Luminaire | ||||||||||
Player: @darkssvegita4 | ||||||||||
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Biographical Data | ||||||||||
Real Name: | Lyseria Misease | |||||||||
Known Aliases: | Luminaire | |||||||||
Gender: | Female | |||||||||
Species: | Mae-bol | |||||||||
Ethnicity: | Caucasian | |||||||||
Place of Birth: | Planet Bol | |||||||||
Base of Operations: | Phoenix Tower | |||||||||
Relatives: | Nova (Daughter), Umbra (Sister), Toby (Husband) | |||||||||
Characteristics | ||||||||||
Age: | 52 (Appears 28) | |||||||||
Height: | 5'7" | |||||||||
Weight: | 60kg. | |||||||||
Eyes: | Black (or sky blue) | |||||||||
Hair: | Black (or silver) | |||||||||
Complexion: | Normal | |||||||||
Physical Build: | Athletic | |||||||||
Physical Features: | Black Tiger-striped Tail (or silver with no stripes) | |||||||||
Status | ||||||||||
Fame: |
Global | |||||||||
Alignment: |
| |||||||||
Identity: | Public | |||||||||
Years Active: | 4 Years | |||||||||
Citizenship: | United States | |||||||||
Occupation: | Hero | |||||||||
Education: | K12 | |||||||||
Marital Status: | Married | |||||||||
Known Powers and Abilities | ||||||||||
Meta-physical Energy Manipulation, Supersonic Flight, Super Strength, Adaptive Cellular Structure, Transformations, Enhanced Senses. | ||||||||||
Equipment and Paraphernalia | ||||||||||
Comlink, Iphone. |
Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Strength |
Weapon |
Durability |
Armor |
Speed |
Reflexes |
Resistance |
Stamina |
Dexterity |
Agility |
Combat |
Regen |
Non-Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Energy |
Psionics |
Telepathy |
Willpower |
Sorcery |
Tech. |
Intel. |
Knowledge |
Charisma |
Bravery |
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada |
Background and Origin
Personal History
Sent to earth when she was a baby, Lyseria was found by an old Japanese man who raised her in the outskirts of detroit. He adopted her as his grand daughter allowing Lyseria to attend school in the city when she was old enough. Lyseria's cat-like features and tomboyish nature caused her to be teased a lot at school. This led to her starting a lot of fights with her classmates many of which ended in her being sent to the principles office. Lyseria was taught the martial arts to install a strong sense of discipline and as a natural fighter she quickly learned to harness her inner chi. When her "grandfather" decided to buy bought a bonsai tree shop in china town, Lyseria went with him so she could finish high school. Lyseria acted as a neighborhood hero during her school years, fighting the gangs in china town until she was old enough to register as a super hero with the MCPD.
Lyseria belongs to a humanoid feline species known as the Mae-bol, who are all but extinct in the galaxy. They are far stronger than humans and have a strong warrior code based on honor and pride. Almost all of the Mae-Bol race was wiped out when a meteor collided with their planet over three decades ago. Lyseria and a few others managed to escape their world's destruction and find safe haven on earth. However during this time it was discovered that a virus existed in all Mae-Bol technology it was brought to earth in the Lyseria's space pod. Fortunately the virus' programming was altered during the trip, when the ship passed through an ion storm, and much of the memories and consciousness of Seri Rachi, the scientist who created the virus, was erased. Using the materials of the space pod the virus constructed an advanced robot called Rachi 66Y that was bent on taking over the world and destroying the last remaining Mae-bol.
Luminaire is one of the oldest members of the Guardians, first invited to the group by Hocus Pocus. She served faithfully under Steel Guard and befriended many of the team and eventually was put in charge of Public Relations with other super groups and helped gather the first allies of the team. When Viper attacked the tower and the devastated the Guardians, Luminaire was trapped beneath the rubble of the tower. For days she lay broken both emotionally and physically, unable to muster the will to attempt escape, and blaming herself for the fall of the tower. Eventually she managed to free herself, thanks in part by Oracle who unknowingly helped her through that moment. Oracle and Primal Man, in an attempt to unlock Luminaire’s full potential, entered her mind and had to help Luminaire deal with several moments in her life that doubt filled her. Somehow this changed the way she remembers those events and thinks Jess and Fred where actually there.
