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"Zennshi is both the most and least predictable person I know. For now he appears to be our compatriot, but for how long? He is mad, to be sure, but there is method in it." -[[Dctor Silverback]]
"Zennshi is both the most and least predictable person I know. For now he appears to be our compatriot, but for how long? He is mad, to be sure, but there is method in it." -[[Doctor Silverback]]
"I wish he'd just fall down when I shoot him instead of hitting on me." -Mayte Sanchez
"I wish he'd just fall down when I shoot him instead of hitting on me." -Mayte Sanchez

Revision as of 14:57, 31 March 2014

Player: @Krimsin
Zennshi Profile.png
"Dynamic Entry!"
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank/Crowd Control
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms - Fighting Styles
Biographical Data
Real Name: Zennshi
Known Aliases: Various
Gender: Male
Species: Odrosk
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: Renvaum
Base of Operations: N/A
Relatives: N/A
Age: Unknown, presumably Millenia
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: yellow
Hair: N/A
Complexion: unblemished
Physical Build: Athletic, wiry
Physical Features: blue skin, three toes, completely hairless
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: N/A
Years Active: First spotted on Earth early 2009
Citizenship: N/A
Occupation: "Professional Ass-kicker"
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Single(?)
Known Powers and Abilities
Time Distortion, Regeneration, Martial Arts, Acrobatics
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template

Little is known about Zennshi. He is a Martial Artist with the enigmatic ability to warp time, as well as natural regeneration inherent to his species. He is often friendly, but unpredictable. He is also unregistered, which is technically in violation of the American Superhuman and Paranormal Registration Act (ASPRA).


Born not to a mother or father, but to a biological growth tank along with more than 16,000 other beings like himself, Zennshi's entire race, named "Odrosks", were genetically engineered to be a race of soldiers to fight in their interplanetary civil war. Before the project could be completed, however, the entire world on which the project took place was abandoned and sealed into a pocket dimension by powerful portal technology. And so, the Odrosks finally awakened from their test tubes to an empty cavern-world with nothing but long-forgotten buildings left behind by their original creators. They formed a primitive civilization oriented around magic, though they later discovered gunpowder. It was supposedly Zennshi who activated the old mechanisms in the alien structures, and became trapped inside one of the caches of his creators. It was there that he discovered the secrets of his own engineering, and also where he discovered a way to use magic to cross dimensions.

On the topic of how Zennshi acquired his powers in the first place, it is known that he slipped through some interdimensional rift and appeared in a plane known to him as Tempestas. The nature or appearance of the plane has not yet been revealed, but he has said that it is there where he uncovered the power to control Time through intense study.

The first recorded encounter with Zennshi on Earth took place in early August '09 when a host of giant 'mechs attacked Millenium City and were soon after defeated by Zennshi and several other Superhumans. It was later revealed, however, that it was in fact Zennshi they were after in the first place, in retaliation for some previous problem in the past. The mechs were reportedly controlled by one Gorbeb T'shlung, an alien from a distant world who was killed in the battle.

There have been rumors among the Gadroon that Zennshi was once romantically involved with Istvatha V'han for a brief time, though this has been regarded as slander by the Imperial government.


Here is a compiled list of his reported abilities. It is presumed that this list is incomplete and that he has other tricks we have yet to see:

Martial Arts: Zennshi is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat. His ability has been said to be nigh-godlike, but he has become sloppy and complacent, and so fights no better than any mortal master. His race has been known to be possessed of exceptional flexibility and dexterity, as well.

Chronomancy: Through intense study in an alternate universe, Zennshi has limited control over the flow of Time. He may suspend enemies in a bubble of Space-Time so that they cannot move for a few seconds, or project a field of slow-time around him and his allies that mitigates incoming damage from smaller threats. Although originally assumed to be some form of speedster, it was later revealed through scans of the area that Zennshi was actually speeding up Time for himself so he appeared to be moving quicker than he really was. For this reason, he is known for being hard to hit, and hard to avoid.

Regeneration: Odrosks have a high natural regeneration. Because of this, Zennshi is possessed of a high constitution, and can potentially take a staggering amount of damage before being brought down.

Augmentation: Zennshi often funnels Temporal energy through his attacks and abilities in order to enhance them. For instance, he may xcellulite slow time so that he may punch an enemy with higher speed and force, speed up time for himself so that he heals faster, suspend an enemy's body in time so that their wounds cease to heal, or even rewind time for himself so that he may return from the brink of death.

Temporal Stasis: Time passes so slowly for Zennshi that he does not age. He also does not appear to need to eat, sleep, or even breathe if he does not wish to, though he has stated that he does have to do these things once every few thousand years or so.


