Viper Girl

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Viper Girl
Player: Villegal
Class Focus: Munitions DPS
Power Level: 23
Research & Development: Arms
Personal Data
Real Name: unknown
Known Aliases: Viper Girl, VG
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: Early Twenties
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 130 bls
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Viper Girl
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: none
Known Powers
Regeneration Super Serum. Succubus Super Serum MKII. Viper Solider Super Serum
Known Abilities
Sniper, Demolitions, Stealth, Snake handling, Poison, Squad Morale , Medic , Viper Girl Recruiting tactics.
Dual Vl-S1 Redeye Pistols, Automatic Rifle, VG-1 Frag Grenades, Shock Gauntlets. Viper Fang (combat knife) Grappling hook

((Rated T for Teen, Mild Violence, mild nudity and sexual content and VIPER! hehe))

An elite member of VIPER's special Morale and Recruiting squad the VIPER Girl's

Who are the VIPER Girl's?

It all started twenty-five years ago in a underground VIPER nest somewhere in the United States. Scientists and researchers were working on creating VIPER's perfect super solider, not for use in combat but for recruiting fresh new faces into the ranks. After several failed projects and minor setbacks, Project:Succubus was created. Using bio-engineering and advanced hypnosis, women given the Succubus serum were irresistible in every way to the opposite sex. Although few in number the Succubi were a great success. Hormone manipulation made the Succubi uncontrollably attracted to VIPER's target recruit and pheromones coated on the Succubi skin made the recruit attracted to her, not that he would need much help. What would start out as the best night of a potential recruit's night would end up being his worst. Thanks to VIPER's bio-engineering, the bodily fluids of all Succubi contained a powerful paralyzing poison and even a simple kiss from one could drop a full grown man on the spot, when the dazed man awoke it was normally at a VIPER training camp where he was already on his way to becoming a VIPER solider. Eventually the women became more than simple kidnappers, VIPER began using them in operations all over the world, Charming world leaders, Big Business Presidents, anyone VIPER wanted in their pocket. The might of a Succubus became well known and more than a few Heroes retired in shame after being seduced by one of VIPER's beautiful sirens. But as the years went by, many within VIPER began to question the use of the Succubi. It was a new age, VIPER was more than a military organization, it was a business as well and kidnapping young men who could just as easily be recruited by other means was beginning to look more and more wrong. Soon the Council of Thirty were in agreement. The VIPER nest that created Project:Succubus was shut down and the Succubi were hunted down and killed. The legacy and Evil of Project Succubus did not end there however...

Project Succubus and The VIPER Girls

With their most powerful recruiters destroyed, VIPER desperately needed something to fill the gap. Upping their already excellent propaganda skills and placing more VIPER agents in the field helped, but it was a mere shadow of the results the Succubi has shown. For the second time, the Council of Thirty released funds for a second Succubi project, this one however would be vastly different from its predecessor. A new nest was opened up solely for the creation of the next generation of Succubi, research from the first nest was dug up and even some of the old researchers were attached to the project. The goal was simple: create a new Succubus Serum, one that still be effective but not as morally wrong. Taking what they learned from the Succubus Serum MK I. The VIPER Scientists toned down the original serum. Although the strong attraction to VIPER's target recruit was still in place, the paralyzing bodily fluids were vastly brought down, from full blown paralysis to a mild tingling sensation. The pheromone coating was also removed, as the new Succubus Model would be more than enough to seduce a typical recruit. A new added feature brought in was actual training to these women, each Succubi had to pass basic training just like all other VIPER recruits. No longer would the Succubi be simple bodies of hormone filled flesh, they became great solders, squad leaders and all other sorts of capable VIPER employee. The Council was impressed instead of having a mindless creature hunting down recruits, VIPER had a real person. Instead of letting the original creators control them, the New MK II Succubus Serum was handed over to the VIPER public relations section and it didn't take them long to create the perfect personae for them. Taking tips from adult magazines and car shows, the MK II succubi were forever to be called VIPER GIRLS, the beautiful women of VIPER!

Becoming The Viper

With the new Succubus serum in hand, VIPER's PR department started looking for potential VIPER Girl's. Thousands of plans and tricks were created to get as close to perfect women coming through VIPER's door, fake modeling studios, false university scholarships and even all female gun club memberships. Not only that, VIPER bought out several business's that often have beautiful women in their ranks, Movie studios, Makeup producers, escort services and rumor has it that VIPER also bought out a certain famous adult magazine publisher. All of a sudden VIPER had their pick of the litter, choosing the brightest and most beautiful women from around the globe for their project. After their injection and training, VIPER Girl Squad 1 was created, filled with the best trained and most stunning ladies the world has ever seen. After a full portfolio of successful missions, Squad One was stationed on Ophidia, VIPER's secret retirement island. There they remain training the future VIPER Girl's in total paradise and seeing to the needs of the permanent guests.

