 (Genevieve) functions as a bodyguard to Vikaernes and close confidant. Subject resides in Vikaernes' home and observations indicate the possibility of romantic ties though field agents report that C-627's motivations are difficult to determine when matched up against an observed ignorance of social norms.

Kitrana - Associate at the Hawthorn group. C-627 appears to hold Kitrana in high regard and interprets her words with almost the same blind faith as those of Vikaernes.

DCG Observations Section Chief