Merrow Rivenlight Arc

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The Merrow Rivenlight Arc looks into Samuel Mason and John "Jason" Crypt's journey to find Merrow Rivenlight, the Guardian of Decen. The pair venture to the mountains, where Sam sees a vision of Merrow through Hunter's Eye.



Amana Cross plans on taking Sam and Jason on a grocery haul and clothing store to prepare the two for the journey. Sam visits Tob's room to tell him he hopes to see him again soon. Tob tells Sam to "get the hell out of here", smirking. Sam gives Tob a smirk back. He asks Tob how his conquest to win over Reya's affection is going, and Tob tells him there's nothing to worry about, as she would eventually give in to Tob's "good looks".

Sam visits Junon and checks up on her. Junon tells Sam she is doing fine and thanks him for the bear. Sam sees the bear sitting on her bed. Junon tells Sam to be careful, and to make sure Jason makes it back in one piece for her sake. Sam asks Junon if she plans on staying with Darkstar, which Junon responds that she does not know yet. Junon glances at Trill and tells him that she might be considering staying. Sam grins.

Sam enters Lazarus' room and sees the mage in front of a giant green runic circle. Sam asks Lazarus what he's doing, and the mage tells him that he is working on a new spell that involves weakening the attack power of anyone within the vicinity of the rune. Bridget suddenly manifests and Lazarus gives the girl a hug. Lazarus asks Sam if anything is bothering him, any side effects, which Sam tells him he's fine. Sam is still uneasy as to how he is able to soul link with multiple beings. Lazarus has two theories: the first being that Sam might be a very rare mage, with one in a trillion genetics, allowing him to soul link. The other theory, Lazarus pauses, is that Sam might be an incarnation of a Paladin. Sam's eyes go wide. Lazarus states that this is very unlikely, but is not impossible. A reincarnation happens once every millennia. Sam stares at his feet, unable to comprehend what he is hearing. Lazarus tells Sam that regardless if he is a reincarnation or not, he will be by his side to get through this. He is not alone. Sam thanks Lazarus and leaves, but not before he sees Bridget playing with the Goatman.

Sam is about to check on Reya and Wagner before he is stopped by Ferris. Ferris claps Sam on the back, telling him that he's grateful for having more vision support for the team. Sam apologizes to Ferris for leaving the group again, but Ferris stops him. Ferris assures that it's completely fine, and tells him to be safe on his journey. He tells Sam that when John, or Jason, left the gym that day, he told Ferris that he wanted friends. Ferris is proud that Jason has gained so many new allies and friends, and even leads a team that he is part of. Ferris tells Sam that since he gave Jason a gift when he left, it would only be fair if he gave Sam one too. Ferris gives Sam a pair of black goggles. Sam asks what the goggles are for, and Ferris explains that when he used to do surveillance with the stone seekers, the visions became too much for him, as a result he wore a pair of black goggles that soothed his vision, allowing him to use his stone seekers easier. Ferris figured that Sam's Hunter Eye took a huge strain on him, the use of the goggles would be beneficial. Sam puts the goggles on, and suddenly, he feels much more relaxed. His vision improves, and everything became clearer. Ferris laughs and compliments on Sam's new look. Sam thanks Ferris.

Sam leaves with Amana and Jason before he can check on Reya. Amana compliments on Sam's goggles. Amana asks Jason how long he estimates will he be gone. Jason responds that he is uncertain. Amana's face becomes disappointed, but Jason tells her that he promises to return to her. The three returns with the supplies, and Lazarus compresses them into a smaller compartment. Lazarus and Trill create a portal to the mountains, where Sam and Jason step in. The two look back at Darkstar. Sam tells Jason that they're in good hands.

