Web of Deceit (Adventurers)

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Web of Deceit is a storyline featuring Webcrawler of the Adventurers, taking place in summer of 2022.


Cassandra Olsen - Performing Artist???

Cassandra Olsen, the masked crime fighter known as Webcrawler, gave up a stage career because she knew it would interfere with her crime fighting. Instead, upon graduating university, she opened a dance studio out of her penthouse's rehearsal hall, and ran it as a home business. This gave her the flexibility to be available for crime fighting... but always left her wondering what a career as an actor might have been like?

The Gig

Cassandra had signed with the Ultimate Talent Agency, yet the rarity of her accepting a gig meant that she was low on their priority list. Despite that, they called her on July 1, 2022, pleading with her to accept a 2-day gig acting as a background dancer in a superhero movie being filmed in Millennium City. She reluctantly accepted, figuring one day would prove a minimal disruption to her family and superhero duties.

When Cass arrived on set in July 5, she was introduced to the other dancers, had a quick measuring session with the film's costumers, and began working with the film's choreographer and assistant director to figure out her place. During a break, she overheard some techs talking about the car accident the day before of one of the film's key supporting cast, Erica Sooke, who played a character called Night Angel/Jennifer Daily. Worried as they were about Erica Sooke's condition, they were also worried about how it might affect the production schedule. When rehearsal on Cass's scene resumed, she and other dancers were halted by costuming department, who curiously wanted to take their measurements again. Cass and another dancer, Kira Rafferty, were asked down to costuming department to try something on: the Night Angel costume.

Cass and Kira were asked to audition for the role, as Sooke would be out with injuries indefinitely. Ultimately, Cass was given the part, and the shooting schedule was only changed a little to accommodate it.

The Players



  • Name: Carly Patterson
  • Age: 41
  • Residence: Pasadena, CA
  • Traits: Calm; personable; shrewd; disciplined

Carly gained her reputation in TV. First she was a TV journalist, then a newsroom producer, and then she jumped to network TV production. EWE has been her employer for 10 years now. She has a reputation for finding the right people, and keeping projects to a rigorous fiscal discipline, which the company adores in her. But she has a reputation for being "Lady Death" - not living up to her expectations is said to cause career fatality.


  • Name: Karl Pope
  • Age: 28
  • Residence: Malibu, CA
  • Traits: Artistic visionary; stressed

This is Karl Pope's third time directing. He's worked up the ladder for EWE Pictures in the technical department, as a writer, and as an assistant director, before being given the big chair on a couple of by-the-numbers horror sequels that made good returns at the box office. Satisfied with his work, EWE gave him a shot at The Vigilant - Nevermore, which is expected to be a blockbuster. The weight of EWE's and fans' expectations, the size of the production staff, and the budget he wields are stressing Karl out. He's not used to projects of this size, and is a bit intimidated by some of the big-name actors he'll be directing - and can be a terror to the lesser-knowns whose Hollywood status is less certain.

Rival Actress

  • Name: Isabelle "Izzy" Garrison
  • Age: 21
  • Residence: Manhattan, NY
  • Traits: Charismatic; attractive; vain; competitive

Izzy attended one of the most prestigious acting schools in the country - made possible due to family wealth and connections. She is a good performer, though - but as someone accustomed to getting her way, she is gauche in the way of the professional acting. That won't stop her trying to get her daddy to schmooze and see if he can't get her what she wants. What she wants right now: the role of Night Angel. As the assistant to Mr. Pope she's managed to arm-twist her way into some work as a background extra, but when she heard that Night Angel was available, she thought the stars were aligning! ...and then they gave it to that Olsen woman. Barf. How old is she, anyway? Like, 30?! Anyway, if Izzy can keep twisting arms, enlist daddy to schmooze, and maybe find a way to get Olsen fired before she films too many scenes, then - Izzy thinks - she still has a chance!

Lead Actor

  • Name: Stephen McNally
  • Age: 39
  • Residence: San Francisco, CA
  • Traits: adaptable; collaborative; reserved

Stephen McNally is a character actor known for TV roles as authoritative, respectable male characters. In The Vigilant series, he is a leading man, playing the role of Mr. Vigil.

