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==The Champions Era-1980 Onwards==
==The Champions Era-1980 Onwards==
Over the centuries she came to fight in several Russo-Turkish conflicts, the American Civil war and both World Wars. She became a guardian angel of sorts to the [[Night_Spider|<span style="color:#275BA3">Parker Family</span>]], and a member of the Trismegistus Council.
Today she resides in Vibora Bay, being one of the many denizens of Duval Street in Easton, the richest and more high class side of Vibora, being one of the neighborhoods many homosexual residents, unlike most residents of Duval Street however, she is not in the entertainment business, instead owning a lavish souvenir shop which doubles as an apothecary and magical supply shop for the city's mystics.
This shop is built into her mansion and it is manned by PRIMUS agent Autumn@LordWisp and the alien being known as Zol-kacto@krikitt.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">[[File:Juanita_Personality.png|500px]]<font size=3>Personality:</font></div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">[[File:Juanita_Personality.png|500px]]<font size=3>Personality:</font></div>'''''=

Revision as of 11:22, 6 December 2013

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Clicking on a Music-player.png symbol will redirect you to a song on youtube.
Juanita banner.png
Mystic Badge7.png
The Silvern Mage
Ice Queen of Vibora
"One cannot dance with the devil without stepping on its tail."
Player: @IonutRO
Super Group
None at this time.
· Other Affiliations ·
The Ring of Water
Trismegistus Council
Real Name
Juanita Valerio
The Silvern Mage
Ice Queen of Vibora
Bitch Queen of Narnia (To Viboran Gangbangers)
Snowsage (Amongst the elves of Faerie)
J (To her friends and loved ones)
Aunt J (To the Parker Family)
Unknown, celebrates it on the 7th of April.
U.S. Citizen
Vibora Bay, FL
Her Mansion
Legal Status
Marital Status
Engaged to PRIMUS agent Autumn@LordWisp
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Magically Altered
Caucasian, Catalan
Apparent Age
Body Type
Thin, fine, and completely devoid of melanin.
Aged and paled, but no longer visible due to magical augmentation.
Smooth and without blemishes, covered in healed scars here and there.
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Read Below.
· Equipment ·
Read Below.
· Other Abilities ·
Read Below.

Juanita Appearance.pngAppearance:

Standing in at 6'0 and athletic in build, Juanita appears to be a normal woman in her early 30s with the following exception, her skin is perfectly smooth and devoid of blemishes besides several scars covering certain areas of her body, her hair being thin, fine, and devoid of melanin, and her eyes glowing with a soft blue color.

Juanita Background.pngBackground:

Few historical records of Juanita's existence older than two centuries survive into the Champions Era, but those that do seem to corroborate the story of her life as she tells it, the following information is mostly OOC with select members of PRIMUS, UNTIL, and the Trismegistus Council having knowledge of bits or sections of it, depending on however much Juanita saw fit to share with others.

The Age of Reason-1500 to 1650

The Age of Piracy-1650 to 1750

The Revolutionary Era-1770 to 1799

The Victorian Era-1837 to 1910

The Wild West-1866 to 1890

The Great War-1914 to 1918

The Pulp Era-1920 to 1940

The Golder Age-1939 to 1945

The Silver Age-1965 to 1980

The Cold War-1950 to 1990

The Champions Era-1980 Onwards

Juanita Personality.pngPersonality:

Thanks to her advanced age, Juanita is rather hard to shock, having seen and done many things that would horrify or disgust most people over the centuries and having grown jaded because of it. She is not emotionless, but when one has seen as many battlefields filled with blood and excrement covered corpses as she has, one tends to stop flinching when they see someone mutilated in a ditch.

Juanita is adamant and rigid in her views and ways, slow to change and adapt to the world around her advancing as fast as it does.

Due to her long life, she has seen many spunky artists, courageous heroes, struggling students, ambitious entrepreneurs, charming coquettes, bashful bookworms, and just about every other type of person you can imagine passing by; because of this, she has become quite difficult to impress, seeming even cynical at times. She has also learned long ago what she likes or doesn't in a person, leading to her being able to easily form an opinion on someone.

However, she is not unpleasant -unless you annoy or grate her-, in fact, she is quite friendly and a conversationalist; though the subjects of her conversations can become philosophical in nature at times, which tends to push away some people.

