Stellio Python

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Stellio Python
Player: @Jack_Hunter
Stellio Python.png
Class Focus: Constitution
Power Level: 11
Research & Development: Science
Personal Data
Real Name: Stellio Python
Known Aliases: The Python
Species: Humanoid serpent (python breed)
Ethnicity: Criminal
Age: 31
Height: 11 ft
Weight: 660 pounds
Eye Color: Glowing orange serpent like
Hair Color: none (has scales)
Biographical Data
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Hired muscle for criminals, currently working bartender in caprice for his parol
Place of Birth: Juarez, Mexico
Base of Operations: Currently working in Millenium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: No known next to kin
Known Powers
Super strength, Higher durability (skin can hold out small arms fire), high mobility able to leap and run quite fast can unhinge his jaw like any other snake
Known Abilities
faster healing

Background and Origin

Early days

It all really began 5 years ago in Juarez mexico, lately the police had their hands tied with a series of violent murders and assaults. Those that survived these attacks were left as a message, and all had the same story : "A giant snake man attacked us!"

At first police worte it off as them being to drugged to even know left from rigth, but as more and more inciddents happend the more they believed it was true. An urban legend named it the Python, a giant snake man that came around when you didn't pay up to the cartels.
But then they got lucky, during a drug bust they caught the creature in the act. Law enforcement was suprised to say the least, the legends were true a giant snake man and taking him down proved the most difficult thing of it all! Finnaly they arrested him and dragged him to jail, the only problem being that with his cartel connections he was more at home there than anywhere else. Next to the fact he outright terrified the other inmates.

Later on set free he finnaly caught the attention of the DEA and the CIA, the DEA because of the connections he had with the cartels and the CIA because he often showed up with other terrorist like threats doing deals. And so he went back and forth, being chased by the DEA and CIA each doing their best to get something good on him.
However in every case it always required the assistance of super powered individuals as SWAT and law enforcements really didn't have any way to stop him.

Current time

After a series of chases and other events the law finnaly got a break with Python, messing up big in millenium city they ensured he got stuck on parol here in the states.

Unable to leave and having to serve drinks in caprice for his parol the DEA and CIA are now waiting for Stellio to get contacted by the cartels or mess up again and bring the hammer down hard on him.
Safe to say Stellio isn't happy about serving drinks to what he calls : "Hipster gringo's" and shows high aggression no matter what the situation is.
However Caprice with its powered heroes is the best place to keep tabs on the likes of him, just be carefull how you order drinks from him!

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Power 1 - Super strength.

Power 2 - High durability.

Power 3 - Reptillian sense of smell (via the tongue)

Power 4 - Enhanced healing


Skill 1 - Has very high knowledge of hand to hand combat, capable of fighting and disabling super powered individuals.

Skill 2 - Great understanding of the criminal underworld and how the drug traffic works.

Skill 3 - Has apperantly quite a lot of skill in serving drinks and mixing them. (suspected to be his previous proffession before he became how he is)


Attribute 1 - Has supprising agility concidering his size, likely thanks to his snake like biology.

Attribute 2 - Much like other snakes he can unhinge his jaw, investigators shiver to think he has used it for anything.

General Perception

Is seen to be aggressive and isolating from anyone who isn't much like him(no knowledge of the world he comes from), when serving drinks he rather you just say what you want and don't beat around the bush.

Has often become hostile when people don't leave him alone when he says they should, it's advised not to mess with the bull or you get the horns.

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