Andromeda Brigade

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Andromeda Brigade
None (Yet)
Help us reunite!
Leader(s): Zircon (@Fire_Eagle)
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Vibora Bay
Concept: Intergallactic peacekeeping organization. Inspired by Green Lantern series.
Founded: February, 2015
Website: [((Not complete yet, up soon.) Click Here]
Members: Confidential
For more info, PM @Fire_Eagle and I'll be glad to fill you in.

Andromeda Brigade

The Andromeda Brigade is an interstellar peacekeeping police organization. Their abilities are forming constructs, shields, and flight via magical accessories/armor. Origins go back to the Eldritch Corps., an extinct peacekeeping force that has since then split into many different groups ranging from heroes, anti-villains, and villains.