Zero | ||||||||||
Player: | ||||||||||
[[Image:|300px|]] | ||||||||||
Biographical Data | ||||||||||
Real Name: | Sifyu | |||||||||
Known Aliases: | Zero | |||||||||
Gender: | Male | |||||||||
Species: | Human | |||||||||
Ethnicity: | Asian | |||||||||
Place of Birth: | Unknown (somewhere in the Middle east | |||||||||
Base of Operations: | West Side | |||||||||
Relatives: | Unknown | |||||||||
Characteristics | ||||||||||
Age: | Unknown (Late 20's( | |||||||||
Height: | 5ft5ish | |||||||||
Weight: | ||||||||||
Eyes: | Red (Due to his bionic implants) | |||||||||
Hair: | Black with white streaks | |||||||||
Complexion: | Tan Brown (Light) | |||||||||
Physical Build: | Firmly built, Broad but not too broad shoulders | |||||||||
Physical Features: | Swept back hair, has light stubble and a goatee | |||||||||
Status | ||||||||||
Fame: |
Unknown | |||||||||
Alignment: |
| |||||||||
Identity: | Secret | |||||||||
Years Active: | Unknown | |||||||||
Citizenship: | Unknown | |||||||||
Occupation: | Kendo Instructor and Security contractor | |||||||||
Education: | Unknown | |||||||||
Marital Status: | Single | |||||||||
Known Powers and Abilities | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
Equipment and Paraphernalia | ||||||||||
Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Strength |
Weapon |
Durability |
Armor |
Speed |
Reflexes |
Resistance |
Stamina |
Dexterity |
Agility |
Combat |
Regen |
Non-Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Energy |
Psionics |
Telepathy |
Willpower |
Sorcery |
Tech. |
Intel. |
Knowledge |
Charisma |
Bravery |
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada |
[hide]Background and Origin
“Heroes fly around in their fancy capes, saving damsels from distress. Villains fight for a cause which they believe to be right, thinking that in doing, they will gain admiration from all. Then there are those like me, people that fight for a lost cause, knowing it must be done. Where heroes fly in red and blue, we fight in black and grey.”
STILL WIP People are not so easily defined. There will always be heroes and villains. Those that soar high into the sky and those that would attempt to drag people into damnation. The problem is while these heroes in their red and blue fight against these so called Super villains. Where are those that would fight against the true criminals? Mafia bosses, Rapists, thugs, Mass murderers, Psychopaths, Sociopaths, hoodlums and I can go on. The reality remains. Even with heroes, you will always need an underdog. Someone that is willing to go dirty to get things done. No matter what the cost. Heroes can only do so much. But people like me…we can do so much more. I don’t tell my story to anyone. After all, I’ve been through things that people could only dream off. Pfft, Heroes….they live the good life. There are so many like me. That fight the good fight but in ways they would disapprove….
(The following story is not usually told to anyone unless Zero trusts them or if he feels like it)
I was born in Iran, to a Bengal Father and a Persian Irani Mother. The country was in turmoil. So my childhood wasn’t exactly the best. I had to constantly be on the move. You see, my father worked for the military as a Soldier and my Mother worked as a Scientist. I usually was left to stay with my mother’s best friend. There were not many kids around to play with. Though my mother’s best friend did have a daughter to whom I played with quite often. Her name was Amelia. It was….love at first sight, at least from my perspective. I’m pretty sure when she first saw me that it was most certainly not love at first sight. She didn’t like me very much. She thought I was going to take her mother’s attention away from here. We were young, so all this was pretty normal. I actually liked it. It was the only time I could feel….normal. Time passed and the next thing you know; we were young adults. My parents still worked and I went to college with Amelia. We grew closer despite our harsh childhood beginnings. Things actually worked out. Though she did not feel love in the way I did. She merely loved me like a brother. Anyway, one night, I decided to find out what my parents actually did and where they worked. On my way there, the bombing siren went off. I didn’t manage to find shelter….and well. Let’s just say I was hit. I should’ve died. And I did. I was taken to the hospital. Amelia and her mother cried (I was told) and were both there to see if anything could be done. The doctors said “We can’t do anything for him. It’s too late”. I was actually conscious but the pain was beyond me. Amelia’s mother was distraught and had to be taken away. Amelia was there beside me. I mustered all the strength I could and told her, “Amelia….I always did love you. Ever since I laid my eyes upon you that very day we met… stomach…heh….I felt butterflies for the very first time in my life….it was you that kept me…going…thank you for everything” Before everything went black, I can remember Amelia crying and saying that she didn’t want me to go.
