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- The ambient noise of the city streets suddenly goes quiet as the woman enters the building.
- A male voice speaks up: "Excuse me ma'am, if you could just put your electronic devices in here while we do a security check."
- She responds with a curt: "Very well." A pause. "Proceed."
- An electronic hum can be heard faintly at first. It suddenly grows louder and then fades away just as quickly.
- "All clear. Thank you, ma'am. Your items are in the tub over there."
- The sound of her heels clicking on polished stone can be heard along with the heavier footsteps of her bodyguards as she makes her way to her destination.
- She stops and another woman's voice is heard. "I'm sorry ma'am, but no communication devices are allowed past this point. Representatives only."
- By now the contractor is beginning to sound irritated. "Naturally. You two, hold on to my phone and remain here until I am finished." There is a faint grunt of acknowledgement and then the sound of a doorknob turning.
- A smooth, upbeat male voice speaks: "Mrs. Beaumont! Welcome to Millennium City. I apologize for the commotion outside. Please, make yourself comfortable. Can my assistant get you anything?"
- "No." She responds.
- "Well then Mrs. Beaumont, I understand your brother has been keeping you quite busy lately with Walker International."
- There is a brief sound of rustling clothing. "That is correct. So I trust you understand my desire to get right to business, Mr. Harris."
- "Of course! Of course. First things first, I'd like to share our projected rates for the armaments. I think you'll find this to be a very profitable venture." A few mouse clicks are heard. "What do you think?"
- "...These are acceptable. More than acceptable. ARGENT financial prowess never ceases to impress."
- "Oh yes. It's amazing what one can accomplish without government regulation. Now, before we arrange an inspection of your assets, I'd like to get an estimate of how much we can expect from you. The sooner we prepare the ships, the less chance of any unforseen overhead."
- The woman responds almost immediately. "Ships? I am not sure I understand what you mean, Mr. Harris. Are we not discussing the recycling program?" She maintains her frigid tone.
- One can almost hear the gears in his mind being thrown into reverse. "I-...Y-Yes of course, Mrs. Beaumont." Eventually he gets back in control. "What I meant was...Was that the recycling plant is more easily accessed by boat. The cheaper shipping lets us offer you those 'more than acceptable' rates."
- Strangely, she seems to accept his reasoning without hesitation. "Very well. Your offer is far more lucrative than expected. Perhaps we can provide you with more than our original estimate. But I will have to clear this with my superior, excuse me."
- "Certainly, Mrs. Beaumont. Take your time." The sound of her heels can be heard walking away from the mic.
- As soon as the door closes, Mr. Harris turns away from the mic. "Idiot! You told me Walker International was privy to the overseas deal! I ought to have your head for this!" He keeps his voice down despite his obvious outrage.
- A meek assistant's voice responds: "B-But the file from our west coast office said they were completely on board with the deal! I swear, I had no idea!"
- "Let me see that!" Papers rustling. "Damn bureaucrats. Their bumbling almost blew the entire thing. Just in case, have the security office tap Beaumont's phone. I want to be completely sure she bought my pitch."
- "Yes, sir."
- "Both our asses are on the line if this goes south. Believe me, getting fired is the least of your-" The doorknob turns. Mr. Harris clears his throat and puts his smooth salesman voice back on. "Mrs. Beaumont?"
- She shuts the door behind her. "I spoke with Mr. Walker. He was so impressed by your offer that he is willing to double the weapons surplus we originally intended to sell."
- "Wonderful! You won't regret this, Mrs. Beaumont!"
- "I agree. Our armaments are being kept in a secure facility on the west side of the city. We believed it was in everyone's best interest to keep them away from residential areas where they might cause...Uneasiness."
- "A prudent choice. We'll send an inspection team down there as soon as we can."
- "...Very well. Contact me once you have a date scheduled."
- "Of course. A pleasure doing business with Walker International."
- "Indeed."
- The next few minutes of the audio detail Mrs. Beaumont's journey through security on the way out.
- A limousine door slams shut, followed quickly by the sound of a partition divider closing.
- "Everything is proceeding normally." says Mrs. Beaumont. "We need only schedule a day for their inspection team."
- A male voice responds through a speaker. "Nice work. Did you have any trouble with security?"
- "They did not detect anything. The signal masking device appears to have worked." A muffled click is heard.
- "Wait a minute, Trace. The machine's picking up a second signal." The concern is clearly felt in his tone.
- Mrs. Beaumont can be heard searching her person. The mic picks up some interference as it is handled. "It seems I have been bugged."
- "This is bad. If ARGENT knows what we just-"
- Mrs. Beaumont interrupts him. "This is not ARGENT's doing. I sensed another hand in this. Do not worry, brother. I will handle this matter."
- The recording ends as the mic is crushed.