Faith (Melinka Ketlyn)

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Faith ⧖
Player: @Dangerclose50
Melinka B Art 2.jpg
"I am more than I seem upon such fragile surfaces."
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee-Munitions Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Melinka Mila Ketlynovich
Known Aliases: Faith or Fate
Gender: Female
Species: Cybernetically enhanced feral-mutant
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Kosovo, Serbia (Alternate Universe)
Base of Operations: Vibora Bay, Florida
Relatives: Vaana Katarin Ketlynovich
Age: 344 years old
Height: 6'2
Weight: 647lbs
Eyes: Faded gradient green (Glowing Magenta when her skeleton is exposed)
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: None discernable
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 326
Citizenship: Serbian, American & Dutch Citizenship
Occupation: Freelance mercenary & Vigilante
Education: University graduate
Marital Status: Divorced
Known Powers and Abilities
The Ability to extend 12 inch titanium alloy claws from her fingertips, hypersensitive senses, Super-Strength, Mechanical reassembly, Laser vision, hyper-awareness, immunity to pain, enhanced durability, fear immunity, technopathy, Diadíktyokinesis & Self Detonation
Equipment and Paraphernalia
An assortment of weapons ranging from conventional firearms to energy based weapons. Two Hayabusa katana blades
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