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"I made QUARK to be my assistant, but I'm glad to say he became much more than that. I don't know where I'd be without him." - Captain Collider

Resembling a particle in design, the diminutive robot, QUARK, was made to maximise its mobility in the lab and in the field through the use of anti-gravitational electromagnetic propulsion. Built with a learning artificial intelligence, QUARK possesses the intuitive mind and personality of a human with the processing potential of an advanced robot. In order to make his robotic assistant more 'human', Mal also gave QUARK a 'voicebox' which allows him to simulate human speech patterns to create its own voice and the ability to express its simulated emotional states through the use of emoticons, which are projected on the screen it uses for a 'face'. In place of hands, QUARK utilises tractor beam projectors mounted on either side of its spherical body.

Apart from its various outer features, QUARK also possesses a number of secondary features implanted to better serve Mal during his day to day work. As well as using its 'face' to communicate, QUARK can present information on it and can even act as a two way video communication device. Its tractor beam projectors can be used to project force fields and fire defensive stun blasts. QUARK is also capable of tapping into various radio frequencies and remotely interfacing with technological devices of various shapes and sizes. A universal translator allows him to interpret any known language of human or alien origin and seamlessly translate it with a very small margin of error. An omni-scanner embedded in its visual sensors can scan any number of substances, organisms or energy forms to identify or further analyse them using the robot's wide database of information.

Since donning his cape and becoming a hero, Captain Collider has found QUARK to be an invaluable ally, albeit in a support capacity. With its somewhat timid personality, however, QUARK isn't too fond of having to risk its 'life' doing so and is always ready to voice its apprehension.

After the Battle of Arcadia, the 'QUARK Defense Protocol' used to ward off A.D.A.M drones was fully developed. Now, in the event of Captain Collider's absence, or a citywide (or even global) threat, a squadron of fully equipped modular androids can be dispatched from the Tower of Power for crowd control, prisoner/civilian escort, rescue operations and combat support. These drones -- colloquially known as 'HADRONS' or the 'HADRON Composition' -- resemble QUARK in design, with screens on their heads for 'faces' which constantly show the atom insignia most have come to associate with Captain Collider and voice functions for communication. They are almost fully controlled by QUARK, with some input from Olivier Martin when available.


  • QUARK is inspired by: Skeets (DC), H.E.R.B.I.E (Marvel), J.A.R.V.I.S (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and C-3PO (Star Wars).
  • The HADRON Composition is inspired by: The OMAC Project (DC), The Manhunters (DC), Superman Robots (DC) and the Iron Legion (Marvel Cinematic Universe).