Wildling (@Arachnid95)

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Player: @Arachnid95
Biographical Data
Real Name: Mackenzie Park
Known Aliases: Wildling
Gender: Cis-Female
Species: Genetically-Altered Human
Ethnicity: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: N/A
Age: Mid Twenties
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Red
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: Small but Wiry
Physical Features: Faint Scarring Across Body, Pointed Ears, Dark Markings Around Eyes
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: Millennium City, US, Earth
Occupation: Superhero
Education: No Formal Education
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Animal Physiology
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Accelerated Healing
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Retractable Claws
  • Venom Production
  • Animal Communication

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Skintight Suit

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
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Background and Origin

Early Life

Not much is known about the early life of Mackenzie Park--not even by herself.

In fact, even her name has only recently surfaced in her memory; for a long time, the only names she knew for herself were her chosen moniker, Wildling, and "Barghest--" the name that was given to her by the woman she knew as "mother" for years.

Other than that, she gets only occasional flashes of her childhood and early adulthood. She doesn't know anything about her life before her "awakening" (as she calls it). Her birthplace, her hometown, where she went to school, who her family was, none of it is known to her. And because of the thoroughness of her "mother," she has no records from before this time either, meaning any hope of discovering any of this information is slim at best.

What can be ascertained, purely through deduction, is that she is likely American-born, most likely in the Midwest or Pacific regions. She is literate and capable of basic mathematics, so she received some form of elementary education, at the very least, and likely a high school education as well, given her age at "awakening."

As far as she is concerned, her "early life" really begins with her "awakening," at the approximate age of nineteen, in a cage in a dark laboratory.


The event Mackenzie refers to as her "awakening" is one she regards as somewhat traumatic, and represents the beginning of her life as she knows it. She recounted her memories of the event in a session with UNTIL psychiatrist Dr. Priyanka Suresh, the transcript of which follows:

PS: "So tell me, Mackenzie, what's the first thing you remember?"

MP: "The first thing I remember is... pain. Like, this weird ache, all over my body. In my mouth, in my hands and feet, down to my bones even. The worst of it was in my head, just... pounding, dull ache. It was cold, too. I was naked, and I that really sticks out in my mind--how exposed and vulnerable I felt."

"It took a while before I could sit up and open my eyes. When I did, it was super dark at first, but then my eyes started to hurt a little, and then all of a sudden I could see, even though it was still dark."

PS: "Because of the night vision."

MP: "Because of the night vision, yeah. Except I didn't really know that yet, heh."

"Anyway, once I could see, I saw I was in a big... room of some kind. And I was in a cage. There were a lot of cages, like... fifty, at least. And each of them had another person inside. Some of them were already awake, like me, and freaking out. Some of them were still out, kinda stirring in their sleep, whimpering. And..."

PS: "Hm?"

MP: "And some... some of them weren't moving at all. Not even a little.

"...I think about those ones, sometimes. It's kinda horrible to admit, but... sometimes, I wonder if maybe... those were the lucky ones..."

PS: "I understand. These other people, in the cages, they were... like you?"

MP: "...Yeah. Kinda. I mean, we were all a little different. Some of them had long ears, some had like, whiskers, or fur in weird places. Some had tails even. A few of them had legs like dogs, like you know, how they bend different from human legs?"

PS: "Digitigrade legs?"

MP: "Yeah, that sounds right. Those ones were really going through it, you could tell. Must've really hurt. Point is, we all had... animal bits. I started feeling myself all over. Felt my ears, my teeth... Saw I had claws instead of nails. No tail, and my legs were... normal, thank god."

PS: "That's quite a lot to take in! You must have been very disoriented."

MP: "Yeah, we all were. We had so many questions. None of us knew who we were, or where we were... or who had done this to us, or why. Some of the others still had... ghosts of memories. The guy next to me was sure he had a kid, and felt really certain that he had to get back to them... but he couldn't even remember their name. Another girl remembered having a mom, but was forgetting about her even as we were talking."

PS: "That sounds dreadful... Did you have any lingering memories yourself?"

MP: "Uh... I... I don't think so? Some of us didn't. Turned out that the ones that did weren't... good enough... for her. They weren't perfect. The brainwashing didn't take like she wanted. So at some point, they were taken away, and I... never saw them again. The ones of us who couldn't remember anything, we were kept around. Unless we were weeded out for other reasons."

PS: "I see. And by 'her,' I take it you mean...?"

MP: "Oh, yeah. The doc. Mom. She came in, not long after we woke up. I remember the light coming on suddenly, and it hurt--really bad. Took my eyes ages to readjust. When I could see again... she was there. And I remember feeling this... weird sort of... affection for her. Like the minute I saw her face, all I cared about in the world was her and her love and making her happy. She called us all her children... told us she loved us..."

The doctor Mackenzie refers to is Dr. Echidna, the villain who had, for all intents and purposes, created her, and the others she had awakened with. Obsessed with mythological monsters, and overcome with an urge to make them real, Echidna's modus operandi was to kidnap people and, using a combination of mad science and twisted magic, transform them into her "children--" human-animal hybrid "monsters," whose purpose was to do her bidding.

