Player: @global
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Place of Birth:
Base of Operations:
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
Years Active:
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada
If you have any problems or issues with the MaekadaBoxSlim, my in-game global is @Maekada
What are MaekadaBox and MaekadaBoxSlim?
MaekadaBox started as my attempt to create a 'HeroBox' that suited my specific needs, such as a more in-depth 'attributes' section that covered more attributes and has a good range of tiers, which is why I made them 1-10 instead of what seems to be the standard 7.
If you don't know what a 'HeroBox' is, it is the thing on the right, a template that most people use one sort or another of. It lays out a nice neat box for you to put the general statistics of your character into.
MaekadaBoxSlim is the slimmer version, for those who prefer a less-wide box.
How to use MaekadaBoxSlim
At the bottom of this page there is a box with text in it labeled 'MaekadaBoxSlim'. Copy everything in this box, and paste it to the top of your character page. The next sections will explain the various values and what they do.
Converting from MaekadaBox to MaekadaBoxSlim
In the codebox for MaekadaBox, change " {{MaekadaBox ", at the top into " {{MaekadaBoxSlim "
header |
This changes the 'header' text color with a #000000 format. Default is white, #FFFFFF.
font |
This changes the content font text with the #000000 format. Default is black, #000000.
bg1 |
This changes the dark color (including borders) of the box using #000000. Leave the default values to use my colors.
bg2 |
This changes the medium color of the box using #000000.
bg3 |
This changes the light color of the box using #000000.
cell1 |
This changes the first table cell background color using #000, and also changes the padding color of the box (just inside the border).
cell2 |
This changes the second table cell background color using #000.
name |
This is your character's name. This can be either Superhero name or if they have none, their real name.
player |
Your global name ingame, format being @yourglobalnamehere.
image |
This displays the image you place in this value. Proper format would be: filename.jpg, (of course using your own file, which must be uploaded to PDB).
caption |
Words appear under the image.
realname |
Character's full, real name. Format: First Middle Last
alias |
Nicknames or other names they may go by. Not necessarily hero name.
gender |
Gender is pretty obvious. Male or Female, or in some cases None. If you are an android or robot, use whichever fits best.
species |
You character's species. This means human, manimal, some alien race, whatever.
ethnicity |
Mostly applies for humans and refers to whether they are, for example, Caucasian or Asian or Black, etc.
birthplace |
Where your character was born.
operations |
Where your character operates from. This can be specific or refer simply to the city they spend most of their time in.
relatives |
Obviously, any relatives your character may have.
age |
Your character's age. Preferably use a solid number or put 'Unknown'. 'About this much' just seems sloppy, but it is your choice.
height |
Your character's physical height, presumably while standing at full height.
weight |
Your character's weight under normal Earth gravity.
eyes |
Eye color
hair |
Hair color
complexion |
Complexion is the texture, color, and other properties of the skin.
build |
Your physical body shape, whether athletic, fat, skinny, or 'normal'.
features |
Noticeable physical features such as scars or tattoos.
fame |
Your character's fame. Pick a number between 1-9 using the guide below to determine how widely known your character would be.
- 1: Recluse - You avoid fame and attention as best you can.
- 2: Unknown - You are either new to the scene or don't make yourself known.
- 3: Local - You are a known of across the town or city you reside/work in.
- 4: State - You are known across the state that you reside or work in.
- 5: National - The nation you reside in, as a whole, knows of you and your reputation.
- 6: Global - The entire world knows of you and you may be asked to participate in international situations, good or bad.
- 7: Renowned - You are well known by the world, and most people have heard of you.
- 8: Legendary - Almost everyone in the world has at least heard of you and even some people on other planets have.
