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Revision as of 00:20, 15 January 2014


Player: @Danton
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Leon Davis
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 37
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 220kg
Eye Color: dark grey
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: New York
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Deceased
Known Powers
Cybernetically augmented strength, endurance, reflexes and perception
Known Abilities

Summary of danger

Known intel

Leon Davis was born to an old money family in New York. A gifted child, he excelled at school despite a few incidents of 'rough housing' where the parents of other children involved were only persuaded not to press charges due to a settlement with his family. Leon joined both the school wrestling team and its football team due to his exceptional physical prowess and sheer size, reaching over two meters in height. During this period he is known to have attended a variety of Martial Arts classes, becoming moderately adept at self defense. It was in a game early in the season in his final year at school where Leon sustained a serious injury to his knee. It is unknown if it was his parents or Leon himself who organised it, but rather than waiting for it to heal naturally (which would ensure he did not compete in sports for the rest of the year) he chose to undergo advanced cybernetic augmentation on his leg. For most of the remainder of the season he outperformed his peers spectacularly due to his natural talent with the help of the new cybernetics. Before the final match his augmentation was discovered and barred from competing due to his advantage. An eyewitness described Leon as 'highly distraught' when told the judgement, and later on in the day he was charged with assault after brutally attacking one of his team mates in a fit of rage.

Despite this Leon attended Cambridge and completed a double major in engineering and law with ease. However his records after this become difficult to follow. He is known to have begun travelling around the world for a number of years, but his route is unclear. During this period his parents died in a car accident, leaving him the sole heir of their fortune. He emerged again six years later highly changed physically. He was a sizeable individual before, but he seems to have undergone cybernetic augmentation which meant he was easily approaching 7'5" in height, and weighed over 200 kilograms. Furthermore his fighting prowess had improved substantially.

In this time he began working with a number of private security firms, although he never retained employment for longer than two months. However it was enough to give him a reputation as a skilled, professional mercenary. Despite some eye witness statements of Menace being in the employ of metahuman criminals at various times, he has managed to evade legal prosecution due to a combination of uncertain citizenship and expert legal counsel. Menace showed talent both for operating alone (either as a lone infiltrator or bodyguard) or as a leader of a small strike force.

Currently Menace is residing in Millenium City. His current motivation is unknown.

Suspected intel

Menace is believed to be a sociopath incapable of remorse for amoral actions. Although he has learned to blend in emotionally he shows no signs of empathy. However as he has never submitted to a psychological examination it is impossible to say for certain.

The current theory is that his initial cybernetic augmentation in his teenaged years inspired him to research the field further. His time in Cambridge studying engineering would have only reinforced that interest. When traveling around the world he may have been able to contact various specialists able to perform the necessary surgeries on him to implant the augmenttiion beneath his skin, and his family money was more than enough to pay for the procedures.

Known area of operations

Menace is known to current reside in Millenium City, likely due to its proximity to many potential employers. However he has operated worldwide, with confirmed reports stretching from the southern African countries, up through to ex soviet bloc countries.

Analysis by department


Menace is believed to be a sociopath. He shows no ability to empathise with the pain or misfortune of others, nor does he show remorse in the slightest for having caused that pain. However he similarly shows little interest in his own personal pleasure, instead seeming to devote himself to self improvement either through training, discipline and education, or through external augmentation and technological enhancement.

His motivations seem to entirely be based around self improvement and testing. Although he is far from a top tier metahuman, he consistently tests himself against others in an effort to prove his own superiority.

Of note is that Menace shows a talent for finding the right psychological button in his opponents to rile them up. This seems to have been incorporated into his fighting style, angering his enemies with taunting in an attempt to distract them.


Despite having an exceptionally strong will, Menace shows no specific reaction to psychic probing.


Even though his entire motivation seems to be self improvement, Menace seems to have never attempting to incorporate magic into his regime.


Menace fights with a combat style unique crafted to his abilities. Despite his size and bulk he moves with exceptional agility and speed, easily on par with highly respected martial artists. His technique involves brute force strikes and manhandling to overcome defenses before landing a finishing blow. One particularly common technique is to physically grab his opponent and throw them into (or in some cases through) a solid object before leaping on top of them and resuming his attack before they can recover.

Although Menace is cybernetically augmented and very resilient, he is not in the league of other metahumans in that regard, relying more on his ability to evade attacks than to simply take the hit. However one advantage he claims is attempting to taunt his enemies, trying to drive them to distraction with verbal assaults that are aimed at his enemies psychological weak points.


Due to logistical difficulties there has not yet been an in depth analysis of the cybernetic augmentation of Menace. However so far it has been determined his cybernetics are state of the art and undergo regular upgrades and revisions to keep them that way. It is believed his bone structure has been either enhanced or replaced with an unknown alloy, and that most of his muscles have similarly been enhanced. He shows resilience to chemical agents in the air suggesting his luns have been improved upon through technology, and his senses seem exceptional as well.


Physical appearance

Menace stands at approximately 7'5" and weighs over 200 kilograms. He typically possesses a shorn head and even in civilian clothes never seems to be without dog tags. If seen without his shirt he possesses a large amount of scar tissue on his chest and arms, which likely extends to the rest of his body, probably from a combination of injuries sustained in conflict, and the surgery necessary for his augmentations.


Menace's typical attire in conflict is a black and red coloured set of ttigh, padded cloth-like unknown substance, with large metal armour plates. This armour plating covers his chest, forearms and shins. One of Menace's defining trademarks is his simple grey metal faceplat with glowing red eyes attached.

Known Weaknesses

Limited social skills

Although Menace has learned to hide his sociopathic nature, he still struggles maintaining friendships on anything beyond a professional level. This means that in the event of some form of threat, he cannot call upon reliable allies and must instead depend upon help he buys.

Opinions and Comments

Relation with authorities

MCPD - The MCPD has been informed of his presence in Millenium City. They report he has been involved in no incidents more serious than minor barroom brawls, of which no participants are willing to press charges.

Federal Agencies - Both the FBI and CIA are aware of Menace's presence in Millenium City, and have indicated they are keeping an eye on the situation.

PRIMUS - Although Menace is a concern, currently PRIMUS cannot spare much manpower to monitor him, and will have to rely upon local forces and metahumans to contain him if anything occurs.

UNTIL - Menace is listed as an unreliable metahuman within the UNTIL organisation, and is to be seen as a potential hostile.

Antagonistic relations with individuals

Spectre - The costumed vigilante Spectre has engaged Menace on a few occasions. In all instances neither attempts to psychologically undermine the other, instead immediately moving to attack using their impressive close quarter combat capabilities. Although they have been reported to have engaged each other at least four times, there is no indication of who emerged victorious each time.


Comments from metahumans welcome.

RP Hooks

  • Menace is a metahuman mercenary with precisely zero moral limits available for hire.
  • As a mercenary who has been operating for over a decade, he has accrued a few enemies.