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Latest revision as of 15:08, 26 March 2014

Liath ComingSoon 150150.png
This character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Mind's Eye
Player: @Toxpin
Class Focus: Ranged Support/DPS
Power Level: 12
Research & Development: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: None known
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Unable to discern
Age: Unknown (to PRIMUS)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Pink
Hair Color: Pink
Biographical Data
Nationality: USA
Occupation: Hero/Adventurer
Place of Birth: Lansing, MI
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: Father, name unknown
Known Powers
Telepathy, developing telekinetic abilities
Known Abilities
Other psionic abilities, the extent of which are as yet unknown.
None known.
Never known to be seen out of costume, reason unknown.

PRIMUS File Primer

PRIMUS is unable to gather data on the heroine known as Mind's Eye. Never seen out of costume, the age of this heroine is unknown, but approximated to be 15 due to behavior and physical appearance that can be determined considering her costume. Strangely, she has never been seen in an alternate costume, or tracked to a civilian identity of any sort. One thing to note is a particular mannerism: Mind's Eye is known to occasionally rub her eyes for seemingly no reason.

Due to her approximated age and lack of any registration paperwork, the heroic actions undertaken by Mind's Eye are illegal. However, due to the unknown extent or her abilities and connections to the group identified as The Prodigy, it is recommended that approaching her for apprehension be avoided.


The Prodigy

Character Profile


Mind's Eye is a fifteen year old girl who developed her psychic abilities on her fourteenth birthday. She is a kind, soft spoken person, but deliberately hides certain facts about herself. All that she has admitted is that she lives in Lansing, Michigan, and that her father is a security officer at the Michigan capitol building.

She is never seen out of her costume, even when it seems that she is dressed casually. To achieve the effect, she uses a telepathic field to disguise herself. She has not revealed if this disguise is representative of her actual appearance, or if she can use multiple disguises.

At a party held by Halcyon Academy and WISH recently, she revealed to her friends that she is apparently allergic to some unknown component in the air, necessitating her full body costume and why she wears it all the time.

Aside from these few details, little else can really be gathered about Mind's Eye.


Mind's Eye is telepathic by nature, but is learning telekinetic skills to augment her mental skills. She has proven to be able to cause a person to imagine enough pain to pass out from it, disguise herself telepathically, and cause others to even ignore her presence and the presence of others.

Surprisingly though, she's also learned how to mentally manipulate her own feelings of pain and even the way her body deals with attacks, allowing herself to act as though she had a measure of regeneration. Recently she's learned a way to extend this ability to others for a brief time, actually healing minor wounds others have suffered.

As far as her minor abilities go, Mind's Eye has empathic abilities, able to discern a person's general state of mind without actually going so far as to telepathically delve into their mind. However, she's also learned to control this ability, and thus doesn't constantly feel others' emotions.