Despite being an accomplished heroine, Juanita's motivations remain a mistery.

Juanita Powers.pngPowers/Tactics:

Singleblade.png Training

Juanita is a skilled fighter, trained in a mix of martial arts centered around both unarmed combat and the use of swords. She is also an accomplished smith and artisan, capable of crafting anything from armor and weaponry to jewelry and decorations.

Mystic.png Mystical Prowess

Juanita is also a powerful enchanter, alchemist, and thaumaturge -transformation magic, either of self, of others, or of objects, assuming animal forms, turning copper into gold, etc-, she also specializes in defensive and support magics.

Ice.png Acquired abilities

Over the centuries she has encountered and absorbed the powers of many imaginal beings such as fae and demons. This has granted her several exotic powers and characteristics, such as increased endurance, elastic flesh, and the ability to manipulate ice.

Juanita Equipment.pngEquipment:

Items Angelicinspiration Sword 02.png The Silver Sword

An artifact of unknown origin and Juanita's trademark weapon, this sword is capable of cutting clean through steel plating whilst also enhancing the wielders magical aptitude. The sword consists of a forward-curved, single-edged silver blade measuring in at aprox. 2'6" and a carved ivory hilt shaped like a dragon's snarling head.

Items Cloak 09.png Cloak of the Zephirim

Despite the name, the 'cloak' is actually a blue, hooded trenchcoat -Juanita's signature attire- enchanted with the effects of the spell known as The Tireless Wings of the Zephirim, the Zephirim being spirits who dwell in a dimension of clouds, winds, and storms.

Items Mysticism Chest 10 V1.png Wizard's Breastplate

Ideally suited for warrior-mages and other spellcasters who tend to get involved in hand to hand Combat, the Wizard’s Breastplate is as strong as the strongest plate armor but weighs no more than ordinary clothing. It also provides additional magical protection against many forms of magical attack as well as mundane weapons and blows to the entirety of the wearer's body.

Mission Charm V05.png Amulet of the Clear Mind

This amulet, usually made of silver and amber -Juanita's being made using Dominican blue amber-, heightens the wearer’s mental faculties. She becomes more observant, more insightful, and more intelligent. Additionally, the amulet provides protection against Sorcery and similar spells.

Items Science Gloves 09 V3.png Gauntlets of Giant's Strength

Created using enchantments normally applied to belts and girdles, these gauntlets date back to the Turakian era, although their exact origins still remain a mystery. All that is known is that they enhance the wearer's strength to be on par with that of giants.

Items Mysticism Boot 04 V4.png Boots of the Cricket

This pair of fine, supple leather boots contains two enchantments. The first allows the wearer to leap much further than she ordinarily could; the second allows her to walk along walls and ceilings like an insect.

Juanita Tomes.pngArcane Tomes:

Juanita is also in the possession of various magical tomes of both the tame and forbidden kinds, most notably:

Comp Mys Scarletmoonfolio.png The Blood of the Necronomicon

Acquired from the rather simple minded apprentice of a dark mystic, this dangerous book contains powerful research into and spells from the field of necromancy. The apprentice gave the book up without any real encouragement, quite happy to be rid of the accursed book.

Comp Mys Tyrgrimvolume.png The Scrolls of the Spentas

Written by a persian mystic centuries ago, this book is filled with exotic theurgic spells that call upon the power of elysian beings, particularly that of the Azatas and Spentas of Zoroastrian myth.

Comp Mys Trismanual.png The Mémoires of Quanqi

A collection of mémoires written by the Chinese sorcerer Lui Quanqi, containing many oriental spells, studies on mystical creatures, alchemy recipes, and stories of Shamballah, its immortal monks, and of its dark sister-city, Agharti.

Juanita Tactics.pngTactics:

Juanita is rather versatile, able to change her spell loadout on a whim, she could easily fill any roll in combat from front line fighter or field healer to magical artillery or infiltrator; she is also a decent tactician and leader, though she really shouldn't be your first choice of squad leader. When not prepared for a specific scenario, she uses a mix loadout of defensive and offensive spells.

Unlike most modern mystics, Juanita still uses chants, motions, and foci for most of her spells, still following the traditions and rituals she was taught in her early days.