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Clone K, like most of her sisters, used to work for the Brutal Legion.  She has an unhealthy obsession with PBJ sandwiches.
Clone K, like most of her sisters, used to work for the Brutal Legion.  She has an unhealthy obsession with PBJ sandwiches.
Snookums Model Clone: L-156T<BR>
Designation: L<BR>
L is mildly obsessed with Surfing. Once bitten by a shark while on vacation in Hawa'ii, she promptly bit it to death. Her sisters were quite amused and took it home as a trophy.
Occasionally she "borrows" the East Briar Institute Anti-grav sleds for moving heavy furniture around the school, and goes on a joyride through town.<BR>
She's known among her clone-sisters for being hyper and prefering knives to guns.

Revision as of 00:48, 18 February 2014

Yay Snookii! ^_^ --FrozenViolet (talk) 06:11, 18 September 2013 (MST)

Clone bios for reference. D: H:

K: Snookums Model Clone: K-956X
Designation: "K"
Clone K, like most of her sisters, used to work for the Brutal Legion. She has an unhealthy obsession with PBJ sandwiches.

L: Snookums Model Clone: L-156T
Designation: L

L is mildly obsessed with Surfing. Once bitten by a shark while on vacation in Hawa'ii, she promptly bit it to death. Her sisters were quite amused and took it home as a trophy. Occasionally she "borrows" the East Briar Institute Anti-grav sleds for moving heavy furniture around the school, and goes on a joyride through town.
She's known among her clone-sisters for being hyper and prefering knives to guns.

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