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Player: @Bluegrass_Beast
Blitz PRIMUS.jpg
"Die, Horror!"
Character Build
Class Focus: Guardian/Vindicator
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: 'Kyrie Blitzer'
Known Aliases: The Quilphothic Avenger
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: German/Nepali
Place of Birth: Sanctuary (The Tatterdemalion)
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Deceased
Age: Late twenties
Height: 6'0
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Electric Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Swarthy
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Arcane sigil tattoos, Pseudo-German accent
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 5
Citizenship: None (Extradimensional Refugee)
Occupation: Guardian and Horror-Slayer
Education: Self-taught.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Superhuman strength and resilience, flight, short-range teleportation
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Arcane sigil tattoos, blessed "warhammer".
ReldinBox Template

Born in a tiny, besieged enclave called 'Sanctuary' in the Quilphothic realm known as "The Tatterdemalion," 'Kyrie Blitzer' (as she has come to call herself) was trained to survive the hellish dimensional graveyard of her birth, her flesh marked with mystical sigils to allow her to venture beyond the fading wardstones that allowed for her peoples' survival on the corpse of their world.

When the Shadow Destroyer tore open a gate to the Quilphoth to steal power from it to face Doctor Destroyer and the heroes he had allied with he inadvertently caught the warrior in the convergence, destroying Sanctuary ina violent apocalypse and pulling the Blitzkrieger into the backwash that returned Destroyer's allies to their home dimension - the last known survivor of her people.

Freed from the life-devouring energies of her planar home, and for the first time bathed in the power of a life-positive universe, the Blitzkrieger found that though she was 'merely' a skilled warrior and huntress in the Tatterdemalion, on Earth she was now superhumanly strong and durable, and that the power of her Sigils - freed from the task of staving off the energies of the Quilphoth - were likewise amplified.

Now, the Blitzkrieger fights to protect her new home and seeks to avenge her peoples' deaths upon the 'Destroyer' and his forces.




       Armored                     Unmasked                   Civilian 

Current Sketch

Blitzkrieger has slowly begun adapting to the chaotic but substantially more-hospitable new plane she now calls home; she earns a modest living serving as a consultant n Quilphothic matters to various heroic agencies and spends her time learning of Champions Earth, fighting any who would dare threaten her new home with merciless fury, and searching for any sign or news of fellow refugees of Sanctuary's destruction.

Powers and Abilities

Empowered Physiology - Native to a Quilphothic dimension (or at least a planar remnant embedded in one), Blitzkrieger's physical capabilities were powerfully enhanced by the surging energies of the life-positive plane she now inhabits, in fact to truly superhuman levels. Her skin is nigh-invulnerable to small arms fire and other similar physical trauma and highly-resistant to more severe injuries, she is able to function for days at a time without rest or sustenance, and has been seen to lift and wield objects in excess of fifty tons - famously assaulting a rogue Mega-Destroid with a fully-loaded tractor-trailer. Arcane Tattoos - Inscribed into her flesh by the mystics of Sanctuary, these flowing, vaguely quicksilver markings were empowered to protect their bearer from the life-draining nature of her home plane when outside the wards of Sanctuary. Much like their bearer, escape from a Quilphotic dimension has empowered the runes; whereas they once merely held life-draining energies at bay and obscured Blitzkrieger from the horrors of the Tatterdemalion, now they can rapidly heal her wounds and periodically render her invisible to those who seek to do her harm even in the middle of a battle - or be used to shelter and mend allies the same way. They also have granted her the power of flight, and can temporarily empower her weapons with the devastating residual energy of the Quilphoth stored within themselves. Guardian's Training - Trained from a young age in the ways of the guardians of Sanctuary and raised amidst the besieging horrors of the Tatterdemalion, Blitzkrieger is a terrifying hand-to-hand combatant, particularly skilled in facing horrors spawned from the Quilphoth. She is also a cunning survivalist and huntress, but her knowledge of ranged weaponry and firearms seems limited. Dämonentöter' - The weapon seems unassuming, even crude - a "hammer" head of broken asphalt lashed to a rough wooden haft by tight bindings - but "Dämonentöter" is inscribed by similar sigils to those that protect its mistress and is thus far sturdier and more powerful than it appears at a glance; it can also be empowered by the energies in Blitzkrieger's tattoos due to this symbolic bond between warrior and weapon, and when needed is called mystically to Blitzkrieger's hand.



