Remnant 1

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Remnant 1, or otherwise known by his alias Arman Wan, is the first remnant of Paladin Decen. During his conception, Arman was raised a warrior, and battled many celestial and mythological figures before meeting Guardian Merrow Rivenlight, and aiding his progenitor's Guardian to unite others of his kind.

Stoic, fearless, and battle loving, just like his parent Paladin, Arman was considered the greatest and most powerful of the remnants. Possessing superhuman regeneration and reflexes that were not reduced, Arman's survivability in the battlefield rivals Decen, and greatly surpasses his brethren.

R1 possesses two large swords: Pariah, and Loz-Q which he uses in battle. These blades were smithed by the Makers, and utilized Celestial Steel, a near indestructible metal capable of cutting through celestials and magical entities.