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(( Have you met Dalvar?  Please edit this section to add your quotes. ))
(( Have you met Dalvar?  Please edit this section to add your quotes. ))
'''"Dal's sweet. Naive, but sweet. That won't save her though..."''' - [[Lord Nightmare|Unknown Person]]
'''"Dal's sweet. Naive, but sweet. That won't save her though..."''' - [[The Revenant|Unknown Person]]
'''"Nice girl. Doesn't like fighting. Admirable, but considering her line of work..."''' - [[Adamantine Man]]
'''"Nice girl. Doesn't like fighting. Admirable, but considering her line of work..."''' - [[Adamantine Man]]

Revision as of 14:54, 1 October 2013

Player: @Dizzydust
"Good people get what they deserve, and what they truly deserve is to be happy"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Dalvar Belendin
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Female
Species: Angel
Ethnicity: Black
Place of Birth: Tellus
Base of Operations: Earth. All of it.
Relatives: All angels, all demons
Age: ~200
Height: 5'9”
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Smooth
Physical Build: Ectomorph
Physical Features: Miscellaneous cuteness
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Alignment: Template:MaekadaGood
Identity: Known
Years Active: Arguable
Citizenship: N/A
Occupation: Inpatient therapist, Mercy Hospital
Education: Primary, secondary, religious
Marital Status: Married
Known Powers and Abilities
Control of ice, telepathy, calming aura
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Cellphone, tracking ribbon
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


Dalvar will maintain that her life was boring and uneventful, certainly far less interesting than yours. After all, she was only 17 when she died...

And woke up immortal in another world, became a healer, found religion, became a knight, fought in a war, was granted her god's favor, became a war hero, won, hung up her sword to become a priestess, advanced through the ranks, adopted a son, redeemed two demons, got married, fought in another war, got sent to Earth

... And then passed on, a hero, to ascended to her current angelic state.


Socially Dalvar seems warm, polite, timid, gentle, merciful, comforting, forgiving, giving, and kind. None of this is, in any way, a façade. Unable to lie, she truly is exactly how she seems.

An ESFJ, Dal is people-and-service orientated and takes any failure to do her duty, perceived or real, very hard.

The standards this naive angel holds the world up to are high, but no higher than the ones she holds herself up to. Many people have fallen short of her expectations, and it breaks her heart anew each and every time.


Dalvar is an angel of death, but that doesn't mean she's a killer. She is the gentle hand and smiling face that guides the dead on to the next stage. She is one who, kindly but firmly, shows those who should be dead which way.

She also, as an angel at the End Times, has the job of fighting back the demons. This is a job she has no stomach for, but does anyway. It is her duty.

In her mundane life she works at a therapist for the patients at Mercy Hospital and does odd jobs for UNTIL.

RP Hooks

Do you work at Mercy? You may have seen her around!

Have you been to Mercy recently for a near-fatal disease or injury? You may have been treated by her!

Are you an angel? Demon? She's looking for you!

Are you undead? She wants to help you pass on!

Are you dying? She'll be there for you.

Through The Eyes Of Others

(( Have you met Dalvar? Please edit this section to add your quotes. ))

"Dal's sweet. Naive, but sweet. That won't save her though..." - Unknown Person

"Nice girl. Doesn't like fighting. Admirable, but considering her line of work..." - Adamantine Man

"Dalvy is... Dalvy. Dalvy's good. Kit like Dalvy, too. Even if Kit no say so." - Lana

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