Location: Milky Way Galaxy, 2300LY from earth.
Intentions Toward Humanity: Friendly
Propulsion Tech Level: Slightly advanced (low level
Military Tech Level: Slightly Advanced( beam weapons and force fields)
Medical Tech Level: Slightly Advanced
Computer Tech Level: Slightly Advanced
Physical Description: Tall (2 meter tall) black skinned
humanoid with bony forehead and shoulder ridges.
Homeworld: Dorvala.
Government Type: Unified, type unspecified.
Dorvalans, or Perseids, are Ironclad’s race, a tall
rigidly structured society that lives on a hostile
planet. It’s a society where the strong are expected to
dominate the weak-- the infirm are routinely forced
to commit ritual suicide by their teen years.
They are a mostly peaceful people, though with a strong sense of tradition and a Noblesse Oblige attitude toward "lesser" species. In the 20th century they are bitter rivals of the Hzeel, and have taken over former Hzeel territory after superheroes from Earth devastated the Hzeel homeworld.