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Physical Attributes
Magical Attributes
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Lawful Evil
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Biographical Data
Real Name: Unknown Martial Status: Unknown
Known Aliases: Candie Occupation: Exotic Dancer
Gender Female Base of Operations: Unknown
Species: Demon Education: Demonic..?
Ethnicity: Demon Date of Birth: 3/88 in hell years(before earth)
Sexual Orientation: Straight, mostly. Relatives: Unknown
Age: Unknown Complexion: Bronze
Height 5'1" Physical Build: Petite
Weight: 82 lbs Physical Features: Tattoo on outter left thigh that reads "Forsake" in demonic
Accent: American Equipment: Single gold coin
Eyes: Sky Blue Known Abilities: Illusion, Teleporation, Shadow, Possession, Telepathy
Hair: Cherry Pink Weaponry: Small dagger
Standing: Citizen Allies: 2
SuperGroup: Cake VanBake Enemies: Too many to name
Sidekicks: None Pets: None
Minions: None IC Deaths: 27ish ?
OOC Data
OOC Name: Melissa aka Mel Combat Style: RP Only
Level: 40 Previous SG's: The Tapestry
Gender: Female Access to VIP Club: Yes
RP Type: Mature, Erotic when it fits ICly Access to VB: Yes
Started CO: At the beginning of Headstart # Costume Slots: 26
RP Aptitude: Adept, 14 years now Alternative Characters: Nakisha, Kismet, Ena Vesta, Brandy Jarrell
KittenmelBox Template


This page has tidbits of IC knowledge that shouldn't be used unless your specific toon would otherwise know. Such as a demon knowing her origin, or an illusionist seeing her true form.

Usage of said knowledge without permission may result in me hating you. :]

Known Information

Candie was first noticed when she began stripping at the famous night spot, Club Caprice. She's admittedly demonic, and always speaks of having a "Master". She often denies being a hero, or a villain, and simply doesn't care about the control of earth. Not much else is openly known about Candie simply because she doesn't go around spilling her life story.

Illusions versus her Appearance

From her hair, to her clothes, to her eyes, Candie is so often changing it's difficult for some to keep up. As an illusionist, Candie can quite literally change her body at any point through pure will, this includes(but is not limited to) her hair color, hair style, eye color, clothing and skin color.

Previously Candie couldn't change her size, the shape of her face or her imp ears, this is no longer true however due to RP events.

Underneath all that illusionist makeup however Candie has always had a one true form, few have seen it and fewer have lived to remember it.


Why does Candie always nom my character?


Candies main sustenances are; negative emotion, blood, and flesh. There are several stages to how she feeds, and how it effects her. The more her mental state deteriorates the more likely she is to become feral, during which time her most basic instincts take over.

She can become so aggressive in this state that she will literally tear flesh from anyone's bones and begin eating it, this stage typically ends when she reachs said persons heart.

Do not be frightened! It takes an immense amount of addiction or hunger for Candie to reach this state of mind, and she does not gain any strength once in it, thus she is very easy to fend off.

Her most common state of mind is clear and calculating, most beings don't willing give blood, so Candie often resorts to alluring people or eluding them into trusting her.

Please don't send me a tell with:

  • How -you- think Candie should enjoy or become addicted to your characters blood. I determine how Candie reacts based on an array of qualities and characteristics.

  • Asking me OOCly if I'm interested in private RP without even getting to know Candie.

My character may be interested in something private after she acknowledges your character exists. I know its hard to believe with the way she dresses, but she's not an ERP Character, so I'm bursting your bubble right now.



Everyone always assumes she is either succubus, or some sort of powerful demon, simply because she acts tough and looks demonic. This is always frustrating and of course false.

In actuality Candie has always been as frail as a human, and her only defense has been to teleport away, and even that has weakness's. If you touch her body before she teleports, you are automatically coming along for the ride, she can't separate herself from anyone holding her.

So simply put, if you restrain Candie, she's not escaping.

Granted there are exceptions here and there, mainly because of RP storyline that occasionally gives her more or less power. However she still very firmly stays within the 0-10 range of Mary-Sue.(Don't know what marysue is? http://www.springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm )

So before something happens that appears god moddy, keep in mind Candie has her weakness' and they are plentiful. Not to mention resisting her is always an option.