Luminaire eventually discovered her twin from Multifara, another dimension like earth, who called herself Umbra. Umbra was sent to earth as a teenager by her mother to train and become stronger but was unable to leave do the events taking place on that earth and was pressured into joining Citizen Harmon’s elite guard. When Luminaire asked that Umbra to be allowed to join the Ultimate Guardian, after seeing the good in her, Umbra was denied and disheartened Luminaire wondered what she was still fighting for. Luminaire steped down as one of the leaders of the group and remained in the tower solely to guard Umbra who had been imprisioned by the rest of the team.
When Luminaire received a signal from what appeared to be a Mae-bol colony she decided to go insearch of her people. Thinking that she would be back fairly quickly she did not explain her absence to anyone simply vanishing one night. Security logs showed that she took Umbra with her to investigate the transmission. The ship was thrown off course when they came too close to a steller mass and they where catapulted back in time twenty years by a slingshot effect. Their ship was intercepted by a slave transport, Luminaire and Umbra where taken to an ice planet that the slavers had been mining ore using the captured Mae-bol refugees. These aliens where the same species that had invaded the Mae-bol centuries prior and had taken several hundred Mae-bol captive when they where finally driven off planet Bol.
Upon seen how the Mae-bol had been beaten and broken, Umbra talked Luminaire into staged a rebellion to overthrow their captors. Both had the strength of the Seri Mae-bol, like Sondraes, and used this to inspire the Mae-bol to take up arms. The Thaejae where quickly overthrown, the power of the Seri Mae-bol is legendary and the Thajae had to contend with two of them. The slavers driven off, Umbra was quick to establish a new Colony using the left over technology and setting herself up as leader based on her mothers bloodline. Luminaire spent some time among her people learning the ways of a Mae-bol warrior and raising her daughter Nova. However wanting no part of the growing politics she left to return to earth. Her ship crashed in the southwestern desert after entering the earth's atmosphere and from there she rejoined the Ultimate Guardians.
History of the Mae-bol
Over a thousand years ago on a faraway world lived two races, the Barbaric feline Mae-bol and the scientifically enlightened avian Seri-bol. The two races lived in uneasy truce as while the Mae-bol while stronger and more powerful they where fewer in number than the Seri-bol who also had more advanced weapons and technology. Though primitive the Mae-bol lived under a code of honor and this led them to begrudingly respect the Seri-Bol's technology.
Some say that the Seri-bol began treated the Mae-bol as a second class people and that an open revolt was inevitable. Others claimed that the Mae-bol where savages and would have attacked anyway given the right excuse. Either way when one Mae-bol was born with incredible power he led the others in an open civil war against the Seri-bol who where no match for this legendary being. The ability to transform into what was later called a Seri Mae-bol made the warrior the strongest being on the Planet.
The Mae-bol took the advanced technology of the Seri-bol for themselves and the legendary warrior founded an empire on the destroyed civilization of the defeated Seri-bol. According to myth on his death the warrior, Sondraes the Legendary, was said to have made a great journey in the spirit realm and awaits all Mae-bol warriors who die in battle. Unknown to the Mae-bol the Seri-bol’s greatest scientist Seri Rachi downloaded his consciousness into the Seri-bol technology as a sleeper virus to enact revenge upon the Mae-bol.
During the centuries that followed the Mae-bol attempted to expand out into space and attack other worlds. However the Rachi virus destroyed most of the exploration ships that where sent out. A few managed to survive and they made contact with another race on a frozen world. The Aliens, called the Thaejae by the Mae-bol, where slavers and traveled to the Mae-bol home world to enslave the population. This was the first time that the Mae-bol had ever been invaded and they fought with a ferocity worthy of Sondraes.
