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The product of Tokyo Inner-City Gangs at an early age, Hito Kashikoi was first arrested at age nine for running cons on visiting tourists. The charges never stuck as the method of the con could never be determined, being telepathic in origin. Hito suspected he was gifted, but preferred to just think himself a smart kid and a good hustler.
By age eleven, he had to accept his gifts though. Both he and his older brother awoke one night to a fire, already spreading through their small apartment. Badly burning his brother's arm, the two boys huddled together unable to get to an exit, awaiting certain death. But as the fire closed in, an orange glow surrounded the boys, protecting them from the fire for several moments before Hito closed his eyes and wished he and his brother to safety. It worked, and the boys tumbled out into the street behind their building from a waft of orange mist.
Since then Hito has trained his mind and body to best harness his abilities for his own goals. He has studied the works of other Telepaths extensively and honed his telekinetic abilities to their peak. Not neglecting his body for his mind, Hito has been trained in Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu as well, and is a Shinobi of the Fourth Dan.
Above average size for an Asian man, Hito stands at six feet, one inch tall and weighs around 185 pounds. He is a reasonably attractive man and keeps himself in peak physical shape, working out daily since he was twelve. The most noticeable feature Mentaru possesses, is his unique hair style, which shows his status as Otaku (Dedicated fan of Japanese Anime and Manga). The tall spiky black hair-do seems to be an homage to the fictional childhood heroes he grew up idolizing, and is almost always kept styled perfectly. No other distinguishing marks apparent apart from a small scar across his right eyebrow.
Extremely disciplined and honor-bound, Mentaru seems to follow a personal "Bushido" or "Warriors Way" that keeps him in check. This seems to not only factor into his decisions in combat, but also how and when he uses his powers. For example, being a Telepath allows him to enter a persons mind, but his Bushido prevents him from making any permanent changes or causing any lasting damage. He will implant suggestion if the situation calls for it, but respects the line that all Telepaths must walk morally when concerning another's memories and identity. He will not take a life under any circumstances, and even under extreme duress, maintains an even temper in battle and other stressful situations.
Socially he is a bit inept, and has never had a lot of friends, so usually remains somewhat quiet and reserved when around others he does not know well. Warms up to those he does and values the friendships he makes greatly, especially those in Heroes Inc.
1. Teleportation: The first unusual ability Mentaru discovered, is his ability to shift through space via teleportation. If he concentrates on a specific place, one he's already been, he can teleport there nearly instantly. He does need to actually see the location, or have a good enough mental image for this to work, and the range is large but limited. (IE- He can teleport from one place in the City to another, but not across continents.) He is also capable of teleporting others along with him, usually only one or two people at a time, as well as equipment he may need. This power leaves a waft of orange smoke whenever used that lingers for a few seconds before dissipating.
2. Telekinesis: Being able to move objects with his mind is only the first aspect of the Telekinesis Power that Mentaru has honed. He can create solid objects made from telekinetic energy as he chooses, such as barriers for protection or to keep enemies restrained, as well as weapons to use in battle. These objects glow with an orange energy and last for as long as he needs them too, dismissing them just as easy as they were created. This ability also makes up for his lack of physical Super-Powers and he can use it in place of or along with his own physical prowess. (IE- He uses Telekinesis to lift objects too heavy for him physically, or to move himself in a way he can't accomplish through acrobatics.)
3. Telepathy: The third ability Mentaru has is that of a Telepath. He is able to connect too and even enter the minds of those around him or within view. The range of things he can do while inside another's mind is something he's not fully tested, fearing he'll cause irreparable damage to them and break his Bushido. Most often he simply implants a suggestion, such as doubt, stress or apprehension, to gain an advantage or calm a tense situation, but has recently discovered how to scan recent memories quite effectively, though it requires concentration.
Despite their poor upbringing, Hito and his brother both sought to learn martial arts, and started when Hanzo was seven, and Hito was four. The two started in local classes of hundreds of other children, but were noticed after about a year as having the required talent to go further. Being selected by a Sensei (Teacher) was an honor, except the Sensei that chose the Kashikoi boys was seen as something of a failure among the others. Sensei Ujio was once one of the greatest martial artists in the world, but began drinking after his wife died many years prior. Despite this the other Masters overlooked his alcohol abuse but still believed he was no longer the fighter he once was, and allowed him to take Kohai. (students)
Pleased to have been chosen at all, Hito and Hanzo began their lessons from Sensei Ujio on a daily basis, first in basic Ninjutsu for two years, until Ujio was satisfied with their grasp of it. The next ten years were dedicated to the higher forms, moves, strategies, and maneuvers of the martial art, and a more focused training in Kenjutsu for Hito, and Iron Palm for Hanzo. Sensei Ujio was a hard taskmaster, but the boys were both strong and willing to learn, and proved to be every bit as talented as the Master had first thought. He felt pride in his students but never showed or admitted it to either of them, and though he continued to drink heavily, was still as gifted a Master as ever.
Mentaru is most often seen in a custom light armor suit colored black with orange trim, and uses his Telekinesis to add extra shielding in vital areas. He also has a few other light to medium armored suits to choose from depending on the task at hand. He carries very little in the way of equipment, besides a comm-link in his ear, instead relying on his powers and training, but does own a customized Copperhead Grav Bike that carries basic supplies for survival. He has named this bike "Kaneda" and armed it with twin energy blasters and a Mark II Plasma Cannon for extreme circumstances, as well as other modifications and tweaks to add to performance. As much as he cherishes Kaneda, his favorite possession is a Katana bestowed to him by his Sensei back in Japan when he attained his Black Belts. The blade is old but strong, yet Mentaru only uses it rarely, as it is a deadly weapon, especially in his hands.
Hanzo "Zen" Kashikoi
Brother to Hito Kashikoi, and a Yakuza Enforcer. Hanzo possesses an extremely cold personality, even when killing. It's how he got the nickname "Zen" as if nothing phased him, even the most brutal Yakuza killings. The only thing that does cause him to loose his cool... his younger brother, Hito.
Possesses no Super Powers per-say, but has been trained in Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu alongside his brother, and excels at hand to hand combat. This has caused him to grow jealous and resentful of his brother's powers, especially when Hito refused to use them to help his brother get in good with the Yakuza. He also commands a large force of Yakuza Ninja that answer directly to him.
Currently resides in isolation at Stronghold Prison thanks to his brother and the Global Defense Force.
The Brains of the Biz
Super Inteligent and Gifted with Telepethy, Mac Devlin turned to a life of crime growing up in Westside. He could plan a caper in his sleep, but was never tough enough to execute them on his own. This got the attention of several local gangs, all trying to recruit Devlin to plan jobs for them, but in the rather "aggressive negotiations" over who got him, Mac was wounded mortaly in the crossfire.
Not wanting to let his wonderful mind go to waste, a surgeon working for the Maniacs saved his brain and wired it into a robotic shell able to sustain Devlin's life functions. Not being incredibly durable allowed the Maniacs to keep him under their control, until his Telepathic abilities once returned. At which point he began controlling the members of the gang's minds and formed his own crew.
Doctor Ka was able to foil the gang's plans and apprehend Devlin, who now calls himself "The Brains of the Biz", but a recent break-out from Stronghold Prison has put him back on the street, along with several members of his gang.
"Inner Universe" [1]
"Sorrow" by Bad Religion [2]
"Where is My Mind" by The Pixies [3]
"Kaneda" from the Akira Soundtrack [4]