Search for Rivenlight

Sam uses his Hunter's Eye and finds that the ability no longer drains his stamina with Ferris' goggles. Sam picks up a powerful signal and leads Jason on to the top of a mountain. Along the way, the duo are ambushed by soul beasts. After clearing the area of the monsters, the duo run into an old seer. The seer claims to possess the powers of prophecy. Jason tells Sam to move on, but Sam wishes to hear the seer. Jason advises that the powers of prophecy are dangerous and is usually best to not hear them, but Sam does not listen.

The seer gives Sam a cryptic message, stating that their quest to defeat Calliope Ariandal will lead to a final confrontation that they will not expect. The seer tells Sam that he will achieve greatness, but at a horrible price. Jason grabs Sam but the seer looks at the mage. The seer recognizes Jason as the remnant of Decen, and tells him to cherish his time with Darkstar. Neither Jason nor Lazarus are the heroes in this story. The duo leave the seer, and continue traversing the mountain. Sam is deeply disturbed by the prophecies, but Jason tells the boy to keep moving. They will face the future head on, in the future. Not in the present.

Along the way, the duo walks into a mountain village. The pair helps the villagers with eliminating soul beasts and restoring their main power supply. Sam's Hunter's Eye suddenly stops working. Jason asks if Sam has run out of stamina, but Sam tells him that's not possible, as he is still able to summon his flames. Sentry suddenly appears in Sam's head and explains that something is blocking his Hunter's Eyes. They will have to figure out how to locate Merrow another way. Before Jason can come up with a plan, Sam asks the villagers if they know where to find a green haired lady with a big spear. The villagers warn Sam that the woman he seeks is very dangerous, and is considered an outlaw in these lands. Sam shrugs off these warnings, saying he's probably fought stronger. Sentry tells him that this is far from the truth. Merrow was Decen's Guardian for a reason. Out of Decen, Sentry, and Merrow, Merrow probably had the best combat technique, despite Decen having absorbed thousands of skilled solders, and Sentry having been taught the samurai way. Sentry also tells Sam that if there is a way to talk with Merrow, use any means but combat, as even Jason will not be able to beat her in a fight.

The pair eventually reach the base of a large rock formation. Jason deduces that Merrow is probably up there. The two climb the rock formation and reach the top. Jason asks Sam if he can use Hunter's Eye again, but the ability is still deactivated. Suddenly, the two notice a figure at the top of a rock formation. Jason tells Sam to approach carefully. Sam shouts at the lady if she is Merrow Rivenlight. Bridget calls Sam a dummy. The woman suddenly launches her spear, which catches Sam's shoulder, sending him flying backwards into the side of a boulder. Sam is unable to generate flames, and realizes that the lady channeled some kind of water spell that is quenching his powers. Jason curses, and tries to yank the spear out. The woman lands on the ground in front of the two. Jason decides to engage the woman in combat.

Jason powers up and unleashes a barrage of punches and blasts, but the woman evades them easily. The two exchange blows, but it was clear that the woman was on another level. Jason's facial expression showed clear strain and effort, while the woman's face was composed and seemingly knew what strike Jason would send next. The woman kicks Jason into the boulder, dislodging the spear. Summoning a water dragon, the woman shoots to the skies. Sam transforms into Darkfire Form 1, and pursues the target.

Samuel Mason vs. Merrow Rivenlight

Sam is unable to close the distance between him and Merrow, despite being in Form 1. Merrow bobs and weaves around the surrounding vegetation. Sam considers firing a blast of heat her way to get some damage in but realizes that all of his limbs are contributing to his propulsion, meaning if he uses one of them to fire a blast, he will lose Merrow. Merrow tells Sam that she can tell he doesn't have much experience fighting aerial combat. Sentry curses, telling Sam that Merrow has figured out their weakness from just watching them move. Bridget calls Sentry out for saying a bad word.

