Silver Solitaire

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Player: @Gemini-Pawn
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Biographical Data
Real Name: Christine Gerard
Known Aliases: Silver Solitaire
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Detroit
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Marcus Gerard
( Father )
Constance Gerard
( Mother )
Age: 27 ( October 19, 1988 )
Height: 5'10"*
Weight: 150lbs.*
Eyes: Blue*
Hair: Black*
Complexion: Average*
Physical Build: Normal*
Physical Features: No permanent outstanding features*
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Estimated 6
Citizenship: US Citizen
Occupation: Library assistant
Moonlights as mystical items trader
Education: High School diploma
One year of study at The Magic Lantern
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Resilience
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Personal spellbook that contains notes, recipes, formulas, etc on various spells in multiple schools of mysticism. The pages of the book act as gateways to pocket dimensions, allowing her to store items within the book.
ReldinBoxMini Template

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  • Information in the characteristics section marked with an asterisk* is based on the appearance of her illusory image.
  • As far as the public, and PRIMUS, are concerned, Silver Solitaire is an ordinary human mystic.
  • However, Christine Gerard is considered a missing person, whereabouts unknown.

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"I grew up in a city full of heroes, I saw them all over the news each day, and I always dreamed of becoming one myself so I could use my powers to help people and-...Well...Having that kind of adoration was really appealing too..."

Christine had a fairly normal childhood, at least, as normal as possible for the former residents of Detroit. She was only four years old during the Battle of Detroit, luckily her parents were able to keep her safe during the conflict. After the battle, Christine's family remained in the remnants of the city as it was being rebuilt and life eventually returned to normal. As Christine grew up she found a passion for reading novels of every variety and was a very diligent student.

"So I became a student at the Magic Lantern. I studied the arcane arts there for a few months, but I was getting impatient. High school was easy, all it took was good notes and plenty of studying. But this? This went way beyond anything I've ever learned before."

After graduating from High School, Christine left home to study among the mystics at the Magic Lantern bookstore in Downtown Millennium City. She was every bit as studious as ever, but she soon found out that mysticism is not something you learn overnight. Especially for an ordinary human.

"I should have kept up with my studies, but I wanted so badly to be a hero that I looked for ways to skip the years of training ahead of me. So I did some research, and tried to find something that could boost my power. That's when I learned about the mystical diamond, the Silver Solitaire."

Christine began searching for some way to turn herself into a hero without having to spend years of her life studying the mystic arts. Upon discovering the Silver Solitaire, she attempted to absorb its power into herself. The diamond granted her the power she desired, but naturally there was a cost. Because of her botched attempt to siphon the Solitaire's power, her body was warped into something hideous to behold.

"I never should have left the Lantern..."

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The Silver Solitaire granted Christine enough raw mystical energy to make her a match for most mystic superheroes in terms of power, but she is still a novice in terms of training and experience.

Though she studies many different fields of mysticism, one of her most practiced abilities is her illusion magic. For someone of her skill level, Christine has notoriously stubborn illusion spells that are difficult to see through or dispel. However, her illusions only fool the eyes and ears. If someone shakes her hand they would feel something decidedly non-human.

Aside from her illusions, Christine's magic allows her to:

  • Fly
  • Teleport
  • Launch bolts of mystic force
  • Heal minor wounds, and ease major injuries
  • Levitate objects
  • Visit dreams
  • ...And much more

Christine is still learning and continues to teach herself new spells and abilities.

The monstrous mutation caused by the Silver Solitaire has granted Christine a tough, durable hide that has a mild resistance to extreme temperatures and trauma. It has also given her enough physical strength to lift a small automobile.

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Christine is naturally good natured and non-violent. She avoids fighting because it would interfere with her ability to maintain her illusion spell, but the main reason is because she simply does not wish to cause any harm to anyone. Often times she will flee instead of defending herself.

However, Christine will fight when other people are in immediate danger. She typically relies on sleeping spells or confusing illusions to incapacitate her foes. She has never taken a life and does not plan on doing so any time soon.

Christine is extremely timid, and often stutters when nervous. She is naturally anxious around new people but she is especially intimidated by other mystics who, more often than not, are far more experienced than her.

She always means well and tries her best to help her friends and people in general, even if it just means trying to cheer them up a little.

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Behind the Illusion Spell
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Christine has only willingly shown her true monstrous form to four people. Most of them are no longer a part of her life anymore, for one reason or another.

Christine has never told a soul, not even her closest friends, about what happened to her family. Following her accident, Christine acted on instinct and ran home to her parents, hoping they would provide the support she so desperately needed at that moment. Instead, the Gerards were horrified by the enormous monster that appeared at their doorstep, Mr. Gerard seized his firearm and attempted to defend his wife and home. Christine was shot twice by her own father before she fled into the night. The experience traumatized Christine so much that she never returned home again. To this day, the Gerards still have no idea that creature was their daughter.