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<div style="font-size:18px;color: #FFF; background-color: #001144; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex"><b>Asgardian Training</b></div>
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Under the watchful guidance of the Warriors Three and Lady Sif Arriurra would begin to train the art of war learning from the best of the best.  Daily Thor would stand alongside Odin as they would watch the training Arriurra would go through as at first Odin was unsure as to the plans set in motion by his son but by seeing his grandson and the efforts he was putting into his training Odin was beginning to see the logic and planning behind what his son was on to by fathering a child such as Arriurra.
Arriurra's training would begin with the basics of hand to hand combat as he would learn to throw various punches and kicks where he would continue with this training for an entire month until he was able to defeat all 4 of his instructors in combat.  Next the training would move on to weaponry where each of the instructors Arriurra had favored a different weapon to which Arri would learn to wield various weapons starting with Lady Sif and Fandral who would instruct him on the use of the Sword followed by Volstagg who would teach him to use a Battle Axe the finished with Hogun who would teach him to use a Mace.  After he was able to beat his instructors with their own weapons Arriurra would make the choice to follow in the footsteps of his father by choosing to take the time to learn how to use a warhammer similar to his father's trusted hammer Mjolnir.  As his skills with the warhammer developed he would choose to continuing honoring his father by making the warhammer his weapon of choice.
After completing his training in the art of war he would stop training with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three and instead would begin attending classes at the Learning Hall where his grandfather Odin would take over the training as Odin would teach his grandson about the Nine Realms, the various species that exist within the Nine Realms and the history of Asgard so that his grandson would have knowledge that was not just limited to how to fight and how to take part in a war.
Arriurra would soak in all the information that his grandfather would share with him as he would find the many tales told to him to be interesting.  Finishing his training and graduating from the Learning Hall Arriurra would find himself in the position of being free to do what he wished.  He would choose to go and spend time with his father and learning lessons that his father could teach him now that his training with others was complete.
<div style="font-size:18px;color: #FFF; background-color: #001144; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex"><b>Adventures Across the Nine Realms</b></div>
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Arriurra would lead a rather sheltered life until his 21st birthday when his father would present to him a warhammer named Namba which had been forged specifically for Arriurra as a gift for maturing into Manhood.  Arriurra would take time to train with the hammer learning to wield the abilities that came with the hammer spending an entire year learning to completely master his new weapon.  At the age of 22 he would take a position with his father in the Asgardian Military serving in the rank of General where he would lead his people into battle as a way for him to be tested in battle and prove to both his father and his grandfather that he was ready for the responsibility that came with being both a warrior and a leader. 
<div style="font-size:18px;color: #FFF; background-color: #001144; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex"><b>Powers And Abilities</b></div>
<div style="font-size:18px;color: #FFF; background-color: #001144; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex"><b>Powers And Abilities</b></div>
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>li><b>Flight:</b> Namba can be thrown while the user holds on in order to fly through the skies at high rates of speed.  When needing or wanting to hover in place the user can hold the hammer above their head and twirl the hammer around like a helicopter in order to hover in place and and quickly accelerate to moving speeds by thrusting their arm in whatever direction that the user wishes to travel.  When using Namba to fly at his full flight speed Arriurra has been described as being able to fly at the speed of the very lightning that he often commands.
<li><b>Flight:</b> Namba can be thrown while the user holds on in order to fly through the skies at high rates of speed.  When needing or wanting to hover in place the user can hold the hammer above their head and twirl the hammer around like a helicopter in order to hover in place and and quickly accelerate to moving speeds by thrusting their arm in whatever direction that the user wishes to travel.  When using Namba to fly at his full flight speed Arriurra has been described as being able to fly at the speed of the very lightning that he often commands.

