Aki's Explanation of the Omniverse

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Introduction and Explanation of Purpose of this page

Hallo! I am Gunmage Guardian@akhrua95, and the following is the explanation of the purpose of this page:

So, today, on 9/29/2014, someone in the CORP Community pointed out to me that according to CO Lore, there is nothing beyond the CO Multiverse, and the Omniverse page I found HERE was lore-breaking and not Canon. However, Gunmage Guardian's Biography(Found HERE ) pretty much depends on it working, so I decided i'd create a page to make it fit the Lore properly, the contents of which you will find below, told IC by Aki herself, with a little help from Gwen. So, without further ado, here it is! :D

Aki's Explanation of the Omniverse

Aki: "Hallo, Konichiwa, and greetings in any and all other necessary languages! I'm Aki Naomi Nishimura, A.K.A. Gunmage Guardian, and I'm here to explain the omniverse to those in this multiverse who believe that there is nothing beyond it(Though, technically this would be an explanation out of continuity, so as not to directly interfere with established lore. in actuality, this is going out to you, the Champions Online players!). Here to help me is my girlfriend, Gwen, who will be explaining a couple things such as her home universe and some natural inter-universe-entry devices, right Gwen?"

Gwen: "Yup! Though I must admit, I'm not really sure how exactly we're out of continuity right now, that bit always confused me." *Gwen chuckles as she says this*

Aki: "Hehe, That part doesn't really need to be explained, the readers don't usually care. Now, onto the explanation!

Most people in the know in the CO Multiverse believe it goes like what you find HERE, and that's all there is,when in actuality, it does work a bit more like the Omniverse page linked in Akhrua's intro.

Now, before you CO Lore Buffs throw a fit at that statement, remember the PURPOSE of this article, and let me explain. You're probably wondering "if this is true, why hasn't anyone discovered it?" Well, here's one possible answer, which is as follows:

It HAS been discovered, but it's been covered up by beings VERY high up in the chain of celestial workers.

Why? Someone up there thinks the CO Multiverse isn't ready for the knowledge, and it wouldn't be the first time this has happened, in MANY situations and contexts. look at every proven case of a government or ruling system covering something up, ancient magical secret, extra-terrestrials(in multiverses where that one has ACTUALLY been proven), a ridiculous amount of the time, when the secret gets out, it can(and usually does) cause anything from mass chaos, to using that knowledge for military purposes and starting wars, to ARMAGEDDON.

And in a multiverse like the CO Multiverse, it's most likely ALL THREE would happen! I Mean, look at the amount of beings who's dream is to either cause Armageddon, conquer the multiverse, or commit planetary genocide! Can you blame whatever being is in charge of the cover-up?

Anyways, that's THAT part out of the way, now for a couple side-projects from Gwen. Gwen?"

Gwen: "Thanks Aki, and I must admit, I can see where you're coming from, especially after 'The War'," Gwen shudders. "Which i'll explain in a bit. Anyways, first off is the description and explanation of my home universe, which is as follows:

Funny thing; Multiverse is only used to refer to the worlds on the sephiroth in the CO Universe, in all other universes me, Aki, and Akhrua have encountered it refers to the main universe and it's dimensions and their alternate counterparts, and in some places refers to the Omniverse itself!

But to get more on topic, My home universe is officially called TH-192, which is the classification for a Time Heart Universe, and it's number.

A Time Heart is a dimension or sometimes a universe which serves as the source of creation for the universe that dimension exists in, or in the case of a Time Heart Universe, the source of creation for certain other universes. Sometimes a Time Heart Universe isn't really the source of creation so much as a universe where creations from multiple universes exist, what comic writers would call "A Crossover Universe", or whatever it really is.

There is one big difference between a Time Heart Dimension and a Time Heart Universe, which is that a Time Heart Dimension is usually only accessible to the truly dead, while a Time Heart Universe is an actual universe just like any Non-Time Heart Universe, it just has the qualities of a Time Heart Universe.

My Personal Universe, TH-192, is not a Creation Source Time Heart Universe, but a Crossover Universe, which contains several species and their worlds from a few unknown universes, though some of them are actually alternates of cultures you may know of. They are as follows:

  • The Azuryuns: The most ancient and powerful species of TH-192, they rule all of Time and Space in TH-192 from their home planet of Azuyra, and created the idea, system, and rules of time travel. They are in charge of the Universal Alliance Government, which rules every one of the five known planets in the known universe(Yeah, there's not much there, but it's a nice universe!).