Fenrir Wolffoot

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Fenrir Wolffoot
Player: @adamantk9
Class Focus: Melee DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Personal Data
Real Name: Fenrir Wolffoot
Known Aliases: Wuffy
Species: Monstrous Humanoid [Dire Wolf]
Ethnicity: N/A
Age: 34 Years
Height: 97 in (8' 1")
Weight: 138 kg (305 lbs)
Eye Color: Gold, Hunter Moon
Fur Color: Ashy, Ebon
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: No Current Occupation
Place of Birth: Ireland [???]
Base of Operations: Club Caprice
Marital Status: Single, Unbound
Known Relatives: No Blood Relatives
Known Powers
Superhuman Strength, Dexterity and Constitution
Known Abilities
Fast Healing
Dual Scythes, Metal Armor, Pouch
ReldinBox Template


Caution: Subject on Watch - PRIMUS
Caution: Type 4 Immortal - Pending

Subject Name: Fenrir Wolffoot

The entity that has come to be known as 'Fenrir Wolffoot' ( to be now referred to as 'Subject' ) first appeared on the radar a few decades ago and has kept a low profile since doing so. While displaying an almost an entirely neutral and impartial face to the world around him, PRIMUS has tagged this individual with a Watch Notice due to his lack of knowledge about this era, the unusual nature of his origin and his more.. feral.. behaviors. Although this subject has been known to be quite amiable and perhaps even friendly to the point of being disarmingly goofy, there are documented instances of where the subject has also exhibited signs of blood-lust, flawed reasoning, utter weakness to both mental and physical influences while also appearing to have trouble reigning in unadulterated, animalistic desires.

Physiology: Appearance, Measures & Genetics

Subject is a Monstrous Humanoid that appears to be an anthropomorphic specimen of Aenocyon dirus (Dire Wolf). The Subject is approximately eight feet, one inch ( 8' 1" ) in height and weighs roughly three hundred and five pounds ( 305 lbs ). Covered from head to hind-paw in thick, ashy fur, the Subject is reported to put off a feverish warmth that registers at one hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit ( 110° F ) and he also smells roughly of Nature, most notably similar to woodland areas.

The Subject keeps himself well groomed though his fur most of the time looks quite unkempt-- not known if this is a personal choice or a habit brought on by trained conditioning. The Subject has a pair of deep golden eyes that match the color of hunter moons, which reportedly hold much depth to them in both an emotional and physical sense. The Subject also has four large paws; two for hands, two for feet- both have five digits and are shaped in normal human fashion, but seem to be padded on the bottom like that of a wolf and tipped with long, sharp claw-like nails. While the Subject has been observed to walk with an upright form it seems to be more for social displays only- as he has been reportedly seen running amongst the city on all fours like a traditional canine.

Commonly mistaken for being a Lycanthrope or Manimal, biological samples collected from the scenes of crimes where the Subject was observed to be injured during confrontation conclude that the Subject's DNA is a meld between Homo Sapien and Aenocyon dirus-- more commonly known as the Dire Wolf. There is no evidence of manipulation or mutation that would explain such a melding, frustrating scientists' attempts to glean any potential origin instead of the verbal account given by the Subject himself.

Further testing shows that the subject himself is a prime specimen for his species with no genetic defects, despite there being evidence of an abnormality that qualifies him for potential Type 4 Immortality.. most likely due to his regenerative abilities. Subject exhibits superhuman levels of Strength and Constitution, performing incredible feats of strength and being able to ward off many diseases that plague other citizens and heroes. However the subject's key trait seems to be the Dexterity that they display which is beyond measure. More often than naught surveillance footage acquired of the subject during their prowls must be slowed down to allow researchers to follow the movements of the subject in order to figure out what exactly transpired, as the subject has been known to strike with frightening speed and precision.

