Angels and Demons

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Important Note

The idea of angels and demons are not what they are. The orgin of angels stem from the Annunaki. The only way the ancient Sumerians could explain flight is by depicting the Annunaki with wings of a bird. That doesn't necessarily mean they had literal wings of a bird. That's just how primitive man could explain flight. But through translating them to Angels decades later came to take seeing the stone carvings with wings as fundamentally. And the orgin of demons being daemons which by the Greek was an intermediate between god and man. And like I explain before new ignorant scribes vilified things they don't understand or doesn't fit their narratives.


Partially absorbed by Legion (In future).

Disclaimer: This is 'The god' and is female. Not the god of any religion but a fictional world created from some elements of real-worldism from a cumulation of historical myths and writings. Terms are use for readers to better understand what they are reading.

The First Gods

First Generation Gods

Yin is the electric spirit energy of the cosmic seas while Yang is the warm life energy of heat. Yin is the sorce spirit a While is the physical provider of existence. Spirit energy only comes directly from Yin and is a high consciousness of awareness

Second Generation Gods

Enki masters all physical elements of the mortal plane. He is the architect that shapes the plane while Nin is the source soul and body that allows for life. Soul energy is everywhere and generated from animals, plants and inanimate objects like earth and has not knowledge of awareness.

1st Triad

The god/Tiamat/Yin/Inanna-Ishtar - The god is the first ever conscious being. Lacking any form but is more like a spirit or A.I. type of energy. She created the universe out of multiplication and division of self. It was an atomic explosion out of a sing point of nothingness. Facts includes identical symmetry in nature. The god is not with the angels as yet but in a different part of the universe.

No other creature looks like the god. Though invisible is has long lightning hair she uses as wings a oval head with one eye that is a blackhole. She is truly a terrifying spirit the way she will move through objects like a flying cluster of electric legs coming from this hole. Yet her body revealed is quite the opposite. Her body shape remains tall, full and hyper sexualized. She speaks as a very provocative being as her body has many feminine pleasure receptors. If she had skin it would appear see through and alien like an egg with her eye the yoke. She has a mouth only sometimes. It has two balls at the end of her lips like dahlia piercings. These are pleasure receptors, she has three more on each side as ears. And multiple on her lower body. Sometimes it seems she can have as many as she desires. This is how Satan use to get control of her because only he could see her true form. Also why she thrown upon temptation as her one weakness is desire so she doesn't like to be seen.

Note that I didn't hypersexualize Yin for no reason. She is also Inanna Goddess of Heaven, love, procreation, fertility and also war. Yin being the first being ever came with hypened sex organs so she would be compelled to create more life.

Enki/Lucifer The Nazarene - First child of Satan and The god. Lucifer fell in battle as was resurrected as The Nazarene. The Nazarene has the power to rebirth and have been throughout history. In each resurrection on Earth to help mankind his powers fade. He must ultimately return to the Angels if he seeks wholeness but he has chosen a path that contradicts the Angel code to interfere with mankind as little as possible.

Lucifer is the brightest after Satan hence the term 'Light bear' Cherubim - The army of mechas. They are not necessarily humanoid but random porcelain and metal creatures or objects (technical robotic) possessed by the raw Angel sentience and transferable minds.

Seraphim - The Dragons/Serpents/Reptiles. Popular belief classify serpents as inheretly evil. But that is wrong. Dragons of heaven are more similar to Asian depictions with fur and feathers. These sometimes have multiple heads or coated in armor. Are usually gigantic but Jophiel is an exception as she is also an Archangel.

Ophanim - Circular mechas that are spinning rings of eyes. These are more sentient machines used as vehicles for teleportation. They light up when entered. The Throne is just a more advanced version of this reserved for the god.

2nd Triad

Dominions like Zadkiel and Uriel who are also of them. These Angels appear most human. The have a closer link to Yin God directly and servers to assist mankind.

Virtues these are non sentient souls that runs the operation of nature. Jophiel is a weaker seraphim who watch over these souls and report back to higher authorities. Raphael the healer would sometimes assist her.

