Free Lynx

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Free Lynx
Player: @brawlryu
Free Lynx
Biographical Data
Real Name: Felicia Roth
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Female
Species: Manimal
Ethnicity: Liger
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Millennium City/Monster Island
Relatives: None living
Age: 137
Height: Variable (usually between 9 and 12 feet tall)
Weight: Variable (usually between 600 lbs and one ton)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Raven
Complexion: Unknown
Physical Build: Athletic/Voluptuous
Physical Features: Feline humanoid
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Identity: None
Years Active: 0
Citizenship: None
Occupation: None
Education: Law of the Jungle/GED
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Super Strength
  • Healing Factor
  • Heightened Senses
  • Growth
  • Shapeshifting

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Grapple line launcher
  • Right handed glove

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Escape From Primal Earth

Felicia Roth didn't understand. She couldn't hope to understand what was happening. The universe was collapsing and there was nothing they could do to stop it? Who would bother telling that to a ten-year-old girl? It was better to just take her to the last portals and get her through. Her parents were gone. Not dead or missing, they were just gone, having been in the wrong place at the wrong time when a chunk of the dimension imploded on itself and vanished from existence. She was all that was left of her family. There was no point in holding onto a crumbling home. "Where's Mommy?" she kept asking the star-spangled hero that carried her away through the night as buildings collapsed around them. "We have to wait for Mommy." Ms. Liberty couldn't put that burden on a child. Not even one who was facing an incident like this.

"Mommy can't come with you. I am sorry. She is gone." She had no other words to say how the young girl's mother had simply vanished moments after she had taken Felicia from her bed to get her to safety. When Ms. Liberty arrived at one of the last remaining rift generators, she pushed Felicia through into a cold, harsh environment. Felicia held onto Ms. Liberty's hand, pleading for her to not leave her alone in this strange place of metal and machines, but before Miss Liberty could make her decision, the area collapsed around her, leaving the young girl alone in a cold lab, holding onto the heroin's glove. Now she was lost and alone in a place she really didn't feel she belonged in. Something about the place screamed at her to get out. She stumbled around, looking for a door, clutching the glove like it would protect her somehow.

Arrival On Monster Island

Felicia wasn't allowed to walk around for long. She was grabbed by a large ape man and held in the air by her neck while she struggled in his grasp. "Subject," it growled. "Doctor need one for next test. Running low on usable genetic material." She screamed for help, but it only brought throaty chuckles from the ape or those he carried her by. She would beat on his fingers, but that only made the chuckle darker. "Spunk. Good. You not die fast here maybe." He pried the glove from the girl's hand and stuffed it in her mouth to gag her. "Screaming annoying. You stop now."

She was going to die. She knew it. He was a mean monster and he would crush her and eat her like all the monsters she had ever heard of in stories. The brutish manimal slammed her onto a table and strapped her down. Tears streamed down Felicia's face. If she could beg or plead, she would. The ape put a smelly cloth to her face and she was out like a light.

All she remembered for the next long while were flashes of pain and glimpses of blood. when she awoke for real without her body going into shock, she clawed forward towards a light that drew her. She was in a cave. It was dirty and nasty. It smelled wet and moldy. Wet? How could something smell wet? How did she know what wet smelled like? Too many questions flooded through the girl's mind with no answers. She eventually pushed herself to her feet and padded forward. This had to be a nightmare. She would wake up crying and her mommy and daddy would walk into her bedroom and comfort her and hug her and make it all better again. There was a bit of movement out of the corner of her eye and she instinctively dropped into a low crouch to see what hunted her.

It was a pipe, oddly clean and polished to reflect the area around her. "Monster!" she cried when she saw a frightening liger woman reflected in the pipe. She scrambled away and hid behind a rock, peering over cautiously to see if the monster had spotted her. The pipe seemed a little smaller as did the rock she hid behind. It must be her mind playing tricks on her. The monstrous liger woman was staring back at her from behind another rock. She could see it in the pipe. She waved a hand and so did she. Cautiously, she crept forward on all fours to look more closely at what reflected in the pipe. The ligress copied every motion she made. Every hesitant step, every shake she could feel her body making, all of it was mimicked perfectly.

