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Player: @hypocraticoath
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank
Power Level: Minor
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Elijah Raeburn
Known Aliases: None Known
Gender: None, Male Prefered
Species: Unicellular organism
Ethnicity: American
Place of Birth: Miami, Flordia
Base of Operations: ARGENT Headquarters, Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Thomas Raeburn; Father, Sarah Raeburn; Sister
Age: 29
Height: Variable
Weight: 62kg
Eyes: None
Hair: None
Complexion: Purple
Physical Build: Variable
Physical Features: Amorphous body, visible nucleus
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Nine months
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Corporate-Sponsored Metahuman
Education: College Dropout
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Strength, Agility, Perception, malleable body
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


Born in Miami, FL in 1985 on a Mid-September evening, Elijah was the second child to Thomas and Elizabeth Raeburn, living in an upper-middle class home and neighborhood in the city. At age 11, in 1996, his mother was taken from them by a drunk driver one night. Leaving Thomas to care for both his children alone and working full time as a private lawyer. The family eventually had overcome the loss of their mother and loving wife and Elijah and his sister eventually graduated high-school and moved onto University life, Sarah majoring in Biology, while Elijah pursued what had always interested him as a hobby his life, Art.

While he had eventually dropped out in his sophomore year, he had met and formed a relationship with a woman named Yazmin Boone, majoring in Xenochemistry. Although they had gone their separate ways, with Elijah eventually working for his home city as a court room sketch artist. They had kept in touch through online means, becoming quite close.

Eventually in 2013, Yazmin had spoken to Elijah about her recent employment in the ARGENT branch of Millennium City, MI. Along with the opening for a paid, clinical trial for one of their projects, travel expenses covered and stipend included. Curiosity tempted, He had made the flight over and signed the necessary forms and waivers.

What he had signed up for, was testing the mutagenic effects of a reversed Qularr bioweapon illegally recovered by the company in their provoked attack in 2006. In about a week, Elijah had lost all distributed biological stability and reverted to a sapient, Unicellular 'soup'. Although unexpected to the ARGENT research team and Yazmin herself, Elijah had seem to come out of the ordeal neurologically and mentally sound.


Naturally after all had been said, done, tested and recorded. Elijah had found himself in a very awkward position of what to do. Eventually the idea formed between he, Yazmin and her research team to volunteer Elijah as a company-sponsored security agent and sanctioned meta-human. The idea given approval by the regional board of the company, he was quickly registered by ASPRA and PRIMUS and announced as the first of soon to be many superheroes backed and supported by ARGENT. Now known under the alias, Biomorph.


Unlike most mutants who's changes were not innate, Elijah is quite happy with his new life and powers. Quickly adapting to his new physiology and always pushing it to it's limits to discover them. At best, Elijah can be described as optimistic and hopeful. At worst he can be described as naive and gun-shy.


Being a protoplasmic creature with a malleable state, distributed perceptions and neurology, Elijah abuses it to the best of his cunning. Overpowering his enemies with grapples, engulfment or using their own weight against them, or rarely sometimes shaping his body into lethal weapons. Given his unique psysiology, he'll often let bullets soak into him or just pass through.


Due to his unique physiology, Elijah suffers quite a few drawbacks to his new state. Such as a complete vulnerability to energy based weapons and environmental hazards, especially high voltage shocks. As well as sensory overload devices and tactics such as flashbangs or excessively loud noises, bright lights, profound tastes or high amounts of pain.

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