- 9: Intergalactic - You are known throughout the galaxy to some degree or another.
alignment |
Your character's moral alignment. This is traditionally made up of: 'Lawful Neutral Chaotic' and 'Good Neutral Evil', with various pairings.
identity |
The status of your character's true identity, whether secret or public knowledge.
years_active |
How long your character has been a hero (or villain).
citizenship |
Which countries (or planets) your character is a part of and their legal status there.
occupation |
Your character's job when not being a hero (or villain)
education |
The education level of your character. 'K-12' implies they have their high school diploma.
marital |
The status of your character's personal relationship(s), such as Single, Dating, Married, etc.
powers |
A brief list of your characters powers. No need to go into detail in this (you can do that on your actual page).
paraphernalia |
A brief list of gear or tools your character may use.
Attribute Scaling
Each attribute is valued on a relative scale of 1-10. These values are intended as guidelines, and examples are provided for each value.
This is how physically strong your character is, aided or unaided.
1 |
Weak - Weaker than the average healthy human (Cannot lift an object of their own weight)
2 |
Human - At average strength for a healthy human (Able to lift roughly their own weight)
3 |
Strong - At strength equal to that of a human who is physically fit and works out regularly (Can lift roughly twice their own weight)
4 |
Body-builder - At strength equal to a human who engages in regular body-building (roughly 300-500 lbs)
5 |
Olympic - At strength equal to a human at peak potential (roughly 700-1000 lbs.)
6 |
Inhuman - Able to lift objects from 1-5 tons.
7 |
Superhuman - Able to lift objects from 5-10 tons.
8 |
Ultrahuman - Able to lift objects from 10-30 tons.
9 |
Titan - Able to lift objects from 30-100 tons.
10 |
Godlike - Able to lift 100 or more tons.
This is to give a general idea of how powerful of a weapon you use. This is a guideline, but please choose responsibly.
1 |
No weapon; Hands and feet
2 |
Knives; brass knuckles; various makeshift melee weapons
3 |
Normal melee weapons or bow missiles of average material and quality; small firearms
4 |
Larger firearms such as rifles; melee weapons or bow missiles made of kendrium; lightly enchanted weapons
5 |
Enchanted melee weapons or bow missiles; heavy-caliber firearms;
6 |
High-tech energy weapons; explosives; melee weapons or bow missiles made of Questionite
7 |
Advanced alien weapons; Heavily enchanted weapons
8 |
Devastating weapons such as bombs.
9 |
Nuclear or Thermonuclear bombs or equally-powered weapons. (Please avoid this unless it truly is a part of the character)
10 |
World-devastating weapons. (Please avoid this unless it truly is a part of the character)
This is how tough your character's body is, not including armor (unless natural) and forcefields.
1 |
Fragile - You are especially brittle like glass.
2 |
Weak - Less physically durable than the average human. Highly susceptible to cuts and bruising.
3 |
Average - As physically durable as the average human. Susceptible to normal cuts and bruising.
4 |
Tough - More physically durable than the average human due to physiology or physical fitness. Susceptible to cuts and bruising.
5 |
Resilient - As tough as a human can get. Cuts don't bother you as much, and you only bruise when hit hard enough.
6 |
Inhuman - You are nearly bulletproof, and bullets may not exit your body. You are resistant to cuts from normal blades and almost never bruise.
7 |
Superhuman - Most smaller bullets will bounce off of your skin, possibly leaving bruises, normal blades barely bother you.
8 |
Bulletproof - Almost all bullets will bounce off your skin, possibly leaving a mark. High-frequency kendrium blades and better can harm you.
9 |
Titan - You are nigh-invulnerable to most foes. Only questionite and stronger weapons can harm you, and even then only when enough force is applied.
10 |
Godlike - You are all but indestructible to all forms of physical damage.
This is how strong the armor you wear is. This is a guideline, but please choose responsibly.
1 |
No Armor or Clothing
2 |
Basic clothing; minor-protective clothing
3 |
Light armor; protective wear
4 |
Medium armor; lightly enchanted clothing/armor
5 |
Heavy armor; enchanted armor; weak forcefields; weaker power armor
6 |
High-tech armor; Kendrium armor; power armor; average forcefields; heavily enchanted armor or clothing
7 |
Alien-tech armor; heavy power armor; Strong forcefields
8 |
Questionite armor; strongest forcefields
9 |
Legendary or god-bestowed armor
10 |
Neutronium armor
This is how fast your character can move, run, fly, or however else they travel.