Slowly it dawned on the girl that the woman she saw was her. It took some comical experimentation, but she got it in the end. That... thing... was her. She was huge. She was more than twice as tall now, and she wasn't a little girl anymore. Toned muscles any bodybuilder would kill for could be seen even beneath the soft pelt of fur. She was also more 'mature' now. Far more. Hips wider than her shoulders and a set of massive breasts, each as large as her head, were the dominant features of her body, if one ignored the fur that is. She didn't know why she looked so old, or what had happened, but she had to leave. She had a belt around her waist and leather wrappings around her feet. They were tight, but somehow stretched to keep from pinching her feet and waist too badly. She also wore a snug jumpsuit that did it's best to cover her body, but she was too large, and the zipper on the front was undone and unable to close around her.

Her face was human enough, but she was covered from head to toe in pale orange fur with black stripes and a snow-white underbelly. "Mommy won't even know it's me," she said sadly. A splash of white caught her eye down at her waist. She angled her body, trying to look past the giant breasts that otherwise obscured her vision of her lower self. It was the glove. It was dirty and worn, but still intact. She held it up to her hand and her heart sank when she saw that the glove that would have covered half her arm before would barely fit a few of her fingers in it, much less her entire hand. She put the glove back where it was before and and slipped out of the cave.

Life On Monster Island

Felicia's life became one of constant struggle and effort. Death waited around every corner, and every day she felt herself slip a little more away from the girl she once was to the beast she had become. The first day in the jungles she was attacked by a gorilla manimal, and it sought her life. She was big and had claws and fangs; she had to be after it. She ran. She was afraid. Her body didn't want to work right. Those things on her chest were throwing off her balance, and the jumpsuit was feeling more constricted by the second. She came around a tree and smacked into a low branch, falling to the ground with a crash. She was actively growing out of her clothing now, the seams coming undone as the cloth gave way to the feline's newly acquired body mass. The gorilla was upon her now, having easily kept up with the feline's clumsy steps. It grabbed her arm that was nearly as long as he was tall and planted one foot on her shoulder and ripped her arm, first out of its socket, and then clean off. She let out a large roar of pain and terror as tears streamed down her furry face. She didn't want to die. Not alone and afraid and at the hands of this monster. She cringed as it began to beat on her with her own arm, doing her best to use her remaining arm to shield herself from the blows, but it didn't do much good. "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself," it chanted in it's guttural voice with a twisted glee.

When she had stopped moving, the gorilla tossed her arm to the side and disappeared into the jungle, leaving the still sobbing woman there. Three times as large as before, she had no idea what caused her to grow like she had, but it hadn't helped. She looked to her arm to one side, knowing that it was hers. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. She looked to the stump... what stump? She had her arm back. It was... complete. It didn't feel any different than her original arm. In fact, it was exactly like it, right down to how it handled. She prodded the muscle and she felt it. She flexed and stretched and it was like she had never even lost her arm. But the wonder was over quickly when those sharp ears of hers picked up sounds in the distance. She quietly trudged off, finding an outcropping of rock that she could blend in with and crouched next to it.

That was her life for the next long while. As time went on, she found herself becoming more and more animalistic and primal. She began hunting, heeding her instincts as a predator and preying on the wild animals of the island and avoiding the manimal villages. If the others were anything like the one she had met when she was first on the island, there was no guarantee she would survive a second encounter. She came to understand her instincts and honed them, coming to be one of the top predators on the island. But that was all she was; a predator. Whispered legends of the Big Cat would spread through the island, and she was seen as the harbinger of death on the island. And it scared her. Years passed. Constant fear and anger gnawed at her sanity, and she knew she had to escape the island. That the only way she would grow and advance was to return to the world she had been born into. But how would she get to the mainland? She was no shipbuilder, and she didn't even know where 'here' was. For all she knew, this world was nothing but a giant ocean and the one island. That all changed when VIPER arrived. There were humans clad in yellow and green now, building strongholds and hunting manimals as if they were common beasts. And a ship; a strange metal tube that traveled under the waters. That was her ticket; that was her way off the island.

