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Player: @lokibartholomew
[[Image:Titus in-game.jpg|300px|]]
Titus as seen in-game.
Biographical Data
Real Name: Titus Lee Carrington
Known Aliases: Gibil, Lee, Doc, the good doctor
Gender: Male
Species: Augmented Metahuman
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Camrose, Alberta, Canada
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Nunavut
Relatives: Arnaud Carrington (father), Florence Carrington (mother, deceased)
Age: 33
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown, graying at temples
Complexion: Pale to tan (in summer)
Physical Build: Lean, but toned
Physical Features: Some age lines, nose ring in left nostril, both earlobes pierced twice. Star tattoos on upper body, with a star (with his name in it) over where his lower body implant is.
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 9
Citizenship: Canadian
Occupation: Self-employed engineer, does acting as a hobby.
Education: Doctorate in Engineering. Master's in Programming
Marital Status: Hushity-hush.
Known Powers and Abilities
Pyrokinesis and the control over anything heated. Can fly short distances using fire.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
A suit of tech armor, three guns, and a few knives.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Make no argument about it - Titus is a quaint-seeming man with a pretty face and a penchant for setting things on fire.


Titus was born in Camrose, a city right outside of Edmonton, he lived a privileged life. He went to a nice school, brought his lunch every day, got A's... everything only really changed in his later years, in high school. Seventh year, he found that he didn't really like girls, though all his other friends did. He told this to his parents, only to come to the terrible realization that his father was... well, quite the ass.

Matt Bomer, Titus's faceclaim
He went throughout high school doing things like gymnastics (to keep himself fit) and some shady hand-to-hand classes that he enrolled himself in to protect himself from the boys who shoved him in lockers. He graduated high school early, as he had skipped grades. He went to college when he was seventeen, excelling in his math and science classes. He starts out with a major in Engineering, and a minor in programming. During his later years in getting his doctorate, he fell into a vat of active chemicals while interning at a lab.

The Accident

The vat contained a mix of volatile chemicals capable of burning and searing anything it touched. The doctors at the lab were researching its mutative properties on small rodents, and proved its purpose. The chemicals bound itself to Titus's DNA after he lost consciousness, making his heart stop. His body was fished out of the vat and sent straight to the ER. The fluid was pumped out of his lungs and his heart was restarted... Only to trigger a reaction from the now-living man. His bed burned, the room burned... He was contained in a room devoid of human contact, then when the flames went out, he only asked what happened, and why he was in the hospital. No one decided to explain to him what happened, and he was sent back to university.


Titus went back to normal life, until a phone call changed everything. His mother had died at home, and no one knew how. His phone melted mid-call, and many people raced out of the way as flames consumed the hallway he was in. His friends that were walking with him were engulfed in the fire, instantaneously perishing. Titus found himself in a forest, surrounded by charred trees and firemen. He was taken back to Camrose, treated for his burns, and sent back to university. He opted to take his textbook to his dorm and do the rest of the work for his doctorate over the next few months, then he went into seclusion.

Isolation and Present

Using his inherited wealth from his mother, Titus built a lab in the Nunavut north, surrounding himself with cold and machines to keep his power under control. He only emerged to use his power for good, protecting the people of Canada and beyond, calling himself "Gibil." Using his prowess as an engineer, he created three androids - HYDECO, Dalbein, and Calder. Dalbein was activated first, acting as his assistant and conversation partner. HYDECO went to Millennium City to make a person out of himself, and Calder was hooked up to the internet. Soon enough, Titus followed after HYDECO, purchasing an apartment in MC and going to Caprice often. He makes good use of his doctorate by making things in video games real. He also acts part-time in a group, making nerdy and awesome videos to post on the internet.

Appearance and Personality

He's 6'3" and lean, not really showing much muscle through his dress shirts, but he does wear tank tops on occasion. (Note: Model does differ from faceclaim, but handler uses faceclaim as his actual face.)

  • His age is obvious - there's gray at his temples and a few lines on his face.
  • Keeps weapons on him. Twin gun holsters under his armpits, and one strapped to his leg. Two knife bands adorn his limbs - one on his leg, one on his right arm.
  • Is ambidextrous, but left hand dominant.
  • Has star tattoos, and no visible scarring.

He's almost fire personified. He's shy and anxious to the core, but warm to anyone he likes. Make him angry, and he'll fire off - literally!

  • Has a temper.
  • Can be friendly.
  • May look at someone funny.
  • Distances himself from people in Caprice.

Anxiety and Coping

Titus suffers from two panic disorders, agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder. He's often anxious by being around people and them even looking at him in the face sometimes. He made a suit of power armor that functionally allows him to communicate through text on the helmet, make emoticons, and synthesize his voice. It also keeps people from coming in contact with his skin, that way he doesn't have anyone really in his "personal space."

Titus's current power armor


Titus has hold over heat and fire. He can make himself into a "human torch" of sorts, though he tries not to.

  • Can heat up remote objects like guns and mugs.
  • Is able to fly short distances using his fire.
  • Can make his eyes glow orange, which he thinks is really cool.


Titus decks himself out with working replica Torgue pistols, but he has a glock strapped to his thigh.
Titus's future power armor.
His power armor is vaguely Tron-like, colored black and orange.


Titus has augment implants that allow him to digitally construct any object in his database, i.e. a drumkit, a suit of armor, and have them ideally function like the real thing. The implant often causes him pain and he has to have multiple surgeries to fix or replace the chip wired to the base of his skull. The harness in his arms and legs can be seen and felt under his skin, and gives his blood a metallic taste.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Has complete control over his powers, unless provoked into an anxiety attack or you make him angry enough.
  • Can do little tricks with booze. Looks like a dragon when he drinks something high in proof or copious amounts.


  • Is afraid of how far he can go with his fire, and keeps himself locked away as much as he can.
  • Is very fleshy and easy to kill.

Out Of Character

Handler is open-minded and considerate. Titus's views don't necessarily reflect what handler thinks of you or your character. The handler also notes that if they like your character enough, they will draw them. Find them on tumblr at [anduining].


  • Character knows of the accident in Alberta causing three deaths and thousands in property damage.
  • Character knows of Titus's skill and wants to hire him - engineering or otherwise.