Phalanxer Yellowjacket X
About this character
Phalanxer Yellowjacket X is inspired by various mecha anime, power suit comic book heroes like Iron Man (duh), and my childhood friend Paul Tampas who was my partner in crime in my first roleplaying game adventures and helped me cultivate my love of these crazy people we call superheroes. Also, it goes without saying that without the amazing talents and storytelling of my dear friend @KaiZero, that this character wouldn't be half the man he is.
Jimmy McCallister is essentially a light-hearted, sometimes socially clumsy mechanical savant. His genius is in applied sciences and engineering. He is good-hearted, loyal and can be terribly funny, but usually in an accidental way. Jimmy McCallister always tries to do the right thing, even if its not easy, which is why, to me, he is the most typically heroic of all my characters.