This was the past. A life that I had grown attached to. The next time I awoke, I was in a cryotube. I remember very well what I saw. My mother clad in her white robes alongside others. They looked at me. My mother approached and put her hand up onto the glass and then walked off. I was plugged with tubes and bits of machinery. I wanted to get out. I fought and broke out. The alarm went off. The next thing I remember was being shot full of sedatives. Again I woke up, this time in an enclosed room. I was told that I should be obedient. That I was part of a project designed to create super Soldiers. I was angry and wanted to speak with my mother. She arrived and spoke to me, telling me that it was the only way to bring me back. This is where my tale ends. For after, I witnessed chaos both in my heart and with my eyes. I worked as a solo operative on the field for my mother’s agency (which wasn’t actually ‘officially’ part of the military) and was assigned tasks ranged from killing dictators to specified individual. I was also assigned infiltration, reconnaissance and militant missions. I was given attachments, bionic implants and many types off weaponry. The truth however was stark, as I found out that these very missions were an attempt to create holes in Iran’s government. An attempt to create a coup instigated by a ‘false’ agency operating under Iran’s military when in fact they were a ploy made by the Americans. This changed everything. Upon discovering I was a toy to be used. I went to HQ, only to find it destroyed, bombarded. Nothing left. Everyone was dead. Blood soiled the ground. I didn’t find my mother. My father was responsible for the deaths and he himself died for his country. He attached a bomb in various key locations and blew the whole base apart. Taking the rouge agency along with himself out. This devastated me. I had nowhere to go. I made my way to Amelia, only to find her mother. She was happy to see me but told me that Amelia had left a long time ago to rid herself of all the memories that she so cherished here. STILL WIP
Abilities, Skills, and Attributes
Regeneration - Is able to regenerate wounds at a faster rate then normal humans due to embedded Nanites.
Inhuman Reflexes - Due to his bionic Implants he has gained skills that far exceeds that of a human. He is able to move out of dangers way far quicker and is able to maneuver a lot better then even the best of humans. This gives him a form off foresight and combined with his enhanced perception almost a cognitive like ability.
Inhuman perception - He is able to deduce 10 times faster then that of an above average human. It also gives him incredible inhuman aim when it comes to firearms and even CQC.
Martial Prowess - Is profound and experienced in several forms of martial arts. He is also very experienced and grounded in the art of Kendo (he uses a custom version when fighting). He also works as a Kendo instructor when he is in his Civilian form.
Weapon Specialist - He is experienced in all forms of weaponry. Handguns, Automatic rifles, Shotguns, SMGs, CQC and many more. His favorite however is using his dual custom made pistols to which he is an expert at using.
Deductive skills - Even before he had implants, Sifyu was a capable and experienced Investigator. He has superb deductive skills and was able to deduce many cases. The bionic implants have just enhanced such a skill.
Bionic Implants/Attachments - After a near death experience, Sifyu was adorned with military grade bionic attachments/Implants. Most of these attachments are unnoticeable and are more internal then external but has given him access to inhuman abilities. He has as a result become a Super human due to these assortment of attachments and implants.
Tactical genius - In addition to his adornment off implants and skills, Sifyu is an amazing Tactician. During his time at Primus, he worked on several operations (3 of which he personally led) and emerged victorious with amazing results on each. He is able to formulate battle plans and carry them out just as quick. He is also a genius when it comes to strategy, fighting and warfare.
