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Mirae has a vast plethora of powers, but most of these seem to originate from supernatural and magical nature. She's capable of wielding Arcane, Elemental and Nature magic with immense ease, on a level that mortals typically cannot achieve. As much, she can also utilize these to affect her own environment, utilizing the very concept of mortal physics in order to make it more effective. She's capable of performing dimensional magic as well, typically in order to simply teleport around, or even perform odd, metaphysical feats. In general, she's an immensely powerful spellcaster with a vest array of abilities, but with a peculiar preference towards utilizing it. On the other hand, no tales seem to ever describe her as someone who engages in melee or martial combat.
Mirae has a vast plethora of powers, but most of these seem to originate from supernatural and magical nature. She's capable of wielding Arcane, Elemental and Nature magic with immense ease, on a level that mortals typically cannot achieve. As much, she can also utilize these to affect her own environment, utilizing the very concept of mortal physics in order to make it more effective. She's capable of performing dimensional magic as well, typically in order to simply teleport around, or even perform odd, metaphysical feats. In general, she's an immensely powerful spellcaster with a vest array of abilities, but with a peculiar preference towards utilizing it. On the other hand, no tales seem to ever describe her as someone who engages in melee or martial combat. Due to the nature of her species, folklore and powers, Mirae tends to be much more powerful at night, particularly when the stars and Moon are easily visible.

Revision as of 17:43, 8 September 2017

Player: @saiceles#4945
Queen Mirae
Class Focus: Spellcasting
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Mirae
Known Aliases: Ivory Lady - White Fox
Species: Sidhe - Elf
Ethnicity: Fairy
Age: Ageless
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Who knows...
Eye Color: Golden - Fox-like
Hair Color: Cyan-Colored. Shoulder-length. Wavy.
Biographical Data
Nationality: European
Occupation: Queen
Place of Birth: Europe
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Magic - As far as anyone knows;
Known Abilities
Several, most Supernatural;

About Mirae

Both in Irish, Scottish and English Folklore, she's known as the White Lady, or the White Fox. The White Lady typically comes in tales as a wise, seductive ruler who visits unhappily-wed men and seeks to convince them to break their vows. In exchange for gifts or their worship, she guarantees to find them true love, instead of the incomplete one that they currently have. The White Fox is part of another tale, where she usually appears as an atypical, white-furred fox with golden eyes, often playing around with hunters. Her games typically lead them into her lands, where they then meet her true form. Accounts on what happens during such meetings can vary. Those who treat her with respect are usually said to receive boons and gifts in return, while those who disrespect her are often turend into objects of hunt themselves. Other tales involve the Queen taking the form of a young Sidhe child, and approaching travellers on the road. She typically pesters them with her shenanigans, or with requests for them to share their wisdom and knowledge with her. Those who do find themselves not only rewarded, but in the good side of the Queen's graces. Those who reject her typically find themselves surrounded by periods of ill luck. On several tales, the Queen is described as having a sweet tooth and a particular preference for gifts in the form of sweet treats, rich fabrics or jewelry. Artists usually seek the Queen's favor, who is capable of granting them deep bouts of inspiration, which typically causes them to write poems, tales or create art to her dedication. According to the tales, the Oíche Queen can be both infinitely beautiful and lovingly, as well as inhumanly terrifying and frightening. Several smaller tales exist, reaching numbers of hundreds, typically known within more mystical believers around Europe.

The Oíche Sídhe stand as a conglomeration of fairie species whose alignment and circles of power come from darkness, night, or the stars. They typically encompass species such as the Drow, Dark Elves, Dark Fairies, Night Pixies, Banshees, Dark Trolls, Werewolves, among others. Their realm stands in pararel to that of the Earth, and is typically described as an incredibly beautiful, lush gardens and plains with cities and palaces, with a permanent night-like state. The sky is always night in there, and the stars are always bright, and yet, the realm is not claimed by darkness as many would think. In fact, many consider it to be a very pleasant place, if not for its odd inhabitants and its equally odd tastes. As Queen of the Oíche Sídhe, Mirae has ruled for millennia, and is both respected and loved by her followers. While the realm is not particularly massive, it shows she has a considerable level of influence.

Proud, charismatic, charming, vaguely self-centered, narcissistic. Mirae often comes off as an incredibly charming and wise woman, seeming to have close grasp of nearly every field of knowledge, and when not, being willing to acquire it. Seemingly without knowing, Mirae portrays herself as a sensual, charming woman, or as someone who's not only aware of its outworldly beauty, but also perfectly comfortable with it. A woman of knowledgeable, flritatious nature, Mirae can be both incredibly alluring and utterly terrifying. As Queen of the Sídhe, she possesses an unknown amount of power, and some of her stories are often described in folklore. She's fond of making deals and trades. Mirae enjoys fine arts, cuisine, and partaking in acts of indulgence and even playfulness. She's incredibly intelligent, and despite being a creature of fairy tales, seem to have at least some degree of knowledge regarding the creations of the new world. She does however has very limited knowledge on alien races.

Mirae stands as an incredibly beautiful woman, the kind that when described in tales often seems to leave mortals hypnotized by her allure. Her appearance is one that more often than not induces a strong sense of lust and carnal desire upon mortals and immortals alike, and many tales sing to her peculiar beauty. As the Elven Queen of the Oíche Sídhe, Mirae carries the typical appearance for an Oíche Elf, having a lavender, purplish hue of skin, as well as long curved ears. Her golden irises and sharp eyes are often described as fox-like. Her body is full of ample, pleasant curves, and while her garments seem to vary with her tastes, they typically seem elegant and rich. She often disguises herself as a much younger Sídhe, typically to indulge to her more playful sides. Her voice is Siren-like, and often feels very pleasant to the ears of most people. She typically carries an aura of nobility and superiority to herself. Mirae has great distaste for the “boring”. She dislikes sticking to something for very long without any degree of change, as it happens to her appearance. She's known for often dying her hair in different colors, or adopting different dressing styles at random.


Mirae has a vast plethora of powers, but most of these seem to originate from supernatural and magical nature. She's capable of wielding Arcane, Elemental and Nature magic with immense ease, on a level that mortals typically cannot achieve. As much, she can also utilize these to affect her own environment, utilizing the very concept of mortal physics in order to make it more effective. She's capable of performing dimensional magic as well, typically in order to simply teleport around, or even perform odd, metaphysical feats. In general, she's an immensely powerful spellcaster with a vest array of abilities, but with a peculiar preference towards utilizing it. On the other hand, no tales seem to ever describe her as someone who engages in melee or martial combat. Due to the nature of her species, folklore and powers, Mirae tends to be much more powerful at night, particularly when the stars and Moon are easily visible.
