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=<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''A Twisted Debut'''''</div>=
=<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''A Twisted Debut'''''</div>=
==<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''A Twisted Debut'''''</div>==
==<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''A Twisted Debut'''''</div>==
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Revision as of 07:28, 29 November 2016

Player: @team4#7466
Twisted 0202.jpg
"Who will save the 'bad' ones from those who call themselves 'good'?"
Character Build
Class Focus: Radiant
Power Level: 25
Research & Development: Mistycism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Twisted
Known Aliases: Youkai
Gender: Female
Species: Twisted Fairy (maybe she is an alter ego of a Fairy called Samsara)
Ethnicity: She looks like a mix of latin an asian.
Place of Birth: No one kwos yet, she was adopted
Base of Operations: She lives in MC downtown, with her parents.
Relatives: Her adoptive parents, David Simmons and Adalene le Fleur Simmons.
Age: 25 earth years
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Eyes: purple violet
Hair: Black
Complexion: Extremely good shape, red skin, black and purple horns, violet and black wings.
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: absolutely no marks or scars on her skin.
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Millenium City
Occupation: Full time curious about our world.
Education: She is in highschool through her 'sister', Samsara.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Twisted has, mostly, 'health powers'. They can be used both to heal or harm.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Twisted is not familiar to technology, at all. But she's always carrying her old iPhone, that she uses to text her closest friends.
ReldinBox Template

Twisted logo png 0301.png

Short Info

Img 1.1 - Samsara & Twisted: two sides of Dragonfly.

Who is Samsara?
Samsara Le Fleur Simmons was left at the door of her parents as a baby, with a strange note containing her name and the recommendation to feed her with much love, so she would become who was meant to be, in a balanced way. Once a teen, she discovered herself a fairy, like the stories. During this period she also discovered her other secret ...

Who is Twisted?
Samsara has another side of herself, another ego, that she considers "her evil side": where Samsara is made only of calm, kindness and lightness, this other girl is completely made of passion, curiosity and enthusiasm for all sorts of risky and strange things. She called this other self "Twisted". Twisted did not like this name at first, but ended up clinging to it, for the irony of seeing the meaning of her own name in the world around.

Who is Dragonfly?
Dragonfly is the resulting mix of the two egos of Samsara. At the same time a dedicated healer and a ferocious fighter, Dragonfly has a keen instinct for peace and war.

A Twisted Debut

A Twisted Debut


I woke up. Today is a very special day. It’s my birthday. I slept happy yesterday ‘cause I wanted that today to come ASAP, and now it’s here! Yay! Wait, wait, what’s happenning? Why I can’t open my eyes? What’s up? Wait, It’s not that I can’t open my eyes, my eyes are already open, but... the world vanished! The light vanished! I can’t even see myself!

Ok, ok, but I’m still here. I know who I am.

My name is Samsara, I’m an incredibly beautiful blonde fairy. Well, I didn’t always knew that I’m a fairy, when my parents first met me, I was just a blonde baby girl (I’ve been left on a basket in front of the house of David Simmons and Adalene le Fleur Simmons, the best parents someone can have), but in my last birthday I earned my wings. How cool is that? Not everyone has the chance to grow wings on the 12th birthday. My parents almost got crazy, but I got excited since the very beginning! So, that’s it, this is who I am: a gorgeous and beloved teenage blonde fairy, with cute antenaes and amazing butterfly wings.

But, right now, nothing is gorgeous or amazing about my situation. I try to get up, in the middle of this ‘non existance’ and BAM: I hit an invisible (everything is invisible in this blackness) wall with my forehead, really, really hard. I try to move my hands to the side and, yes, walls everywhere. The world did not vanish, I’M the one who vanished! Someone, somehow, trapped me inside a stone coffin! How did I got here?! What happened?!? I scream, no one hears, I can’t listen anyone! Anything! I’ll never leave this place! I’m going to be here forever and ever! NO! I have to struggle! I have to brake this walls! I have to believe, to use all my strength! It’s not working! I’m too weak! That’s it, I’m gonna die here! No! No! I’ll hit these walls until they break! Argh! My hands hurt! It’s not working! This can’t be happening! HELP! Somebody save ME! NNNNYYYYEEEEEAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!

Suddenly, a flash! Everything gets White, and I close my eyes.

When I open them, I’m on my bed, still screaming. My parents break into my room to see whats wrong (they got affraid of my birthdays, since my last one), and I cry and jump to hug them ‘Oh my God, I had the worst nightmare ever!’ they look at me, really scared and my dad just let it out ‘What happened to you, Sam? Whats that now?’

I turn to the mirror on the left and, now, I’m simply someone else: black hair, violet eyes, black and purple horns instead of my cute antenaes and black and violet feather wings instead of my amazing butterfly ones!

With nothing to say, I just say ‘I don’t know’, and only then I notice how diferente my voice sounds. I turned into another person!

I hear a scream, inside of my head, Its my voice, my real voice, screaming ‘somebody help me out! What happened!? Where am I?! Is anyone listening?!? Help! Heeeeelp!!!’

It’s me! The real me! Trapped inside of where the hell I was before! We changed places!

Now I see: I’m not Samsara, Samsara is trapped somewhere ‘cause I’m here!

But, who am I? Why we have this connnection? Why do I have all of her freaking memories and no memory of myself? Where do I was before? How we changed places? How can I free her?

I jump off my dad’s arms and start running, stairs down, to get in the streets and find Sam.

While I’m running the air suddenly explodes. Everything gets white.

When the flash passes, I’m trapped in the dark again. Alone.

I can’t fight all that again, right now. I’m tired. I’ll sleep.

Maybe, at least, Samsara is free again...

</poem> -=<TO BE CONTINUED...>=-

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