What makes this subject a potential threat however is the prior noted abnormality found within their genetic code that allows them to rapidly heal any manner of wounds- re-grow bone, muscle, flesh and fur- to a previously uninjured state. Further diagnostic testing suggests that the subject seems to be stuck in a state of perpetual regeneration that locks them into adulthood, meaning the subject does not age or suffer any degradation from normal wear and tear. It is not known how the subject acquired such an ability or what exactly triggers it, but in many instances where the subject has suffered critical damage and vitals have flat-lined, the subject will spontaneously get back up and continue the fight with a startling increase in their power level, returning to normal only when the battle concludes; either by downing remaining foes or by fleeing the scene. Due to these circumstances we have given the subject a 'Type 4' Immortality tag on their record- pending confirmation of suspected attributes.

Mentality: Observed Behaviors & Auras

Though the subject may be a perfect specimen in the physical sense, due to the nature of their origin their mentality is being brought into question. Despite efforts to reach out to the subject and reign them in, he continues to elude us on the basis that he does not know who to trust. Official contacts with listed PRIMUS members have failed, though undercover contacts have had more success with earning his trust. One especially close contact was able to glean from him the story of his origin- which leads researchers to believe that perhaps the trauma of the event has left him unbalanced in a spiritual sense.

Any attempts to scry the subject's aura results in what many experts describe to be 'a fiery aura that is licked with blue'. According to these same individuals, this denotes that the subject is a very passionate soul that is not lacking in courage or friendliness. However there are signs that the subject is also very fearful of the world around him and is easily led astray. An aura licked with blue may hint that the subject is loyal and rather wise, meaning that perhaps they will become a highly intuitive leader if they overcome their initial fears. Magic-based facets of aura reading seem to suggest that the subject hails from an area that had little to no magical influence present. There are some strong traces of what appear to be ritual blood magic, confirming the story of origin that was shared by the subject. Any traces of bondage related to the ritual seem to have faded entirely, suggesting that the subject has managed to somehow overcome the bond or at least dampen the effects- which many seem to reflect as 'odd' due to the subject's apparent vulnerability to magic.

Multiple documented social encounters with the subject suggest that he is an amiable entity with a True Neutral persona, showing all manners of emotion as would be found in a human- though in the case of this subject it seems that he also has a darker side that influences his feelings and moods, as well as actions taken. What the subject calls 'feral blood' is actually a mental trait based on pure, raw instinct. Subject displays a civil facade but in all actuality it seems he is more prone to physical needs and perceived mental desires, and has a hard time fending off such if presented to him. If tempted or teased the subject has been noted to act irrationally in response. In other words, the subject perceives himself as a beast.. and in essence that is true.

Story of Origin: Summoned from another Era...

As told by the Subject:
"Seeing such people amongst this world.. one starts to wonder if what we see is actually real. Is it the glare from the harsh sun that beats upon my face or the black darkness of shadow obscuring their face from me? Do they truly have wings and can fly like birds above the horizon? I feel like an old soul.. a weak one.. from another world entirely- yet I know this to not be true. If you had told me two summers ago that I would be thrust into a world like this? Or even that the world would evolve into something of this nature? Describe to me the things I have witnessed now in my travels? I would have called you insane.. and truth be told? I feel like I have gone mad."

"You see, where I hailed from? Life was a matter of survival of the fittest. The lands were almost perpetually shrouded in snow and ice- a bitter chill dominated the land most of the year. You had your family, your pack, your tribe.. and it was you against the entire world as we knew it. Pups were taught from a young age how to live off the land and how to hunt effectively in groups. The loss of one could throw off the balance and cause the tribe to suffer in the long run.. so we were pushed to our very limits. It was hard, uncompromising work.. but it ensured the success of our pack as well as that of the tribe.. and with being the son of the Alphas whom led that tribe? I was pushed the hardest out of all. Expected to do twice, or perhaps thrice as much as the others.. my father told me that great things were expected of me- but truth be told? As I gaze upon what I see now? I hardly feel great. I feel small, insignificant and weak."