1 |
Slow - You run, fly, or move slower than running speed of the average healthy human.
2 |
Average - You run, fly, or move at the running speed of the average healthy human.
3 |
Athlete - You run, fly, or move at the running speed of an athelete who excercises regularly.
4 |
Olympic - You run, fly, or move at the running speed of an olympic runner (20-25 MPH)
5 |
Inhuman - You can run, fly, or move faster than any normal human (30-100 MPH)
6 |
Superhuman - You can run, fly, or move at superhuman speeds (100-600 MPH)
7 |
Sonic - You can hit the sound barrier or slightly beyond (Mach 1)
8 |
Supersonic - You can reach supersonic speeds (Mach 2-5)
9 |
Hypersonic - You can reach hypersonic (Mach 5-10)
10 |
High-Hypersonic and Beyond - You can reach high-hypersonic speeds or more (Mach 10-25 or faster)
This is how fast your character reacts to things.
1 |
Slow - You have a very poor reaction time, less than that of the average human.
2 |
Normal - You react at the speed of the average human.
3 |
Quick - You have the reflexes of a quick human.
4 |
Honed - You have honed reflexes similar to those of a highly-trained human.
5 |
Inhuman - Your reflexes are inhuman, allowing you to react almost instantly.
6 |
Superhuman - Your reflexes are superior to any human's, giving an instantaneous reaction time.
7 |
6th Sense - Your reflexes take in all stimuli of the world around you and provide reactions to things you do not consciously notice.
8 |
Sub-ESP - Your reflexes take in all stimuli of the world around you and give reactions before things happen, based on the environment.
9 |
Slow-mo - Your perception of time is altered to some degree to the point where time moves slower for you, allowing you to react and adapt much faster to situations.
10 |
ESP - You literally see a few moments into the future, allowing you to react to things just before they happen.
Magical Resistance
Your resistance to magical attacks.
1 |
Weak - You are particularly weak against magic.
2 |
None - You have no particular weakness or defense against magical attacks.
3 |
Minor - You are somewhat resistant to magical attacks and may shrug off minor cantrips.
4 |
Low - You are fairly resistant to magical attacks and may shrug off light spells cast by weaker sorcerers.
5 |
Medium - Your resistance against magical attacks is good and you might shrug off normal spells cast by average sorcerers.
6 |
High - You can defend against many magical attacks and shrug off most normal spells.
7 |
Heroic - You are very resistant to magical attacks and can shrug off strong spells cast by average sorcerers.
8 |
Amazing - You are fiercely resistant to magical attacks and it takes a super-sorcerer or archmage using average spells to effect you.
9 |
Superior - A super-sorcerer or Archmage can barely effect you with average spells.
10 |
Anti-Magic - Magic spells either simply do not effect you or fail around you.
This is how long your character can last in a fight or other activities before requiring rest.
1 |
Low - You can only fight or engage in vigorous activities for a couple minutes before requiring rest.
2 |
Normal - You can fight or engage in vigorous activities for about 20-30 minutes before requiring rest.
3 |
Fit - You are equal to a fit human being and are capable of fighting or engaging in vigorous activities for an hour or so before requiring rest.
4 |
Olympic - You are equal to a human at maximum potential and can fight or engage in vigorous activites for a few hours without resting.
5 |
Inhuman - You can fight or engage in vigorous activities for several hours without resting
6 |
Superhuman - You can fight or engage in vigorous activities for whole a day or almost a whole day without rest.
7 |
Extreme - You can fight or engage in vigorous activities for a few days without rest.
8 |
Ultrahuman - You can fight or engage in vigorous activities for a whole week without resting.
9 |
Hyperhuman - You can fight or engage in vigorous activities for a couple weeks without resting.
10 |
Godlike - You never require rest.
This refers to your character's eye-hand coordination and general 'aim'. This does not necessarily indicate firearms experience or training, however, just general capability.