Revision as of 00:35, 9 June 2016

Silver medal T.png
Arriurra Thorson
The Defender Of The Nine Realms
Player: @ryan1580
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
Project Oncall
· Other Affiliations ·
Global Defense Force, UNTIL, UNITY,
Real Name
Arriurra Thorson
Arri, Fabio, Goldilocks, Prince Of Asgard, Prince Of Thunder, Thunderer,
January 4th, 1937
Royal Palace, Asgard
Asgard/Millennium City
Royal Palace Of Asgard/Project Oncall Headquarters
Defender Of The Nine Realms/Responder For Project Oncall
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
  • Mother: Sandra Foster; Status: Deceased
  • Father: Thor Odinson; Status: Alive
  • Grandfather: Odin Borson; Status: Alive
  • Grandmother: Frigga; Status: Alive
  • Uncle: Loki Laufeyson; Status: Alive
  • Godfather: Heimdall; Status: Alive
  • Godmother: Sif; Status: Alive.
Physical Traits
Asgardian/Human Hybrid
Apparent Age
210 lbs.
Body Type
Dark Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
Tall, Athletic build
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
  • Asgardian Attributes
  • Odinforce Connection
  • Asgardian Healing Factor
  • Asgardian Stamina
  • Bifrost Summoning
  • Electrokinesis
· Equipment ·
  • Asgardian Battle Armor
  • Namba [Asgardian Warhammer]
  • Stormbreaker [Asgardian Battle Axe/Warhammer Combination]
· Other Abilities ·
  • Master Hammer Fighter
  • Master Combatant
  • Battle Tactician
  • Knowledge Of The Nine Realms
  • Photographic Memory


After the weakening of the Ban in the 1930's many of the mythological Gods, Goddesses and Creatures that had been locked out of Earth since the formation of the Ban would find that they were once again able to influence the world causing many to return to Earth even if it was only in Avatar form or through the manipulation of minions from Earth to carry out their wishes. In the kingdom of Asgard the Asgardian Prince Thor would watch as beings locked out of Earth would flood to return to the world and knew that the people of Earth would not be able to protect themselves against the threats returning as from his observations the people of Earth moved on from the age of gods and forgot about the threats that the Ban kept locked away. Thor would travel to Midgard where he would meet a mortal named Sandra with whom he would fall in love telling her the secret of his origins and that he wanted her to bare a child that would be exempt from the rules of the Ban and would one day be able to protect the world from the threats that Thor saw entering the world.

Arriurra Thorson would thus be born of this union on January 4, 1937 in Sunday Pond Maine where Thor would appear as an Avatar for the birth of his son before returning to duties in Asgard leaving the care of Arriurra in the hands of Sandra for the time being.

Early Childhood

Sandra would raise Arriurra in a small home in Sunday Pond as it was a place where the Ban was at its weakest thus his father would be able to visit and remain for longer periods of time in his avatar form then he could anywhere else on Earth. As Arriurra would grow up he would be raised by his mother using modern Earth techniques however while using modern world parenting techniques as Arriurra got older and began to understand things more his mother would tell him the truth about his origins so that he would understand that when the time came he would have a very special destiny to follow which would be different the the destiny of any other Human he would meet.

At the time to start school Arriurra would begin to attend a small school where he would learn a few subjects but things would take a drastic turn in the life of Arriurra when his mother would develop cancer and would fight with all her strength but passed away 6 months after being diagnosed. Arriurra would be taken in by Child Protective Services but he would not stay with them more then a few hours for Thor was aware of what had happened to Sandra but was unable to assist her due to being in a battle in Jotunheim and did not learn of his fate until it was beyond his power to help her. He would quickly come to Midgard where he would appear before his now 5 year old son where he would bring the child with him back to Asgard so that he could personally see to the raising of the child.

Brought to the Royal Palace Arriurra would get the chance to meet his Grandfather Odin for the first time as Arriurra would be raised within the Royal Palace where Thor would have the assistance of the palace's various servants to assist him with the raising his son. After having a year to adjust to living within Asgard Arriurra would begin his training under the guidance of his father as he would learn to fight alongside the best instructors that Asgard had to offer. His father would often watch from above as the training of his son would be left in the hands of the warriors he trusted the most...Lady Sif and the Warriors Three.

Asgardian Training

Under the watchful guidance of the Warriors Three and Lady Sif Arriurra would begin to train the art of war learning from the best of the best. Daily Thor would stand alongside Odin as they would watch the training Arriurra would go through as at first Odin was unsure as to the plans set in motion by his son but by seeing his grandson and the efforts he was putting into his training Odin was beginning to see the logic and planning behind what his son was on to by fathering a child such as Arriurra.

