The Wanderer

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The Wanderer
Player: PlacidIgnited
"Live life to it's fullest."
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank; Damage Dealer
Power Level: 10
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Autumn Morrison
Known Aliases: 'Red', 'The Wanderer'
Gender: Female
Species: Warped Human Being
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Originally born near Eastern Europe; Key West, Florida
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Two parents; Deceased
Age: Physically 23 (In reality she is over a hundred years old)
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Naturally red
Complexion: Pale skin with freckles that decorate her face
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Her entire body is covered in a grainy-looking texture that makes her look like a walking portrait.
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Secret; Unknown for now
Years Active: 24 years
Citizenship: United States Citizenship
Occupation: Freelance Painter; Part-time crimefighter
Education: College Dropout
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Her powers usually revolve around paint; she can sense the flow, style, and emotion by touch; She can travel into a painting and port herself into another, essentially changing locations via teleportation; Able to essentially 're-paint' artwork at her leisure; She utilizes a form of Pyromancy
Equipment and Paraphernalia
She carries a rather broken-looking sword hilt by her side. At her leisure, Autumn is able to manifest a blade, any to her liking (I.E she can form a curved blade, creating a make-shift sickle or Shotel)
ReldinBox Template

Who is The Wanderer?

"The Wanderer is just a name, like any other one. It simply states that I like to wander; whether I walk a direct path or a nomadic one does not matter, for I will forever walk these planes, forever waiting till the end of the world. That is, if I do not finish my self-portrait. . . Yes, it's very odd for one to say this; 'If I were to finish my self portrait, then I will be offed in the most horrendous of ways'. Unfortunately for me, it is true. . . I am forever bound by the fact that I will one day die by merely painting a portrait of myself. The material does not matter, what matters is if I ever even begin to paint myself, I will die. It is fated that this happens to me; it's happened to the girl before me, and the girl before her; it is an unending curse that will not yield nor end. . . All I can down now is hope that I never ever think about creating a portrait of myself. "