Currently Candies shackles have little to no significance in her RP, if this changes I will update this section immediately.

The reason I have this section is because previously some of Candies shackles were very intricate in nature and some even caused her to die when removed, so they played a large part in her every day life.

How to:

*Become Candies Master*

At the moment this would be incrediably difficult to accomplish, but if you're really determined you might be able to accomplish it.

*Meet Candie ICly*

I decided to put this in here because there have been so many people over the years(before CO even) that wanted to RP with me but didn't know how to approach my character, or they assumed because they knew me OOCly that it was okay to just barge into IC. Refer to the RP Hooks and BAD hooks section below!

*Kill Candie*

At the moment Candie is actually quite powerful, and has an array of illusions to fall back on, however this isn't to say she's invulnerable. As said many times Candie is as frail as a human, and susceptible to everything under the sun, however to truly kill her one would have to somehow see through her layers of illusions to find the true Candie to attack, otherwise you're wasting your energy.


Past Lives

*This section contains information of Candies history, you are not authorized to use this information unless your character would be aware of the events that took place in hell.*

Candies soul was originally born as one half of a pair that governed the Seventh Circle of hell. Her partner and other half was named Jasarien, and they were a ruthless leadership that took pity on no one.

It wasn't until Adabelle became aware of a Reaper by the name of Aduro, that she realized she wanted more. She manipulated Aduro into assaulting Jasarien, causing an earth shattering fight that rocked the foundation of both heaven and hell. The battle resulted in a split between Jasarien and Adabelle respectively, allowing their souls to roam freely apart.

When the higher Gods and Lords discovered this however, the three were punished. Adabelle and Aduros souls were sent to earth to be reborn as mortals, and Jasarien was lowered in rank to replace the lost Reaper.

After living centuries of different lives and dieing away from mortality, Adabelles punishment took a turn for the worse when she was born as the child of an abuser. She fled from home in her teenage years and began turning tricks on the streets to make a living. With no memory of her souls past, Adabelle was approached by a dark figure one day, and tricked into becoming his slave. This figure was later revealed to be Jasarien, whom had been in search of Adabelles soul since it was first reborn.

After a few hundred years of Jasariens enacting all sorts of revenge upon his former mate, Adabelle, she was presented with the opportunity to escape, and she found herself on earth. At first she roamed about Paragon City, masquerading herself as a Hero, but when she was exposed to be a demon she was no longer accepted and she quickly fled. Assuming she might be able to restart her life in Millenium City, she soon discovered most were open to her demonic origin and thus settled into a comfortable lifestyle.

Still unaware of her true origin and the reasons why her Master, Jasarien had choosen her to torture. ((This was the beginning of her RP life in CO, there is a vast amount of story that has changed her even more, somethings making her stronger, some weaker.))

RP Hooks

  • Originally a Demonic Lord that betrayed her other half, most Demons worth their salt know of the story and call Candie the betrayer, a whore, or things of that nature.

  • When Candie was a Demonic Lord she knew many demons, liches, reapers, angels, all of the sort, she was a trader and a leader, if you'd like to say your character knew Candie back in those days we can improvise something.

  • Candie is an exotic dancer for Club Caprice, she's also been known to bartend. You could ask for a dance, a beer, or even just recognize her.

  • Though not a high priority criminal, Candie is the only suspect in around 297 earth crimes, including drugs, rape, murders, and a few robberys. So far the police have only caught her once, yes once, and came up with nothing from interrogation, she is still at large.

  • A servant demon of sorts, Candie is -mostly- obligated to follow the commands of any Demon higher rank than her. If she isn't listening try using a few demanding words, and a little anger flare never hurt.

  • Oh noes! You're bleeding?! Candie can smell fresh blood a fair distance away, and it's super easy to get her attention with.

  • A fashionista, Candie has quite a lot of interest in the latest brand names and popular clothing, so if you like her clothes, tell her! Just make sure you aren't wearing hand me downs and gym shoes, otherwise you might be in for a few passive aggressive insults.