1 |
Clumsy - Your eye-hand coordination and aim are very poor. You cannot shoot a pistol and hit a target more than 20 ft. away.
2 |
Average - Your eye-hand coordination and aim are average for a human being with no special experience or training, and can fire a pistol and hit a target up to 30 ft. away.
3 |
Good - You have good eye-hand coordination and can possibly use a bow and arrow, and hit a target with a pistol at a specific area up to 30 ft. away.
4 |
Practiced - You regularly practice shooting either firearms or bows and can hit a target at a specific point up to 50 ft. away unaided by vision-enhancing items.
5 |
Crack Shot - You have amazing eye-hand coordination and/or aim with your ranged weapon of choice and can hit a 4 square-foot moving target up to 100 ft. away unaided.
6 |
Uncanny - Your eye-hand coordination and aim are incredible and you can hit a 2 square-foot moving target 200 ft. away with your ranged weapon of choice.
7 |
Inhuman - Your eye-hand coordination and aim are beyond human capability. You can hit a 2 square-foot moving target at up to 300 ft. away.
8 |
Superhuman - You have almost unerring aim and hand-eye coordination, and can hit a 1 square-foot moving target at up to 500 ft. away.
9 |
Ultrahuman - Your aim and hand-eye coordination make you capable of hitting 1 square-foot moving targets 1,000 ft.
10 |
Godlike - You are capable of hitting targets that are very far away so long as they are within the range of your weapon, unaided.
This is how agile and how acrobatic your character is, including their ability to jump without the aid of super-strong legs (however, super-strong legs are not absolutely excluded).
1 |
Clumsy - When it comes to keeping your balance and jumping, or even running, you tend to stumble more often than not.
2 |
Normal - You have normal balance and jumping capabilities for an average healthy human being.
3 |
Athlete - You have a better sense of balance and jumping capability than the average human and can do normal flips and other minor acrobatic feats.
4 |
Gymnast - You have a fairly good sense of balance in comparison to most humans. You are able to do somewhat impressive feats of acrobatics like multiple flips, back flips, and jump much higher than the average human. You may incorporate fighting into your acrobatics if trained.
5 |
Olympic - You are an amazing acrobat for a human and can do impressive acrobatic feats and/or jump impressively high and/or far. You are able to fight fairly well with the inclusion of your acrobatic skill (Able to jump 25-35 ft. in distance, and 7.5-8 ft. in height)
6 |
Cat-like - You have acrobatic skill and possibly flexibility beyond a normal human. You can jump high and far and perform complex acrobatic feats and rarely lose your balance. (Able to jump 40-50 ft. in distance, able to jump 9-12 feet in height)
7 |
Inhuman - You are well beyond the balance and acrobatics skill of a human (Able to jump 50-70 ft. in distance, 15-25 feet in height)
8 |
Superhuman - You are amazingly acrobatic and able to do complex aerobatics while jumping and doing amazing acrobatic feats (Able to jump 70-100 ft. in distance, 30-40 ft. in height)
9 |
Titan - You are beyond superhuman into the uncanny. Your acrobatics and jumping capabilities are decidedly amazing (able to jump 100-500 ft. in distance, 50-100 ft. in height)
10 |
Godlike - Through pure knowledge of acrobatics and the physics of jumping, you are as capable in the middle of a jump as on the ground, and can fall from any distance without harming yourself (Able to jump farther than 500 ft. and higher than 100 ft.)
Combat Skill
This refers to your character's fighting ability. The examples given are guidelines, and martial arts can mean any form of trained fighting or equivalent untrained fighting ability.
1 |
None - You have no hand-to-hand combat training or experience, nor natural fighting talent.
2 |
Minor - You have no real training but you have some experience or natural talent.
3 |
Basic - You have been through Basic Training in the normal military or have equivalent hand-to-hand combat training.
4 |
Trained - You have been specifically trained in some form of martial arts, though you only have the basics.