Powers like Michael, Camael and Gabriel these are warrior angels that fight against demons.

3rd Triad

Sebitti/Seven Archangels

Sebitti were seven holy army based gods in Neo-Babylonian culture. The later Roman version reworked them as Principalities like Gabriel and Raphiel these angels gaurd mankind and nature from evil powers.

Archangels/Sebitti - In RaveVerse are seven humanoid android bodies created to over see mankind. All of these angels are male energies. Uriel model though with female organs is technically trans because all angels were original male oriented software. And Jophiel is always trans with male organs. She is technically a demon but angels and demons are from the same parents. She was given immunity by Anu as his grand daughter. The Halo is a robotic homing ring that hovers over the head (antenna). There are several types of these halos. Without the robot bodies the angels have no need for a halo over head.

Arch Android Usage at any given time:

  • Uriel/Ninlil - One Arch active and 1000 lesser copies active (though this arch is the organizer her copies are most common for lesser jobs)
  • Michael - One Arch active, One user (Commands any type of army)
  • Gabriel - One Arch active, One user (Commands The Parish, monsterous bird people army)
  • Raphael - One Arch active, One user (Commander on training healers)
  • Jophiel - One Arch active, 50 lesser copies (their jobs are usually med tier)
  • Zadkiel - Three Archs active, One user (Controls three bodies at once. He blows his war horn while bouncing on the wind)
  • Camael - One Arch active, 100 lesser copies fully mechanical (no skin or distinctive features attached, they are his personal army called The Mosque)


  • Uriel oversees the operation of heaven.
  • Michael is a weapon of Yin God. The strongest android who leads battles.
  • Gabriel commands armies and contacts mankind.
  • Raphael teaches healing. He is part Elvish.
  • Jophiel oversees actions of mankind. She is of Satans daughters who remained good. She is also the Greek goddess Asclepius (a healing serpent).
  • Zadkiel had multiple roles in appearing to and assisting mankind. Continued Yang's work as dragon Yahweh.
  • Camael use to be Enoch before his ascension in which he became a cyborg.


Notice the amount of Babylonian originated culture that was transferred into the bible. When adopted by Catholic Rome the Anunnaki was refered to as angels and the Seven Sebitti became Seven Archangels. It's important I mentioned this because it hard to tell a story when majority of the audience knows one version without origin.


Angels - Angels and gods can be described as a type of spiritual software that can possess hardware. They are a mix species 4th dimensional beings that possess extraterrestrial and technological bodies as hardware evolved so advanced that their inter-dimensional sciences may come of as magic to the ignorant. All Angels are (male) copies of the light of Satan Yang created by He and God Yin.

Erra/Nergal/Metatron - One of the most powerful Angels even stronger than Archs.

Other Ranks - Other ranks make up machinery, operations and soldiers that may be called upon. Vast majority of the Angels are non humanoid. In there raw form they are pure beings of light. This light and energy so bright and raw it is dangerous for physical creatures to look at in raw form. This is why Angels change their appearance or hides their bodies. They now prefer to be humanoid androids or giant mechas. You can only tell there true power level by which one has brightest light which is Satan and Lucifer.

Flesh gods and goddesses

Gods Made Flesh


Techno Romanic



Waiting on the creator for there next move. They seem to be a little misguided and distant but it's not really there fault.


May edit few character designs later.


Enlil/Satan/Yang/Dumuzi - Male spouse of the female god of creation. Mankind is only caught with a parental dispute of how to raise humanity. Satan is of the Dragon Angelic race but can change form. His armor is if red scale like Martian ore.

Satan is not evil but caught in wars with many other deities that want rule of mankind.

Enki/Lucifer The Nazarene - First child of Satan and The god. Lucifer fell in battle as was resurrected as The Nazarene. The Nazarene has the power to rebirth and have been throughout history. In each resurrection on Earth to help mankind his powers fade. He must ultimately return to the Angels if he seeks wholeness but he has choosen a path that contradicts the Angel code to interfere with mankind as little as possible. His android armor is like a black aquatic dragon but with illuminated lights.

