Scarlet Moon (Aketsuki)

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Scarlet Moon
Player: @e1alpha
Biographical Data
Real Name: Yohana Aki (夜花 あき)
Known Aliases: Scarlet Moon
Gender: Female
Species: Dhampir (Half-Vampire)
Ethnicity: Mixed Asian-Caucasian
Place of Birth: Shizuoka, Japan
Base of Operations: Vibora Bay
Relatives: Maisie Nixon (mother), Akehebi Shunsuke (father)
Age: 23
Height: 1m68 / 5'6"
Weight: 50kg / 110lbs
Eyes: Bright Red
Hair: Ashen Black
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Lithe
Physical Features: Slightly pointed ears and small vampiric fangs
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Identity: Hidden
Years Active: One year
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: Active Hero under Primus jurisdiction
Education: Ravenswood Graduate
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Night Vision
  • Super-Human Reflexes
  • Super-Human Physique
  • Blood Drinking
  • Hypnotism
  • Magical Weapon

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Long black scarf (to hide her face)
  • Bloodleech (her magical axe)

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Child of the Akehebi

Aki was born to a a young human woman, Maisie Nixon, working as a mortal servant to one of Japan's lesser known vampiric clans: The Akehebi, or Blood Serpent Clan. Her mother came to Japan with her own parents many years ago and was never able to lose the label she had been given as a girl of English-American descent. This treatment forced her to seek out a life with less reputable groups. It was through this course that she met the Akehebi clan. Being promised a life where her land of origin would not matter, she foolishly joined the clan. And they didn't lie. Where she came from didn't matter, but now it mattered what she was. The clan was devotedly supremacist of vampirism, which led to Maisie being seen as little more than a willing slave or even livestock. Eventually, she found herself the personal concubine of one of the higher up vampires: Lord Shunsuke. And from this arranged, she eventually bore a child with the diluted vampire bloodline commonly known as a Dhampir.

Aki's birth was not a clan-shaking event, but it did call into question what the young girl's place was within the clan. Was she human or vampire? The debate had been brought up before in the clan, and her birth once more lit that flame. Maisie knew well enough that she did not wish for her child to be raised as either a tyrant or a slave. The unrest within the clan was an opportunity that she could not miss out on. And so, during the confusion, she managed to slip away one night, and somehow managed to find her way out of Japan and back to the United States. Naturally, this would not go unnoticed forever...

A Shadowed Life

Growing up, Aki was always aware that she was different, but other than that, she had been able to live unaware of her heritage for the most part. Living in this bliss left her with many questions however about her differences. Her mother always avoided the topic. But when during puberty, Aki began to develop hypnotic powers alongside her already amazing physical prowess, everything became more complicated.

Going through high school with powers is something that is more of a curse than a blessing. Even while trying to hide her powers, rumors began to spread. Some true, some false. But they all had some effect. Most worrying, however, was that the rumors began to slip out from the school ground.

It was at this time that Ravenswood Academy became something to consider. A place where Aki could truly learn about her abilities, and live more sheltered and safe. With a normal life becoming more and more dangerous as it seemed like the rumors of her abilities were spreading, changing to Ravenwood could not happen fast enough.

Despite the safety of Ravenwood, Aki could not help but continue to worry about the shadows that were not only haunting her, but also her mother. Now at age 17, she was looking at her final year at Ravenwood, and with already about 2 years to learn, she proved a quick study. Her enhanced traits helped her pick on a natural talent for martial combat, but it seemed like most weapons just felt wrong. Knives she could never get used to their short length. Swords felt awkward and unwieldy.

With this hampering her further training, it was likely the worst time for Aki to find herself getting ambushed by agents of her father's clan. She would not even wait to hear out their demands. Fleeing was her only solution here. But it was late and she had made the mistake of wandering the streets at night without much care. Cornered and alone, Aki reached for the closest thing she could use as a weapon: A rusted old pipe. And in mere moments, her assailants were upon her, fighting with claw and knife. Were it not for her sturdiness and rapid healing, she'd be looking at a loss for certain. But at least some of her training was starting to pay off.

As Aki was slowly taking the upper hand, the scraping of metal would snap her to reality. The leader of this pack, a vampiric hunter wielding a glowing red and black axe revealed himself. He posed his final ultimatum: Surrender and join them, or sign not only her death warrant, but also that of her mother. The choice left Aki shaking. Her mother had given up everything to get the two of out of that life, and now they were going to drag her back in. In a desperate rage, Aki rushed forward, taking her assailant by surprise just enough to knock him off balance. A slam from the pipe did little to wound him, but his grip on his axe released, and Aki was quick to pick up the weapon. The moment she grasped the handle, she a rush of power flow through her. And when the blade bit down into her vampiric assailant, it grew even stronger. Her fear was being pushed away by a bloodrush.