After the Thaejae where defeated and driven away the Mae-bol grew overconfident about there fighting abilities and technology. Over the next few centuries as they drifting further away from the teachings of Sondraes and the code of honor they once lived by becoming decadent and corrupt. Infighting among the nobles and constant civil wars destroyed much of the usable technology and structures and the Mae-bol had little resources left to rebuild them. Then one thousand years after the empire was first founded the Rachi virus reactivated and started manufacturing countless Seri-bol robots to destroy the Mae-bol.
The Mae-bol fought a bloody war but where victorious, however in a last ditch attempt Seri Rachi, an android recreation of the Seri-bol scientist, used a large magnetic rail gun to pull an asteroid from space and set it on a collision course with the planet. The last descendant of house Misease, "Queen" of the Mae-bol and direct heir to the bloodline of Sondraes sent her only daughter in an escape pod away from the planet as the rest of her race perished in a fiery explosion.
Mae-bol Culture and Habits
Anceint Mae-bol will hunt in packs/hunting groups or alone. Their tactics vary, and they prefer active pursuit to ambush. During coursing, one or more Mae-bol will run a herd of prey-beasts, either on foot or in flight, and pick off animals of their choosing. Stalking is usually done alone, a secretive advance on the prey in question until a quick, surprise kill can be made. The Mae-bol posess no spears for throwing from a distance, instead using long-weapon pikes for hand-to-hand during battle, if weapons are used at all. Study shows that in most instances Mae-bol disdain the use of their ki-energy and prefer to engage in close-quarter hunting. A knife is usually the only weapon used by the warriors during a traditional hunt of any kind.
Pack hunting during the coursing of extremely large prey usually involves one hunter to divert the animal's attention, while one or more other hunters rush in and attack the sides of the animal where vital internal organs are more accessible to inflicted damage. If the animal has long hair, such as mahoks and daryins, one hunter might actually attach himself to the body of the prey, holding on to the long hair with his powerful grip. With the animal thus distracted, another hunter, using bare-handed techniques, rushes in and crushes the lumbar vertebrae, or with a knife slashes open the chest cavity or cuts the tendon of the hindleg.
In modern Mae-bol culture the elite Mae-bol are organized into Houses, their strength based on the bloodline they share to Sondraes. House Misease has the most direct line to the legendary warrior and they rule over the other houses. Beyond that the Mae-bol are organized into classes based on their fighting prowess and bloodline. The most powerful male is allowed to claim several females during his mating cycle each whom he must best in ritual combat. Females are allowed to battle other females for the right to be challenged by the male. It is only during this time that a Mae-bol may change his or her class by defeating all challengers between his or her perspective mates. As Mae-bol mating cycles only happen once every 9 years it is very rare for a Mae-bol to change his or her class, however in times of war even a low ranking warrior can become an elite if they prove their prowess on the battlefield.
Powers and Limitations
Cellular Adaptability - Mae-bol are designed to be the perfect warrior. As such their bodies are highly adaptable in combat, durable, and super strong. The primary means they achieve this is the fact that a Mae-Bol's body, when damaged by physical injury, will heal up stronger than before, proportional to the amount inflicted. This not much different than how human muscles will heal up stronger when training, Mae-bol simply take it to the extreme. Their cellular adaptability is how they are able to reach super human levels of durability and strength very quickly. In addition they are also highly resistant to diseases, poisons, and the effects of aging, granting an extended lifespan twice that of a human.
Limitations - The primary limitation is the fact that the boost to durability is only temporary. Designed to alow the Mae-Bol to resist further injury untill they can overcome whatever threat hurt them originally. The second limitation is that a Mae-bol must recover from the damage before they gain this increase. So if they can't heal from the wound nothing happens. Additionally for it to provide any significant advantage in combat the level of damage must have been nearly fatal. This ability is what allows the Mae-bol to remain in peak physical shape with minimal effort and training for many years longer than normal humans. Only by transforming can a Mae-bol further increase their maximum potential.
