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The Telekinetic Detective
Lets Face it. I'm not crazy, just plain Cyko
Player: @somerandomkid500
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Jackson Cyko
May 9th
Millennium City
Cyko Analysis Office
Private Investigator
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
160 lbs
Body Type
Built, Muscular
· Distinguishing Features ·
Beard Gruff
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Tactile Telekinesis (Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Flight, Accelerated Healing, Invulnerability), Spatial Sense, Psychosomatic Illusions, Neurocognitive Deficit, Telepathic Prediction, Psychic Constructs
· Equipment ·
Twin Magnum Handguns
· Other Abilities ·
Skilled Detective and Investigator


Jackson Joshua Cyko was an inordinary child growing with his mother always drinking and his abusive father, the typical background for a troubled person. Jackson wished for all his life to be a cop and enforce the law that everyday law-breakers would defy and his dad was one of them, but when his father was beating him in another one of his drunken rages a neighbor called the police and they tackled and arrested Jackson's father right in front of him while his mother was sent to a rehab center in the following months and his father later jailed for child abuse while Jackson was put into foster care where he met the loving family he never had.

Jackson attended local schools and didn't make many friends due to fear of someone hurting him again just like his father did every night before Jackson would go to bed. Jackson was picked on by the local school jock named, Terrance and everyday Terry would tease and make fun of Jackson for no reason, Jackson would finally rebel against Terry when he used his mutant abilities of telekinesis to defend himself from Terry and his group of football misfits after being followed home from school one afternoon, after this Jackson would never share his secret with anyone and would carry on through school and college til he finally made it to be a police officer in Millennium City, Michigan the dream he always wanted.

Jackson would never make it to detective or any higher ranks within MCPD after the recent Qularr Invasion made him quit being on duty for a short time until he got back in the game after realizing he was making a coward decision. Jackson became an almost high ranking member of MCPD until a run-in with a super-powered thug caused the death of his partner, Patty Sawyer and due to the act being the cause of a metahuman made Jackson and fellow MCPD detectives unable to run a crime scene and forced for the MCPD to send their MARS squad in for investigation and this is what truly caused for Jackson to quit the MCPD and open his on P.I. (Private Investigation) firm to look at the crimes the MCPD couldn't and be the first on scene before the MCPD could send their MARS squad in to bag and tag all the evidence.

Before opening his P.I. firm, Jackson invested in a tutor who could help him hone his psychic powers to better aid him in his journeys as a Private Investigator, he even when back to school to study forensic analysis and many more things that would come in handy to help him if he was gonna take the law into his own hands as (no not a superhero) but a super-cop.

Jackson later did become a private investigator and opened his own P.I. firm under the name Cyko Analysis where he and sometimes and ally of some sort would investigate the brutal killing, rape, homicide, etc. to see what really happened behind-the-scenes. Jackson's name later spread throughout the streets of Westside as "Cyko" and became an icon of the night, the man who doesn't need tights and gadgets to serve justice unlike many of today's superheroes of tomorrow.

Powers and Abilities

  • Tactile Telekinesis Jackson's body is completely surrounded by an invisible field of telekinetic energy, protecting him from harm and enhancing his physical abilities. This can also be used to manipulate objects that are on the same surface as Jackson (such as the ground) or to fly by pushing his own body through the air (this usually requires effort though).

  • Teleportation: Jackson can teleport from Point A to B when he concentrates hard enough, he often uses this as a scare tactic to catch up with possible fleeing suspects.

  • Spatial Sense: Jackson can "see" his surroundings using telekinesis, e.g. sensing a target from a distance.

  • Psychosomatic Illusions: Cyko can create illusions that are so realistic and powerful they can cause physical effects (cuts, bruises, burns, etc) to appear on the target and affect surroundings as they were real.

  • Neurocognitive Deficit: Cyko can cause his opponent's upper brain functions to shut down temporarily, causing unconsciousness.

  • Telepathic Prediction: Cyko can know an opponent's moves and attacks by reading their minds/thoughts/brain waves.

  • Psychic Constructs: Cyko can change psychic energy into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures of varying permanence. Although this power is rarely used.


  • Twin Magnum Handguns: Although he prefers Brains over Brawn, when the situation gets rough Cyko reaches for his twin desert eagles (deagles) to better defend himself when theres no time for using his psychic/telekinetic prowess.


  • Master Detective: Cyko is a master detective, being able to notice even the slightest thing even when not using his powers.

  • Skilled Investigator: Cyko is very good at his job as a private investigator as he is able to notice if a certain fingerprint was left behind to the covering up of a crime by destroying all evidence and leaving nothing behind besides one little "cockroach" who survived the bug spray.