Arriurra's training would begin with the basics of hand to hand combat as he would learn to throw various punches and kicks where he would continue with this training for an entire month until he was able to defeat all 4 of his instructors in combat. Next the training would move on to weaponry where each of the instructors Arriurra had favored a different weapon to which Arri would learn to wield various weapons starting with Lady Sif and Fandral who would instruct him on the use of the Sword followed by Volstagg who would teach him to use a Battle Axe the finished with Hogun who would teach him to use a Mace. After he was able to beat his instructors with their own weapons Arriurra would make the choice to follow in the footsteps of his father by choosing to take the time to learn how to use a warhammer similar to his father's trusted hammer Mjolnir. As his skills with the warhammer developed he would choose to continuing honoring his father by making the warhammer his weapon of choice.

After completing his training in the art of war he would stop training with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three and instead would begin attending classes at the Learning Hall where his grandfather Odin would take over the training as Odin would teach his grandson about the Nine Realms, the various species that exist within the Nine Realms and the history of Asgard so that his grandson would have knowledge that was not just limited to how to fight and how to take part in a war.

Arriurra would soak in all the information that his grandfather would share with him as he would find the many tales told to him to be interesting. Finishing his training and graduating from the Learning Hall Arriurra would find himself in the position of being free to do what he wished. He would choose to go and spend time with his father and learning lessons that his father could teach him now that his training with others was complete.

Adventures Across the Nine Realms

Arriurra would lead a rather sheltered life until his 21st birthday when his father would present to him a warhammer named Namba which had been forged specifically for Arriurra as a gift for maturing into Manhood. Arriurra would take time to train with the hammer learning to wield the abilities that came with the hammer spending an entire year learning to completely master his new weapon. At the age of 22 he would take a position with his father in the Asgardian Military serving in the rank of General where he would lead his people into battle as a way for him to be tested in battle and prove to both his father and his grandfather that he was ready for the responsibility that came with being both a warrior and a leader.

Powers And Abilities

Asgardian/Human Physiology: Arriurra's father is Thor Odinson of Asgard while his mother was a Mortal from Earth. He appears Human however his father's Asgardian heritage affords Arriurra many attributes that Humans and Asgardians share however they are heightened beyond the limits of a Human being and even in some cases beyond the limits of the average Asgardian due to his father's Royal Bloodline. He also has abilities that are not common among Asgardians or Humans but are abilities that his father has in some degree. Arriurra's physiological functions are superior to that of a Human being and are on par if not slightly better then that of an Asgardian due to his Royal Bloodline where because of this he does not require Food, Water, Oxygen and Sleep like other beings do in order to survive. While he does not require food or drink in order to survive he is known to eat and drink for little reason other then to enjoy the tastes of various foods and drinks.

Asgardian Strength: Arriurra possesses a degree of strength that has him classified as the Third Strongest Asgardian Alive behind his Father and Grandfather. In terms of beings on Earth Arriurra has shown that he is able to match the strength of even the strongest of beings on Earth where to date he has yet to encounter a being whose strength is superior to his own but has encountered beings with similar levels of strength such as Grond who pose interesting challenges for him when it comes to physical conflicts and makes fights with such beings all the more interesting.

Asgardian Speed: Arriurra is able to move much faster then that of the average Human where when moving at his full speed Human beings will see him as a fast moving blur which they are unable to bring into focus. He can move even faster when armed with Namba or Stormbreaker as he can twirl the hammer and hold on tight reaching speeds faster then which he can reach when running.

Asgardian Agility: Arriurra is able to move with the grace of an Olympic Class Athlete despite his height and weight which should normally make such moves impossible for a being of his height and weight class. This allows him to constantly surprise his foes especially the foes who are facing him for the first time and have made assumptions about his limitations based on his physical look rather then first fighting him and learning that looks can be deceiving.