Meta-Physical Energy Manipulation - Mae-bol have unique features that allow them to generate and control vast amounts of meta-physical energy. This energy is essentially the internal life essence of all living beings and is known as Chi, or Ki in various eastern cultures. Mae-bol have a hyper metabolism that, through a form of cellular fusion, uses nearly all of the atomic mass-energy of any food eaten and stores it in the walls of their unusually large mitochondria. The energy is controlled with a completely separate nervous system that follows and is connected to the primary nervous system. Acting as a buffer and control rod the secondary nervous system is responsible for most of the energy generation available in a Mae-bol. Luminaire is a master at manipulating her own life energy as a weapon. She has learned a number of techniques that she commonly uses in combat such as energy blasts, force shields, flight, and has even learned to sense chi.
Limitations - Because Luminaire is drawing on her own life force she is extremely vulnerable to the law of conservation of energy. She must eat huge amounts of food to maintain optimum energy levels. Additionally her energy output is dependent on both her physical condition, unable to use more energy than she could physically withstand, and her emotions. Using to much energy weakens her body and can even kill her if she over exerts. Increasing her bodies maximum output beyond its peak physical condition requires her to use the Mae-bol transformations.
Seri Mae-bol - This legendary ability of the Mae-bol is a defensive power that takes advantage of the innate adaptability present in the Mae-bol (See Kaer Tar Below). Intended to increase the maximum potential of a Mae-bol in response to a life threatening danger or extreme emotional stress. The transformation was introduced as a genetic mutation by the Seri-bol and passed down the bloodline of Sondraes.
Limitations - Initially the change only occurs in Mae-bol who have reached their physical peak and become lost in a pure emotional state (Anger, Compassion, or Love). However the power comes in response to a need not a desire. Once the power is unlocked the Mae-bol can train to utilize the power at will. Additionally because the form is sustained by the Mae-bol's own energy the duration is limited. When in this state the Mae-Bol becomes more aggressive and prone to acting on instinct over reason. This form is sustained by Luminaire's energy reserves so it cannot be used if she doesn't have enough chi.
Kaer Mae-bol - The Ultimate combination of the Mae-bol and Kaer Tar forms. This transformation gives the endurance and stamina of the Kaer Tar with the size, agility, and intelligence of the Mae-bol's normal form. This power is unique to Luminaire who learned how to harness this strength with intense training and mental discipline.
Limitations - This form uses Luminaire's full potential with power extracted from every drop of her blood. The purpose of the Kaer Mae-Bol form is to increase the utilization of chi, and as a result, the Seri Mae-Bol transformation is much stronger than normal. However this form will rapidly consumes the energy of the user, notably leading to extended levels of fatigue, and requires several hours of recovery long after powering down. If she is stunned, rendered unconscious, or her tail is removed Luminaire reverts back to her normal Mae-Bol state. Luminaire can only achieve this transformation when she unleashes her natural Cryon inhibitors. Doing so puts a huge physical strain on her body and could prove fatal if she uses the form for to long.
Kaer Tar - The strongest and largest of the Mae-Bol transformations. The Kaer Tar is the primal ability of the Mae-bol to become stronger in response to danger. First used by ancient Mae-Bol during the spring season when storms were the most deadly on their high gravity world. The Mae-bol tails contained glands that would react to pollen released by certain flora during the violent weather and cause a chemical reaction that altered the Mae-Bol's shape into a form strong enough to survival the seasonal climate changes. As the Mae-bol evolved and said flora became extinct this ability was less and less needed. However it was this aspect the Seri-bol tapped into when they created the Legendary Seri Mae-bol form.
Limitations - Besides the massive size and weight of the Kaer Tar, most being at least 15 feet long and weighing over 8,000 lbs, the biggest limitation is the forms lack of intelligence. The Kaer Tar reduces the Mae-bol to a primal state, and while the instincts to kill can be controlled they still only have an animal like intelligence. Removing the Mae-bol's Tail prevents this form and the Kaer Mae-bol form from being used and locking the Mae-bol in their normal form until the tail regrows itself in about a month. Luminaire has been mutated by a serum on earth and can use this form without pollen from her home world. However she seldom does so because of the inherent difficulty in controlling the Kaer Tar's instincts.