Hatred/Belial/Marduk - has been the main antagonist from time and to this day wants to overthrow Yin. He is trapped to manage hell.

Moloch/Chronus/Enkidu - Bullhead. Because Enkidu was mortal he resulted in dark magic to retain youth. He draws his time powers from infant sacrifice. The stolen youth is held in a fire steampunk dimension.

Hated/Apollo - Hated is the son of Hatred and the Greek god Gaia (not to be confused with Rave's robot G.A.I.A.). Father of Hated. Basically after the god put Satan outside the house (Heaven) he meet Gaia who took him in. Satan is a Leliuruim-subterranean dweller.

Chemosh/Utu appears as a Sumerian god. Is related to Calypso some how. Not evil but a consultant for the underworlds and heavens.

Zeus Dagon is Zeus of the spirit of Lust. True form is a giant eel like sea monster.

Beelzebub/Hurexateaz a recurring pestilence of the Shadow Vine.

Is inheritly evil and the half brother of The Nazarene. He wants to over throw Satan. Has a son named Hated who he banished for being too good. Hated is the leader of Martians after his followers found refuge on that planet free from Heavenly jurisdiction.

Archons - Earliest race of fallen angels. They opposed the creator because they believed they were alive long enough to pitch there own ideas. Where it not they are all evil is unknown.

Dragons and Dinosaurs - All dragons where once part of the angelic races. But the fallen ones took up more intimidating features that resembles more to European depictions. Dinosaurs are the lesser offspring of These demonic dragons. The dinosaurs along with other nephilim where distroyed by angels years centuries ago for mankind to survive.

Sirens - Human women cursing into mermaids.

Nephilim - part fallen angel, part human and all giant. Are now grey rock based demons in contrast to the Angels shiney porcelain appearance.


Techno Romanic



People think of all demons as all evil but it is really just a misunderstanding. The demons are just Angels which took a different path form the creator. They scary appearance is more often a curse. They are often driven to evil out of desperation. Remind you, that the Angels can be just as scary but in white and gold.


Holy Spirit

Like Yin and many other primordial gods can possess different bodies.


These are gods like Anu whom uses humanoid bodies completely made out of metal. They appear more like statues than androids or robots.


Anunnaki offspring born of another planet whom later became a subrace of them. There is a relatively small numbers of these gods as they believe overexpansion would cause a power struggle. So they loom over other races making them more rare.

Their name comes from being the eldest children of Anu. Enki and Dagon amongst others is of the Eldritch gene pool hence their association with the sea.

Common traits are squid like appendages.

Pure Dragon

Rare case of Tiamat and Anu offspring to be extremely powerful and wise.

Enlil is Pure Dragon and an earth born god spirit. This is why Enlil claim leadership off the Earth above Enki who is older. Enlil gained powers of sky from his father Anu and water from his mother Tiamat which made him a storm god.


Giant robots.


Classifies a lot of races but the main trait is that these beings are often half animal and half human. Weather it be the head of a human and the body of an lion or the head of a lion and the body of a human. They are all Lamia.

These include Lamassu, Sphinx, Naga, Anubis, Baphomet. All of these are Anunnaki subrace.


Naga are from Anunnaki first earthly children of Tiamat and Anu. They are part serpent. They behave secretive and conceited that would make one think they are evil.

Only a pure snake lower body can prove one os a true Naga. All other malformations are disowned.

The Naga are responsible for every pryamid built around the world. That started before the existence of humans.


Mutated humans whom consort with gods. The sirens are more sea orientated coming from Enki's bloodline. And the Harpies are more sky orientated coming from Enlil's bloodline.

Common traits are scales, fish tails, bird legs feather and wings Randomly on the body. Some might even be mistaken for Naga.


The mixed offspring of gods and humans. Those are dinosaurs and leviathans. Sea monster and what not.

But also note that nephilim children would vary in appearance because of the many sub races of Anunnaki.