  • Buy her a drink, Candie is often seen downing any and all types of alcohol, and it aint cheap!

  • You can see through her illusions, good job! I really have no idea where you would go with this, but I'm sure there's something!

  • Pissing her off, surprisingly this is actually a good way to meet her when done right. You want to poke fun at her height or how cute she is when angry? Go ahead, it could buy you some attention temporarily, but you'll have to expand your resources to get further.

  • Challenge her intellect or power, Candie often see's most earth dwellers as pathetic, self serving and a little dumb. She feels as though she can get whatever she wants when she wants it. So if you challenge that, or even tell her no, she'll be intrigued.

BAD RP Hooks

  • Offering to free her from her slavery, this to Candie means death, her type of demon will die either along side their Master or without one. So don't go around offering her freedom unless you want to piss her off.

  • Telling her she looks fine.. I mean, come on guys? One compliment is okay, but don't keep mentioning it, you're not -gaining- points here, you're infact losing them.

  • Trying to enslave her first time you meet. Needless to say -I- don't know who the fuck you are, and Candie doesn't either, so let's just back that speedy train up and consider for a moment that she can run away.

Now lets say -I- know you, Candie doesn't, I may consider it, but Candies reaction will likely still be, to run, I won't break character just to appease some sadistic lust.

  • Telepathically asking her to "Go somewhere private." Does she know you? No? Then don't do it, and if she does by some chance of the gods agree, you're in for her fangs in your throat, nothing more.

Fun Facts

  • Candie is her stripper name, she has a real name from when she was human, and a demonic name that she was born with.

  • She literally cannot eat or drink anything besides blood, alcohol and flesh, it'll either make her ill or pass out.

  • Why alcohol you say? It helps keep her blood supply clean, thus allowing her to survive on less blood for longer periods of time.

  • There are only two reasons her eyes will glow crimson.

1) She is feeding.

2) She is creating illusions.

  • She is easily addicted to certain bloods. But even the most generic blood(human) can became an addiction for her, the more she's fed it the more she'll crave it.

  • She actually can manipulate her way out of a wet paper bag. So don't trust her, everything she says is a lie unless you've got her arm twisted.

  • Love? She doesn't love, she's a demon, and properly so. She enjoys all the sins of life, mostly sadism and lust. No love, she may grow attached to someone, but there's a far different force behind the wheel than love.

  • Her ears are just like an animals, they can expression her mood, whether she feels threatened or aggressive and so on.

  • She can best a pirate in a drinking game. No seriously.

  • She's susceptible to most things humans are, cuts, bruises, poisons, telepathy, you name it. If you can break a human bone you can snap a Candie bone. She's fragile.

  • Her tail is multi-talented, it has been known to wield daggers, remove clothing and on occasion open a beer bottle.

  • She's actually very into the human fashion scene and dislikes wearing an outfit more than twice.

  • Her skin is fragrant with a sugary sweet aroma that is known to attract most races, breeds and genders.

OOC Fun Facts

  • I cuss like a sailor.(So I'm told)

  • Yes I'm a girl, and I'm also married, so stop asking.

  • All the art on this page are belong to me.

  • My global on CoX was Candie, aswell as my Character name.

  • I spend... A lot.. Of money on costumes weekly. .____.0

  • I take a TON of screenshots at any given time. Ever RPed with or near me? You've probably been caught on camera.

  • I've been RPing and Arting since as far back as I can remember.

Theme Songs:

(Rock)Avenged Sevenfold - Girl I Know (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzIK2UI1Sq4)

(Alternative/Techno)Example - Won't go Quietly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o24Lk676jM)


I do Mature RP, however it's not all I do, and I know there are a lot of rumors about that. Candie has a full background story(Longer than the one on here), she is linked to a couple other toons of friends, and is an immensely complicated character. Being a demon just means she likes to do sinful things, and sorry that includes some graphic stuff.

Also, Candie is a bitch, and all too often people think OOCly I don't like them simply because, Candie is a bitch. I have a very good separation from my RP, so if you need reassurance that I'm okay with you OOCly, just send me a tell and I'll be glad to throw some love your way. ^_^