Heart Stabilizer - Despite all the advantages his implants have provided him, his near death experience had him cursed with a permanent heart defect state, which has to be monitored by a regulated stabilizer. If damaged (or if any off his vital organs are damaged) then his life could be at threat. This is a major weakness which he hides quite intensely.
Gear and Equipment
Swords Custom made energy focused Blades - In combat he wields a single blade which he keeps hidden from plain view, invisible till produced at his will. They are custom made using Tetrinum steel, fibre octane glass and special energy focused crystals. The blade can cut through pretty much anything (including titanium). The blade though made off unconventional materials goes well with his very traditional Kendo approach to combat.
"Merc" Tactical operative outfit - Sifyu wears a specially modified variant of a military grade tactical suit along with various attachments. The suit itself is made of very light grade material which provides him protection against small arms, blades and even enchantments/spells. The material is also light enough that it allows him a great deal of mobility. The suit also contains in built stims to quickly boost the users failing systems (if such a situation were to occur).
Bionic Attachments - Having nearly experienced death gave Sifyu the opportunity to gain access to a multitude of bionic implants. One such implant was a special embedded Nano unit which allows him to heal wounds much faster then that of an average human. It doesn't however heal him from any damage dealt to vital organs. Other implants range from hyper reactive pupils (giving him enhanced perception), adaptive bone marrow (so he can quickly adapt to his environment) and muscle fibre density (increasing his already hardened resistance to wounds and injuries).
Teleportation Device - This remarkable device was given to him by Primus (which he kept after leaving) that basically allows him to disappear in one location and re appear in another. Upon re appearing he distorts reality, which for a few seconds makes him invisible and slows down time. Quite a prize.
Guns - Sifyu carries two Desert Eagle pistols. Custom made of course. Military grade hardware, passed down from his father. As is expected, the twin pistols were further customized with additional attachments.
SMG - He also carries a sidearm. Military grade SMG 540. Conventional and rarely used though useful in certain situations.
Assortment of knives and tool belt - Sifyu also carries a combat knife for emergencies (especially for those situations where CQC is a must) and also because it looks good. Alongside that, he wears a tool belt that holds all his grenades, ammo, gadgets etc…
This section is specifically for a spouse, lover, or some other form of paramour. Feel free to use any of the formatting from 'Friends/Allies' below.
Put any friends or allies your character may have in here. You may give them descriptions or simply list them. To make a numbered list, simply place a # at the beginning of each new line:
- This guy
- That guy
- Some chick
For a non-numbered list, put an asterisk instead (the lines are optional. Simply remove the HR tags if you wish to remove them):
- This guy
- That guy
- Some chick
Or, you could even use a smaller sub-header for each person, effectively creating a small section on them, like this:
That Guy I Know
Put info on the friend here.
That Chick I Met
And here.
Some Dude at the Bar
Don't forget this one.
Put any rivals or enemies here. You can give descriptions, or simply list them. Same idea as the Allies and Friends.
General Perception/Rping notes
- When in his hero outfit, he is unrecognizable as Sifyu.
- He suffers from a very severe heart problem. The reason he is even alive is due to a stabilizer attached to his heart. This is unnoticeable but can be noticed if any robotic or android type character encounters (as they could perhaps scan him or detect any anomalies)
- He has a pretty strong will and mind resilience as such mind readers will have difficulty reading his mind. Though experienced (more powerful) mind readers should not have much problem penetrating and gaining some info….
- He is an experienced martial artist, Kendo user and weapon specialist and regularly competes in underground fighting rings.
- He also once worked as an agent for Primus
- Zero in his civilian identity (Sifyu) works as a Kendo trainer, and a security contractor.
- He believes in magic but doesn’t like it very much. He views it as “Cowardly” and occultistic (which he dislikes)
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