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Player: @AnsharKishar
TrixShot Main.jpg
Big Game Hunter
Biographical Data
Real Name: Beatrix "Trixie" Whistler
Known Aliases: TrixShot
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: London, UK
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: None alive
Age: 35
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 160lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Normal
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Her body is covered with tribal symbols and runes, hidden by her clothes.
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Identity: Known
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: American, British, Namibian
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: D.Clin.Psych
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Mild Regeneration
  • Strong Durability
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Senses

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • A wide assortment of modified weaponry
  • Kendrium body armor
  • A Marauder vehicle
  • A Chevrolet 2014 Camaro ZL1

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

TrixShot is a vigilante/bounty-huntress operating in Westside. Due to her heavy armor that hides her features, she is hardly recognizable as Beatrix "Trixie" Whistler. Her skills, M.O's and weapons has certainly made her a noticeable character around Westside, and she even made it to the news several times, until she agreed to an interview where she revealed her face to the public. It was due to her elaborate equipment and skills that the media has given her the alias "Trickshot".


At the impressive height of 7'0", its hard to miss her when she enters a room. But other than that, her appearance can be hardly described as anything but normal. She's usually seen in her civilian attire, a simple gray vest over a black buttoned-down shirt, with a simple pair of black pants and elegant buckled boots. Those who see her in action might catch a glimpse of her full battle armor, described in the Equipment section, or the under-armor if she just got off "work" and didn't have time to change.


Early Life

Beatrix Whistler was born on the 8th of May, 1979, to a wealthy family of Architects. Her life was, as expected, very well financed and predetermined. She didn't skip a day of school day one to the last day of her Doctorate. All her hard work gave her marvelous grades, but close to no friends. At the age of 24 she obtained her doctorate in clinical psychology, but her parents urged her that before she starts looking for work, perhaps its best she joined them to Africa, to finally see a world that isn't dreary gray London.


And so in 2003 the family travelled together to Namibia. While her mother did architectural work, her father and his friends decided to take her out to the wild to teach her the arts of game hunting. Beatrix was a quick-study, and within their first year she was already on par with her teachers.


Things took a turn to the worse, though. As her father decided to take her farther to hunt bigger game. They ran into a crossfire between rivaling tribes. Her father was killed, their transport demolished. Beatrix managed to survive on her own a whole month, before running into a local tribe. Educated and trained in western first aid, she helped the tribals treat their wounded, and gained their trust. They explained to her that they were attacked by giant animals walking on two legs, and metal men who could fly.

Serpent Hunter

She later learned they meant a VIPER force not far from their location. She agreed to help them, and taught them the same arts of combat her father taught her. She lived with the tribe for the following nine years, raiding small VIPER transports for weapons and supplies, and driving their forces back. UNTIL's Project Snakecharmer eventually learned of these unexpected allies, and managed to contact Beatrix, as the tribe's English liaison. Beatrix only then learned exactly how far from Namibia she travelled along with the tribe. The tribe's Shamans gave her a parting gift, enhancing her body with strength, agility and endurance, as worthy for a huntress of her stature.

A New Start

Word moved to the UNTIL headquarters in Millenium City, and Beatrix was sent there after contributing information about all the VIPER holds in the area. After UNTIL debriefed her, she decided to stay in Millenium city. She inherited a wealthy sum from her parents, but after a decade in the wilds of Africa she found it hard to walk back into the lap of luxury she was born to. She rented a small basement apartment in Westside, and quickly learned how bad the situation is there. She felt the urge of the hunt burn inside of her soul, and decided to pursue the city's criminals, instead of wild animals. When she registered for a citizenship, she was registered into PRIMUS for her Shamanistic enhancements. The press quickly caught word of the unusual Bounty Huntress that made Westside's criminals her prey, and for her impressive array of weaponry and the just as impressive skill in which she uses them, they decided to dub her TrixShot. Along with two young women she also started Whistler's Big Game Hunting Equipment, a small company selling various Big-Game hunting guns, mainly various decorated Vierling rifles, or other special weapons.


Beatrix is a well-educated and well-mannered individual, and as such is usually a pleasant person to be around. However, her years as a huntress, and perhaps thanks to her gifts from the tribal shamans, she has grown a rather aggressive nature when pushed to it. Its advised not to push her to her more feral side without being able to withstand a strong attack.

Skills & Abilities

Years of hunting both under her father's training and under tribal training, she has become a versatile fighter, a highly skilled markswoman, and a vicious, formidable foe. Her keen senses allow her to face multiple enemies without breaking a sweat. Thanks to the gifts she received upon leaving the tribe she traveled Africa with, she has stronger skin, able to withstand most caliber rounds, and she recovers from attacks very quickly with enhanced regeneration. Her agility and dexterity gives her cat-like reflexes, a canine sense of smell and a hawk-like sense of sight, allowing her to hunt and track her prey without stopping. Her knowledge in psychology and her experience from the wild have given her the tool to assess situations and solve whatever problem is keeping her from getting what she is after.



