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Background and Origin

Sam never knew her parents, adopted from a young age by Cara Marigold in Vancouver. Sam had very few friends for her first few years of living, but she quickly found a small group of outcasts, led by Barbara Day, who became a very close friend to her.

When Sam turned 16, her best friend Barbara Day began a short-lived romantic relationship with her. It ended after Sam found a few job opportunities in Millennium City. Samantha had always wanted to be in movies, and she became 'The Frogger'. A fictional superhero in a movie by the same name. She moved to Millennium after Samantha had offered her old apartment to Barbara, as a sign of good will. Samantha moved to Hollywood to pursue her acting career. Barbara and Samantha have not had any contact since...

After her acting career failed, Sam quickly returned to Millennium City. She brought the character she played in her movies back to work as a vigilante in MC.

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