Asgardian Durability: Arriurra is among the most durable of the Asgardians able to withstand blows that to the average Human would cause serious if not fatal injuries. He has been seen taking blows from beings of average strength where to date foes of average strength do little more then land blows that to Arriurra are not even felt thus he would not know he was being struck unless he physically saw the attack coming and striking him. When facing off against beings of strength equal to his own he can withstand the blows where he will feel the blows strike him but often times he is able to absorb the damage and continue on fighting. When facing beings of higher strength then his own he will show no exterior signs of being struck however he can suffer internal injuries that if allowed to remain could cause him harm. He has shown an extreme tolerance for various elemental attacks where only attacks of these types of extremely powerful beings have been able to cause injuries that he can feel. He has shown himself to have a high resistance if not complete immunity to Blunt Force Trauma, High Altitude Impacts, Elemental Forces, Conventional Weaponry, Asphyxiation, Radiation Exposure, Energy Blasts, Explosive Forces, Environmental Hazards, Diseases, Illnesses, Environmental Impurities, Poisons, Drugs, Toxins, Alcohol, Extreme Temperature Shifts, Zero-G Environments,

Asgardian Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his extremely durable body it is possible for someone to injure Arriurra where in these rare cases he is able to heal himself at an extremely fast rate. Within a matter of hours he is able to recover from the few rare injuries that could prove fatal to a Demi-God of his status. To date he has yet to suffer an injury that has not been able to heal in 2 hours or less on his own and has been known to speed that up with assistance from Human Medicine or with assistance from the Odinforce.

Asgardian Stamina: As a by-product of his healing factor Arriurra is able to function for longer periods of time then the average Human and even most Meta-Humans. He is able to function up to a month without the need of rest before fatigue toxins would build in his system to the point that he would tire and need rest. When not taking part in physical activities he is able to potentially function indefinitely without the need of rest.

Odinforce Connection: As a member of the Royal Bloodline of Asgard Arriurra is able to tap into a vast magical energy that Human History has come to know as the Odinforce which can allow Arriurra to perform feats that are beyond his normal limits and what allows him to face off against foes no matter how strong they are. Arri often finds new uses for the Odinforce meaning the potential uses that Arri has for the Odinforce are virtually unlimited at this point. By tapping into the Odinforce Arriurra is able to perform things such as Boost His Natural Attributes To Superhuman Levels For An Asgardian Demi-God, Both Generate And Manipulate Elemental Forces, Both Generate And Manipulate Weather Patterns, Both Generate And Manipulate Various Mythical And Magical Energies In The Form Of Blasts For Offensive Purposes, Both Generate And Manipulate Mythical And Magical Energies For The Creation Of Energy Force Fields For Defensive Protection, Teleport Beings Anywhere That He Wants On Any Plane Of Existence, Heal The Injury Of Himself Or Another Being, Grant Powers To Another Being For A Period Of Time just to name a few examples.

Bifrost Summoning: As an Asgardian Arriurra is able to call out to Heimdall who is the Gatekeeper of Asgard and call upon the Bifrost Bridge which can teleport Arriurra from Earth to Asgard where from there he can conduct business with his family then return to Earth or travel to Asgard then turn around and travel anywhere in the Nine Realms that he either wishes or needs to go.

Longevity: Arriurra appears to be immortal but this is not the case. He infact ages however it is at such a rate that it gives off the appearance of Immortality. Due to his Hybrid status Arriurra ages far slower then that of a Human as he appears to be in his early 30's despite the fact that he is chronologically 79 years old. It is currently unknown what the rate is in which he ages however it is suspected that he could potentially live for hundreds if not thousands of years before succumbing to the effects of aging.

Skills And Training

Master Combatant: Arriurra was raised being trained by the best Combat Instructors that Asgard has to offer allowing him to learn various skills that are of use in combat. He is skilled when it comes to all forms of combat be it hand to hand, hand to weapon or weapon to weapon based combat. He has had many years to perfect his skills allowing him to stand toe to toe against the best that the Nine Realms has to offer.

Master Hammer Fighter: Like his father before him Arriurra has perfected his skill in the use of Warhammers as his hammer Namba is his exclusive weapon when used in a fight. He has shown that he is a master of the weapon able to use it to hold his own against any foe who would stand in his way from helping those most in need of his assistance.