Sam decides to risk it all and transforms into Form 2. This causes him to shoot forward with incredible speed, capitalizing on this momentum, Sam aims to strike Merrow straight on like an arrow. However, Merrow is unfazed by this strategy and grabs the boy by the head, hurling him into a nearby mountain. Sam's Form 2 dissipates. Merrow lands in front of the boy and tells him that his reckless and rough style will get him nowhere. Merrow imbues her spear with water magic, and aims the sharp water blade at his neck asking what he wants. Sam tells Merrow that he was the one who saw her using Hunter's Eye, and she acknowledged him herself in the vision. Merrow brushes this claim off as a trap. Jason suddenly appears and the two fight. Merrow defeats Jason instantly and sends him to the ground. About to impale him, Merrow suddenly recognizes Jason as Decen's remnant.

Merrow apologizes to the boys for attacking, as she thought it was trick and the two were assassins sent by Mogul. Merrow walks up to Jason and compliments him, saying how much he resembled Decen, but is taken aback by his muscular frame. Sam asks Merrow what's wrong, and Merrow explains that out of all the remnants she had worked with, Jason is the first she has seen to have a developed physical build. Jason reveals that he gave Sentry away to Sam, and apologizes for being different from what he was intended to turn out. Merrow laughs and tells him that it's okay. Merrow suddenly approaches Sam, and raises a hand gesture. Suddenly, both of Sam's soul creatures manifest. Bridget squeaks as she plops on the ground. Jason stares at Sam, asking who the little girl is. Sam tells him that the little girl is Bridget, and he is soul linked with her. Jason looks at Sentry, who has manifested a physical form for the first time. Sentry gives Jason a nod, and walks to Merrow's side. Merrow leans down and asks Bridget for her name, and Bridget asks Merrow if she is a mermaid. Merrow laughs, calling her adorable, and creates a water horse construct for her to play with.

Merrow turns back to Sam and Jason. She explains to the two that they currently reside in The Cliff of Chron. Here, time is manipulated so time in here would equate to longer out there. This was also why no one ever visited Chron, as people believed that if they stayed it would appear as if they never returned. Jason and Sam suddenly become alarmed, believing they quite possibly may have been gone for years. Merrow explains that this isn't the case. When she experimented with Chron, she found that the shift was only 2x, meaning a day in Chron would equate to two days out there.

Jason tells Merrow that they are ready to help her in her fight against Mogul. Jason explains that he has built up a team of fighters, Darkstar, to battle the New Militia. Sam also explains that the New Militia is very possibly being controlled by Mogul, but before they continue, Merrow tells them they are too weak. Jason tells Merrow that he is currently working with Sam to master Sentry's power, but Merrow tells him that Sentry's power is not enough. Sentry confirms this. Merrow explains that if they are to possess any threat to Mogul, they will need to be even stronger than Decen. Sentry tells Jason that Mogul is the most powerful monster in existence, and dwarfs even Calliope Ariandal in power. The two are shocked and unable to make of the situation. Merrow reassures that reaching this level of power is not impossible and looks at Sam.

Merrow explains that Sam is the most likely candidate to defeat Mogul, and by extension, Ariandal, as he is capable of multiple soul links. However, Sam's control of his power is below novice level, and will require a lot of training to reach full potential. When he reaches full potential, he should be able to soul link with enough creatures to pose a threat to the New Militia. Jason asks how this is possible, as there isn't much time before it's too late. Merrow tells the boys to follow her to another cliff.

The team arrive to another cliff, which Merrow introduces as Chron's Formation. In the Formation, time has the opposite effect as the Cliff. A year in the Formation will equate to a month in the outside world. However, this Formation is guarded by a powerful beast, known as Khan. The beast being so powerful, that even Merrow is unable to destroy. Sam becomes exasperated, and asks how in the world they will be able to use the Formation. Merrow tells Sam that this will be his job to slay the beast, as its weakness is fire. Merrow warns that although Khan's weakness is fire, he won't budge unless the fire is of a large scale. Merrow predicts that a Form 2 is sufficient, but given that Sam is only able to sustain the form for 5 minutes, they will work on training him to sustain it for an hour, which she estimates will be enough to defeat the beast.

Mastering Form 2

Merrow trains Sam in retaining Form 1 for an entire day, while Jason trains with Sentry, learning his samurai technique. Sam collapses from the session. Bridget runs up to Sam and begins poking his face. Merrow asks if Bridget is his little sister, but Sam tells her that he met Bridget during a Festival, revealing that she is a ghost. Merrow smiles and is glad to see that there is still some humanity left in this Corruption infested world.

Merrow notices Jason in a call. Jason calls Amana to keep her updated with how things were going, telling her they might stay a bit longer to train Sam after receiving new intel on their enemy. Amana notices Jason's disappointed expression, and tells him to cheer up. She will always be waiting no matter how long it will take. Jason cracks a small smile as the call ends. Merrow approaches Jason and asks if Amana is his girlfriend. Jason responds that she is. Merrow tells Jason that despite Decen's insistence to deal with things alone, he always yearned for someone to love him. In many ways, this was a common trait all remnants of Decen shared, and Merrow tells Jason that she is glad that he has found someone who loves him. Sam asks Merrow if she ever had a boyfriend, and she replied that she did in her younger years, but over time, she became so engrossed with Decen's wellbeing that she had no time for a relationship. Following Decen's death, Merrow spent the next few years on the run from Mogul's forces.

During one training session, Sam experiences more visions and suddenly collapses. Sam sees a vision of Decen facing Mogul, attempting to use The Power of the Paladins. The vision cuts to a scene where Decen battles another Paladin, who appears to wield chains. Merrow catches Sam and tells him to look at her. The visions suddenly stop. Sam asks how this is possible, since Sentry is now manifested. Sentry tells Sam he didn't cause these visions and asks him what he saw. Sam tells Merrow and Sentry that he saw visions of Decen's past, in vivid detail. Jason asks Sam to describe the visions. Merrow and Sentry are greatly disturbed at the accuracy of the visions. Merrow hypothesizes that these visions are being sent to Sam from Decen somehow. Sentry doesn't believe it since Decen has been dead for a long time. Merrow tells Sam to continue training, and tells Bridget, who was hiding behind Merrow's leg during the episode, to call Merrow over should Sam "act scary" again.

A week passes, and Sam manages to withstand Form 2 for an hour. Jason masters the katana, and Sentry gives the weapon to Jason. The weapon pulsates with black energy, and Jason realizes that the weapon is soul-linked to the underworld itself. Sentry explains that wielding the weapon will restore a large portion of his original power. Jason decides to join Sam in his fight against Khan.

Eliminating Khan

The group meets at the entrance to the Formation. Merrow tells the two that beyond the entrance, the monster will approach them. They will not be able to leave until the monster is slain. Jason and Sam enter the Formation.

Two minutes go by, and the creature was nowhere to be seen. Sam asks Jason if the creature is sleeping, but Jason tells Sam to stay alert. Suddenly, a spiked tentacle appears from the crevices and nearly decapitates Sam but is sliced in half by Jason's katana. Jason imbues his katana with dark energy, sprouting dark tendrils that counter the onslaught of spiked tentacles from Khan. Sam powers up to Form 2 and blasts the creature with white and black flames. The creature leaves its hiding spot; a grotesque, mass with uncountable tentacles and a humanoid face in the middle of its horrific body. Sam nearly gags, but manages to evade the fast tentacle spikes. Jason slices the creature's attacks and tells Sam to blast the monster again. Sam is unable to tell if he is doing enough damage, but Jason tells Sam to keep the pressure. The two battle the monster for twenty more minutes, evading and cutting and blasting, but the monster appears unharmed. The monster pushes both Jason and Sam back.

Khan asks the two if this was all the power they had. Sam doesn't understand why Form 2 is not damaging the monster, and Jason rationalizes that the monster must have evolved over the years. Sam and Jason get back up to face the hopelessly powerful monster once more.