Zennshi has several documented flaws, as exploited by certain individuals who have managed to incapacitate or even defeat him:

Psionics: While Zennshi's mind is cited by some telepaths as "highly disturbing to read", he is rather susceptible to mental influence that revolves around simply damaging the mind. His already-fractured mental state makes most psionic attacks all the more stunning, or even crippling.

Magical Dampening: Zennshi's chronomancy is of course magical in origin, and any attempt to disable, repel, or otherwise dampen his magic will likely render him unable to control time. As well, his powers will be ineffective or useless on those who are resistant to magic.

Sudden Trauma: Zennshi is adept at long-term recovery, but if he were to be heavily damaged all at once, his body would have no time to react. Attacks such as a sufficiently large explosion or thorough decapitation would most likely be enough to kill him, assuming he does not evade such things through time control.

Recklessness: Having lived thousands of years has made Zennshi careless about his own personal safety. For the sake of showmanship or simple thrill, he may lower his guard to an opponent, perform a dangerous stunt, or otherwise put himself at a disadvantage.


Uncharacteristic of his age, Zennshi has a youthful enthusiasm and reckless demeanor more fitting of a young daredevil than a wizened old traveller. It seems that the insight he has gained over so many years has caused him to regard most things as mundane or of small importance, and so he makes fun of them whether or not it would be the appropriate response.

In times of greater lucidity, Zennshi seems to pursue neither good nor evil goals, and his allegiances are still disputed. This is a being who cares only for himself, lending aid only when it suits his mood. Despite being of alien origin, he speaks fluent English and uses modern colloquialisms and references which indicate his experience with Earth may be much greater than previously assumed.


Zennshi looks, for the most part, like a tall thin humanoid. Notable differences from humans include bluish skin, yellow eyes, and three toes on each foot. His blood, however, is still red.

Zennshi appears to wear no armor, as suits his personality type. His outfit includes nothing more than some grey robes and a red bandanna. He is also occasionally seen wearing a pair of black sunglasses. He constantly walks around barefoot, however, and it is uncertain if this is because he can find no shoes that fit him, or if he simply finds it more comfortable.


-Zennshi is generally much more friendly within the walls of Club Caprice, and frequently socializes with the clientele. Most notably, Fins Akimbo, Silvaitos and Hu'Szsersvn.

-Zennshi has known War Wolf for a reasonably long time, the two seem to get along and there are rumours that he helped rescue Wolf's mate at some point.


-Agylas Nidd: Another interdimensional traveller who appears to know Zennshi from some point in the past, the two have some kind of rivalry, though the exact nature of their relationship is unclear. What is clear is that Agylas is an Assassin/Sorceror whom Zennshi has had multiple confrontations with - all of them culminating in Nidd's defeat. Rather than turning him in to the authorities or even outright killing him, Zennshi simply lets Agylas escape each time. It appears he does not hold any kind of grudge towards Agylas and instead fights him for the sole purpose of entertainment's sake. These feelings are not in any way mutual, as Agylas has shown the utmost contempt for Zennshi and an express interest in killing him.

-Drezon: Yet again, an extradimensional being. Obviously different from Agylas in many ways, but it remains that he despises Zennshi for some slight in the past. However, it is less of a rivalry here, and more of an outright feud. Drezon apparently was killed at some point by Zennshi or one of his allies, and somehow managed to return to life. Clearly more demonic in appearance than Nidd, Drezon uses more direct means of combat such as his large diamond-edged sword, rather than illusion and shadow magic like Agylas.

Recent Developments

-During Takofanes' Bloodmoon invasion, Zennshi reportedly leapt into the horde and began killing any zombie he could see, thus earning him some relative admiration, especially considering his final zombie kill count was rumoured to be well over one thousand.

-Zennshi was recently spotted in Vibora Bay. Witnesses say he leapt towards the High Apostolic Church and smashed through the ceiling. After several minutes of inhuman roars and shouting, he emerged with a bucket of tar and several bags full of glowing feathers. Then, for reasons unknown, he traveled to Club Caprice in Millenium City and proceeded to tar-and-feather any angelic or demonic beings he could find; due to the nature of Therakiel's feathers, they were unable to remove them.

Popular Opinion

The following space is reserved for quotes from various sources relating to Zennshi:

"Zennshi is both the most and least predictable person I know. For now he appears to be our compatriot, but for how long? He is mad, to be sure, but there is method in it." -Doctor Silverback

"I wish he'd just fall down when I shoot him instead of hitting on me." -Mayte Sanchez

"Who?" -Sapphire

"He's a pretty fun guy to be around." -Black Harlequin

"The thing I like best about Zennshi is that he has the courage to wear the same clothes for long periods of time. Then again, time may have no meaning for him or his clothes." - Hu'Szsersvn.

"Ability to slow or stop time? I'd love to put it to the test." - Alex Cross

"You look like you need a kidney transplant." - The Patronizer

Theme Song

"Chopperhead" - Two Steps From Hell [1]