The Game

Your mission: create a brief scenario with a die roll!

You can use the ICONS system if you like (I can help)! Or I can suggest another, simpler system.

Plot Seeds

  • It's all the same, only the names were changed - The movie is based on fictional books, but loosely based on the author's real life adventures in the early 20th centry. The fictional Polaris Disciples are a stand in for the real-life Order of Osiris, an ancient, secretive, elitist order. The Disciples are portrayed as inept and cartoonishly evil cult. The real Order - handed a crippling blow in 2019 by the Adventurers - may try to cause a series of 'accidents' to shut down production to remind the world they are a force to be reckoned with! (While they'd never show their hand or claim responsibility, they can trust to conspiracy bloggers to fill in the blanks).
  • Juggling the dual life - Cass may be called away to deal with a crime in progress near the studio! Can she sneak off the set, do the hero stuff as Webcrawler, and get back to her trailer before anyone notices?
  • Loitering, no good... - Friends of Cass might try to visit her at work, or may score jobs assisting her, as she's really bogged down by the long hours and the complicated shooting schedule. But in so doing, they might get her in trouble.
  • The jealous rival - Izzy Garrison keeps trying to find out things about Cass that she can use to embarrass her. She may also concoct social scenarios to try to embarrass Cass in front of her professional peers. The endgame is the same: Izzy wants Cass's job, and she may get increasingly desperate as time goes on.
  • A series of 'accidents' - Someone may want to make the picture fail for reasons of competition or some other sinister motive. Perhaps the car crash of Erica Sooke wasn't just a random accident. A series of near-misses and injuries on set are starting to make people wonder...
  • Beginner's Luck? - Cass has never acted in a movie of any kind, much less a blockbuster. But she does have the performance skills and a lot of life experience to draw from. Still, a lot might be expected of her if she wants to keep the job in the next sequel. Yet as the secret identity of a real superhero, sometimes she might even have to hold back on her abilities.


GM: Mr. Patterson has kept the entire cast and crew in place on a scene for take after take. Take #19 just happened, and Patterson looks frustrated, but he's not saying anything about what he's not getting. For Cass, she's getting over-heated in her costume under these lights. First thing: roll WILLPOWER to see if she can get through take #20 without a freakout. Difficulty: 6.

WEB: <rolls her D6 + 5 (WILL) ... gets a total of 8>

GM: Ok, she gets a moderate success and moves on! Now, looking around, Cass can see the studio is a powder keg. The actors are getting tired. The crew have had to work through dinner. Patterson wants everyone back to starting positions for take #20. What will Cass do?

WEB: Cass realizes she has no clout with Patterson yet and doesn't want to rock the boat. It might be better if she talks to one of the veteran actors, and see if they'll help her talk to Patterson about what he wants.

GM: Stephen McNally, the most senior actor in this scene, is walking along with her.

WEB: Cass says quietly to Mr. McNally, "I'm new at this, but... 20 takes seems like a lot? Maybe you and I could ask him to call a 15 minute break for the crew, while we try to sort out what he's looking for from us?"

GM: Ok, roll your WIL + leadership bonus. Difficulty: 8.

WEB: <rolls d6 + 5 (WIL) + 2 (leadership), gets 12>

GM: Major success! McNally smiles at her. "You're Cass, right?" he asks quietly. "Yeah, I agree, this is going on a bit long. The two of us might be able to help things along."


You get the idea. The two might go have an interaction with the director. Maybe Cass is asked to do an intelligence roll after she ventures some advice to help the director solve what's not working. The scene resolves one way or another, maybe good, maybe bad, and the GM chooses how many points to give Cass.

  • Hero points (does she avoid leaving clues about her double life? does she answer the call to adventure when it comes up?)
  • Acting points (if the scenario has her acting, does she do well? does she collaborate with other creatives well?)
  • Professionalism (being to set on time, being creatively collaborative, might grant points; being late, or having bad exchanges with NPCs, might take points away!)

Can she do it?! Only the dice know for sure. Each GM can award her points between -2 to +2 in each category, for each scene, in whatever way they want! Doesn't matter how another GM did it.

When the movie is done filming, I'll interpret her scores and maybe we'll have a finale scenario based on it.

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