Hazard Squadron

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Hazard Squadron
Mission Impossible? Try Mission Suicidal...
Leader: Doc Hazard
Base: Millennium City
Founded: 1964

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SUBJECT: Hazard Squadron

Executive Summary

Hazard Squadron is a space age throwback in a modern world. Doctor Abraham Hazard has hand-picked heroes who align with his somewhat unrealistic world-view that the 1960s never died, they just got invaded by a generation of limp-wristed sodomites who, though destined for the flames of Hell, deserve to be protected by their moral betters. Hazard's team is stacked with politically incorrect misogynists, culturally ignorant pseudo-racists, and good old fashioned American patriots that support the heck out of their government.


Hazard Squadron owes its roots to Doc Hazard's grandfather, Solomon. Solomon was said to have made his first hundred dollars at the age of 13 selling the secret of stainless steel to Harry Brearly and his first million selling Dow Chemical the key to polyvinylidene chloride: the chemical form of Saran Wrap about 20 years later. Though Solomon preferred to remain behind the scenes, America's technology always seemed to leap forward precisely when Solomon's personal fortune did. The reason for this was simple: Solomon sold his secrets to the government in exchange for not only money, but the freedom to run a covert 'fraternity of the fantastic' that solved the world's most pressing problems, usually with deadly force, chemical explosions, or murky mysticism.

Solomon's son, Noah, was something of a disappointment and not really up to the task of filling Solomon's shoes. Noah's work with NASA from 1964 to 1968 resulted in 8 astronaut deaths in 5 separate accidents, all attributable in some way to his 'innovation on the design.' However, loyalty over Solomon's contributions caused the government to keep him on until they found a capacity he could actually be useful: infiltrating and sabotaging the Russian program with his 'science training.' With the explosive decompression of Soyuz 11 in space, Noah Hazard returned to the US having finally been useful. In his absence, though, Abraham had been born and Solomon, in his wisdom, ensured the boy bonded with him.

Abraham proved to be the son Solomon should have had. Boy genius turned boy adventurer and eventually business magnate as his grandfather had been. In 1995, Abraham lost both his father and grandfather when Noah attempted to repair an airplane microwave mid-flight. Aside from cooking a ribbon-winning poodle 4 miles away, he also knocked out everyone on board resulting in an all-hands-lost crash into the memorial for the astronauts who perished on Noah's second project.

Abraham carries on as Noah should have, bolstering the government with new technology and keeping alive the values of his grandfather in a swinging 60s spirit. To that end, he has recruited manly men and femme fatales with extraordinary powers and skills to continue the work of protecting the world just as Solomon's team had done the previous millennium.


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