5 |
Disciple - You are being taught under a master of martial arts and have a fair degree of skill, or are equally capable with a melee weapon of your choice.
6 |
Martial Artist - You are well-trained in one or two forms of martial arts, or are equally capable with a melee weapon of your choice.
7 |
Master - You have mastered one, maybe two forms of martial arts, or are equally capable with a melee weapon of your choice.
8 |
Grandmaster - You are a master of several forms of martial arts, or are equally capable with a melee weapon of your choice.
9 |
Chi Master - In addition to being a master of martial arts, you are capable of attaining amazing strength and speed by channeling your spiritual energy.
10 |
Godlike - You know every, or almost every, form of martial arts and have full control of your body, mind, and chi.
This is how fast your character heals, whether normal or super.
1 |
Slow - You heal slower than the average human being.
2 |
Normal - You heal at the rate of the average human being.
3 |
Fast - You heal at the rate of a human being who seems to heal quicker than most humans (roughly 1.5-2 times as fast)
4 |
Enhanced - You heal faster than a human being and may not develop scars (roughly 2-5 times as fast)
5 |
Inhuman - Your ability to regenerate from wounds is beyond human, and you rarely if ever scar (Heal most wounds within a week)
6 |
Superhuman - You heal quickly and may regenerate lost limbs (Heal most wounds within a few days, limbs maybe a bit longer)
7 |
Regenerator - You heal rapidly enough to heal most wounds in a day, severe wounds and limbs in a couple days.
8 |
Super-Regen - You heal very rapidly, even on the spot. Limbs and severe wounds may take hours, minor wounds take from seconds to minutes.
9 |
Hyper-Regen - You heal fast enough that minor wounds heal nearly instantly, severe wounds and limbs within a few minutes or less.
10 |
Ultra-Regen - You regenerate back completely from any wounds. You also heal rapidly, limbs regrow within a minute or less.
Energy Projection/Manipulation
The ability to project one or more forms of energy form your body.
1 |
None - You have no form of energy-projection or manipulation.
2 |
Contact - You can emanate minor amounts energy from your body and possibly up to short distances, or control/manipulate energy in close proximity.
3 |
Minimal - You can project and/or control some form of energy to a fair degree within a short range.
4 |
Minor - You can project and/or control more than one form of energy to a fair degree within a short range.
5 |
Major - You can project and/or control some form of energy to a great degree within a medium range.
6 |
Blaster - You can project and/or control more than one form of energy to a great degree within a medium range.
7 |
Cannon - You can project and/or control some form of energy to a great degree at long ranges.
8 |
Powerhouse - You can project and/or control more than one form of energy to a great degree at long ranges.
9 |
Incarnate - You can project and/or control one or more forms of energy completely at short, medium, or long ranges.
10 |
Godlike - You can project and/or control any form of energy at any range.
All 'kinesis' type abilities.
1 |
None - You have no psionic abilities.
2 |
Minor - You have a minor psionic ability that requires contact.
3 |
Normal - You have an average psionic ability at short to medium ranges.
4 |
Major - You are a powerful psionic manipulator at medium and possibly long ranges.
5 |
Adept - You have more than one psionic ability at short to medium ranges.
6 |
Psionic - You have more than one psionic ability at long ranges.
7 |
Superior - You have more than one powerful psionic ability at short to medium ranges.
8 |
Mastery - You have more than one powerful psionic ability at long ranges.
9 |
Supreme - You have all or almost all psionic abilities at any range.
10 |
Godlike - You have powerful control of all or almost all psionic abilities at any range.
This is the level of Telepathy or Empathic ability you have.
1 |
Empty - You not only have no mental powers, your mind either does not exist or is undetectable.
2 |
None - You have no degree of telepathic or empathic ability.
3 |
Contact - You have minor telepathic or empathic powers that require you to have physical contact.
4 |
Minor - At short range you can read surface thoughts or feel other peoples' pains and illnesses.
5 |
Medium - At a mid-long range, you can read someone's thoughts or feel their pains and illnesses.