When Aki next opened her eyes, she stood in that alley. The vampiric bodies of her assailants were withering to dust as she looked down at her bloodstained form. She lived, but she did not know how or why. In a panic, she rushed back home.

The Scarlet Moon Rises

The incident left Aki reeling, but both her mother and the teachers at Ravenwood made sure to support her and advise her. Aki had discovered a true limit to her powers, one where if she crossed over it, she would lose control. The axe was something to consider with it: An enchanted weapon capable of absorbing the blood of whomever it hit, and using it to empower not just the weapon but also any latent vampiric abilities the wielder might have. With these discoveries, the decission was made to hold Aki back for two more years at Ravenwood, as she now had a whole array of skills to pick up.

But finally, with two years of delay, Aki found herself graduating Ravenswood and earning her first stripes as a hero. Donning the mantle of Scarlet Moon, or Aketsuki, she determined that she wanted to do her part by helping fight off other vampiric threats, not only that of her clan. This prompted her to prepare and train for another full year, before she finally left to make Vibora Bay her main area of activity. And now, after having had about a year to hunt for the descendants of the, Aki make sure to try and keep her real identity and life separate from it all. Because in the end, the one she wishes to protect the most, is the woman who gave everything to give her a chance.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Super-Human Physique - Aki is stronger than most humans, and definitely faster and more agile. The strongest of these traits however, are her reflexes and her senses. She is able to react to most events with split-second precision. Combined with a trained sense of how to act in unexpected situations, she is very quick to react to anything happening to her.

Nightvision - Aki's glowing red eyes allow her to see in total darkness. Her vision takes on a more reddish hue in this case, and thus colors are harder to differentiate, but she can distuinguish shapes with near perfection.

Blood-Drinking - Under most circumstances, Aki would refuse to do this, but if Aki were to consume a moderate amount of human blood, her vampiric abilities would scale rapidly to the level of a true vampire. She refuses to do this in anything that is not a life or death situation as this can awaken a feral side of her that she fears she would be unable to control. It is possible that she might get an even bigger power boost from consuming vampire blood, but she has no intention to find out.

Hypnotism - To a lesser degree, Aki is able to use her vampiric mental strength to plant subtle messages and commands in other people's subconscious. She cannot truly entrace people, but she is capable enough to influence weaker minds.


Martial Weapon Training - Over the course of a few years, Aki has learned to fight and defend herself through the use of various melee weapons. And while her skill with more traditional blades is limited, she has an affinity for wielding top-heavy weapons, her favorite of which would be the battleaxe, which she can wield with the same speed and dexterity as one would wield a sword.

Stealth Training - Due to the risks she has been exposed to in her life, Aki also picked up a fair amount of stealth training to learn not only how to hide in the shadows, but also how to blend into crowds. While she is no magician in this regard, her vampiric gifts have enabled to her to be at the very least moderately adept at staying hidden in many situations.


Half-Vampiric Heritage - Most of Aki's power comes from the vampiric blood that runs in her veins. Though diluted and thus not as powerful as many true vampires, it also means that many of their usual weaknesses do not apply to her. She has no weakness to sunlight or running water. Nor does she depend on human blood to survive. However, this diluted blood does still grant her the ability to see perfectly in the dark, as well as having above human strength and especially superhuman reflexes. She only has lesser regenerative powers thanks to this. She can also drink human blood, a choice that would, for a time, dramatically increase her vampiric boons. This is however something that she prefers not to do, if only to further distance herself from the vampires she hates so much.

Gear and Equipment


Bloodleech - Aki's battleaxe, while taken from assailants of her origin clan, has served her well. The axe is empowered with blood magic and drains the blood of whoever it strikes. This in turn powers up the axe and any vampiric properties the wielder may have. This axe allows Aki to go into a battlerush, becoming stronger and faster throughout a fight. The power scaling is however nowhere near what she would gain from directly consuming blood.





  1. Maisie Nixon (Aki's mother and primary confidant)


  1. The Akehebi or Blood Serpent Clan

General Perception

Aki has made sure to try and keep her hero persona well hidden. It is the primary reason why she lives most of her day to day life in Millennium City, but goes vampire hunting in Vibora Bay. In the few times that she hunts in Millennium City, she takes extra care to stay out of the picture. Anyone without extensive inside information from PRIMUS databases or similar sources would likely not know who she is. The name Scarlet Moon however is a more known name, especially among the darker residents of Vibora Bay.

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