Blue Bruiser Story, Yemen Nights

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He's just that BLUE!

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A couple years back, The Blue Bruiser was standing ontop of a crumbling building in Yemen. He had a couple blue lids around him, United Nation Peacekeeping forces. Two Japanese and two French. Sniper squads, the usual. One spotter, one sniper. The building they were stationed on was in a terrible state... but the highest still standing structure in the small outskirt town.

Blue Bruiser knelt down with a watchful eye on his target, an old fortified compound... but Dennis was the one who let out a weary sigh and rubbed his moustache free of dust. Seemed like all the assignments were in places that got beat by an unrelenting sun. God, Dennis missed the Cold War. No sandstorms in Berlin. No mind thinking that stuff now, there is work to do. Blue Bruiser looked around, giving each sniper team a sharp nod before walking to the back of the building and hopping off, with a thud. The landing kicked up a cloud of dust, even though he had landed on a street. Just a tribute to the damage done.

Uncharistically cautious, Blue peered out from the edge of the building before briskly making his way out from cover. Didn't want to give anyone the position of his men after all. Wouldn't be right. Dennis didn't like waiting though... not like two sniper teams would offer him much help inside a complex with a basement that could be any size. Never the less, it's a story for their kids and some valuable experience. Never a good idea to turn down company. A good distance away from the sniper team now. Should be pretty safe. It's always a good time to put the fear of justice into someone's bleak and dark heart. To this thought, Blue slapped off his suit free of dust, which was camoflaging him into the bright tan tones surrounding him, focusing on the star crest on his head.

Nothing ever happened here. Just a game of footie between some local kids too dumb to see danger. Sameer was working the guard shift instead of sitting in the fortress making the guard rotary. It's good to get a bit of action on the legs, even if it's standing in the baking south arabian sun. Sameer nearly jumped out of his shoes at the sound of what he thought was a carbomb though. A huge crash from a tumbling building.

"ف.قذف بالقنابل !" Sameer started to shout repeatedly.

It wasn't like the Blue Bruiser could hear the shouted cries, the hustle and bustle of footsteps of soldiers coming out of the Complex in an alarmed fashion or the repeated sounds of long range and extremely lethal shots from a small standing building. All he heard were thunderous cracks and crashing rubble. it'd be hard to hear anything else when your headbutting your way through small sandstone buildings on a B-line for a concrete complex wall. This took Dennis back to his amateur football years, before the whole... elephant strength came about. That short thought pained Dennis greatly, even thinking about how all this came about. The next wall came, the next grunt and the next clash of head to stone. The former was winning.

The pro-government forces behind the wall, seeking cover from the sniper teams, scrambled for new cover when Blue hit the wall. A five yard chunk of it buckled. Blue Bruiser back up a bit during an eerie silence on all parties, took a run and made a thunderous shoulder tackle. Just like college. The wall slowly gave way, falling upon dusty concrete and cracking into several more pieces. It was enough to shoot dust across the courtyard. The snipers had stopped firing, they did all they needed to do. The Japanese lost out to the french by one kill. Four to Five.

Sameer covered his eyes and crouched behind a car instinctively. His heart was racing and sweat dripped from the barrel of his AK-47, which had streamed from his death grip. Samaar, like so many others... believed he was in the right. The rhetoric drilled into his head by a falling dictator has positive effects. Bolstered by the regained composure of his rising comrades, he stood up and twisted in a motion nearly quick enough to beat any bullet. Or more importantly, his uncertianty.

There stood the Blue Bruiser. Shining soldier for the United Nations, on the doorstep of a compound used to torture "rebel" ringleaders in a desperate attempt to keep the Government of Yemen afloat. The Blue Bruiser, who had posters on every block of this brooding warzone. The Blue Bruiser, on top of a broken wall... wiping the star on his forehead clean of small stones and dust from the walls and rubble he ran through with the fury of a scorned lady liberty. Sameer didn't shoot. Neither did anyone else for that matter. The sun shone through that little section in the wall. It was quiet. The only thing that could be heard were faint yells within the compound, deep in it's recesses. The sun was setting for the last time for many of the men standing before the Blue Bruiser. And the men hiding within. It was a fact a couple slowly realized with frightening clarity.

The Blue Bruiser rolled his neck, rubbed his moustache free of dust... and stepped heavily down from the felled wall.