Cross Robin

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Cross Robin
Player: @italkalot22
“Nothing so bad you need to be cruel. Tough, yes. You’ll have to kill, yes. But there’s a difference in the heart. One makes you mean. The other keeps you going.”
Character Build
Class Focus: Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name:  ??????????
Known Aliases: Hooded Mysteries, Teleporter
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Fenrir
Ethnicity: Confidential
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Confidential
Relatives: Unknown
Age: Twenty one
Height: 6.5
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Bright Crimson Red
Hair: Jet Black
Complexion: Pallor-Caucasian
Physical Build: Athletic/Built
Physical Features: Confidential
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: Unknown
Occupation: Demon Hunter/Mercenery
Education: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Dual Pistols and Gadgets
ReldinBox Template


Is young and handsome man. He usually puts on a leather suit or a grey/gray T-top with a black jeans with his usual black leather shoes. When he is in his fight suit. he wears a jet black trench coat, jet black hood and a jet black mask along with his armor which is grey/gray and various other grey/gray from neck till toe. His eyes are covered by the hood's front not wanting to show anyone.


Uses Dark Magic learned from his master Psychotic Jack. His Dark Magic revolves around Qlipothic energy that makes Cross Robin even stronger if near Qlipothic energies. He is now learning Pyromancy from the same master Psychotic Jack again. After hearing what are the side effects given off by the usage of Dark Magic, Cross Robin decided to practice Pyromancy instead. Although he was cleansed in fire to get rid of the Qlipothic energies, the energies were not all lost, atleast thirty percent of the Qlipothic energy still resides in his Pyromancy. He also has Telepathy powers that are not very strong. He can also Teleport, separate his energy to create clones and has regenerative powers that is now done by taking in fire to his body. He can also use Smoke instead of fire when he is drenched in water. He is very agile and uses his amazing maneuverability in fights to his advantage.


Has weaknesses too! Physical damages deal the most amount of damage while Magical damage does the least. Bullets, Swords whatever that deals Physical damage, you name it!


Uses Dual Pistols, Rifles, Snipers, Sub Machine Guns and Shotguns that are custom made and it can use various types of bullets that he uses. Examples such as Silver, Lead, Cyro, Incendiary and more. He also uses -various- types of gadgetries that are custom made and gadgteries also used by UNTIL.


~Is a Demon Hunter, but that doesn't mean he only hunts demons, he also hunts various types of creatures and beings.
~Has a fan who is a blogger and writes anything and everything he knows about Cross Robin. He is even lucky enough to take photos of Cross Robin when he is in action.
~Has a book written about his hunting techniques and strategy.
~Can run almost as fast as a speedster.
~Loves coke.
~Is easily attracted to womens with tails.
~Has two kittens in his home.