".. but despite feeling this way, I can see that there are others whom are weaker than I- not just here but in my own tribe as well. Children, women.. they needed to be protected. They held in their paws the key to our future, aye? To keep them happy and safe from the terrors of the world was not only our duty but our god given right. It is the law of the land. You protect your tribe as a whole.. for they not only include all packs that rely upon you but your family as well. A lone wolf will more than likely pass away in such a harsh existence- and more often than naught we received notices that many packs had disappeared without a single trace. Whole tribes would vanish overnight- but yet we remained.. standing defiantly beneath the Moon."

"It was one particularly bitter night however beneath the pale beams of a full moon, that my life would change dramatically. A snowstorm was sweeping in and I was making sure supplies were secured and everyone was in the main hut. I went out to do a last sweep of the area before the blizzard suddenly rolled over the village- shrouding me within it. This was no natural blizzard. Something was within it.. something that tinged the tips of my fur with frost and ran icy claws over my body- forcing me to my knees as the howling of the wind became too much to bear. All I can remember was holding my ears as my limbs became numb from the piercing cold that wracked my body, all the while praying for the madness to stop.. and oddly enough, it did."

"The air was warm, moist. It smelled of a scent I was all too familiar with in my short life; the coppery tang of blood. A single, furless entity was knelt before me, holding me in a lover's embrace- her skin like fire upon my fur and her touch beckoning me closer. I will never forget those eyes.. those lips.. the garnet facets of her gaze never leaving my own as she shared with me a single kiss. It was not until she pulled away afterwards that I had realized that the entity looked off- not like the humans we were told of in stories shared as pups. She had ebon horns curled atop her crimson hair, her tanned flesh utterly flawless and her curvaceous figure? Voluptuous. It enflamed my desires to the point of needing her.. but what stopped me was the whip-like tail that swayed behind her and the crimson claws that idly drummed against her abdomen. She was no human, but a she-devil.. and I had played right in to her hands."

"She explained to me that I was pulled from the far past and brought to the future in order to protect her from harm. The world had become dangerous- more so than ever before- and that she needed me to protect her. I do not know why but all thoughts of my tribe, my pack.. my own family.. my life long training to become an Alpha? Was all tossed aside in favor of protecting this one hellish beauty.. and I could not understand why my loyalties had switched. It was.. confusing.. it still is, but the way she makes me feel? Her touch is intoxicating to feel, her scent makes me salivate and lick my lips in yearning, and her body? Though I have only felt that one embrace upon our meeting, I could only imagine that it would bring to me worlds of pleasure that I have never experienced."

"Of course being a she-devil, she was just a temptress.. instilling within me a yearning that would never be sated- being smarter than the average wolf I would of course realize she was using me, but truth be told part of me did not care. She was the only soul I had come to know in this world gone mad. It was a source of comfort to return to- but ultimately in the end after one particularly nasty task she had set me out on, I managed to convince myself that perhaps it would be better to roam free. Despite every inch of my body hating me and screaming out in dismay my thoughts would turn to the outside world, and I would leave the Summoner behind. She simply laughed as I walked away.. stating that I would one day come crawling back to her for the world would be too much for me to handle, and while the burning I feel from being apart from her has grown intolerable at times, I just remember what I truly am; a beast, wild and untamed.

Things to Know

Subject displays an amiable, almost gentlemanly facade- but this quickly drops in the presence of temptation.

Although the subject is most similar to a canine, he seems to enjoy being in the presence of felines. It is unknown as to why.

Despite showing no shape-shifting prowess, the subject has been seen in human form recently. Outside magical influence suspected for this outlier.

Subject seems to be open to approach from all manners of entities, not having any preconceived notions about their nature. He seems truly curious of all forms of life.

Comments? Suggestions? Thoughts?

Feel free to leave comments here! ~Fenrir Wolffoot

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