Knowledge Of The Nine Realms: Arriurra has traveled across the Nine Realms seeing worlds first hand that on Earth and to Humanity are considered nothing more then mythological worlds. He has extensive knowledge of these worlds knowing where it is save to travel and where he should avoid at all costs and is willing to share his knowledge of the Nine Realms with anyone on Earth who is interesting in learning what is truth and what is fiction made up to fill Human books.

Photographic Memory: Arriurra has what is described on Earth as a Photographic memory as he is able to recall past events in his life with the greatest of clarity and even if it has been some time since he had thought about a particular memory. He has shown that he has the ability to store memories without having to lose other memories in order to remember fresh things showing that he has the potential for infinite learning as long as he is alive and in the shape that he is in.

Battle Tactician: Arriurra has seen his fair share of fights over his life where he has relied on various tactics in order to end a fight. He is exceptionally skilled at looking at a situation and coming up with a tactic or tactics that will allow him to handle that particular situation with as little fuss as possible and is even able to do this in the heat of battle.

Equipment and Abilities

Namba: Namba is a warhammer that was forged by the Light Elves of Alfheim and presented to Arriurra upon his reaching Manhood. Namba has been Arriurra's best friend at times as he has been using it to fight against the various enemies that he has had to face over the years and always has it close when trouble arises. Namba has been enchanted with a number of magical enchantments which allow Namba to rival the legendary hammer Mjolnir

  • Worthiness Enchantment: Namba has been enchanted with a similar enchantment to that of Mjolnir which prevents that hammer from being wielded by anyone who is not considered worthy to wield the hammer.

  • Weapon Summoning: Namba is able to obey the commands of its wielder as if it were alive. This allows the hammer to be thrown as a projectile allowing it to strike distant targets without the user having to get close enough for a normal swing of the hammer. When in the presence of multiple beings deemed worthy of wielding the hammer the hammer will always respond to Arriurra above all else as the hammer was forged specifically for him thus he will always be the true worthy wielder of Namba.

  • Weather Manipulation: Namba is able to grant is wielder the ability to manipulate the various forces of nature in order to generate various weather fronts of various degrees. Unlike Mjolnir which could only generate weather patterns related to storms Namba is able to generate any weather pattern to any degree that its wielder wishes. In the hands of Arriurra Namba has been used to generate things such as Thunder, Lightning, Sun, Fog, Snow, Hail, Rain, Hurricane Force Winds, Tornadoes and Tidal Waves just to name a few but has the potential to generate any weather pattern that a situation might call for.

  • Flight: Namba can be thrown while the user holds on in order to fly through the skies at high rates of speed. When needing or wanting to hover in place the user can hold the hammer above their head and twirl the hammer around like a helicopter in order to hover in place and and quickly accelerate to moving speeds by thrusting their arm in whatever direction that the user wishes to travel. When using Namba to fly at his full flight speed Arriurra has been described as being able to fly at the speed of the very lightning that he often commands.

  • Armor Generation: When in the possession of Namba Arriurra is able to transform from him armor into Mortal Clothing or vice versa usually though it is used to change into his Asgardian Battle Armor. In the event that the armor has been damaged or worse destroyed the user is able to repair the Armor as long as Namba is in their possession and they are free for the moment to take the few moments that he would take in order to repair the damage caused to the armor.

Asgardian Battle Armor: Forged By The Dwarves Of Nidavellir this suit of armor was forged specifically for Arriurra at the request of Thor Odinson. This armor is designed to withstand great amounts of damage and has an enchantment placed upon the armor that allows it to magically adjust its shape so that it will always fit Arriurra regardless of his body shape ensuring that the armor will always be a perfect fit for him.


Worthiness To His Weapons: Much like his father's hammer Mjolnir Arriurra has the magic hammer Namba which has a similar enchantment placed upon it so that only those who prove themselves worthy to use the hammer may wield it and the abilities that it can grant to any who are worthy. Arriurra always tries to do whatever is needed to appear worthy which usually means protecting all those weaker then himself no matter the circumstance or the cost that it might entail for him. He will always avoid taking actions that might be deemed as Unworthy as he does not want to risk losing his key defense against many of the foes that he has to face off against on a regular basis.

