> Liath > Subpages Image Checking
Current Query Limits 2000 returns
Still To Do - Add ability to Query from specific date - e.g Last Checked Date
By Type
To Filter Results for PNG files, add &aimime=image/png to the end of the query string on the results page address bar and reload
To Filter Results for JPG files, add &aimime=image/jpeg to the end of the query string on the results page address bar and reload
To Filter Results for GIF files, add &aimime=image/gif to the end of the query string on the results page address bar and reload
By Date
To Filter Results by date, add &aisort=timestamp&aistart=<startdatetime>&aiend=<enddatetime> to the end of the query string
on the results page address bar, replacing <startdatetime> and <enddatetime> with appropriate values (see example below) and reload
Example: &aisort=timestamp&aistart=2013-09-16T00:00:01Z&aiend=2013-10-19T16:00:01Z
Queries by File Size
1MB = 1048576 | 5 MB = 5242880 | 6 MB = 6291456 | 7 MB = 7340032 | 8 MB = 8388608 | 9 MB = 9437184 | 10 MB = 10485760
- < 0.25MB ALL PNG
- 0.25MB < 0.5MB ALL PNG
- 0.5MB < 0.75MB ALL PNG
- 0.75MB < 1MB ALL PNG
- ]1MB < 2MB ALL PNG
- ]2MB < 3MB ALL PNG
- ]3MB < 4MB ALL PNG
- ]4MB < 5MB ALL PNG
- ]5MB < 6MB ALL PNG
- ]6MB < 7MB ALL PNG
- ]7MB < 8MB ALL PNG
- ]8MB < 9MB ALL PNG
- ]9MB < 10MB ALL PNG
- Over 10MB ALL PNG
Action: In event of bugged display of page - for example Special:UnusedFiles, starting from the largest files, check each of the query results until a bugged file is found.
Fixing bugged image uploads:
Change FILENAME.HERE to the file name and check Ignore Any Warnings on the bottom.
Deleting bugged image uploads: