Lady Mechrome

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LMFace2.png Lady Mechrome's appearance changes depending on the situation. However, it's the most likely that people see her "Public" uniform, her villainous visage behind a squad of attacking robots.

That is her primary look. She is, at times, known to have a face. Her body is humanoid in nature with detachable limbs, and can be seen with a complete set of skin or sometimes nothing but wires. It really just depends on the situation.

Recent Affairs

Lady Mechrome is known in the Villain world as a bit of a "Wild Card". On one hand, she's raided and stolen countless technologies from enforcement agencies, however she hasn't caused a lot of destruction and her civilian death toll could be counted on two hands. News Stations have only theorized what she's up to. Some theorize that she's actually a sort of Anti-Hero, stealing all the tech to wage war against other Supervillains. Others think she's simply trying to dethrone them, so she can become the biggest name in robotics. So far, it's been hard to say.

Personality and Lifestyle

Her personality can be seen as condescending to both organics and other Androids. She mostly sees other bots as having "Inferior Code" or "Hideous designs", often jumping at the chance to insult their hardware.

She makes fun of organics but not necessarily in the same way. She doesn't really mention their inferiority, just likes to call them "Meatbags" or "Squishies". It's clear she has a bit more disdain for other androids than she does for humans. For everything else, she seems fairly indifferent.

Her lifestyle is mostly unknown, but she does occasionally don a casual outfit to walk among citizens. She's often completely unrecognizable due to this, because most only know her faceless visage. Those who have seen her face, are often confused to see her walking around.

Despite her villainy, to the confusion of many, she is known to "Keep her word" on various promises.

Powers / Abilities

She has the standard fare of Mech armaments. Rockets, gatling, lasers, she probably has it in some capacity. Though, not always at the same time. This is where her detachable limbs come into play.
She has a wide series of limbs that serve innumerable purposes from weaponry to emulating organic and humanoid systems. To that end, she is known to have the capability to eat, drink, and otherwise act in a human-like capacity. However these things don't usually have the same meaning to her.


The standard fare of anti-robotic strategies may work. She's known to gain the odd virus or two, and can be disabled.

She has a series of redundancies and fail-safes so one cannot simply dump a bucket of water on her and expect anything more than the flailing insult. Her hardware is pretty solid, but her software, as mentioned, is known to be under attack.

Her resistance to magic can only be described as Medium - She has set in place some anti-magic fields via various technologies, but sometimes it routes her.


She has two, one with more gusto than the other.

LMvsCL.png The first, she absolutely despises Cyberlord despite sharing a similar motivation. She finds that he's in her way, and seeks to destroy his operations.
She has successfully battled him on occasion but the battles are generally stalemates due to their similar hardware. One or the other usually end up fleeing once their stock of backup runs dry.

In terms of resources, Lady Mechrome is a couple levels below him. This doesn't stop her from being a viable threat against him, laying siege to his factories and has managed to assault his Flagship on more than one occasion. However she usually does not have the numbers to win, and often flees.
The second is more of a petty rivalry, against Doctor Destroyer. He doesn't think much of her and she is mostly just a nip at his heels, but she is enough of a threat to send teams of his Destroids to destroy some of her factories. Much to her annoyance. She has never once met, seen, or fought him in person.



Chaotic Neutral / Type 4.
Cyber Cyclops
Jerk With A Heart Of Gold
Robot Girl / Of course!

RP Hooks

  • As mentioned in Lifestyles, she actually is known to walk around casually. The places she can be found are almost random. From Club Caprice to the middle of the street anywhere in town.
  • She's known to call on Heroes to help her with some problems.
    • By extension, she even comes to their aid if she thinks some tech can be salvaged from the situation.
  • She is classified as a Villain but MCPD and other Law Enforcement Agencies usually get confused when she does something helpful.

Theme Song(s?)

Robyn - Fembot



She is heavily inspired by Cyberlord. While she is fairly competent, she is more "Bark" than "Bite". She can hold her own, but will flee if things get dicey. OOC Trivia

Lady Mechrome is the only one in the Villain category that exists as a playable character.