6 |
Major - At a short-mid range you affect someone's mind or take their pains and illnesses away.
7 |
Telepath - At a long range you can affect someone's mind or take their pains and illnesses away.
8 |
Psychic - You can do all of the previous as well as dominate their mind or form an empathic link.
9 |
Seer - You can do all of the previous as well as see someone's future or sense many things about their health and biology through contact or close-medium range.
10 |
Godlike - You can do all of the above at any distance.
This is how well your character can fight beyond pain and exhaustion, and/or their resistance to mind-affecting things such as telepathy and corruption.
1 |
Putty - You are easily swayed or convinced by others even without the use of telepathy.
2 |
Weak - Your ability to fight past pain/exhaustion and/or resist telepathy and corruption is weak or non-existent.
3 |
Normal - You have the willpower of the average human being, and/or have no particular weakness or strength against telepathy and corruption.
4 |
Strong-willed - You are stronger-willed than the average human being and/or can continue fighting past minor injuries and exhaustion as well as resist weaker telepathy and corruption.
5 |
Brick - Your mind is as solid as a brick wall. You can continue fighting through small amounts of pain/exhaustion and/or resist medium-powered telepathy and corruption.
6 |
Stubborn - You can continue fighting through fair amounts of pain/exhaustion, and/or are resistant against fairly strong telepaths and corruption.
7 |
Disciplined - Your mind is disciplined. You can shut out pain/exhaustion for a fair bit of time and/or are resistant to strong telepaths and corruption.
8 |
Indomitable - You are able to ignore pain and exhaustion to a point, and/or you are resistant against all but the most powerful telepaths and corruption.
9 |
Mental Fortress - You can ignore pain and exhaustion for a great deal of time and/or are able to resist even the most powerful telepaths and corruption.
10 |
Godlike - You can ignore pain and exhaustion indefinitely and/or are mentally impenetrable.
The skill with sorcery that your character has.
1 |
None - You do not know any form of sorcery.
2 |
Minimal - You may know a few cantrips or minor spells.
3 |
Novice - You may perform small spells, or rituals for bigger spells.
4 |
Apprentice - You perform average spells in one or two forms of sorcery.
5 |
Mage - You perform some strong spells and mostly average spells in a few forms of sorcery.
6 |
Sorcerer - You perform strong spells in one or two forms of sorcery.
7 |
Master - You are a master of one or two forms of sorcery
8 |
Archmage - You are a master of a few forms of sorcery, and perform some very powerful spells.
9 |
Arcane - You are practically sorcery incarnate and are very powerful with one or two forms of sorcery.
10 |
Godlike - You are able to perform any spells from any form of sorcery.
The level of technology your character and/or their species is at.
1 |
None - You and/or your species generally neither have nor use any technology.
2 |
Primitive - You and/or your species use tools made of natural materials.
3 |
Sub-standard - You and/or your species are at or around the medieval to revolution technology level.
4 |
Standard - You and/or your species are at or around the same tech-level as humans.
5 |
Technological - You and/or your species are in general more advanced than humans by 10-50 years.
6 |
Hi-tech - You and/or your species are more advanced than humans by 50-100 years.
7 |
Futuristic - You and/or your species are more advanced than humans by 100-200 years.
8 |
Superior - You and/or your species are more advanced than humans by 200-500 years.
9 |
Supreme - You and/or your species are more advanced than humans by 500-1000 years or more.
10 |
Technogod - You are one of the most technologically advanced beings/species in the known universe (more than 1000 years).
How intelligent your character is.
1 |
AI - You are artificially intelligent and not fully self-aware or independent.
2 |
Minimal - You have minimal to no intelligence (IQ below 50)
3 |
Low - You are below the average human intelligence level (IQ of 70 or lower)
4 |
Average - You have the intelligence level of the average human being (IQ of 80-120)
5 |
Above-Average - You are above the average human in intelligence (IQ of 120-135)
6 |
Superior - You have superior intellect to the average human (IQ of 135-150)
7 |
Near-Genius - You are just below the level of a genius (IQ of 150-170)
8 |
Genius - You are a genius (IQ of 170- 250)
9 |
Super-Genius - You are a super-genius (IQ of 250-400)
10 |
Godlike - You have a godlike intelligence that cannot be properly measured.