2 × Modified LeMat Revolver
Her primary weapon of choice is a custom built LeMat based revolver, holding a large 9 round cylinder, chambered to 10mm Auto, loaded with plastic-tipped Jacketed Hollow-Points, finding a balance between the accuracy of a regular bullet, with the increased stopping power of the JHP round. In the cylinder is a 20ga slot for the underbarrel of the revolver, loaded with a single 20ga Foster rifled slug.

2 × Modified Glock G20c
Despite her love for oldschool firearms like revolvers and safari rifles, she keeps with her a couple of modified Glock 20s, chambered to 10mm Auto, modified with a red-dot sight, a longer slide, a SureFire Laser and Flashlight module, and modified to fire in full auto mode, loaded with a 31 round magazine full of plastic-tipped Jacketed-Hollow-Points.

1 × Vierling Safari Rifle
Her customized sniper rifle, a break-action 4-barreled rifle (Vierling = four barrels), bearing a SBS (Side-By-Side) 20ga shotgun, loaded with 2×20ga Foster Rifled Slug; an underbarrel chambered to .50BMG rounds, loaded with a .50 Raufuss MK211 HEIAP (High-Explosive/Incendiary/Armor-Piercing) round; and an overbarrel chambered to the 8×75mm, which she loads with a 8×75mm RS Hornady round.

Overall the caliber-wise versatile offers a wide range of uses, from long-range fire against armored target, through a mid-range shot against a softer target, or a short-range accurate double blast against armored assailants. Attached to it is a telescopic sight.

1 × Glock G29
A compact version of her G20c, loaded with a 10 round magazine of 10mm Auto plastic-tipped Jacketed Hollow-Points. Used only when not in armor, concealed carry, under her jacket, tucked into the back of her pants.

2 × Sawn-Off Vierling Shotgun
A Vierling 4-barrel shotgun, with its stock sawn off and the barrel shortened, bearing a O/U (Over/Under) 12Ga shotgun, loaded with the lethal FRAG-12 HEAP (High-Explosive/Armor-Piercing) shell; and a SBS rifle setting chambered to 9.3×74mm, loaded with a 9.3×74R round.

This pair of high-powered sawn-off monsters provides a lethal solution when facing medium-heavy armored targets at a short-medium range.

2 × Modified KS-23
The KS-23 is a soviet pump-action shotgun designed to fire the 23mm shotgun shells. But after careful tinkering and experimenting, Beatrix created a pair of modified KS-23 shotguns, chambered to something a bit deadlier - the 25mm Grenade.

Her new creation is a pump-action 4-round (3 + 1 in the chamber) 25mm grenade launcher, loaded with 25mm timed thermobaric grenade rounds. It is the deadliest of her weapons by far, useful for clearing out heavily armored targets, enemies behind barricades, or generally getting rid of large groups of assailants in one, merciless shot.

She has adjusted the pumps to be weighted, heavy enough so she will be able to eject the old cartridge, and replace it with a new one from the tube magazine, while still holding it with just one hand.

2 × Combat Knife
When she can't use her firearms, whether because they are loud, because she needs a swift action but has no time to reach to the appropriate weapon, or on the unlikely event she ran out of bullets, she has these; two 14" long knives, bearing a 8.5" jagged high-frequency Kendrium blades.


Body Armor
Over a light cloth shirt and tights, and a pair of leather combat boots, she wears a set of body armor covering her arms and torso, with a front plate that hangs free over her pelvis, and a pair of ankle-guards. The armor is a composite set made of a Kendrium-Ceramic Dragonscale vest and scalloped armguards (Kendrium-Ceramic mix discs, overlapping eachother like scales. NOT actual scales of a Dragon.), solid Kendrium plates covering her neck chest, upper back, abdomen, pelvis, shoulders, biceps and ankles, and a solid Kendrium ballistic face-mask.

The armor provides ideal protection of her vital organs, while still giving her the flexibility she needs to move around.

Weapon Sheaths and Extras
To each side of her backplate there are two sheaths, one for a Vierling Sawn-Off, and one for a KS-23, when the Sawn-Offs have their grips aiming upwards and towards the plate, and the KS-23's have their grips aiming downwards and towards the plate.
Over the backplate hangs her Safari-Rifle, stock over her left arm, barrel going towards her right hand.
Between the backplate and her belt is a large rigid leather satchel, probably used to hold ammunition.
Under each arm is her revolver sheath, with the barrels aiming downwards, and grips aiming outwards. Between those and the armor, near the area of her revolver barrels, are the G20 pistol sheaths, their barrels aiming towards her back, and grips, bearing the extended magazines, aim downwards.

Her belt holds 10 canisters (5 on each side) and 16 glock magazines (2 between each 2 cannisters, 8 on each side).
Each canister contains 3 pre-loaded revolver cylinder magazines, for swift reload of her favored weapon of choice.
Between the rear pair of canisters, where there is more space, a compact grappling-hook gun rests in a holster.

Between the belt and her thigh-holstered combat knives rests a rigid leather satchel on each leg. Probably containing ammunition.


When she tours around the city "on duty", her vehicle of choice is a Marauder. That's right. She drives a Marauder within city limits. Good thing it never leaves Westside.

When casually cruising, not wanting to draw the attention a Marauder vehicle does, she usually drives a black 2014 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1