Leaving the Island

Getting on board the submarine was easy; she had learned to be patient and calm while hunting or stalking prey. She wouldn't need to worry about getting caught entering the sub. She just needed to stay hidden. She put herself inside a box in place of some guns that had been checked but not sealed and waited. She poked holes in the box so she could breathe and felt herself get hoisted by some machine and loaded on board. When the movement stopped, she peered through one of the holes. It was too dark for a human to see, but she wasn't a human. There were a lot of boxes out there, and a few... smelled good. She waited until she could feel the craft move and she worked her way out of the box. Some food stores would keep her fed and watered while the sub went wherever it was going. It worked well for a week, but just before they got where they were going, she was found out. The crewman panicked and hit the alarm. Before she could really react, armed men were storming into the storeroom. Now she was panicking, which wasn't good. She ran past them as they shot at her, leaving behind a trail of blood that might not have been entirely hers. She couldn't tell in the confusion. She pushed through a door that was getting smaller by the second and was in a large area for storing vehicles. She hid behind a HUMVEE and waited, trying to calm herself. She suddenly felt her side and her breast press into the vehicle and she knew it wasn't working anymore. Not that it had ever worked to begin with.

She was found quickly; eyes were everywhere, and those eyes had guns. It was a horrible cycle that only got worse as time went on. The more the soldiers panicked the more they fired, and the more they fired the more they used bigger weaponry, and that in turn caused Felicia herself to panic more, making her even larger. The guns stung and made her bleed, and the loud noises and bright flashes disoriented her. And finally , the bigger she got, the more the soldiers panicked. There was no point in staying here; the more she grew, the easier it was for them to hit her. No telling what doomsday weapon they would bring out to contain her if she waited too long to escape. She had only one choice; claw her way out through the wall and hope they weren't abysmally deep. It wasn't hard for the woman to do; the bulkheads were meant for keeping pressure out, not in. The giant feline's claws made quick work of the metal and soon the outer hull caved inwards in a torrent of water. She forced her way through the deluge and escaped the submarine as it was claimed to the deep. She paddled until she got to the surface. There was a sudden surge from some explosion deep underwater and the girl knew she had to leave. Glimmering off less than a mile away was a city. That would be where she escaped to. That would be where she hid. But that is a tale for another day.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Power 1 - Super strength: Free Lynx is capable of lifting up to a maximum of 110+ ktons. (120 strength in the Hero System Game)

Power 2 - Healing Factor: Free Lynx's body is able to recover from almost any wound, even those that should be terminal. She can easily recover from brain injuries, though this is not without effecting her memories and knowledge. Her healing factor has also made her immune to poison and disease.

Power 3 - Heightened Senses: Free Lynx has the enhanced senses of a feline predator. She requires no light at all to see in the dark, and her senses of smell and hearing are twenty times that of a human.

Power 4 - Growth: Her body secretes a secondary chemical when she has an adrenaline rush that temporarily increases her size. The exact limit of this ability is unknown, and she has at one time reached a height of 580 feet.

Power 5 - Shapeshifting: Free Lynx was able to gain an ability to suppress the liger DNA and return to a mostly human form and then change back to her manimal form at will.


Skill 1 - Magic: Free Lynx has started to learn the basics of magic, and of technomancy. She has learned the elemental cantrips as well as how to power machines with her mana.

Skill 2 -

Skill 3 -

Gear and Equipment


Weapon - Lynx's weapons consist of her claws and fangs.

Armor - Lynx does not wear armor, instead relying heavily on her regenerative abilities, although she does wear an armored exosuit when she is in space or an atmosphere that lacks oxygen.

Gadget - To aid in getting from A to B, Free Lynx employs a grapple line launcher to swing from point to point.



Felicia's current lover and girlfriend goes by the name of Zella the Vanquisher. They are both very much in love with each other and sometimes seem inseparable.



Inari is Free Lynx's alternate universe counterpart from the Praetorian Universe that directly mirrored Primal Earth. They are good friends, and consider each other to be sisters.


Free Lynx has no major enemies.

General Perception

Free Lynx has mixed opinions. On one hand, those she saves or befriends know who she is and think highly of her, even if she is a bit simple. On the other she is similar enough to Lynx of the Brain Trust that she is often mistaken for her, with legal authorities and even other superheroes trying to bring her in for the deeds of her counterpart.

Comments from other Heroes
"Lynxie is just the best! She's definitely someone I will never forget for as long as I live. Definitely, without a doubt is she deadly, useful in a fight. While I think she can reach even greater heights, and the greater focus it could grant her, she is definitely a true feline warrior. I... I think it's safe to say that she's honestly one of my best friends. She has so much potential, and I know for a fact her life is still ahead. She has a way of expressing her confidence... her loyalty. She's such an inspiring person... and for that, she'll go far." - Violet Salvo
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