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The Indomitable
Unseen Warrior
"Can't hit what you can't see."
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Player: @Darkstar24
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Super Group
Paragon Dawn
· Other Affiliations ·
UNTIL - PRIMUS - The London Watch - UNITY
Real Name
Skye Danvers
Dani, Invisia, "The Ghost"
Dec 22nd
London. England
Millenium City
Moon Base, Tech Labs
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Scott Danvers (Father), Meredith Danvers (Mother), David Danvers (Brother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Early 20s
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Invisibility, Force Field Generation and manipulation, Force Construct Creation.
· Equipment ·
Bio Belt, Holo-Com, Holo-Imager.
· Other Abilities ·
Unarmed Combat Experience, Expert Tactician

" In the world of physics we watch a shadowgraph performance of the drama of familiar life. The shadow of my elbow rests on the shadow table as the shadow ink flows over the shadow paper. It is all symbolic, and as a symbol the physicist leaves it. ... The frank realization that physical science is concerned with a world of shadows is one of the most significant of recent advances." — Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington

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Skye Danvers was born in London, England to Scott and Meredith Danvers. Skye and her brother David were both born mutants. Her parents both being scientists they were no strangers to the mutant gene. So when Skye and her brother began exhibiting superhuman abilities their parents knew exactly what to do. Skye and her brother were trained in the uses of their powers. Skyes main teacher was Swift Swallow who is a member of one of Englands major superteams The London Watch. After helping the team stop an attack by Dr. Destroyer. She was invited to join the team as its newest and youngest member Shimmer. Shimmer has since grown even more powerful from when she first joined the team. Shimmer hearing of the Qularr attack came to Millenium City to help the Champions protect the people from the Qularr invasion. After the invasion, Shimmer has since stayed in Millenium City to help her brother fight the good fight.

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  • Invisibility: Shimmer can consciously by a simple act of concentration, she can cause all wavelengths of visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light to bend around her without distortion; she also somehow directs enough undistorted light to her eyes to retain her full range of vision while invisible. An observer, unaware of the peculiar path light takes around her body, would have the sensation of seeing through her. The Invisible Woman can also mentally project the invisible energy produced within the cells of her body in order to render other people or objects invisible. The largest volume she can as yet turn invisible at a single time is approximately 40,000 cubic feet of volume (1,133 cubic meters), equivalent to a small swimming pool. She has sufficient control over her power that she can turn parts of her body selectively invisible. She is also able to make objects that have been turned invisible by other sources visible by letting her own energy projection interfere with that other method of invisibility. Further, she can make energy that is not in the visual portion of the electromagnetic spectrum visible by a similar interaction. Sue can also sense something made invisible by physical means (such as a machine) but not by magical or psionic means.
  • Psionic Force Fields: Shimmer's more advanced ability is her power of neuropathically reducing force fields to create barriers, shields, domes, spheres, constructs and fields of force and energy. She can make these force fields appear almost anywhere or over nearby visible targets. They can be made into any shape, and with any amount of intensity and force. She can use her psionic ability to give herself telekinetic abilities and unaided flight. She can manipulate the energy of her force fields around other objects to simulate telekinetic abilities. She is capable of generating and manipulating multiple force fields simultaneously. Shimmer is able to control the surface of the fields rigidity to a certain extent. She can cause the surface of the field to be very hard, depending on its thickness (steel-like at about 2.5 feet), or as resilient as foam rubber. By making the field more resilient she is able to absorb more of the inertia of impacts within the field without having them transmitted to her body. She is also, through training, able to alter the shapes she creates while utilizing those shapes, often to absorb or deflect the force of impacts. When she creates objects of fields that are at the limit of her ability to mentally visualize, they tend to be resilient rather than rigid.
  • Defensive Force Fields: Shimmer mainly uses her force fields in the form of blue spheres of defensive energy which can absorb damage until she stops concentrating on them, causing them to dissipate. Shimmer is capable of making larger force fields for long durations of time to either contain or protect larger targets or groups of people as she has shown the ability to shield multiple people with one large semi-circular force field. She is capable of generating and concentrating on sustaining multiple force fields around targets with relative ease. Even though her suit is comprised of a durable material, she prefers to protect herself with a powerful force field in combat to avoid direct injury. Whilst she is sustaining force fields she has considerably reduced offensive capability. If she is having difficulty in combat, she will resort to using either extremely defensive force fields or highly offensive force field usage. She prefers to take a defensive position in combat when working with other heroes allowing them to attack whilst she creates defensive force fields to absorb or redirect potentially fatal damage.
  • Offensive Force Fields: Shimmer is capable of wielding her force fields for more offensive purposes. In combat whilst she prefers to take a defensive position using force fields of varying shapes and sizes to defend allies, or repel foes, if she is hard pressed she will go on the offensive. At the peak of her offensive ability she can project concussive waves of sheer force. She is also able to focus her power to shatter materials. By forming one of her force fields within an object and expanding the field, Shimmer can cause her target to explode. This extension of her powers is extremely destructive.
  • Force Constructs: As an extension of her offensive force abilities, Shimmer has the ability to generate force fields in varying shapes and sizes to attack her enemies. This ability is limited to her own imagination, meaning that as long as she can imagine the shape in her mind, she will be able to successfully translate it into the real world by way of her force field constructs. Shimmer readily uses this ability both for combat (such as generating a powerful series of force fields to slam down on her opponents) and non-combat purposes (such as creating a temporary series of pipes or lab utensils). Shimmer can also travel atop animated constructs such as ramps, stairs, slides, columns and stepping discs, enabling her to fly. In a similar manner to her force fields, her ability to create and sustain force constructs is limited to her ability to concentrate, either consciously or unconsciously, on them or they will simply cease to exist.
  • Flight: Shimmer can use her force fields and force barriers to telekinetically fly at the speed of a missile and can form it completely over herself to be able to damage or destroy almost anything she collides with, even large masses of stone. She could move and lift herself and others through air, no matter how much the weight, inside a force field. This power however is extremely exhausting for her to use.


  • Virtual Reality Visor: VR Visor for short, Shimmer uses this item to scan and make analysis of enemies and phenomena in battle, as well as make calculations.
  • Bio-Belt: Shimmers belt and harness control a number of functions for her, such as her Holo-Com.
  • Holo-Com: The Holo-Com is a device directed from her belt and voice activated. When enabled, this device creates a holographic screen and keyboard down Shimmers arm and hand. The holo-com has several functions, including communication, hacking, data storage and transference, vital scanning, and accessing her computer mainframe for teleportation of herself or her equipment to and from her moon base HQ.
  • Holo-Imager: The Holo-Imager is a device that can project at least 2 holograms that are identical to Shimmer. The holograms are so realistic they often confuse enemies giving her time either to attack or to flee. Shimmer mostly uses this in dire cases where she is to exhausted or preoccupied to turn invisible.


  • Concentration: Shimmers force field power is limited by her concentration; once she stops concentrating on a field, it simply ceases to exist.
  • Overexertion: Prolonged usage of her powers puts a strain on her, especially if she is putting in a large amount of force, resulting in nosebleeds and finally falling unconscious. Though through practice, the time and strength with which she can use her powers without harm can be increased.
  • Inertia: Shimmer is not immune to opposing force, if the incoming force is greater than she anticipates she will usually receive a high amount of psionic feedback from her force fields, resulting in her being "thrown" back, in some instances it can cause concussive feedback and will render her unconscious.

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