Odinsleep: Like all members of the Royal Bloodline of Asgard Arriurra is has a connection to a vast magical energy field known as the Odinforce however having this connection comes with a side effect in that those who use the Odinforce are required to enter what has come to be known as the Odinsleep where they must enter a deep meditative sleep which allows them to restore their connection to the Odinforce. As an Asgardian Hybrid Arriurra has a finite connection to the Odinforce meaning that once his Odinforce energies have been used up he will lose his ability to tap into the Odinforce until such time as he enters the Odinsleep in order to regenerate his connection to the Odinforce. Unlike other members of his family Arriurra does not have to enter the Odinsleep as all that will happen is that he will lose his ability to use the Odinforce where others in his family would sooner or later they would automatically fall into the Odinforce no matter how much they try to fight it off. On an average Arriurra enters the Odinforce roughly once a year some rare times twice a year as it all depends on how much of the Odinforce he uses and how often he finds himself relying on its use which is why he only uses it after all other options have been exhausted first.

Lack Of Mortal Knowledge: Arriurra has spent much time in Asgard and has not spent much time on Midgard or Earth. Because of this he lacks knowledge about modern humanity often speaking in words and phases that Modern Humanity no longer uses or have a new word for that saying or word that Arriurra does not know about. The biggest issues he has with Modern Humanity is the entire field of technology as he finds that much of the technology used on Earth is something that is beyond his current understanding but he does his best to try and learn as he finds the television to be the most fascinating thing that he has encountered thus far in his travels. He finds the entire idea of technology to be interesting as technology is something that is unique to Midgard and is not found anywhere else in the Nine Realms. The other problem he has is understanding Modern Mortal Slang as he finds some of the various sayings used by Humans to be rather strange and are something that he does not find on any of the other worlds of the Nine Realms.

Beings With Equal Or Greater Strength: While Arriurra is extremely durable he is not invincible where while the average person could do little to harm him those who are equal or greater in strength to him are able to deliver blows that could actually harm him. When facing off against beings with these strength levels he must take extra care to ensure that he does not leave himself open to a potentially fatal blow from these beings. As proven recently being such as Chalk are able to deliver the strength and blows needed to effect Arriurra to the point that Arri was knocked out on several occasions and forced to rest until his Regenerative Healing Factor had a chance to heal some of the injuries from that fight.

Black Sand: When in the presence of the mysterious Black Sand substance Arriurra has shown that he is able to slightly handle being in its presence better then other beings effects by it. Arriurra has shown that he still has the full use of his abilities however physical contact with the Black Sand causes intense pain throughout his entire body that weakens him for a few moments until he moves away from the Black Sand and his Healing Factor has a moment to recover from the contact with the source of the Black Sand. Since all of his exposures to date have been rather limited it is currently unknown what would happen should Arriurra find himself in prolonged contact with any amount of Black Sand as it is not something that Arriurra is in any hurry to find out what might happen.

Telepaths: Arriurra has a very structured mind which assists him in protecting himself against telepaths. He is able to prevent his thoughts from being read by telepaths however his mind can be invaded by a telepath who takes the time and effort to bypass his mental defenses. Once a telepath breaks through his defenses they must be quick in what they do as Arriurra will recover and his defenses restored forcing a telepath to start at square 1 to get back inside his head. Once in his head they could read his mind, plant mental influences or use their abilities in any way that they want until Arriurra is able to regain control of his mind and force out anyone who should not be in his head.

Aura Readers: To anyone who has Aura Reading abilities they would sense a strong being as he would radiate with various energies naturally produced by the Odinforce. They would sense a pure spirit as Arriurra has not been corrupted by the evils of the world or in his case the evils of the Nine Realms.

Theme Songs
  • Main Theme song: Bodies By Drowning Pool

Facts and Comments
  • Arriurra Appears In His early 30's Despite His Physical Age Being 79
  • Arriurra Likes To Consider Himself Asgardian However He Is An Asgardian Human Hybrid Who Was Actually Born On Earth
  • Arriurra has no problems about going into a fight or even a war without planning for one especially if that means that jumping into a fight in order to protect the life of an innocent