Personality and Flaws
Fame - Luminaire is a well know public figure and does not bother with a secret identity.
Motivation - All Mae-bol enjoy fighting and will seek out strong opponents simply to test the full extent of their abilities.
Phobia - Luminaire fears failure and is not willing to see her friends hurt or killed because she can't protect them. This often causes her to fight alone even if she is out matched or when help is available.
Power Loss - Luminaire's abilities are drawn from her finite Chi energy reserves. Chi is a metaphysical life energy made up of things like vigor, courage, and being in one's true mind. It is dependent on the physical ability of the user and thus is limited by Luminaire's stamina and effected by her emotional state.
Quark - Mae-bol require much more food than humans do, and going to long without eating can drastically effect her chi reserves.
Weakness - When a Mae-bol's tail is grabed with sufficient force they are paralyzed and helpless until it is released. If cut off Luminaire cannot use the Kaer Tar or Kaer Mae-bol transformations. However the tail will regrow within a month and is the only limb she can regenerate.
Vulnerability - Because of her Cryon heritage Luminaire's body is unable to cope with chaotic and magical energies. Her force shield does not provide any protection against effects with those descriptors and she has much less resistance to magic than normal humans.
Tobias Thorne
Not long after Luminaire returned to earth she was exposed to an alien pollen. This triggered her mating cycle prematurely and Toby was the only one able to stop her at the time. According to Mae-bol custom he had to take her as his mate and they where married about 6 months later.
Nocran Toka Shadaree
Luminaire's best friend, rival, mentor, and brother in arms. Nocran has been all of these things and more to her. The first person she spared with when she returned to earth, Luminaire and he have been best friends ever sense. She has currently taken over his roll as field officer in the Guardians while he is off world dealing with the return of his people.
Angie Harrison
Angie was one of the few people Luminaire crushed on when she was younger, something she holds to this day. So it was no surprise she became friends with her once the young rock star joined the Guardians. Unfortunately her love for Tobias has prevented them from developing a relationship, but that doesn’t stop Luminiare from teasing her relentlessly. They have a unique friendship and Luminaire knows she can always go to Angie when she needs someone to confide in.
Nova Misease
Nova is Luminaire's daughter, born from a union between her and Tobias during a rather complicated trip to the past. Nova is often brash, arrogant, and cocky, much like Luminaire's sister Umbra. Luminaire and her daughter seldom see eye to eye on most things as Nova was raised on the new Mae-bol home world and Luminaire still clings to some of her earth heritage.
One of the few original Guardians to survive Viper's massive attack on the first tower. Luminaire has been a thorn in their side. To say they hate her is an understatement, Luminaire is number one with a bullet on Viper’s hit list and they have offered a 1,000,000 dollar bounty for her head to anyone able to bring the Mae-bol down.
The Collector
An alien bent on capturing rare species for her museum, the collector often targets Luminaire do to her unique biology among the Mae-bol. Currently her location is unknown as her ship was disabled some 3-5 light-years from earth.
An android from Luminaire's home world, Rachi-66Y is the only remaining Seri-bol left in the universe. Reduced to a viral program that infected all stolen Seri-bol technology after his race was wiped out. Rachi-66Y is personally responsible for the destruction of the Mae-bol in the last great war. He was rebuilt on earth using Luminiare's escape pod and currently is in cold sleep at Stronghold Prison.
Luminaire's twin self from Multifara, Umbra is her rival and sister. While she spends much of her time with the Cryon Prince Volron, Umbra and Luminaire share a unique bond that allow them to communicate with one another and even read each others thoughts. Often fighting on both sides of the law, Umbra follows her own code of honor that sometimes clashes with Luminaire's sense of duty as a member of the Guardians.