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  • Blue Wonder is slain in battle with Bedlam
  • Red Spider unmasks herself publicly and vows to carry on Blue Wonder’s work, honoring her fallen friend as the Red Wonder


  • Lady Justice defiantly slays a member of the Syndicate who had been apprehended, moments before they were to be handed over to UNTIL custody – she then becomes a fugitive
  • Under civil liberties pressure, UNTIL begins to crack down on the Adventurers, delivering an ultimatum to either register, or desist from all vigilante activities
  • On Red Wonder’s urging, Fox retires from costumed heroics to avoid UNTIL’s backlash
  • Jason Leander continues working for UNTIL
  • Mark of Power, Juggernette, and others continue to quietly operate solo


  • Fox marries early in the year. He and his wife welcome their firstborn child before year’s end


  • Red Wonder retires from costumed heroics when her boyfriend is killed in reprisal by one of her enemies; she begins traveling abroad anonymously


  • An UNTIL technician named Kenneth Sims discovers classified documents suggesting that UNTIL could have acted to save Red Wonder’s boyfriend or give her advance warning, but due to red tape, did not act.


  • Sims makes a massive dump of files to a free information website supposedly interested in exposing the organization’s supposed misdeeds and jurisdictional oversteps
  • The information website is actually run by a super criminal, who extracts from the info dump intelligence about known secret identities
  • Day of 1,000 Tears: numerous heroes, active or retired, and/or their families are killed as a result of their identities becoming very suddenly leaked to criminal organizations around the world
  • Fox narrowly survives a targeted killing, but his entire family is slain.


  • Blue Wonder is slain in battle with Bedlam
  • Red Spider unmasks herself publicly and vows to carry on Blue Wonder’s work, honoring her fallen friend as the Red Wonder


  • Lady Justice defiantly slays a member of the Syndicate who had been apprehended, moments before they were to be handed over to UNTIL custody – she then becomes a fugitive
  • Under civil liberties pressure, UNTIL begins to crack down on the Adventurers, delivering an ultimatum to either register, or desist from all vigilante activities
  • On Red Wonder’s urging, Fox retires from costumed heroics to avoid UNTIL’s backlash
  • Jason Leander continues working for UNTIL
  • Mark of Power, Juggernette, and others continue to quietly operate solo


  • Fox marries early in the year. He and his wife welcome their firstborn child before year’s end


  • Red Wonder retires from costumed heroics when her boyfriend is killed in reprisal by one of her enemies; she begins traveling abroad anonymously


  • An UNTIL technician named Kenneth Sims discovers classified documents suggesting that UNTIL could have acted to save Red Wonder’s boyfriend or give her advance warning, but due to red tape, did not act.


  • Sims makes a massive dump of files to a free information website supposedly interested in exposing the organization’s supposed misdeeds and jurisdictional oversteps
  • The information website is actually run by a super criminal, who extracts from the info dump intelligence about known secret identities
  • Day of 1,000 Tears: numerous heroes, active or retired, and/or their families are killed as a result of their identities becoming very suddenly leaked to criminal organizations around the world
    • Fox narrowly survives a targeted killing, but his entire family is slain.
    • Days later Red Wonder re-emerges from obscurity to lead dozens of heroes and their supporters to rally out front of the UNTIL building to decry the agency’s safeguards and some of the other dubious acts the info dump revealed; moments after delivering a rousing speech, Red Wonder is assassinated by a sniper
      • Night Spider is gifted much of Cassandra Olsen’s estate, including all of her equipment, her home, and her wealth
  • Lady Justice re-emerges with a pledge to enforce a more just society in the name of Blue Wonder and Red Wonder. She gains other allies among those disenchanted with UNTIL and leads an underground strike force determined to resist UNTIL
  • Fox joins Lady Justice; she enhances him with cybernetics


  • In the New Year Lady Justice & Fox succeed at stealing into UNTIL HQ and taking possession of it. Much of UNTIL’s infrastructure is destroyed or comes under the control of Lady Justice.
  • Jason Leander and his team, who were deployed on an operation, get wind of the attack and go off the grid
  • Within a week of Lady Justice’s taking control she publicly pledges a new super-policing regime that she herself will oversee, and ensure that no one need ever again suffer as she has. She begins a goodwill campaign to ease the world’s fears.
  • At first welcomed by many, by mid-year, it becomes clear that Lady Justice’s army of UNTIL-built robots and super-powered lieutenants are enforcing a new dominion over the free world, enacting harsh (often lethal) penalties upon offenders without due process. Normal people begin to realize that they are under constant surveillance.
  • Lady Justice begins to become a recluse, very rarely seen publicly, rumored to be focused on her R&D now that she has virtually limitless resources
  • Fox is rewarded by Lady Justice for good service with an upgrade to his cybernetics


  • Lady Justice devises a serum that can – for a short time – remove the powers of many meta-humans
  • NATO, Russia, and China cooperate in a bid to remove Lady Justice and her minions as a threat to global freedom; they fail when Lady Justice unleashes her serum on these nations’ meta human champions, and her own super powered lackeys easily decimate conventional armies
  • Lady Justice assigns super powered lieutenants to ‘oversee’ territories of the world; nations remain nominally sovereign, but Lady Justice’s security drones are everywhere keeping resistance tamped down
  • Mark of Power reforms the Adventurers with Night Spider, Juggernette, Talons, and Guidelight, and they operate underground in opposition to Lady Justice
  • Night Terror continues to assist the Adventurers, but uses his resources to work solo


  • Propaganda suggests that Mark of Power is one of the deadliest terrorists alive – in the new world order, he is one of the most powerful meta humans left free


  • Juggernette is captured by Lady Justice’s forces; her past is exposed in a publicized show-trial aimed at embarrassing Mark of Power and the Adventurers
  • Juggernette escapes later in the year when she is able to steal & reconfigure a prison guard’s transmitter to signal one of her suits to break her out of prison; she rejoins the Adventurers


  • Juggernette loses an arm in combat with Fox; she uses parts from Justice Bots to build a new one
  • Fox receives a major sensory upgrade from Lady Justice


  • Fox tracks down and eliminates former Adventurers Cryo-talon & Shift Shot


  • Fox and Juggernette duel to a draw; this time, Juggernette loses an eye, but she manages to replace it with a mechanical one of her own design afterward
  • The Adventurers liberate a number of former UNTIL operatives from their prisons


  • Fox eliminates Talons
  • Lady Justice begins researching methods of time travel


  • Jason Leander AKA Desert Blade, along with a band of survivalist commandos, rescues the Adventurers from certain death when they fall into a trap
  • A martial artist named Jesse Weaver is liberated from a camp of political prisoners by the Adventurers – she joins the team under the code name Red Spider.
  • Night Spider gifts Cassandra Olsen’s beam grapplers to Jesse
  • Night Terror is captured and sent to a prison


  • Adventurers reside on a former UNTIL submarine – a mobile HQ which is one of the last places they can hide
  • Most of the world’s cities are under control of Lady Justice’s forces, but Lady Justice herself is rarely seen or heard from…
  • The team learns that Lady Justice is assembling a time machine, but that she is missing several rare components – which she is actively seeking!