Mackenzie and the others were part of a batch of monsters dubbed "Hounds," one of Echidna's first experiments. Each of them had been altered to possess canine features and mannerisms--and, in some cases, a few other animals' features as well. Each Hound was different, with a different cocktail of animal DNA spliced into their own. Clearly, not all were viable; of the fifty-two Hounds that comprised Mackenzie's batch, only thirty-seven survived the initial procedure.

Other Hounds' bodies rejected the mutations, and perished in short order. Still others were considered too imperfect by Dr. Echidna--not physically viable, or not mentally compliant enough--and were disposed of. By the time they reached the final filter of quality control, only twelve remained.

PS: "You mentioned something earlier about a 'trial,' yes? Could you tell me about that?"

MP: "..."

PS: "You don't have to talk about it if you're not ready, but you are in a safe space here, Mackenzie."

MP: "...yeah. The trial. The last step of the doc deciding if we were worthy of keeping around."

"Most of us were gone by now. There were only a dozen of us left--the ones who didn't fall apart, or that she didn't decide were failures. Us twelve, she led us into this... big... pit. And she told us all that we were almost done, that there was just one more thing we had to do to earn her love. All we had to do was... fight for it. To the death."


PS: "...you seem a little distressed, dear. Maybe we can call it a day, try again when you're feeling--"

MP: "Red."

PS: "...what?"

MP: "I can't see red anymore. Got dog vision. I'm colorblind. I literally can't see the color red."

PS: "I'm sorry, I dont..."

MP: "But I did. I swear I did that day. I saw red. She said we had to kill each other, and she'd love us. I wanted her to love me. I needed her to love me. So I... I saw red. I didn't hesitate. I..."

PS: "It... it's okay, Mackenzie. You had been brainwashed. You didn't know what you were doing."

MP: "But I did. I did know what I was doing. I was earning her love. I was killing them for her love. This girl, I'd just met her, and her... her throat was in my teeth... She was raking long scratches in my stomach with her toe claws. Trying to get away. Trying to kill me. Trying to earn her love, too. If I'd let her go she'd have killed me. But I didn't let her go. I felt her neck snap in my mouth. Felt her go limp. I didn't even stop to breathe before I turned to the next guy. Never even saw me coming, he was too busy slashing up this other kid--"

PS: "O-Okay Mackenzie, let's maybe take a break--"

MP: "Tore his arm off."

PS: "Oh god..."

MP: "Ripped it out of its socket. Barely slowed him down. He turned back to me. I sliced his throat open. Red, all over him. Red on the floor. Red all over me. Red. Red..."

The transcript ends here. Mackenzie remained withdrawn for days afterwards.

After the trial, there were four left standing, each of which earning a name inspired by mythological canines: "Cerberus," "Cu Sith," "Garmr," and Mackenzie, now named "Barghest."

These, according to Doctor Echidna, were to be her beloved Hounds. They were to be a pack, siblings, ready to hunt and fight for her. They had earned her love... or so they thought.


Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Power 1 - Put info on your power here. Be as lengthy as you like.

Power 2 - Not every hero HAS powers, of course, in which case the powers section can be deleted.

Power 3 - Just take everything from the HR tag above the Skills section, up to the "Powers" sub-header, and delete it. You can also edit the Main Header to take the word 'Powers' out of it as well.


Skill 1 - Skills are the things your character has learned to do, or has an innate talent at doing.

Skill 2 - These skills can be as mundane as painting, to more fantastical things such as enchanting items.

Skill 3 - If your character has no particular skills worth noting, feel free to follow the same directions as shown for the 'Powers' sub-header on how to remove this section.


Attribute 1 - Attributes are physical or mental traits, separate from powers in most cases, though possibly enhanced by them.

Attribute 2 - Attributes can be things such as flexibility, or being naturally acrobatic, or good eye-hand coordination perhaps.

Attribute 3 - Again, like the last two, if you have no use for it, delete this section. You can also ALTER the section if there is something missing that you would find more fitting.

Gear and Equipment


Weapon - Gear and equipment are the things your character carries around and uses. These can be things like weapons and armor.

Armor - Feel free to use this section to name and describe the gear that your character uses, if any. Be, again, as lengthy as you like.

Gadget - If this section does not apply to your character, feel free to delete it. Also feel free to add more sub-headers as they apply, such as for a vehicle, perhaps, and that vehicle's statistics.



This section is specifically for a spouse, lover, or some other form of paramour. Feel free to use any of the formatting from 'Friends/Allies' below.


Put any friends or allies your character may have in here. You may give them descriptions or simply list them. To make a numbered list, simply place a # at the beginning of each new line:

  1. This guy
  2. That guy
  3. Some chick

For a non-numbered list, put an asterisk instead (the lines are optional. Simply remove the HR tags if you wish to remove them):

  • This guy

  • That guy

  • Some chick

Or, you could even use a smaller sub-header for each person, effectively creating a small section on them, like this:

That Guy I Know

Put info on the friend here.

That Chick I Met

And here.

Some Dude at the Bar

Don't forget this one.


Put any rivals or enemies here. You can give descriptions, or simply list them. Same idea as the Allies and Friends.

General Perception

Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.

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