How much your character knows. This is only a general guideline, please choose responsibly.
1 |
None - For some reason or another, you know absolutely nothing about anything.
2 |
Minimal - You know very, very little about anything.
3 |
Clueless - You are not very knowledgeable about the world, nor much more about anything else.
4 |
Normal - You have a basic understanding of the way the world works and about simple subjects.
5 |
Smart - You have a more learned understanding of the world and various other subjects. You may also be knowledgeable about a certain subject in particular.
6 |
Studious - You have a learned understanding of the world and various other subjects. You may be an expert in one subject or quite knowledgeable in several.
7 |
Brilliant - You understand the world quite well and some things about the universe as a whole. You are also knowledgeable in many subjects, perhaps specializing in one or two.
8 |
Scholar - You are knowledgeable about many things in the universe, and may specialize in several subjects.
9 |
Savant - You know a great deal about the universe and other subjects.
10 |
Omniscient - You know almost everything about everything, as soon as it happens.
How well your character does with people or how they tend to react to your character. This is only a general guideline, please choose responsibly.
1 |
Anti-social - You are quite shy or anti-social and/or people simply do not like you.
2 |
Average - You have an average amount of personal charisma and/or people neither particularly like nor dislike you.
3 |
Outgoing - You are fairly outgoing and make friends easily and/or people tend to like you and try to be your friend.
4 |
Social Butterfly - You are very outgoing and friendly and/or even some strangers will like you right away.
5 |
Engaging - You are very good in front of crowds and/or people love to watch and listen to you speak.
6 |
Inspiring - You inspire people.
7 |
Leader - You tend to take command of situations and/or people look to you for guidance and leadership.
8 |
Nation Leader - A whole nation looks to you for guidance and leadership.
9 |
World Leader - An entire planet looks to you for guidance and leadership.
10 |
Deified - People literally worship you.
How brave or eventually reckless your character is.
1 |
Phobic - Everything or almost everything scares you, or can scare you.
2 |
Wimp - You are easily scared by bad situations.
3 |
Normal - You are not particularly afraid of bad situations, nor particularly brave.
4 |
Daring - You are fairly brave compared to normal people and can handle being in situations where you could get hurt.
5 |
Gutsy - You are brave enough to handle situations you know you will get hurt at least a fair bit in.
6 |
Brave - You are brave enough to handle situations where you could/will be hurt severely.
7 |
Fearless - You have no fear of death and can handle situations where you could die.
8 |
Reckless - You have no fear of death and may even act recklessly, risking your life when not necessary.
9 |
Inconscient - You do not even pay attention during dangerous and life-threatening situations.
10 |
Deathwish - You create and hurtle into life-threatening situations purposely and without need.
| header = #FFFFFF
| font = #000000
| bg1 = #003969
| bg2 = #006999
| bg3 = #0089B9
| cell1 = #069
| cell2 = #08B
| name = DARKNESS
| player = @rodrigo1005
| image =
| caption =
| realname =
| alias =
| gender =
| species =
| ethnicity =
| birthplace =
| operations =
| relatives =
| age =
| height =
| weight =
| eyes =
| hair =
| complexion =
| build =
| features =
| fame =
| alignment =
| identity =
| years_active =
| citizenship =
| occupation =
| education =
| marital =
| powers =
| paraphernalia =
| strength = 10
| weapon = 10
| durability = 10
| armor = 10
| speed = 10
| reflexes = 10
| resistance = 10
| stamina = 10
| dexterity = 10
| agility = 10
| combat = 10
| regen = 10
| energy = 10
| psionics = 10
| telepathy = 10
| willpower = 10
| sorcery = 10
| tech = 10
| intelligence = 10
| knowledge = 10
| charisma = 10
| bravery = 10