This Little Viper

The Viper Girl most commonly found out in the world nowadays is a helpful and fun loving girl. Records of her background no longer exist and the information has been removed from her mind..

~Expert from VIPER girl's training journal, Day 12

The amnesia gas wore off today and Mistress gave each one of us our background information, for the past twelve days I have been just a mindless person, with no past or future, no name. But today I'm a person, Mistress says we earned it, that we deserve to know who we were before we became part of VIPER. The folder has been edited a lot, but I guess..this is me.. It says I was born and raised in some small town in America, there's no name, just says "Small town out west." So I was a redneck? Weird.. okay my name is crossed out, maybe I'll get to know that later, I'm 18. When VIPER found me I was in High School.. I was a cheerleader!? oh my god, not only was I some bimbo cheerleader I was the CAPTAIN of the cheer leading team.. they must have given me the wrong folder! According to the agents report he noticed my innate leadership skills, athletics and.. oh my god.. young and well sculpted form.. It's a shame I wont get to meet this jerk.. Alright, so he drugged me after the halftime show and sent me here. Its funny, I'm reading this and I want it to all be false, the girl in the other bunk next to me was a university student that majored in some science I cant even pronounce, but I read it, the memories are slowly coming back to me.. I think I can remember my name, its.... -- Oh the Mistress wants us to go do our Snake handling practices..

~Expert from VIPER girl's Training Journal day 344

Hay hay its Viper girl! XOXO hehe. Anyways, its my last day here in Ophidia. I've learned so much here and everyone is SOOO nice! teehe. It really sucks though I'm going to be working solo for awhile but its kinda cool I get to visit all the Nests in North America! that means Hot guys from America, Hot Guys from Canada and hot guys from Mexico too! hehe I'm so lucky, The Girl next to me is SOOO jealous, shes such an airhead! hehe anyways I have to go to my final ceremony and get my Basic Combat Uniform, THE BC YOUUUUU hehe XOXO. Then I'm off! Everyone here is so awesome, I'm gonna miss everyone so much! I love you all!! hehe

-Viper Girl XOXO <333


Being a VIPER Girl is sort of like being a mix between Miss Universe and an Assassin. Between photo shoots, autograph signings, Nest performances and hitting all the hottest clubs every night. Her life would be hectic enough, but throw in assassination missions, checking up on various criminal elements, stopping heroes and assisting the local Nests in any missions and A VIPER Girl's life becomes a crazed mix of events. But it always leaves fond memories.

Christmas in Millennium City!

Taken from the Viper Girl Blog.

Hay guys, Your Girl VG here. I think the Holiday times are busy for everyone! Hehe between shopping and seeing relatives its pretty crazy for most people. I know I had a great and VERY busy Christmas. First we had the VIPER Girl Christmas Card From Project:Awakening. The regular photos were pretty basic, VIPER didn't want anything TOO skimpy hehe. But if any of you have signed up at for the VIP experience I'm sure you all know what 'presents' you got from me ;) Canada was SOOO cold, oh my god, I was so glad we took all the photos near the base or I would have froze my buns off! hehe and without buns what good am I? The Guys are Project:Awakening are very..hehe 'cool' I even had this one guy read my mind while I was there! it was awesome! Anyways after that I got a lift back to Millennium City, the big MC WEESSTSIIIDEEE, hehe okay MID Westside!! I guess some big baddie was making all these bad toys for everyone and of course all the heroes were rushing around trying to get all the glory. As you guys already know I'm not a big fan of Super Heroes, I mean granted some of them are MEGA hot, like that Defender guy OH MY GOD, but anyways hehe. I met this one cool guy "The Mighty Pencil" I don't know what his deal is, maybe a lead accident or something haha but he was doing something real nice, See not all the toys around the city were bad, some where good and he was collecting them for this big charity event. Both VIPER and I agreed that we had to help out, so I spent much of the next few days collecting toys for him, got some great photos for you VIP guys in the process too so it was a win win! hehe anyways, I'm sure there's more trouble for me to get into. Talk to you guys later I love you all!! hehe XOXO.

Leave a Comment for VIPER Girl:

 Posted by ViperGirlLuver69 on 12/20/09 5:27pm
  "Sounds like you had a great time, awesome. Love you VG! <33"
 Posted by NestBoi666 on 12/20/09 5:30pm
  "We loved havin you up here Viper girl, come back and see us soon eh?"
 Posted by VGFanboy on 12/20/09 5:45pm
  "Haha don't worry VG, if your buns do freeze off,you'll still have your Upper chest area ;)

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